सम्पाद्यताम्Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Atharvan : (sg., pl.), Atharvaṇa, Atharvaveda, Atharvāṇa m.: Name of one of the four vedas; mantras of this Veda.
A. Origin: The god of gods (Nārāyaṇa) told Mārkaṇḍeya that the three Vedas and the Atharvaṇa arise out of him and enter into him again (yajurvedo 'pyatharvaṇaḥ/mattaḥ prādurbhavanty ete mām eva praviśanti ca) 3. 187. 14.
B. What it does and does not contain: Vyāsa told his son Śuka that one should study the trayī vidyā contained in the Ṛk, the Yajus, and the Sāman, as also in the Atharvan (trayīvidyām avekṣeta vedeṣūktām athāṅgataḥ/ṛksāmavarṇākṣarato yajuṣo'tharvaṇas tathā) 12. 227. 1; Bhagavān (Kṛṣṇa) told Arjuna that the great sages had mentioned many of his names in the Atharvan as well as in the other vedas (ṛgvede sayajurvede tathaivātharvasāmasu…bahūni mama nāmāni kīrtitāni maharṣibhiḥ) 12. 328. 8-9; the sage Sanatsujāta told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that the highest principle (brahman) was not to be found in the Atharvan mantras, nor in the ṛks, the yajus, or the sāmans (naivarkṣu tan na yajuḥṣu nāpy atharvasu na caiva dṛśyaty amaleṣu sāmasu) 5. 44. 21.
C. Object of study: Sages versed in the Atharvaveda recited this Saṁhitā in accordance with the pada and the krama mode of recitation (atharvavedapravarāḥ…saṁhitām īrayanti sma padakramayutāṁ tu te) 1. 64. 33; a certain Ṛṣi, born in the family of a Purohita (not named), when grew up learnt, among other sciences, the Veda and the Atharvaveda (atharvavede vede ca babhūvarṣiḥ suniścitaḥ) 13. 10. 34; Bhagavān (Kṛṣṇa) told Arjuna that the Vipras who had learnt the Atharvāṇa looked upon him as Atharvan consisting of five kalpas, enlarged by kṛtyās (pañcakalpam atharvāṇaṁ kṛtyābhiḥ paribṛṁhitam/kalpayanti hi māṁ viprā atharvāṇavidas tathā) 12. 330. 34.
D. Use: 1. For worship: When the sage Aṅgiras visited Indra he used for worshipping the god the mantras from the Atharvaveda (atharvavedamantraiś ca); Indra, while giving the sage a boon addressed him as Atharvāṅgiras and said that the mantras from the Atharvaveda used by him for his praise would be known as the Atharvāṅgirasa section of that Veda (atharvāṅgirasaṁ nāma asmin vede bhaviṣyati/udāharaṇam etad dhi) 5. 18. 5-7; 2. For magic: the Daityas and the Dānavas residing in the Pātāla and who had studied the different mantras performed a sacrificial rite (karma vaitānasaṁbhavam) by using mantras which included those known from the Atharvaveda (bṛhaspatyuśanoktaiś ca mantrair mantraviśāradāḥ/atharvavedaproktaiś ca) in order to produce a kṛtyā who was commissioned to fetch Duryodhana who had decided to fast unto death 3. 239. 20.
E. Personified: the Atharvaveda, along with the other three Vedas, seen by Nārada in the Sabhā of god Brahmadeva (atharvavedaś ca tathā…sarvaṁ tasyāṁ mayā dṛṣṭam) 2. 11. 23, 33, [See Atharvaśiras, Atharvāṅgirasa, Ātharvaṇa ]
*2nd word in right half of page p165_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Atharvan : (sg., pl.), Atharvaṇa, Atharvaveda, Atharvāṇa m.: Name of one of the four vedas; mantras of this Veda.
A. Origin: The god of gods (Nārāyaṇa) told Mārkaṇḍeya that the three Vedas and the Atharvaṇa arise out of him and enter into him again (yajurvedo 'pyatharvaṇaḥ/mattaḥ prādurbhavanty ete mām eva praviśanti ca) 3. 187. 14.
B. What it does and does not contain: Vyāsa told his son Śuka that one should study the trayī vidyā contained in the Ṛk, the Yajus, and the Sāman, as also in the Atharvan (trayīvidyām avekṣeta vedeṣūktām athāṅgataḥ/ṛksāmavarṇākṣarato yajuṣo'tharvaṇas tathā) 12. 227. 1; Bhagavān (Kṛṣṇa) told Arjuna that the great sages had mentioned many of his names in the Atharvan as well as in the other vedas (ṛgvede sayajurvede tathaivātharvasāmasu…bahūni mama nāmāni kīrtitāni maharṣibhiḥ) 12. 328. 8-9; the sage Sanatsujāta told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that the highest principle (brahman) was not to be found in the Atharvan mantras, nor in the ṛks, the yajus, or the sāmans (naivarkṣu tan na yajuḥṣu nāpy atharvasu na caiva dṛśyaty amaleṣu sāmasu) 5. 44. 21.
C. Object of study: Sages versed in the Atharvaveda recited this Saṁhitā in accordance with the pada and the krama mode of recitation (atharvavedapravarāḥ…saṁhitām īrayanti sma padakramayutāṁ tu te) 1. 64. 33; a certain Ṛṣi, born in the family of a Purohita (not named), when grew up learnt, among other sciences, the Veda and the Atharvaveda (atharvavede vede ca babhūvarṣiḥ suniścitaḥ) 13. 10. 34; Bhagavān (Kṛṣṇa) told Arjuna that the Vipras who had learnt the Atharvāṇa looked upon him as Atharvan consisting of five kalpas, enlarged by kṛtyās (pañcakalpam atharvāṇaṁ kṛtyābhiḥ paribṛṁhitam/kalpayanti hi māṁ viprā atharvāṇavidas tathā) 12. 330. 34.
D. Use: 1. For worship: When the sage Aṅgiras visited Indra he used for worshipping the god the mantras from the Atharvaveda (atharvavedamantraiś ca); Indra, while giving the sage a boon addressed him as Atharvāṅgiras and said that the mantras from the Atharvaveda used by him for his praise would be known as the Atharvāṅgirasa section of that Veda (atharvāṅgirasaṁ nāma asmin vede bhaviṣyati/udāharaṇam etad dhi) 5. 18. 5-7; 2. For magic: the Daityas and the Dānavas residing in the Pātāla and who had studied the different mantras performed a sacrificial rite (karma vaitānasaṁbhavam) by using mantras which included those known from the Atharvaveda (bṛhaspatyuśanoktaiś ca mantrair mantraviśāradāḥ/atharvavedaproktaiś ca) in order to produce a kṛtyā who was commissioned to fetch Duryodhana who had decided to fast unto death 3. 239. 20.
E. Personified: the Atharvaveda, along with the other three Vedas, seen by Nārada in the Sabhā of god Brahmadeva (atharvavedaś ca tathā…sarvaṁ tasyāṁ mayā dṛṣṭam) 2. 11. 23, 33, [See Atharvaśiras, Atharvāṅgirasa, Ātharvaṇa ]
*2nd word in right half of page p165_mci (+offset) in original book.
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