"संस्कृतशब्दकोशः" इत्यस्य संस्करणे भेदः

"i live in delhi" इत्यनेन सह आधेस्य विनिमयः कृतः । (talk) इत्यनेन कृताम् 10771 इति आवृत्तिम् अकरोतु
पङ्क्तिः १:
<big><center>'''ॐ श्री गणेशाय नम:।'''</center></big>
i live in delhi
== अ ==
([[ॐ]]) = Primordial Sound<br>
([[ॐकार]]) = the syllable om<br>
(अ) = not<br>
([[अङ्कुशः]]) = a goad (metal stick used to control elephants)<br>
(अङ्कुशधारी) = the one bearing the [[weapon]] `ankusha' with which the [[elephant]] is [[controlled]]<br>
([[अङ्गणम्]]) = field<br>
(अङ्गसंगिनौ) = with<br>
([[अङ्गः]]) = limbs, body parts<br>
(अङ्गैस्तुष्टुवांसस्तनूभिः) = having satisfied with strong limbs?<br>
(अञ्जन) = anointment<br>
([[अम्बा]]) = [[mother]]<br>
([[अंश]]) = [[part, angle<br>
अधिदैवतम् = called अधिदैवम्<br>
[[अधिपः]] = [[king]], [[chief]], [[protector]]<br>
[[अधिपतिः]] = lord, in-charge<br>
अधिभुत = the principle of objective existence<br>
अधिभूतम् = the material manifestation<br>
अधिमात्र = superior<br>
अधिमात्रातम = the highest, the supreme one<br>
अधियज्ञ = the principle of sacrifice, incarnation<br>
अधियज्ञः = the Supersoul<br>
अधिवास = dwelling<br>
अधिष्ठान = seat, abode, throne<br>
अधिष्ठानं = sitting place<br>
अधिष्ठाय = being so situated<br>
अधिसरि = competent candidate<br>
अधीत = studied<br>
अधीता = studied<br>
अधीयानः = studied<br>
अधुना = recently<br>
अधोमुख = face downwards<br>
अधोमुखश्वानासन = the dog stretch posture<br>
अध्ययन = study<br>
अध्ययनैः = or Vedic study<br>
अध्यक्शेण = by, with presidence<br>
आध्यात्म = the principle of self<br>
आध्यात्मं = transcendental<br>
आध्यात्मविद्या = spiritual knowledge<br>
अध्यापयितुम = to teach (infinitive of causative of adhi+i, to study)<br>
अध्यापिका = (f) lady teacher<br>
अध्यास = a case of mistaken identity<br>
अध्येष्यते = will study<br>
अध्योपत्य. = Lordship<br>
अध्रुवं = temporary<br>
अध्वन = road<br>
अध्वान् = (m) road, path, way<br>
अन्गमेजयत्व = unsteadiness of the body<br>
अनघ = O sinless one<br>
अनन्त = infinite, a name of Vishnu<br>
अनन्तं = unlimited<br>
अनन्तः = infinite<br>
अनन्तरं = after, later<br>
अनन्तरूप = O unlimited form<br>
अनन्तरूपं = unlimited form<br>
अनन्तविजयं = the conch named Ananta-vijaya<br>
अनन्तवीर्या = unlimited potency<br>
अनन्ताः = unlimited<br>
अनन्तासन = Ananta's posture<br>
अनन्यचेताः = without deviation of the mind<br>
अनन्यभाक् = without deviation<br>
अनन्यमनसः = without deviation of the mind<br>
अनन्यया = unalloyed, undeviating<br>
अनन्ययोगेन = by unalloyed devotional service<br>
अनन्यस्वाम्यम् = (n) patent rights<br>
अनन्याः = having no other object<br>
अनन्येन = without division<br>
अनपेक्शः = neutral<br>
अनपेक्श्य = without considering the consequences<br>
अनभिश्वण्गः = being without association<br>
अनभिसन्धाय = without desiring<br>
अनभिस्नेहः = without affection<br>
अनयोः = of them<br>
अनर्थं = purposeless/in vain/danger-productive<br>
अनल = fire<br>
अनलः = fire<br>
अनलेन = by the fire<br>
अनवलोकयान् = not looking<br>
अनवाप्तं = wanted<br>
अनश्नतः = abstaining from eating<br>
अनश्नन् = without eating (having fasted)<br>
अनसुयवे = to the nonenvious<br>
अनसूयः = not envious<br>
अनसूयन्तः = without envy<br>
अनहंवादि = without false ego<br>
अनहण्कारः = being without false egoism<br>
अनात्मनः = of one who has failed to control the mind<br>
अनादर = lack of respect<br>
अनादि = without beginning<br>
अनादि = without beginning<br>
अनादित्व = non-beginning<br>
अनादित्वात् = due to eternity<br>
अनानसफलम.h = (n) pineapple<br>
अनामयं = without miseries<br>
अनारम्भात् = by nonperformance<br>
अनार्य = persons who do not know the value of life<br>
अनावृत्ति = no return<br>
अनाशिनः = never to be destroyed<br>
अनाश्रितः = without taking shelter<br>
अनाहत = unbeaten<br>
अनाहुत = (adj) un-invited<br>
अनिकेतः = having no residence<br>
अनिच्छन् = without desiring<br>
अनित्य = uncertain/temporary/ephemeral/transient<br>
अनित्यं = temporary<br>
अनित्यः = nonpermanent<br>
अनिर्देश्यं = indefinite<br>
अनिर्विण्णचेतस = without deviation<br>
अनिलः = (m) wind or air<br>
अनिलचुल्लि = (f) gas (LPG)<br>
अनिश्चयत् = due to non-determination (having not decided)<br>
अनिष्ट = and undesirable<br>
अनिष्टं = leading to hell<br>
अनीश्वरं = with no controller<br>
अनु = following<br>
अनुकम्पार्थं = to show special mercy<br>
अनुकरोति = (1 pp) to follow, to mimic, to ape, to emulate<br>
अनुकारि = like<br>
अनुचारय = (causative of अनु+अर) follow<br>
अनुचिन्तयन् = constantly thinking of<br>
अनुतिष्ठन्ति = regularly perform<br>
अनुत्तमं = the finest<br>
अनुत्तमा = the highest<br>
अनुदर्शनं = observing<br>
अनुदिनं = daily<br>
अनुद्दिश्य = having targetted or aimed at<br>
अनुद्विग्नमनाः = without being agitated in mind<br>
अनुद्वेगकरं = not agitating<br>
अनुपकारिणे = irrespective of return<br>
अनुपश्यति = one tries to see through authority<br>
अनुपश्यन्ति = can see<br>
अनुपश्यामि = do I foresee<br>
अनुप्रपन्नाः = following<br>
अनुबन्ध = (m) result, effect<br>
अनुबन्धं = of future bondage<br>
अनुबन्धीनि = bound<br>
anubandhe = at the end<br>
anumati = (f) permission<br>
anumantaa = permitter<br>
anumaatuM = to guess<br>
anumaana = an inference<br>
anumaanaat.h = (ablat.)from guessing or induction<br>
anuyaayinaH = followers<br>
anurajyate = is becoming attached<br>
anuraadhaa = Seventeenth nakshatra<br>
anulipta = smeared<br>
anulepanaM = smeared with<br>
anuloma = with the grain, naturally<br>
anuvartate = follows in the footsteps<br>
anuvartante = would follow<br>
anuvartayati = adopt<br>
anuvaadaM = translation<br>
anuvaadya = having translated<br>
anuvidhiiyate = becomes constantly engaged<br>
anushaasitaaraM = the controller<br>
anushushruma = I have heard by disciplic succession<br>
anushochanti = lament<br>
anushochituM = to lament<br>
anushhajjate = one necessarily engages<br>
anushhTup.h = the format's name<br>
anushhThana = (n) performance, execution<br>
anusantataani = extended<br>
anusaara = following, customary(masc)<br>
anusmara = go on remembering<br>
anusmaran.h = remembering<br>
anusmaret.h = always thinks of<br>
anusvaaraH = the accompanying sound or letter ( the letter form `.n' `M'?)<br>
anuuchaanaM = (teacher?)<br>
anR^ita = false<br>
aneka = Many<br>
anekadhaa = into many<br>
anekavachanaM = plural<br>
anekaani = many<br>
anena = by this<br>
angaM = body<br>
anta = end<br>
antaM = or end<br>
antaH = (adv) inside<br>
antaHkaraNa = Mind<br>
antaHpeTikaa = (f) drawer<br>
antaHsthaani = within<br>
antakaale = at the end of life<br>
antagataM = completely eradicated<br>
antara = Sub-period in a Dasha<br>
antaraM = between<br>
antaraN^ga = the practices of pranayama and pratyahara<br>
antaradeshiiya = among different countries mainly for transaction??<br>
antaraatmanaa = within himself<br>
antaraatmaa = the inner self, residing in the heart<br>
antaraaya = (m) obstacle<br>
antaraaraamaH = actively enjoying within<br>
antariksha = (n) space<br>
antarikshaM = space, sky<br>
antare = between<br>
antareNa = without<br>
antarjyotiH = aiming within<br>
antaryutakam.h = (n) vest<br>
antarsukhaH = happy from within<br>
antavat.h = perishable<br>
antavantaH = perishable<br>
antike = near<br>
ante = after<br>
andha = blind<br>
andhakaara = darkness<br>
annaM = (n) food<br>
annaat.h = from grains<br>
anya = other person<br>
anyaM = other<br>
anyaH = another<br>
anyat.h = other<br>
anyatra = somewhere else<br>
anyathaa = other<br>
anyayaa = by the other<br>
anyaaM = another<br>
anyaan.h = others<br>
anyaani = different<br>
anyaayena = illegally<br>
anye = others<br>
anyena = by another<br>
anyebhyaH = from others<br>
anyaiH = by others<br>
anyonya = mutual<br>
anvaya = Family<br>
anvashochaH = you are lamenting<br>
anvichchha = try for<br>
anvitaaH = absorbed<br>
anveshhaNam.h = (n) search, exploration<br>
apakR^i = to harm<br>
apachii = to decrease<br>
apaTham.h = read<br>
apaNDita = someone who is not a scholar<br>
apatya = Progeny<br>
apanudyaat.h = can drive away<br>
apamaa = comparison<br>
apamaanayoH = and dishonor<br>
apara = other<br>
aparaM = junior<br>
apararaatra = (m) dawn<br>
aparaspara = without cause<br>
aparaa = lower<br>
aparaajitaH = who had never been vanquished<br>
aparaajiita = Unconquered<br>
aparaaNi = others<br>
aparaan.h = others<br>
aparigraha = abstention from greed, non-possessiveness<br>
aparigrahaH = free from the feeling of possessiveness<br>
aparimeyaM = immeasurable<br>
aparihaarye = of that which is unavoidable<br>
apare = others<br>
aparyaaptaM = immeasurable<br>
apalaayanaM = not fleeing<br>
apavarga = heaven, liberation<br>
apavaada = exceptional<br>
apavighnaH = without obstacles<br>
apashyat.h = he could see<br>
apaharaNa = stealing<br>
apahartaaraM = the remover, destroyer<br>
apahR^ita = stolen<br>
apahR^itachetasaaM = bewildered in mind<br>
apaatrebhyaH = to unworthy persons<br>
apaana = one of the vital airs, controls the elimination of bodily wastes<br>
apaanaM = the air going downward<br>
apaane = in the air which acts downward<br>
apaapo = without sins<br>
apaayinaH = disappearing<br>
apaaraa = one who has no limits<br>
apaavR^itaM = wide open<br>
api = also<br>
apuNya = vice<br>
apunaraavR^ittiM = to liberation<br>
apushhpa = one without flowers<br>
apR^ithivyoH = to the earth<br>
apeksh.h = to expect<br>
apekshaa = (f) expectation, hope<br>
apaishunaM = aversion to fault-finding<br>
apohanaM = forgetfulness<br>
apyayau = disappearance<br>
aprakaashaH = darkness<br>
apratimaprabhaava = O immeasurable power<br>
apratishhThaM = without foundation<br>
apratishhThaH = without any position<br>
apratiikaaraM = without being resistant<br>
apradaaya = without offering<br>
aprameya = the ununderstandable<br>
aprameyaM = immeasurable<br>
aprameyasya = immeasurable<br>
apravR^ittiH = inactivity<br>
apraaptat.h = uttained, obtained<br>
apraapya = failing to attain<br>
apraamaamaaNya = Unjustified<br>
apriyaM = the unpleasant<br>
apriyaH = and the undesirable<br>
apsu = in water<br>
aphala = one without fruit<br>
aphalaprepsunaa = by one without desire for fruitive result<br>
aphalaakaaN^kshibhiH = by those devoid of desire for result<br>
abandhu = one who does not have any brothers / kinmen<br>
abala = helpless (woman)<br>
abalaa = (helpless) Woman<br>
abuddhayaH = less intelligent persons<br>
abodha = Ignorance<br>
abda = Season of plenty<br>
abdhi = sea<br>
abdhii = (m) ocean, sea<br>
abraviit.h = spoke<br>
abrahmaNya = Not kosher<br>
abhaktaaya = to one who is not a devotee<br>
abhaya = freedom from fear<br>
abhayaM = fearlessness<br>
abhaye = and fearlessness<br>
abhavat.h = became<br>
abhavishhyat.h = will become<br>
abhaavaH = changing quality<br>
abhaavayataH = of one who is not fixed<br>
abhaashhata = began to speak<br>
abhi = preposition<br>
abhi+taD.h = to strike<br>
abhikrama = in endeavoring<br>
abhichaara = black magic<br>
abhijanavaan.h = surrounded by aristocratic relatives<br>
abhijaataH = born of<br>
abhijaatasya = of one who is born of<br>
abhijaananti = they know<br>
abhijaanaati = does know<br>
abhijaayate = becomes manifest<br>
abhijita = A nakshatra between uttaraashhDhaa and shravaNa mainly centred on the star Vega. For some reason it is not usually included in the 27 nakshatras although it would make 28 if it was<br>
adhipatii = Lord<br>
abhijin.hmuhuurta = the most auspicious moment<br>
abhitaH = everywhere<br>
abhidhaasyati = explains<br>
abhidhiiyate = is called<br>
abhinandatii = praises<br>
abhinaya = acting<br>
abhinivesha = possessiveness<br>
abhipravR^ittaH = being fully engaged<br>
abhipraayaH = (m) opinion<br>
abhibhavati = transforms<br>
abhibhavaat.h = having become predominant<br>
abhibhuuya = surpassing<br>
abhimanaH = conceit<br>
abhimaana = self-importance<br>
abhimukhaaH = towards<br>
abhiyaachanaa = (f) demand<br>
abhiyuktaanaaM = fixed in devotion<br>
abhirataH = following<br>
abhirakshantu = should give support<br>
abhirakshitaM = perfectly protected<br>
abhirakshitam.h = who has been well protected<br>
abhiraamastrilokaanaaM = the laudable rAma for all the three worlds<br>
abhivijvalanti = and are blazing<br>
abhishhi.nchati = performs' puuja', by pouring water etc. on the idol<br>
abhishhekaM = ablution<br>
abhisandhaaya = desiring<br>
abhihitaa = described<br>
abhiipsita = desired<br>
abhyadhikaH = greater<br>
abhyanunaadayan.h = resounding<br>
abhyarchya = by worshiping<br>
abhyasanaM = practice<br>
abhyasuuyakaaH = envious<br>
abhyasuuyati = is envious<br>
abhyasuuyantaH = out of envy<br>
abhyahanyanta = were simultaneously sounded<br>
abhyaasha = outskirts<br>
abhyaasa = study<br>
abhyaasayoga = by practice<br>
abhyaasayogena = by the practice of devotional service<br>
abhyaasaat.h = than practice<br>
abhyaase = in practice<br>
abhyaasena = by practice<br>
abhyutthaanaM = predominance<br>
abhyudaya = rise , prosperity<br>
abhraM = cloud<br>
amanyata = believed<br>
amarshha = (m) anger<br>
amala = without rubbish<br>
amalaM = clean<br>
amalaan.h = pure<br>
amaanitvaM = humility<br>
amaanushha = (adj) inhuman, cruel<br>
amitavikramaH = and unlimited force<br>
amii = all those<br>
amutra = in the next life<br>
amuuDhaaH = unbewildered<br>
amR^ita = of ambrosia, potion to cause immortality<br>
amR^itaM = veritable nectar<br>
amR^itattvaaya = for liberation<br>
amR^itabinduu = a drop of nectar<br>
amR^itabhujaH = those who have tasted such nectar<br>
amR^itasya = of the immortal<br>
amR^itodbhavaM = produced from the churning of the ocean<br>
amR^itopamaM = just like nectar<br>
amedhyaM = untouchable<br>
ambandha = relation / connection<br>
ambara = sky, aakaasha<br>
ambaraM = sky, garment<br>
ambaa = mother<br>
ambu = water<br>
ambudhi = sea<br>
ambuvegaaH = waves of the waters<br>
ambhas.h = (n) water<br>
ambhasaa = by the water<br>
ambhasi = on the water<br>
ambhuruhaM = lotus<br>
amla = (m) sour<br>
ayaM = him (from idaM.h)<br>
ayajanta = third person plur. imperfect aatmanepada of yaj, to worship<br>
ayatiH = the unsuccessful transcendentalist<br>
ayathaavat.h = imperfectly<br>
ayaneshhu = in the strategic points<br>
ayama = length, extension, restraint<br>
ayashaH = infamy<br>
ayasaH = (m) iron<br>
ayase = (v) to go<br>
ayaGYasya = for one who performs no sacrifice<br>
ayuktaH = one who is not in KRishhNa consciousness<br>
ayuktasya = of one who is not connected (with KRishhNa consciousness)<br>
ayogataH = without devotional service<br>
ayojayishhyat.h = if one does not join or connect<br>
ayobhaaNDam.h = (n) a wooden barrel<br>
araNyam.h = (n) jungle, forest<br>
aratiH = being without attachment<br>
araagadveshhataH = without love or hatred<br>
ari = enemies<br>
ari-bhaava = the sixth house in a Rashi or bhaava chart<br>
arishhu = on enemies<br>
arishhTanemiH = the appelation to Garuda?<br>
arisuudana = O killer of the enemies<br>
arogita = diseaselessness<br>
arka = essence, a name of Sun<br>
argasiM = (f) pleasure<br>
argha = value<br>
archati = (1 pp) to worship<br>
archituM = to worship<br>
arjana = obtaining<br>
arjanaM = the earning or acquiring or acqusition<br>
arjuna = a disciple of Krishna, hero of the Mahabharata<br>
arjunaM = unto Arjuna<br>
arjunaH = Arjuna<br>
arjunayoH = and Arjuna<br>
artha = money<br>
arthaM = wealth<br>
arthaH = is meant<br>
arthan.h = and economic development<br>
arthanaipuNa = (n) efficient in polity<br>
arthapraaptirbhavati = wealth-attainment becomes<br>
arthayate = (10 pp) to request<br>
arthavaan.h = one with money<br>
arthasya = (masc.poss.sing.) wealth or meaning<br>
arthaarthii = one who desires material gain<br>
arthiyaM = meant<br>
arthe = in meaning<br>
arthopaarjanaaya = for earning maney<br>
ardha = half<br>
ardhachandraasana = the half-moon posture<br>
ardhanavaasana = the half-boat posture<br>
ardhanaariinaTeshvara = Shiva and his Shakti united as one<br>
ardhanaariishvara = Shiva and his Shakti united as one<br>
ardhanicholaH = (m) frock<br>
ardhapadmaasana = the half-lotus posture<br>
ardhamatsyendraasana = the half spinal-twist posture<br>
ardhashirshhaasana = the half headstand posture<br>
ardhasarvaaN^gaasana = the half-shoulderstand posture<br>
ardhasalabhaasana = the half-locust posture<br>
ardhoruka = (n) half-pant<br>
ardhorukam.h = (n) half-pant , shorts<br>
arpaNa = Offer<br>
arpaNaM = contribution<br>
arpita = surrendering<br>
arbudarogaH = (m) cancer<br>
arbhaka = small<br>
aryamaa = Aryama<br>
arha = deserving<br>
arhati = (1 pp) to deserve<br>
arhasi = deserve<br>
alaM = especially<br>
ala.nkaaradiiptaM = shining with adornments, decorations<br>
alaN^kR^ita = decorated / ornamented<br>
alabdhabhuumikatva = the feeling that it is impossible to see reality<br>
alabhya = Difficult<br>
alasaH = lazy<br>
alasya = indolence<br>
alakshamaana = one who disregards<br>
alakshmiH = poverty (alaxmiH is opp. of laxmiH)<br>
ali = a black bug<br>
aliika = (adj) false, untrue<br>
aloluptvaM = freedom from greed<br>
alpa = small, little<br>
alpaM = a few, little, inadequate<br>
alpabuddhayaH = the less intelligent<br>
alpamedhasaaM = of those of small intelligence<br>
alpavayaskaM = young (small) age<br>
alpaayu = Short life between 8 and 32 years<br>
ava = protect<br>
avakaranikara = dust, garbage<br>
avakarikaa = (f) dustbin, garbage bin<br>
avakalana = differentiation<br>
avagachchha = must know<br>
avagam.h = to comprehend, understand<br>
avagamaM = understood<br>
avagraha = (m) famine<br>
avachaya = (m) gathering, collection<br>
avachinoti = to pluck<br>
avachyaH = unblamable<br>
avajaananti = deride<br>
avataara = a divine incarnation particularly of Vishnu, e.g. Buddha<br>
avataarayati = to keep down, to get down<br>
avati = (1 pp) to protect<br>
avatishhThati = remains<br>
avatishhThate = becomes established<br>
avatu = (may the lord) protect<br>
avadhiiraNaa = (f) a repulse, repulsion<br>
avadhyaH = cannot be killed<br>
avana = protection<br>
avaniM = earth<br>
avanipaala = of warrior kings<br>
avaniitanya = the daughter of the Earth (siita)<br>
avayavaH = A Limb (of the body), A part, a portion, a component, a constitunt, an ingredient<br>
avaraM = abominable<br>
avaruuNaddhi = to obstruct<br>
avarohati = to descend<br>
avalipta = proud, haughty<br>
avalehaH = (m) pickle<br>
avashaH = helplessly<br>
avashishhyate = remains<br>
avashhTabhya = entering into<br>
avasaM = automatically<br>
avasan.h = III pl. imperfect of vas, to live<br>
avasannaaH = inadequate<br>
avasaraH = (m) opportunity, chance<br>
avasarpati = to slide (as from a waterslide)<br>
avasaadayet.h = put into degradation<br>
avasthaa = a state of the mind<br>
avasthaatuM = to stay<br>
avasthaatrayaH = three states of bodily consciousness (awake, sleep, dream)<br>
avasthitaM = situated<br>
avasthitaH = situated<br>
avasthitaaH = situated<br>
avasthitaan.h = arrayed on the battlefield<br>
avahaasaarthaM = for joking<br>
avaGYaa = contempt<br>
avaGYaataM = without proper attention<br>
avaachii = (f) south<br>
avaachya = unkind<br>
avaaptavyaM = to be gained<br>
avaaptuM = to achieve<br>
avaapnoti = gets<br>
avaapya = achieving<br>
avaapyate = is achieved<br>
avaapsyatha = you will achieve<br>
avaapsyasi = will gain<br>
avikalpena = without division<br>
avikaaryaH = unchangeable<br>
avichaarii = adj. thoughtless<br>
avidita = without knowledge, unknowingly<br>
avidushaH = of one who does not know<br>
avidya = lack of education, ignorance<br>
avidyaa = metaphysical ignorance<br>
avidvaa.nsaH = the ignorant<br>
avidhipuurvakaM = in a wrong way<br>
avinashyantaM = not destroyed<br>
avinaasha = undestructible, name of Vishnu<br>
avinaashi = imperishable<br>
avinaashinaM = indestructible<br>
avipashchitaH = men with a poor fund of knowledge<br>
avibhaktaM = without division<br>
avirati = sensuality<br>
avirodha = no opposition<br>
aviGYeyaM = unknowable<br>
avekshe = let me see<br>
avekshya = considering<br>
avottaraattaat.h = protect me from the northern direction<br>
avyakta = nonmanifested<br>
avyaktaM = nonmanifested<br>
avyaktaH = invisible<br>
avyaktamuurtinaa = by the unmanifested form<br>
avyaktaa = toward the unmanifested<br>
avyaktaat.h = to the unmanifest<br>
avyaktaadiini = in the beginning unmanifested<br>
avyabhichaariNii = without any break<br>
avyabhichaariNyaa = without any break<br>
avyabhichaareNa = without fail<br>
avyaya = without deterioration<br>
avyayaM = immutable<br>
avyayaH = inexhaustible<br>
avyayasya = of the imperishable<br>
avyavasaayinaaM = of those who are not in KRishhNa consciousness<br>
avyaakR^itaa = not expressed<br>
avyaahataaGYaH = avyAhata+agyaH, not feeling the hit?<br>
ash.h = to obtain, accomplish<br>
asha.nka = undaunted<br>
ashakta = weak<br>
ashaktaH = unable<br>
ashanam.h = (n) food<br>
ashamaH = uncontrollable<br>
ashayaat.h = from their source<br>
ashastraM = without being fully equipped<br>
ashaantasya = of the unpeaceful<br>
ashaashvataM = temporary<br>
ashaastra = not in the scriptures<br>
ashishhya = unteachable (adj)<br>
ashishhyaaya = non-disciple i.e.non-believer<br>
ashuchi = to the unclean<br>
ashuchiH = unclean<br>
ashuchau = unclean<br>
ashubha = and inauspicious<br>
ashubhaM = evil<br>
ashubhaat.h = from ill fortune<br>
ashubhaan.h = inauspicious<br>
ashushruushhave = to one who is not engaged in devotional service<br>
asheshha = total<br>
asheshhataH = completely<br>
asheshhaaNi = all<br>
asheshheNa = in detail<br>
ashochyaan.h = not worthy of lamentation<br>
ashoshhyaH = not able to be dried<br>
aSTau = (adj) eight<br>
ashnataH = of one who eats<br>
ashnan.h = eating<br>
ashnanti = enjoy<br>
ashnaami = accept<br>
ashnaasi = you eat<br>
ashnute = achieves<br>
ashma = stone<br>
ashman.h = (masc) stone<br>
ashraddadhaanaH = without faith in revealed scriptures<br>
ashraddadhaanaaH = those who are faithless<br>
ashraddhayaa = without faith<br>
ashru = (n) tears<br>
ashruupuurNaakula = full of tears<br>
ashraushhaM = have heard<br>
ashlaaghya = adj. virtueless<br>
ashva = a horse<br>
ashvatthaM = a banyan tree<br>
ashvatthaH = the banyan tree<br>
ashvatthaamaa = Asvatthama<br>
ashvamedha = a form of sacrifice where a horse is sent around to estiblish supremacy<br>
ashvaanaaM = among horses<br>
ashvini = a mudraa, contraction of the anal sphincter muscles<br>
ashvinau = the two Asvinis<br>
ashhTa = eight<br>
ashhTadalakamalabandha = eight-petalled lotus pattern, a form of bandha poetry<br>
ashhTadhaa = eightfold<br>
ashhTaadasha = eighteen<br>
ashhTaavakra = name of a deformed(at eight places) sage<br>
ashhTottarii-dashaa = A lunar based Dasha system uses 108 yr cycle and one chooses it according to certain criteria<br>
ashhTau = eight<br>
ashhtakavarga = A predictive method of Astrology that uses a system of points based upon planetary positions<br>
asa.nnyasta = without giving up<br>
asa.nyataa = unbridled<br>
asa.nshayaM = undoubtedly<br>
asa.nshayaH = beyond a doubt<br>
asakta = unattached<br>
asaktaM = without attraction<br>
asaktaH = without attachment<br>
asaktabuddhiH = having unattached intelligence<br>
asaktaatmaa = one who is not attached<br>
asaktiH = being without attachment<br>
asaN^khyaH = (m) countless<br>
asaN^gashastreNa = by the weapon of detachment<br>
asat.h = matter<br>
asataH = of the nonexistent<br>
asatkR^itaM = without respect<br>
asatkR^itaH = dishonored<br>
asatyaM = unreal<br>
asadR^ishhii = unfit<br>
asapatnaM = without rival<br>
asamarthaH = unable<br>
asampraGYaata = unconscious samadhi<br>
asammuuDhaH = undeluded<br>
asammuuDhaaH = unbewildered<br>
asammohaH = freedom from doubt<br>
asaaraM = worthless/without essence<br>
asaavaadityaH = asau and AdityaH: this(person) and Sun<br>
asi = you are<br>
asitaH = Asita<br>
asid.hdhyoH = and failure<br>
asiddhau = failure<br>
asukhaM = full of miseries<br>
asura = devil<br>
asuraaNaaM = of demons<br>
asuraan.h = demons<br>
asuu = to hate, be jealous<br>
asuun.h = life<br>
asuuya = jelousy<br>
asR^ij = (neut) blood<br>
asR^ishhTaannaM = without distribution of prasaadam<br>
asau = him (from adas.h)<br>
asaumya = (adj) unpleasant<br>
asta = fall (set)<br>
astaM = destroyed , vanquished<br>
astamavelaa = (fem) evening twilight<br>
asti = (v) he is<br>
astu = there should be<br>
asteya = non-stealing<br>
astra = Weapon<br>
asthi = Bone<br>
asthipaJNjaram.h = (n) skeleton<br>
asthiraM = unsteady<br>
asparshana = not touching<br>
asmad.h = I, me<br>
asmadiiyaiH = our<br>
asmaakaM = us<br>
asmaat.h = these<br>
asmaan.h = us<br>
asmaabhiH = by us<br>
asmi = (v) I am<br>
asmitaa = egotism, self righteousness<br>
asmin.h = in this<br>
asmindvaye = in this pair<br>
asya = of it<br>
asyati = (4 pp) to throw<br>
asyaaM = in this<br>
asvargyaM = which does not lead to higher planets<br>
assi = (v) you (sing) are<br>
aha = said<br>
ahaM = (pron) I<br>
ahaH = of daytime<br>
ahaN^kara = tendency to identify oneself with external phenomena, 'the I-maker'<br>
ahaN^kaara = Egoism, selfishness, ignorance<br>
ahaN^kaaraM = false ego<br>
ahaN^kaaraH = false ego<br>
ahaN^kaaravimuuDha = bewildered by false ego<br>
ahaN^kaaraat.h = by false ego<br>
ahaN^kR^itaH = of false ego<br>
ahatvaa = not killing<br>
ahamahamikaa = (f) competition, debate<br>
aharaagame = at the beginning of the day<br>
aharnishaM = ahaH and nishaa:day and night<br>
ahi = on earth<br>
ahi.nsaa = non-violence<br>
ahita = sorrow (antonym of hita)<br>
ahitaaH = enemies<br>
ahituNDikaH = (m) a snake charmer<br>
ahaitukaM = without cause<br>
aho = Oh !<br>
ahoraatra = day and night<br>
akshama = (adj) incapable<br>
akshayaM = unlimited<br>
akshayaH = eternal<br>
akshara = Letter<br>
aksharaM = indestructible<br>
aksharaH = infallible<br>
aksharaaNaaM = of letters<br>
aksharaat.h = beyond the infallible<br>
akshi = (n) eye<br>
aGYa = the ignorant person<br>
aGYaH = a fool who has no knowledge in standard scriptures<br>
aGYataa = ignorance<br>
aGYaana = ignorance<br>
aGYaanaM = nescience<br>
aGYaanajaM = due to ignorance<br>
aGYaanasambhuutaM = born of ignorance<br>
aGYaanaaM = of the foolish<br>
aGYaanena = by ignorance<br>
== आ ==
aa = from<br>
aa+ghraa = to smell<br>
aa+char.h = to practice<br>
aa+yaa = to come<br>
aa+ruh.h = to climb<br>
aaudau = in the beginning<br>
aauuM-kaara = the sound AUM<br>
aaH = to sit<br>
aakarNa = towards the ear<br>
aakarNa\-dhanuraasana = the shooting bow posture<br>
aakarshha = attracted<br>
aakarshhaNa = attraction<br>
aakaa.nkshaa = wish, ambition<br>
aakaara = (masc) form, shape<br>
aakaarikaa = (f) doorbell<br>
aakaasha = ether<br>
aakaashaM = the sky<br>
aakaashavaaNii = (f) radio<br>
aakaashasthitaH = situated in the sky<br>
aakaashaat.h = (abl.S)from space or sky<br>
aakula = full of<br>
aakulitam.h = sad, worried<br>
aakR^itiini = forms<br>
aakR^ishhTa = (past part. of aa + kR\^ishh) attracted<br>
aakram.h = to attack<br>
aakramaNam.h = (n) attack, invansion<br>
aakShepaH = (m) objection<br>
aakhu = mouse<br>
aakhya = named<br>
aakhyaa = (f) name<br>
aakhyaataM = described<br>
aakhyaahi = please explain<br>
aagachchhet.h = one should come<br>
aagataH = having attained<br>
aagataaH = attained<br>
aagama = arrival<br>
aagamana = coming<br>
aagame = on the arrival<br>
aaN^gla = English<br>
aaN^glabhaashhaa = English language<br>
aachar.h = to behave, interact<br>
aacharataH = acting<br>
aacharati = he does<br>
aacharaan.h = performing<br>
aachaaraH = behavior<br>
aachaarya = a religious teacher<br>
aachaarya(H) = (Masc.nom.S)teacher; preceptor<br>
aachaaryaM = the teacher<br>
aachaaryaaH = teachers<br>
aachaaryaan.h = teachers<br>
aachaaryopaasanaM = approaching a bona fide spiritual master<br>
aachchhaadakam.h = (n) covering sheet, chaddar<br>
aajaanubaahuM = the one whose arms extend upto his knees<br>
aajyaM = melted butter<br>
aaDhyaH = wealthy<br>
aaNiH = nail<br>
aataN^ka = horror , terror<br>
aatataayinaH = aggressors<br>
aatapa = heat<br>
aatapatraM = sunshade<br>
aatishhTha = be situated<br>
aatura = anxious<br>
aatta = ready<br>
aattha = have spoken<br>
aatma = of the self<br>
aatmakaM = consisting of<br>
aatmakaH = possessing or controlling<br>
aatmakaaraNaat.h = for sense enjoyment<br>
aatmaja = son<br>
aatmajaH = son<br>
aatmajaa = daughter<br>
aatmatR^iptaH = self-illuminated<br>
aatman.h = Soul<br>
aatmana = (Masc.instr.sing.) thro' the self<br>
aatmanaH = of the person<br>
aatmanaa = by the purified mind<br>
aatmani = in himself<br>
aatmabhaava = within their hearts<br>
aatmabhuutaatmaa = compassionate<br>
aatmamaayayaa = by My internal energy<br>
aatmayogaat.h = by My internal potency<br>
aatmaratiH = taking pleasure in the self<br>
aatmavantaM = situated in the self<br>
aatmavashyaiH = under one's control<br>
aatmavaan.h = established in the self<br>
aatmavinigrahaH = self-control<br>
aatmavibhuutayaH = personal opulences<br>
aatmavishvaasaH = (m) confidence<br>
aatmasa.nyama = of controlling the mind<br>
aatmasa.nstutiH = and praise of himself<br>
aatmasa.nsthaM = placed in transcendence<br>
aatmasaat.h = to imbibe, to make one's own, to train oneself<br>
aatmaGYaana = knowledge of self<br>
aatmaa = soul<br>
aatmaa.atattvamasi = Thou art That Not (self + Self are differnt:Duality)<br>
aatmaanaM = the mind<br>
aatmaani = in the pure state of the soul<br>
aatmaasambhavitaaH = self-complacent<br>
aatmiyataa = the feeling of oneness<br>
aatmaiva = the very mind<br>
aatyantikaM = supreme<br>
aadatte = accepts<br>
aadaraH = (m) respect<br>
aadarshaH = (m) ideal<br>
aadaana = taking<br>
aadi = beginning<br>
aadiM = the origin<br>
aadiH = the origin<br>
aadikartre = to the supreme creator<br>
aadikeshhu = etc etc<br>
aaditya = a name of Sun, Vishnu is among twelve Aditya-s<br>
aadityaH = the Adityas<br>
aadityagataM = in the sunshine<br>
aadityavat.h = like the rising sun<br>
aadityavarNaM = luminous like the sun<br>
aadityaan.h = the twelve sons of Aditi<br>
aadityaanaaM = of the Adityas<br>
aadidevaM = the original Lord<br>
aadidevaH = the original Supreme God<br>
aadibhiH = by those<br>
aadishhTa = ordered<br>
aadishhTavaan.h = (he was)commanded<br>
aadiishvara = the primeval lord, a name of Shiva<br>
aadR^itaH = having begun<br>
aadau = First<br>
aadya = earliest<br>
aadyaM = original<br>
aadhatsva = fix<br>
aadhaaya = resigning<br>
aadhaaraH = support or base<br>
aadhipatyaM = (n) supremacy, ownership, overlordship<br>
aadhunika = (adj) modern<br>
aadhyaatmikaM = super-natural, spiritual<br>
aanana = Face<br>
aananaM = face<br>
aananda = happiness<br>
aanandana = happiness<br>
aanandamayaH = full of great happiness<br>
aantaradeshiiya = within the country mainly for transaction??<br>
aap.h = to obtain<br>
aapaH = water<br>
aapaNaH = (m) shop<br>
aapaNikaH = (m) shop-keeper<br>
aapad.h = calamity<br>
aapadaaM = dangers<br>
aapannaM = achieved<br>
aapannaaH = gaining<br>
aapah = water<br>
aapuryamaaNaM = always being filled<br>
aapuurya = covering<br>
aapR^ichchha = take leave of<br>
aapoklima = The 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Houses<br>
aaptuM = afflicts one with<br>
aapnuyaaM = may have<br>
aapnuvanti = attain<br>
aapnoti = achieves<br>
aaplutaa = immersed<br>
aabda = year<br>
aabdaphala = yearly prognostication, also varshhaphala<br>
aabrahmabhuvanaat.h = up to the Brahmaloka planet<br>
aabharaNaM = ornaments<br>
aabharaNam.h = (n) ornaments, jewellery<br>
aabhaa = color<br>
aabhaasaM = the original source<br>
aamanaska = the mind free from desire<br>
aamaya = disease<br>
aamraphalam.h = (n) mango (the king of fruits)<br>
aamla = sour<br>
aayaH = (m) income, earnings<br>
aayatana = place, position<br>
aayatam.h = (n) rectangle<br>
aayanaa.nsha = Precession of Equinoxes. Used to convert Tropical positions to
aayaataH = have come<br>
aayaatana = abode, resting place<br>
aayuH = [long] life<br>
aayudhaM = weapons<br>
aayudhaanaaM = of all weapons<br>
aayushhkaaraka = Significator of Longevity which is Saturn<br>
aayojakaH = (m) organiser, sponsor<br>
aaratii = crying out of desperation for help, ritual<br>
aarabdhat.h = started<br>
aarabdham.h = started<br>
aarabhate = begins<br>
aarabhyate = is begun<br>
aarambha = beginning<br>
aarambhaH = endeavor<br>
aarambhashuura = one who shows active participation in the beginning<br>
aarambhikaaH = beginners<br>
aarakshakaH = (m) policeman<br>
aarakshikaa = (f) policewoman<br>
aaraadhanaM = for the worship<br>
aaraadhya = pleasable<br>
aaraama = (m) garden<br>
aaraamaH = from rAma? source?<br>
aaruDha = The sign which is as distant from the lord as the lord is from the
house concerned<br>
aarurukshoH = who has just begun yoga<br>
aaruhya = having climbed<br>
aaruuDhasya = of one who has attained<br>
aaruuDhaani = being placed<br>
aaruudha = house<br>
aarogya = health<br>
aaropayati = to plant<br>
aarohaNa = climbing<br>
aarohati = to climb, to ascend<br>
aarjavaM = simplicity<br>
aarta = intensely troubled<br>
aartaH = the distressed<br>
aarthika = (adj) economic, fiscal<br>
aarthikaniiti = (f) economic policy<br>
aardita = parched, dry<br>
aardra = wet<br>
aardrachittaa = having emotional mind<br>
aardraa = Sixth nakshatra<br>
aarya = wise man<br>
aaryasamaaja = Aryan group<br>
aaryaa = (f) a respected woman<br>
aarhaaH = deserving<br>
aalamba = support<br>
aalambate = to recline<br>
aalaya = house<br>
aalasya = idleness<br>
aali = maid<br>
aaliN^gati = to embrace<br>
aalochate = to think, to contemplate<br>
aalochaya = (verbal stem) consider<br>
aavayoH = of ours<br>
aavaraNa = a veil<br>
aavartaH = (m) whirlpool<br>
aavartate = comes back<br>
aavartinaH = returning<br>
aavali = (f) line, row<br>
aavaasaH = (m) residence, living quarters<br>
aavirbhuutaM = having taken a physical form or incarnation<br>
aavishya = entering<br>
aavishh.h = to be possesed by<br>
aavishhTaM = overwhelmed<br>
aavishhTaH = overwhelmed<br>
aavikshita = descendent of avikshit (i.e, marutta)<br>
aavR^ita = encircled<br>
aavR^itaM = is covered<br>
aavR^itaH = is covered<br>
aavR^itaa = covered<br>
aavR^itaaH = covered<br>
aavR^ittiM = return<br>
aavR^itya = covering<br>
aavR^ishhTi = (fem) rain<br>
aaveshita = fixed<br>
aaveshya = establishing<br>
aavriyate = is covered<br>
aavhayati = to call<br>
aasha.ns.h = to wish, to hope, to desire<br>
aashaya = (masc) resting place<br>
aashayasthitaaH = situated within the heart<br>
aashaa = desire<br>
aashaapaasha = entanglements in a network of hope<br>
aashaapiNDaM = AshA+pindaM, desire+lump(piNDaM also means rice-ball given<br>
aashina = old (also heard as aashiina)<br>
aashishhati = to give aashirvaad<br>
aashu = fast<br>
aashcharyaM = surprise<br>
aashcharyamayaM = wonderful<br>
aashcharyavat.h = with wonder, surprise<br>
aashcharyaaNi = all the wonders<br>
aashrama = a yoga centre or school<br>
aashrayatva = dependence, leaning<br>
aashrayaa = sheltor<br>
aashrayet.h = must come upon<br>
aashri = to take shelter<br>
aashritaM = assuming<br>
aashritaH = taking refuge<br>
aashritaaH = accepting<br>
aashritya = taking shelter of<br>
aashleshha = embrace<br>
aashleshhaa = Ninth nakshatra<br>
aashvaasayaamaasa = encouraged<br>
aashvinii = First nakshatra<br>
aashhu = very soon<br>
aas.h = to sit<br>
aasaM = exist<br>
aasakta = attached<br>
aasaktamanaaH = mind attached<br>
aasana = seat<br>
aasanaM = seat<br>
aasanastham.h = (lotus like-)posture-stood<br>
aasane = on the seat<br>
aasaadaya = (causative of aa+sad) resort to<br>
aasaadya = attaining<br>
aasit.h = was/existed<br>
aasina = by the weapon<br>
aasinaM = situated<br>
aasinaH = eaters<br>
aasiit.h = was<br>
aasiita = does remain still<br>
aasiinaH = situated<br>
aasuraM = demonic<br>
aasuraH = demoniac<br>
aasuranishchayaan.h = demons<br>
aasurii = demoniac qualities<br>
aasuriiM = atheistic<br>
aasuriishhu = demoniac<br>
aastikyaM = religiousness<br>
aaste = remains<br>
aasthaaya = following<br>
aasthitaH = being situated<br>
aasthitaaH = situated<br>
aasya = (m) mouth<br>
aasvaada = tasting<br>
aaha = said<br>
aahati = striking, hitting<br>
aahartR^i = (m adj.) a performer<br>
aahave = in the fight<br>
aahaara = Diet<br>
aahaaraH = eating<br>
aahaaraaH = eating<br>
aahuH = are said<br>
aahR^i = to eat<br>
aaho = or else<br>
aaGYaa = command<br>
== इ ==
iN^gate = waver<br>
ichchh.h = to wish<br>
ichchha = the will<br>
ichchhati = (6 up) to wish<br>
ichchhan.h = present participle of ishh, to wish<br>
ichchhantaH = desiring<br>
ichchhasi = you wish<br>
ichchhaa = desire<br>
ichchhaami = do I wish<br>
ijyate = is performed<br>
ijyayaa = by worship<br>
iDaa = the channel on the left of the spine<br>
iDyaM = worshipable<br>
itaH = besides this<br>
itara = Other<br>
itaraH = common<br>
itaretara = mutual, each-other<br>
itastataH = (indecl) here and there<br>
iti = like that<br>
itihaasa = history<br>
itihaasa(H) = history; epic<br>
itthaM = like that<br>
ityuta = thus it is said<br>
ityetaani = iti+etAni, thus+ these<br>
ityevaM = knowing thus<br>
idaM = this<br>
idaaniiM = now<br>
idR^ik.h = as it is<br>
indiraa = Goddess Lakshmi<br>
indiraaramaNa = Vishnu, Husband of Goddess Lakshmi<br>
indu = moon<br>
indugopa = a centipede commonly seen during rainy season<br>
indraH = the god Indra<br>
indrachaapa = (m) rainbow<br>
indradhanuH = (m) rainbow<br>
indriya = organ of sense or action<br>
indriyaH = senses<br>
indriyagocharaaH = the objects of the senses<br>
indriyagraamaM = the full set of senses<br>
indriyajaya = mastery of the senses by controlling the desires<br>
indriyasya = of the senses<br>
indriyasyaarthe = in the sense objects<br>
indriyaaNaaM = of the senses<br>
indriyaaNi = the senses<br>
indriyaaraamaH = satisfied in sense gratification<br>
indriyaarthaan.h = sense objects<br>
indriyaarthebhyaH = from the sense objects<br>
indriyaartheshhu = in sense gratification<br>
indriyebhyaH = more than the senses<br>
indriyaiH = by the senses<br>
indro = the Lord Indra<br>
indhana = fuel<br>
imaM = (from idaM) this<br>
imaaH = all these<br>
imaan.h = these<br>
ime = these<br>
imau = these<br>
iyaM = this<br>
iva = just like or as if<br>
ishat.h = a little<br>
ishhubhiH = with arrows<br>
ishhTa = of all desirable things<br>
ishhTaM = leading to heaven<br>
ishhTaaH = palatable<br>
ishhTaan.h = desired<br>
ishhTikaa = (f) brick<br>
ishhTvaa = worshiping<br>
iha = here<br>
ihaiva = in the present body<br>
ikshuH = sugarcane<br>
ikshvaakave = unto King Iksvaku<br>
== ई ==
iidR^ishhaM = like this<br>
iirma = (m) arm<br>
iirsha = jelousy<br>
iisha = God<br>
iishaM = Lord Siva<br>
iishaavaasyaM = inhabited or manifested by the Master<br>
iishvara = lord, the capable (here)<br>
iishvaraM = the Supersoul<br>
iishvaraH = the Supreme Lord<br>
iishvarapraaNidhaana = attentiveness to god<br>
iih.h = to wish<br>
iihate = he aspires<br>
iihante = they desire<br>
iihaa = wish<br>
iiksh.h = to see<br>
iikshaNa = seeing<br>
iikshaNaM = eyes<br>
iikshate = (1 ap) to see</br>
== उ ==
'''अंग्रेजानी संस्कृतम् शब्दकोष''' (English to Sanskrit dictionary)
== A ==
* aeronautics = उड्डयन
* architecture = वास्तुशास्त्र
* astronomy = खगोलशास्त्र
== B ==
* book = पुस्तकम्
* buffalo = महिशी
* brother = भ्राता / अनुज:
== C ==
* cardiology = हृदयशास्त्र
* cell = कोशिका
* computer = सुसांख्य यन्त्र
* coup = क्शद्यन्त्र
== D ==
* dermatology = चर्मशास्त्र
* device = यन्त्र
* doctor = चिकित्सक / वैद्य
== E ==
* economics = अर्थशास्त्र
* environment = वातावरण
* electricity = विद्युत
* eye = नयनम्
== G ==
* good = '''उत्तम/शोभनम'''
* goat = '''अजा'''
* grape = '''द्राक्षा'''
== H ==
* house = '''सदन/गृह'''
* hour = '''होरा'''
== L ==
* lion = '''सिंह'''
* light = '''''प्रकाश'''''
* luck = '''''भाग्यम'''''
== M ==
* man = नर: / मनुष्य
* maternal = मैत्रिक
* microorganism = सूक्ष्म जीव
* mother = मातृ / माता
== N ==
* nation = राज्य
== P ==
* paternal = पैत्रिक
* philosopher = दार्शनिक
== T ==
* tiger = व्याघ्र:
* tissue = उत्तक
== U ==
* universe = ब्रह्माण्डम्
== W ==
* water = जल
* woman = स्त्री/नारी
* word = शब्द
* [http://spokensanskrit.de जर्मननिनिर्मितसंस्कृताङ्ग्लकोशः]
*[http://webapps.uni-koeln.de/tamil/ Monier-Williams Dictionary], searchable
*[http://ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/mw/0000/ Monier-Williams Dictionary], printable
*[http://indica-et-buddhica.org/sections/repositorium-preview/materials/dictionaries/monier-williams-sanskrit-english-dict-html Monier-Williams: DICT & HTML], downloadable
*[http://spokensanskrit.de Online Hypertext Dictionary]
*[http://sanskrit.inria.fr/DICO/ The Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary]
*[http://sanskrit.inria.fr/Dico.pdf Sanskrit-->French dictionary ] (The Sanskrit Heritage Dictionary)
*[http://sanskritdict.20m.com/sanskrit.htm Sanskrit Dictionary]
*[http://selfdiscoveryportal.com/cmSanskrit.htm Glossary of Sanskrit Terms]
*[http://atmajyoti.org/sw_glossary.asp A Brief Sanskrit Glossary] with the meanings of common Sanskrit
spiritual terms. Recently updated.
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/wiki/संस्कृतशब्दकोशः" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्