पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
उग्रसेनः, पुं, (उग्रा सेना यस्य ।) मथुरादेशस्य राज- विशेषः । स च आहुकपुत्त्रः । कंसराजपिता च । परीक्षित्पुत्त्रः । इति श्रीभागवतम् ॥ (तथा महाभारतेऽपि “जनमेजयः पारिक्षितः सह- भ्रातृभिः कुरुक्षेत्रे दीर्घसत्रमुपास्ते । तस्य भ्रातर- स्त्रयः श्रुतसेन उग्रसेनो भीमसेनश्च” इति । तथा च तत्रैव १ । ६५ । ४२ । “भीमसेनोग्रसेनौ च सुपर्णो वरुणस्तथा” ॥)
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
उग्रसेन¦ पु॰ उग्रा सेना यस्य।
१ धृतराष्ट्र पुत्रभेदे, उग्रश्रव-श्शब्दे उदा॰।
२ कुरुवंश्ये नृपभेदे।
“कुरोस्तु पुत्राश्चत्वारःसुधन्वा सुधनुस्तथा। परिक्षिच्च महाबाहुः” इत्युपक्रम्य
“परिक्षितस्तु दायादो धार्मिको जनमेजयः। जनमेजयस्यदायादास्त्रय एव महारथाः। श्रुतसेनोग्रसेनौ च भोमसेनश्चनामतः” हरि॰
३२ अ॰। अयञ्च जनमेजयः अभि-मन्युपौत्रात् भिन्नएव। अतएव
“द्वावृक्षौ तव वंशे-ऽस्मिन् द्वावेव च परिक्षितौ। भीमसेनास्त्रयोराजन्!द्वौ चापि जनमेजयौ” इति जनमेजयं प्रति तत्रोक्तम्। यदु-वंश्ये
३ नृपभेदे च।
“अन्धकञ्च महाबाहुं वृष्णिञ्च यदु-नन्दनम्” इत्युपक्रम्य
“अन्धकात् काश्यदुहिता चतुरोऽलभ-तात्मजान्। कुकुरं भजमानञ्च शमं कम्बलबर्हिषम्। कुकुरस्यसुतोधृष्णुर्धृष्णोसु तनयस्तथा। कपोतरोमा तस्याथतैत्तिरिस्तनयोऽभवत्। जज्ञे पुनर्वसुस्तस्मादभिजिच्च पुन-र्वसोः। तथा वै पुत्रमिथुनं बभूवाभिजितः किल। आ-हुकश्चाहुकी चैव ख्यातौ ख्यातिमतां वरौ” इत्याहुकोत्-पत्तिमभिधाय
“आहुकस्य तु काश्यायां द्वौ पुत्रौसंबमूवतुः। देवकश्चोग्रसेनश्च देवगर्भसमावुभौ। नवोग्रसे-नस्य सुताः तेषां कंसस्तु पूर्व्वजः” हरि॰
३८ अ॰।
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
उग्रसेन¦ m. (-नः)
1. The name of a prince, the father of DEVAKI and KANSA, and king of Mathura.
2. The name of another prince, the son of PARIKSHIT. E. उग्र fierce, and सेना an army.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
उग्रसेन/ उग्र--सेन m. N. of several princes e.g. of a brother of जनम्-एजयS3Br. MBh. etc.
Purana index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
(I)--A son of आहुक of the Kukura family, father of Kamsa and other eight sons. Father of five daughters who were all married to the younger brothers of Vasudeva. फलकम्:F1: भा. IX. २४. २१, २४-5; X. 1. ३०; Br. III. ७१. १२९-134, २१२-3, २३०; M. ४४. ७१-74; वा. ९६. २०६; Vi. IV. १४. १६-21.फलकम्:/F King of सात्वतस्, वृष्णिस्, Bhojas, and दाशार्हस्. फलकम्:F2: भा. III. 1. २९.फलकम्:/F Hated by his son Kamsa who desired even to kill him and who eventually threw him into prison. फलकम्:F3: Ib. X. ४४. ३३; 1. ६९; ३६. ३४; Vi. V. १५. १८; १८. 6.फलकम्:/F Enthroned by कृष्ण, after performing Kamsa's funeral rites; फलकम्:F4: Ib. X. ४५. १२; Vi. V. २१. 9-१२.फलकम्:/F got helpful service from कृष्ण and welcomed him to द्वारका. फलकम्:F5: भा. III. 2. २२; I. ११. १६; Vi. V. २४. 7.फलकम्:/F In कृष्ण's opinion Ugrasena was the proper person to wear the jewel Syamantaka; did not press it lest there should be a family feud. फलकम्:F6: Vi. IV. १३. २७-28, १०७.फलकम्:/F When जरासन्ध beseiged मथुरा, कृष्ण stationed Ugrasena to defend the northern gate; was pre- sented with spoils of war including jewels and ornaments. His part in defence against जरासन्ध's third attack on मथुरा. A member of the यादव सभा; was consulted by कृष्ण as to failure of rains in द्वारका. फलकम्:F7: भा. X. ५०. २०[3] and ४१; [५० (V) ३२-33]; [५१ (V) २५]; [५२ (V) १५]; ५७. ३०[1].फलकम्:/F वायु fetched from Indra the hall सुधर्मा for Ugrasena's use; फलकम्:F8: Vi. V. २१. १३-17, ३२.फलकम्:/F attacked पौण्ड्रक and laughed at his message. Heard of साम्ब's imprisonment and urged war on the Kurus, order being communicated through बलराम. According to the Kurus, a king only by sufferance. फलकम्:F9: भा. X. ६६ [3]; ६८. १३, २१ and ३४; Vi. V. ३५. १०. १४, २३.फलकम्:/F Ordered the मुसल born to साम्ब to be powdered and thrown into the sea. फलकम्:F१०: Vi. V. ३७. ११-12.फलकम्:/F Sent to द्वारका for defence after the राजसूय। फलकम्:F११: भा. X. ७६. 7[5].फलकम्:/F Welcomed बलराम on his return after a pilgrimage tour. फलकम्:F१२: Ib. X. ७९. २९.फलकम्:/F Went to स्यमन्तपञ्चक for solar eclipse. फलकम्:F१३: Ib. X. ८२. २३.फलकम्:/F Honoured Nanda. फलकम्:F१४: Ib. X. ८४. ५९ and ६८.फलकम्:/F Heard of वृष्णिस् killing one another and of the decease of राम and कृष्ण and bemoaned their loss. फलकम्:F१५: Ib. XI. ३१. १५; Vi. V. ३७. ५७.फलकम्:/F Entered fire. फलकम्:F१६: Vi. V. ३८. 4.फलकम्:/F
(II)--a son of परीक्षित्. भा. IX. २२. ३५. [page१-211+ ३१]
(III)--a Gandharva, presiding over the month of नभस्य; आवणि and पुरट्टाशि (वा। प्।) फलकम्:F1: भा. XII. ११. ३८; Br. II. २३. १०; वा. ५२. १०.फलकम्:/F A Mauneya Gandharva; फलकम्:F2: Br. III. 7. 1; वा. ६९. 1.फलकम्:/F in the sun's chariot in the भाद्र- पद month. फलकम्:F3: Vi. II. १०. १०.फलकम्:/F
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
CITRASENA II (UGRASENA) : One of the hundred sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra.
2) Other details.
(1) Citrasena was present for the svayaṁvara of Pāñ- cālī. (Śloka 3, Chapter 185, Ādi Parva, M.B.).
(2) Citrasena was among those who accompanied Duryodhana when he went to play the historical game of dice with Dharmaputra. (Śloka 13, Chapter 58, Sabhā Parva).
(3) In the great Mahābhārata battle he fought against Bhīmasena, Suśarmā, Sātyaki and Śatānīka. Bhīma killed him. (Chapter 137, Droṇa Parva).
*1st word in right half of page 187 (+offset) in original book.
UGRASENA I : King Ugrasena, father of Kaṁsa.
1) Genealogy. Descended from Viṣṇu thus: Brahmā- Atri-Candra-Budha-Purūravas-Āyus-Nahuṣa-Yayāti- Yadu-Sahasrajit-Śatajit-Hehaya-Dharma-Kunti-(Kuṇi)- Bhadrasena-Dhanaka-Kṛtavīrya-Kārttavīryārjuna- Madhu-Vṛṣṇi-Yudhājit-Śini-Satyaka-Sātyaki (Yuyu- dhāna)-Yaya-Kuṇi-Anamitra-Pṛśni-Citraratha-Kukūra Vahni-Vilomā-Kapotalomā-Tumburu-Dundubhi- Daridra-Vasu-Nāhuka-Āhuka-Ugrasena-Kaṁsa.
2) Ugrasena became king. Ugrasena became king of Mathu- rāpurī. His Kingship was not a hereditary acquisition. There is a story behind it. In olden days, in the plateau of Kālindī there was a famous place called Madhuvana. The place was called so because it was the abode of an Asura named Madhu. Madhu had a son, Lavaṇa. Śatru- ghna killed him as he was a very troublesome fellow and a thorn on the side of the Devas. Śatrughna then established a beautiful kingdom there and ruled it. He named it Mathurā. After the death of Śatrughna his two sons ruled Mathurā. Then, when the Solar dynasty came to its end, Mathurā came under the Yādavas. A Yādava king called Śūrasena ruled over the kingdom. Vasudeva, father of Śrī Kṛṣṇa was the son of Śūrasena. After the death of his father Vasudeva took up the pro- fession of herding cows, and therefore Ugrasena, another king of the Yādava dynasty had to become king of Mathurā. (Devī Bhāgavata, 4th Skandha).
3) Ugrasena and Kaṁsa. There is a common belief that Kaṁsa was the son of Ugrasena. But, the Bhāgavata relates the following to the effect that Kaṁsa was born to a Gandharva called Dramila of Ugrasena's wife.
When once Ugrasena's wife was in her monthly periods, she walked in the forest with her companions. A Gan- dharva called Dramila saw her then, felt attracted by her and made her pregnant. Angered at this, she cursed Dramila thus: “Since you have procreated a son in me, while I am in my periods this son will be killed by a boy born in my husband's family.” Kaṁsa was the son born to her in the above manner. Kaṁsa ascended the throne after putting Ugrasena in prison. According to the curse of Ugrasena's wife, Śrī Kṛṣṇa was born in Ugra- sena's family and he killed Kaṁsa. Nārada had informed Kaṁsa of the Dramila interlude. Kaṁsa told this story secretly to Akrūra when the latter was deputed by him to invite Kṛṣṇa to the dhanur yajña. (Bhāgavata, 10th Skandha).
The name Āhuka. Genealogy states that Ugrasena was the son of Āhuka. But, in certain contexts Ugrasena is called Āhuka also. “Afterwards we made Āhuka- Ugrasena King...” (M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 128, Verse 39).
5) Ugrasena imprisoned. Vasudeva, father of Śrī Kṛṣṇa was Ugrasena's minister. Kaṁsa, when he attained majority imprisoned Ugrasena and became himself king. (M.B. Sabhā Parva, Chapter 22).
6) Ugrasena regained kingdom. Śrī Kṛṣṇa killed Kaṁsa with the permission of Ugrasena and made him king again. During the reign of Ugrasena, Jarāsandha and Śālva attacked Mathurāpurī. (See under Kṛṣṇa).
7) Ugrasena and the iron rod. While Ugrasena was ruling the Kingdom, the sages Viśvāmitra, Nārada and Kañja once came to Dvārakā. To insult the sages, the Yādavas brought before them, Sāmba dressed as a pregnant woman. The Yādavas told the sages that she was Babhru's wife, and wanted to be told whether the child she deli- vered would be male or female. The sages understood their evil mentality, and prophesied that Sāmba would deliver an iron rod fierce enough to annihilate the whole Yādava race. According to the prophecy the next day Sāmba delivered an iron rod. The Yādavas imparted the news to Ugrasena, who got the iron rod reduced to powder and deposited the powder in the sea. He also enforced prohibition of liquor in the country. (To know how the powder of the rod ruined the Yādava dynasty see under Kṛṣṇa). (M.B. Mausala Parva, Chapter 1).
8) After death. After his death, Ugrasena joined the Viśvadevatās. Bhūriśravas, Śala, Bhūri, Kaṁsa- Ugrasena, Vasudeva, Uttara with his brother Śaṅkha- these kings (after death) joined the company of Viśva- devatās. (M.B. Svargārohaṇa Parva, Chapter 5, Verses 16, 17).
*4th word in right half of page 804 (+offset) in original book.
UGRASENA II : A brother of King Janamejaya. He, along with his two brothers thrashed the son of Saramā. (M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 3, Verses 1 and 2).
*1st word in left half of page 805 (+offset) in original book.
UGRASENA III : Son of Kaśyapa by his wife Muni. (M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 65, Verse 42). He was pre- sent at the birthday celebrations of Arjuna. (M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 122, Verse 52). He was also present to witness the fight between Arjuna and Kṛpācārya at the Virāṭa city. (M.B. Virāṭa Parva, Chapter 56, Verses 11 and 12).
*2nd word in left half of page 805 (+offset) in original book.
UGRASENA IV : A king who was Svarbhānu, the asura, reborn. (M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 67, Verses 12 and 13).
*3rd word in left half of page 805 (+offset) in original book.
UGRASENA V : A son of Dhṛtarāṣṭra. He is also called Citrasena. (M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 100). This Ugrasena was killed by Bhīma. (M.B. Droṇa Parva, Chapter 137).
*4th word in left half of page 805 (+offset) in original book.
UGRASENA VI : Son of Parīkṣit, king of the Lunar dynasty. (M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 94, Verses 52-54).
*5th word in left half of page 805 (+offset) in original book.