



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

अयोध्या, स्त्री, (योद्धुमशक्या, युध + ण्युत्, नञ्- समासः ।) श्रीरामनगरी । पश्चिमदेशे अओद् इति प्रसिद्धा । तत्पर्य्यायः । साकेतं २ कोशला ३ । इति हेमचन्द्रः ॥ उत्तरकोशला ४ । इति त्रिकाण्डशेषः ॥ सा तु मोक्षदा पुरी । यथा, -- “अयोध्या मथुरा माया काशी काञ्ची अवन्तिका । पुरी द्वारवती चैव सप्तैता मोक्षदायिकाः ॥ एतास्तु पृथिवीमध्ये न गण्यन्ते कदाचन । श्रीरामधनुरग्रस्था अयोध्या सा महापुरी” ॥ इति भूतशुद्धितन्त्रं ॥ * ॥ तद्वर्णनं यथा, -- “कोशलो नाम मुदितः स्फीतो जनपदो महान् । निविष्टः सरयूतीरे प्रभूतधनधान्यवान् ॥ अयोध्या नाम नगरी तत्रासील्लोकविश्रुता । मनुना मानवेन्द्रेण या पुरी निर्म्मिता स्वयम् ॥ आयता दश च द्वे च योजनानि महापुरी । श्रीमती त्रीणि विस्तीर्णा सुविभक्तमहापथा ॥ राजमार्गेण महता सुविभक्तेन शोभिता । मुक्तपुष्पावकीर्णेन जलसिक्तेन नित्यशः ॥ तान्तु राजा दशरथो महाराष्ट्रविवर्द्धनः । पुरीमावासयामास दिवि देवपतिर्यथा ॥ कपाटतोरणवतीं सुविभक्तान्तरापणां । सर्व्वयन्त्रायुधवतीमुषितां सर्व्वशिल्पिभिः ॥ सूतमागधसम्बाधां श्रीमतीमतुलप्रभां । उच्चाट्टालध्वजवतीं शतघ्नीशतसंकुलां ॥ बधूनाटकसंघैश्च संयुक्तां सर्व्वतः पुरीं । उद्यानाम्रवणोपेतां महतीं शालमेखलां ॥ दुर्गगम्भीरपरिखां दुर्गामन्यैर्दुरासदां । वाजिवारणसम्पूर्णां गोभिरुष्ट्रैः खरैस्तथा ॥ सामन्तराजसङ्घेश्च बलिकर्म्मभिरावृतां । नानादेशनिवासैश्च बणिग्भिरुपशोभितां ॥ प्रासादैः रत्नविकृतैः पर्ब्बतैरिव शोभितां । कूटागारैश्च सम्पर्णामिन्द्रस्येवामरावतीं ॥ वर्णेष्वग्र्यचतुर्थेषु देवतातिथिपूजकाः । कृतज्ञाश्च वदान्याश्च शूरा विक्रमसंयुताः ॥ दीर्घायुषो नराः सर्व्वे धर्म्मं सत्यञ्च संश्रिताः । सहिताः पुत्त्रपौत्त्रैश्च नित्यं स्त्रीभिः पुरोत्तमे ॥ क्षत्त्रं ब्रह्ममुखं चासीद्वैश्याः क्षत्त्रमनुव्रताः । शूद्राः स्वकर्म्मनिरतास्त्रीन् वर्णानुपचारिणः ॥ सा तेनेक्ष्वाकुनाथेन पुरी सुपरिरक्षिता । यथा पुरस्तान्मनुना मानवेन्द्रेण धीमता ॥ योधानामग्निकल्पानां पेषलानाममर्षिणां । सम्पूर्णा कृतविद्यानां गुहा केशरिणामिव ॥ काम्बोजविषये जातैर्व्वाह्लीकैश्च हयोत्तमैः । वनायुजैर्नदीजैश्च पूर्णा हरिहयोत्तमैः ॥ विन्ध्यपर्ब्बतजैर्मत्तैः पूर्णा हैमवतैरपि । मदान्वितैरतिबलैर्मातङ्गैः पर्ब्बतोपमैः ॥ ऐरावतकुलीनैश्च महापद्मकुलैस्तथा । अञ्जनादपि निष्क्रान्तैर्वामनादपि च द्विपैः ॥ भद्रैर्मन्द्रैर्मृगैश्चैव भद्रमन्द्रमृगैस्तथा । भद्रमन्द्रैर्भद्रमृगैर्मृगमन्द्रैश्च सा पुरी ॥ नित्यमत्तैः सदा पूर्णा नागैरचलसन्निभैः । सा योजने द्वे च भूयः सत्यनामा प्रकाशते ॥ तां पुरीं स महातेजा राजा दशरथो महान् । शशास शमितामित्रो नक्षत्राणीव चन्द्रमाः ॥ तां सत्यनामां दृढतोरणार्गलां गृहैर्व्विचित्रैरुपशोभितां शिवां । पुरीमयोध्यां नृसहस्रसंकुलां शशास वै शक्रसमो महीपतिः” ॥ इत्यार्षे रामायणे वाल्मीकीये बालकाण्डे षष्ठः सर्गः ॥ युद्धायोग्ये त्रि ॥


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

अयोध्या/ अ-योध्या f. the capital of राम(the modern Oude on the river सरयुdescribed in R.i , 5 ).


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

--the capital of इक्ष्वाकुस्. The children of अयोध्या were cast into the सरयू by असमञ्- jasa and then restored to life by his yogic power. फलकम्:F1: भा. IX. 8. १७-19.फलकम्:/F Chief buildings were प्रासाद, गोपुर, सभा, चैत्य and देवगृह; फलकम्:F2: Ib. IX. ११. २५-34; Br. III. ६३. २१;फलकम्:/F one of the holy cities. फलकम्:F3: Br. IV. ४०. ९१.फलकम्:/F City of Rama and Sagara; फलकम्:F4: Br. III. ३७. ३३; ४७. ७५; ४८. 1; ४९. १० and ५८; ५३. 5.फलकम्:/F also known as शाकेत. फलकम्:F5: Br. III. ५४. ५४.फलकम्:/F Capital of मध्यदेश of King दिवाकर, famous for रामतीर्थम्; फलकम्:F6: M. १९१. ९३; २७१. 5. Vi. IV. 4. ९७; वा. ९९. २८२.फलकम्:/F in the nose por- tion of the personified Veda. फलकम्:F7: वा. ८८. २०, ९४; १०४. ८१: १११. ६८.फलकम्:/F


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Ayodhyā : f.: Name of a city, also called Kosalā (3. 75. 3; 3. 263. 29).

A. Location: In the east (yayau prācīṁ diśaṁ prati) 2. 26. 1.

B. Description: Pleasing (ramyā) 3. 63. 19; 3. 275. 36; excellent, best town (puravara) 1. 168. 14; (puram uttamam) 1. 168. 19; famous (khyāta) 1. 168. 14; city of the righteous (nagarīṁ puṇyakarmaṇām) 1. 168. 16; full of people who were contended and well fed (tuṣṭapuṣṭajanākīrṇā) 1. 168. 20.

C. Epic event: Bhīma defeated king Dīrghaprajña of Ayodhyā in his expedition to the east before the Rājasūya 2. 27. 2.

D. Past events:

(1) Events related to Rāmāyaṇa: (i) When Lakṣmaṇa was held and dragged towards his mouth by Kabandha, he lost hope of meeting Rāma again when he, with Sītā, would return to Kosalā (nāhaṁ tvām…kosalāgataṁ/ drakṣyāmi) 3. 263. 29; (ii) Rāma wondered whether he would rule over Ayodhyā again after killing the enemies in battle and after getting Sītā back 3. 266. 34; (iii) After the satyakriyā of Sītā, Rāma told Daśaratha that he would return to Ayodhyā at his bidding; Daśaratha asked him to go to Ayodhyā and rule over it 3. 275. 36-37; (iv) On reaching Ayodhyā, Rāma sent Hanūmant to Bharata 3. 275. 59;

(2) Events related to the story of Nala: (i) Vārṣṇeya, the charioteer of Nala, left Nala's children with king Bhīma of Kuṇḍinapura and went to Ayodhyā to seek service with king Ṛtuparṇa 3. 57. 22; (ii) Karkoṭaka nāga advised Nala to assume the name Bāhuka and go to king Ṛtuparṇa of Ayodhā 3. 63. 19; Nala, accordingly, reached the town of Ṛtuparṇa (ṛtuparṇasya nagaram) 3. 64. 1; (iii) The Brāhmaṇa Parṇāda told Damayantī that he had reached Ayodhyā in search of Nala; Damayantī wanted Sudeva to be sent back to Ayodhyā to get Nala; Damayantī sent Sudeva to Ṛtuparṇa residing at Ayodhyā (hence called Ayodhyāpati in 3. 69. 22) to announce to him that she desired another husband and for this she was arranging another Svayaṁvara (ṛtuparṇaṁ vaco brūhi patim anyaṁcikīrṣati/āsthāsyati punar bhaimī damayantī svayaṁvaram//) 3. 68. 2, 16, 21; 3. 72. 17; (iv) Damayantī later told Nala that the Brāhmaṇa Parṇāda, while searching Nala, had reached the residence of king Ṛtuparṇa in Kosalā (abhyagacchat kosalāyām ṛtuparṇaniveśane) 3. 75. 3;

(3) Other events: (i) Śaśāda ruled over Ayodhyā after Ikṣvāku 3. 193. 1; (ii) Parīkṣit, of Ikṣvāku family, once ruled over Ayodhyā 3. 190. 3; (iii) Gālava took Mādhavī with him and went to king Haryaśva of Ikṣvāku family who ruled at Ayodhyā 5. 113. 18; (iv) King Kalmāṣapāda, when freed from Rakṣas by Vasiṣṭha, returned to Ayodhyā; his subjects greeted him; Kalmāṣapāda entered the city with Vasiṣṭha; the citizens of Ayodhyā saw their king with Vasiṣṭha as the sun rising in conjunction with Puṣya; the city, with its streets cleansed and sprinkled with water and decorated with raised flags, pleased Kalmāṣapāda; when the king entered the city Ayodhyā with Vasiṣṭha, the queen, at the king's command, approached Vasiṣṭha for a son 1. 168. 14-19, 21.

E. Similes:

(1) Ayodhyā made prosperous by Kalmāṣapāda compared with the sky made to shine at the rise of the autumnal moon (sa hi tāṁ pūrayām āsa lakṣmyā…/ayodhyāṁ vyoma śītāṁśuḥ śaratkāla ivoditaḥ//) 1. 168. 18;

(2) Ayodhyā, with its citizens contended and well nourished shone in the reign of Kalmāṣapāda as Amarāvatī due to Śakra (aśobhata tadā tena śakreṇevāmarāvatī) 1. 168. 20.

*1st word in left half of page p509_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Ayodhyā : f.: Name of a city, also called Kosalā (3. 75. 3; 3. 263. 29).

A. Location: In the east (yayau prācīṁ diśaṁ prati) 2. 26. 1.

B. Description: Pleasing (ramyā) 3. 63. 19; 3. 275. 36; excellent, best town (puravara) 1. 168. 14; (puram uttamam) 1. 168. 19; famous (khyāta) 1. 168. 14; city of the righteous (nagarīṁ puṇyakarmaṇām) 1. 168. 16; full of people who were contended and well fed (tuṣṭapuṣṭajanākīrṇā) 1. 168. 20.

C. Epic event: Bhīma defeated king Dīrghaprajña of Ayodhyā in his expedition to the east before the Rājasūya 2. 27. 2.

D. Past events:

(1) Events related to Rāmāyaṇa: (i) When Lakṣmaṇa was held and dragged towards his mouth by Kabandha, he lost hope of meeting Rāma again when he, with Sītā, would return to Kosalā (nāhaṁ tvām…kosalāgataṁ/ drakṣyāmi) 3. 263. 29; (ii) Rāma wondered whether he would rule over Ayodhyā again after killing the enemies in battle and after getting Sītā back 3. 266. 34; (iii) After the satyakriyā of Sītā, Rāma told Daśaratha that he would return to Ayodhyā at his bidding; Daśaratha asked him to go to Ayodhyā and rule over it 3. 275. 36-37; (iv) On reaching Ayodhyā, Rāma sent Hanūmant to Bharata 3. 275. 59;

(2) Events related to the story of Nala: (i) Vārṣṇeya, the charioteer of Nala, left Nala's children with king Bhīma of Kuṇḍinapura and went to Ayodhyā to seek service with king Ṛtuparṇa 3. 57. 22; (ii) Karkoṭaka nāga advised Nala to assume the name Bāhuka and go to king Ṛtuparṇa of Ayodhā 3. 63. 19; Nala, accordingly, reached the town of Ṛtuparṇa (ṛtuparṇasya nagaram) 3. 64. 1; (iii) The Brāhmaṇa Parṇāda told Damayantī that he had reached Ayodhyā in search of Nala; Damayantī wanted Sudeva to be sent back to Ayodhyā to get Nala; Damayantī sent Sudeva to Ṛtuparṇa residing at Ayodhyā (hence called Ayodhyāpati in 3. 69. 22) to announce to him that she desired another husband and for this she was arranging another Svayaṁvara (ṛtuparṇaṁ vaco brūhi patim anyaṁcikīrṣati/āsthāsyati punar bhaimī damayantī svayaṁvaram//) 3. 68. 2, 16, 21; 3. 72. 17; (iv) Damayantī later told Nala that the Brāhmaṇa Parṇāda, while searching Nala, had reached the residence of king Ṛtuparṇa in Kosalā (abhyagacchat kosalāyām ṛtuparṇaniveśane) 3. 75. 3;

(3) Other events: (i) Śaśāda ruled over Ayodhyā after Ikṣvāku 3. 193. 1; (ii) Parīkṣit, of Ikṣvāku family, once ruled over Ayodhyā 3. 190. 3; (iii) Gālava took Mādhavī with him and went to king Haryaśva of Ikṣvāku family who ruled at Ayodhyā 5. 113. 18; (iv) King Kalmāṣapāda, when freed from Rakṣas by Vasiṣṭha, returned to Ayodhyā; his subjects greeted him; Kalmāṣapāda entered the city with Vasiṣṭha; the citizens of Ayodhyā saw their king with Vasiṣṭha as the sun rising in conjunction with Puṣya; the city, with its streets cleansed and sprinkled with water and decorated with raised flags, pleased Kalmāṣapāda; when the king entered the city Ayodhyā with Vasiṣṭha, the queen, at the king's command, approached Vasiṣṭha for a son 1. 168. 14-19, 21.

E. Similes:

(1) Ayodhyā made prosperous by Kalmāṣapāda compared with the sky made to shine at the rise of the autumnal moon (sa hi tāṁ pūrayām āsa lakṣmyā…/ayodhyāṁ vyoma śītāṁśuḥ śaratkāla ivoditaḥ//) 1. 168. 18;

(2) Ayodhyā, with its citizens contended and well nourished shone in the reign of Kalmāṣapāda as Amarāvatī due to Śakra (aśobhata tadā tena śakreṇevāmarāvatī) 1. 168. 20.

*1st word in left half of page p509_mci (+offset) in original book.

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