

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Ākāśagaṅgā : f.: The river Gaṅgā flowing in the sky, also called simply Gaṅgā (18. 3. 37, 39).

A. Description: Holy (puṇyā) 18. 3. 26, 39; its waters descrihed as holy (puṇyaṁ …toyam) 12. 315. 46; the river of the gods (devanadī) 18. 3. 26, 39; one that purifies the three worlds (trailokyapāvanī) 18. 3. 26; purifying (pāvanī) 18. 3. 39; praised by the sages (ṛṣisaṁstutā) 18. 3. 39; flowing in the three worlds (trilokagā) 18. 3. 39.

B. Location in the sky: The sixth wind known as Parivaha supports the holy waters of the Ākāśagaṅgā (puṇyaṁ cākāśagaṅgāyās toyaṁ viṣṭabhya tiṣṭhati…ṣaṣṭhaḥ parivaho nāma sa vāyuḥ) 12. 315. 46, 48 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 328. 46: toyaṁ viṣṭabhya ākāśe evāvasthāpya).

C. Epic event: Indra advised Yudhiṣṭhira to bathe in the Ākāśagaṅgā before proceeding to heaven 18. 3. 26; accordingly he went to the Gaṅgā and bathed there; having plunged in its water he gave up his human body, assumed a divine form and was free of the feelings of enmity and sorrow 18. 3. 37-40.

D. Mythological event: Formerly the sage Bharadvāja, having gone to the Ākāśagaṅgā, was performing religious ablution (upāspṛśan); at that time he was touched by Viṣṇu who was taking his three steps (trīn kramān kramatā viṣṇunābhyāsāditaḥ) 12. 329. 42.

E. Importance: When Yudhiṣṭhira bathes in the Ākāśagaṅgā he will be free of his human existence, he will be relived of grief and fatigue and his feelings of enmity will disappear (atra snātasya to bhāvo mānuṣo vigamiṣyati/gataśoko nirāyāso muktavairo bhaviṣyasi) 18. 3. 27.

*1st word in left half of page p293_mci (+offset) in original book.

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Ākāśagaṅgā : f.: The river Gaṅgā flowing in the sky, also called simply Gaṅgā (18. 3. 37, 39).

A. Description: Holy (puṇyā) 18. 3. 26, 39; its waters descrihed as holy (puṇyaṁ …toyam) 12. 315. 46; the river of the gods (devanadī) 18. 3. 26, 39; one that purifies the three worlds (trailokyapāvanī) 18. 3. 26; purifying (pāvanī) 18. 3. 39; praised by the sages (ṛṣisaṁstutā) 18. 3. 39; flowing in the three worlds (trilokagā) 18. 3. 39.

B. Location in the sky: The sixth wind known as Parivaha supports the holy waters of the Ākāśagaṅgā (puṇyaṁ cākāśagaṅgāyās toyaṁ viṣṭabhya tiṣṭhati…ṣaṣṭhaḥ parivaho nāma sa vāyuḥ) 12. 315. 46, 48 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 328. 46: toyaṁ viṣṭabhya ākāśe evāvasthāpya).

C. Epic event: Indra advised Yudhiṣṭhira to bathe in the Ākāśagaṅgā before proceeding to heaven 18. 3. 26; accordingly he went to the Gaṅgā and bathed there; having plunged in its water he gave up his human body, assumed a divine form and was free of the feelings of enmity and sorrow 18. 3. 37-40.

D. Mythological event: Formerly the sage Bharadvāja, having gone to the Ākāśagaṅgā, was performing religious ablution (upāspṛśan); at that time he was touched by Viṣṇu who was taking his three steps (trīn kramān kramatā viṣṇunābhyāsāditaḥ) 12. 329. 42.

E. Importance: When Yudhiṣṭhira bathes in the Ākāśagaṅgā he will be free of his human existence, he will be relived of grief and fatigue and his feelings of enmity will disappear (atra snātasya to bhāvo mānuṣo vigamiṣyati/gataśoko nirāyāso muktavairo bhaviṣyasi) 18. 3. 27.

*1st word in left half of page p293_mci (+offset) in original book.

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