



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

उत्तरकुरुः, स्त्री, (उत्तरः कुरुः ।) जम्बुद्वीपस्य नव- वर्षान्तर्गतवर्षविशेषः । इति त्रिकाण्डशेषः ॥ (“विजित्य यः प्राज्यमयच्छदुत्तरान् कुरूनकुप्यं वसु वासावोपमः” । इति किरातार्ज्जुनीये । १ । २५ ॥)



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

उत्तरकुरु¦ पु॰ नववर्षात्मकस्य जम्बुद्वीपस्य वर्षभेदे। वर्षाणांसंस्थितिः सि॰ शि॰ उक्ता
“लङ्कादेशाद्धिमगिरिरुदघेमकूटोऽथ तस्मात् तस्माच्चान्योनिषध इति ते सिन्धुपर्य्यन्तदैर्घ्याः। एवं सिद्धादुदगपिपुराच्छृङ्गवच्छुक्लनीला वर्षाण्येषां जगुरिह बुधा अन्तरेद्रोणिदेशान्। भारतवर्षभिदं ह्युदगस्मात् किन्नरवर्षमतोहरिवर्षम्। सिद्धपुराच्च तथा कुरु, तस्माद्विद्धि हिर-ण्मयरम्यकवर्षे। माल्यवांश्च यमकोटिपत्तनाद्रोमकाच्च किलगन्धमादनः। नीलशैलनिषधावधी च तावन्तरालमन-योरिलावृतम्। माल्यवज्जलधिमध्यवर्ति यत् तत् तुभद्रतुरगं जगुर्बुधाः। गन्धशैलजलराशिमध्यगं केतु-मालकमिलाकलाविदः। निषधनीलसुगन्धसुमाल्यकैरल-मिलावृतमावृतमाबभौ। अमरकेलिकुलायसमाकुलं रुचि-रकाञ्चनचित्रमहीतलम्”
“अत्र भूगोलस्यार्धमुत्तरं जम्बू-द्वीपम्। तस्य ज्ञाराब्धेश्च सन्धिर्निरक्षदेशः। तत्र लङ्कारोमकं सिद्धपुरं यमकोटिरिति पुरचतुष्टयं भूपरिधि-चतुर्थांशान्तरं किल कथितम्। तेभ्यः पुरेभ्यो यस्यांदिशि मेरुः सोत्तरा। अतो लङ्काया उत्तरतो हिमवान्नाम गिरिः पूर्व्वापरसिन्धुपर्य्यन्तदैर्घ्योऽस्ति। तस्योत्तरे[Page1094-b+ 38] हेमकूटः। सोऽपि समुद्रपर्य्यन्तदैर्घ्यः। तथा तदुत्तरे नि-षधः। तेषामन्तरे यथोत्तरम् भारतकिन्नरहरिवर्षाणि। एवंसिद्धपुरादुत्तरतः शृङ्गवान् नाम गिरिः। ततः श्वेतगिरिः। ततो नीलगिरिरिति। तेऽपि सिन्धुपर्य्यन्तदैर्घ्याः। तेवामन्तरे च वर्षाणि। तत्रादौ कुरुवर्षम्। तदुत्तरेहिरण्मयम्। ततो रम्यकमिति। अथ यमकोटेरुत्तरतोमाल्यवान् नाम गिरिः। स तु निषधनीलपर्य्यन्तदैर्घ्यः। तस्य जलधेश्च मध्ये भद्राश्वं वर्षम्। एवं रोमकादुत्तरतोगन्धमादनः तस्य जलधेश्च मध्ये केतुमालम्। एवं निषधनीलमाल्यवद्गन्धमादनैरावृतमिलावृतं नामनवमखण्डम्। सा खर्गभूमिः। अतस्तत्र देवक्रीडा-गृहाणि” प्रमि॰। तत्र प्रधाना नदी भद्राख्या
“चक्षुश्च केतुमालञ्च भद्राख्या चोत्तरान् कुरुन्”। सि॰ शि॰। भा॰ उ॰ प॰

७ अ॰ तद्वर्षं वर्ण्णितं यथा
“दक्षिणेन तुनीलस्य मेरोः पार्श्वे तथोत्तरे। उत्तराः कुरवो राजन्पुण्याः सिद्धनिषेविताः। तत्र वृक्षा मधुफला नित्यपुष्प-फलोपमाः। पुष्पाणि च सुगन्धीनि रसवन्ति फलानिच। सर्व्वकामफलास्तत्र केचिद् वृक्षा जनाधिप!। अपरे क्षीरिणो नाम वृक्षास्तत्र नराधिप। ये क्षरन्तिसदा क्षीरं षड्रसञ्चामृतोपमम्। वस्त्राणि च प्रसूयन्तेफलेष्वाभरणानि च। सर्व्वा मणिमयी भूमिः सूक्ष्मका-ञ्चनबालुका। मणिरत्ननिभं रम्यं वज्रवैदूर्य्यसन्निभम्। भूभागं दृश्यते तत्र पद्मरागसमप्रभम्। सर्व्वर्त्तुसुखसं-स्पर्शा निष्पङ्का च जनाधिप। पुष्करिण्यः शुभास्तत्रसुखस्पर्शा मनोहराः। देवलोकच्युताः सर्व्वे जायन्ते तत्रमानवाः। शुक्लाभिजनसम्पन्नाः सर्व्वे सुप्रियदर्शनाः। मिथुनानि च जायन्ते स्त्रियश्चाप्सरसोपमाः। तेषान्तेक्षीरिणां क्षीरं पिबन्त्यमृतसन्निभम्। मिथुनं जायतेकाले समन्तत्र प्रवर्द्धते। तुल्यरूपगुणोपेतं समवेशं तथैवच। एवमेवानुरूपञ्च चक्रवाकसमं प्रभी!। निरामयाश्चते लोका नित्यं मुदितमानसाः। दशवर्षसहस्राणि दश-वर्षशतानि च। जीवन्ति ते महाराज! न चान्योऽन्यं जह-त्युत। भारुण्डा नाम शकुनास्तीक्ष्णतुण्डा भयानकाः। तान्निर्हरन्तीह मृतान् दरीषु प्रक्षिपन्ति च। उत्तराः कुरवोराजन्! व्याख्यातास्ते समासतः”। तेनास्य पुं स्त्वं क्लीवात्वञ्चउक्तवाक्येभ्यः। भा॰ स॰


३ अ॰ अर्ज्जनोत्तरदिग्विजये
“इदं पुरं यः प्रविशेद्ध्रवं न स भवेन्नरः। प्रीयामहे त्वयावीर! पर्य्याप्तो विजयस्तव। न चात्र किञ्चिज्जेतव्यम-[Page1095-a+ 38] र्ज्जुनात्र प्रदृश्यते। उत्तराः कुरवोह्येते नात्र युद्धं प्रव-र्त्तते। प्रविष्टोऽपि हि कौन्तेय! नेह द्रक्ष्यसि किञ्चन। नहि मानुषदेहेन शक्यमत्राभिवीक्षितुम्। अथेह पुरुष-व्याघ्र। किञ्चिदन्यच्चिकीर्षसि। तद्ब्रूहि च करिष्यामोवचनात्तव भारत!। ततस्तानब्रवीद्राजन्नर्जुनः प्रहसन्निव। पार्थिवत्व चिर्कर्षामि धर्म्मराजस्य धीमतः। न प्रवे-क्ष्यामि वो देशं विरुद्धं यदि मानुषैः। युधिष्ठिराय यत्किञ्चित् करपण्यं प्रदीयताम्”।
“ततोदिव्यानि वस्त्राणिदिव्यान्याभरणानि च। क्षौमाजिनानि दिव्यानि तस्य तेप्रददुः करम्”।
“तेऽवतीर्य्य बहून् देशानुत्तरांश्च कुरु-नपि”। भा॰ व॰


५ अ॰।
“विजित्य यः प्राज्यमयच्छदुत्तरान् कुरूनकुप्यं वसु वासवोपमः” किरा॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

उत्तरकुरु¦ mn. (-रुः-रु) Uttarakuru, the country about the north pole. E. उत्तर northern, and कुरु the nothern part of the globe.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

उत्तरकुरु/ उत्तर--कुरु m. n. one of the nine divisions of the world (the country of the northern कुरुs , situated in the north of India , and described as the country of eternal beatitude).


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Uttarakuru : m. (pl.): Name of a dvīpa and of the people residing there.

A. Location: Counted by Saṁjaya among the four dvīpas on the four sides of mountain Meru (tasya (i. e. of mount Meru 6. 7. 8) pārśve tv ime dvīpāś catvāraḥ saṁsthitāḥ prabho/…uttarāś caiva kuravaḥ) 6. 7. 11; to the south of Nīla mountain and to the northern side of mount Meru (dakṣiṇena tu nīlasya meroḥ pārśve tathottare/ uttarā kuravo rājan) 6. 8. 2; the river which arises from the juice of the fallen fruit of Jambū tree makes a pradakṣiṇā of Meru and flows to the Uttara Kurus (tasyā jambvāḥ phalaraso nadī bhūtvā janādhipa/ meruṁ pradakṣiṇaṁ kṛtvā saṁprayāty uttarān kurūn//) 6. 8. 23; it lies beyond the countries occupied by Mlecchas, and beyond the mountainous regions occupied by Vidyādharas, Vānaras, Kiṁnaras, Kiṁpuruṣas; beyond the Uttara Kurus lie the Kailāsa mountain and the Naranārāyaṇāśrama (deśān mlecchagaṇākīrṇān…dadṛśur giripādāṁś ca…vidyādharagaṇākīrṇān yutān vānarakiṁnaraiḥ/tathā kiṁpuruṣaiś caiva gandharvaiś ca samantataḥ//…te vyatītya bahūn deśān uttarāṁś ca kurūn api/dadṛśur…kailāsaṁ parvatottamam// tasyābhyāśe tu dadṛśur naranārāyaṇāśramam (3. 145. 12-13; 15-16; they are conceived to be beyond mountain Meru and the Nandana forest and below the world of Soma 13. 105. 20, 23, 29; Arjuna in his expedition to the north went up to the Uttara Kurus but did not enter it; the Uttara Kurus lay beyond the Śveta mountain, the residence of Kiṁpuruṣas, the Hāṭaka deśa, Gandharva deśa, Harivarṣa in the north (prayayāv uttarāṁ tasmād diśaṁ) 2. 24. 1; (evaṁ sa… vijigye diśaṁ uttarām) 2. 25. 17, 24; (sa śvetaparvataṁ vīraḥ samatikramya…deśaṁ kiṁpuruṣāvāsam…taṁ jitvā hāṭakaṁ deśam…gandharvarakṣitaṁ deśaṁ vyajayat pāṇḍavas tataḥ//…uttaraṁ harivarṣaṁ tu samāsādya sa pāṇḍavaḥ/…uttarāḥ kuravo hy ete) 2. 25. 1, 3, 5, 7, 11; (diśaṁ hy udīcīm api cottarān kurūn gāṇḍīvadhanvā ekaratho jigāya) 5. 22. 12; (according to Nīla. on Bom. Ed. 5. 22. 12: uttarān kurūn himācalād apy udagdeśān svargabhūmirūpān); they are once distinguished from the southern Kurus (i. e. the Kuru country) 1. 102. 10.

B. Description: Holy (puṇya) 6. 8. 2; 13. 54. 16; delightful (ramya) 13. 105. 25; where Siddhas live (siddhaniṣevita) 6. 8. 2; abode of those who have done meritorious acts (kṛtapuṇyapratiśraya) 6. 7. 11.

C. Holiness:

(1) The land of the Uttara Kurus was meant for those who had no expectations from all beings, who did not eat meat, who had abandoned the use of rod, who did no injury to moving and non-moving beings, who had become one with all beings, who had no desires, no attachments, who were free from passions, who were indifferent to gain and loss, to abuse and praise (ye sarvabhūteṣu nivṛttakāmā amāṁsādā nyastadaṇḍāś caranti/na hiṁsanti sthāvaraṁ jaṅgamaṁ ca bhūtānāṁ ye sarvabhūtātmabhūtāḥ//nirāśiṣo nirmamā vītarāgā lābhālābhe tulyanindāpraśaṁsāḥ/tathāvidhānām eṣa loko maharṣe) 13. 105. 27-28;

(2) One who donates household articles (like bed etc.), having all qualities, to a good Brāhmaṇa, who is learned and virtuous, goes to the land of the Uttara Kurus (naiveśikaṁ sarvaguṇopapannam dadāti vai yas tu naro dvijāya/svādhyāyacāritraguṇānvitāya tasyāpi lokāḥ kuruṣūttareṣu//) 13. 57. 33 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 13. 57. 33: naiveśikaṁ gṛhopaskaraṁ śayyādi);

(3) Warriors who somehow got killed between two battles in the epic war went to Uttara Kurus (ye tatra nihatā rājann antarāyodhanaṁ prati/yathākathaṁcit te rājan saṁprāptā uttarān kurūn) 11. 26. 17.

D. Characteristics:

(1) The trees in the Uttara Kurus have sweet and juicy fruits and fragrant flowers; they bear fruits and flowers in all seasons; some trees give any kind of fruit according to one's desire and others always yield milk which has six flavours and is like amṛta; they also produce garments and ornaments from their fruits; jewelled ground in the Uttara Kurus is spread over with thin golden sand; it is everywhere pleasant to touch and is free from mud; men who fall down from the world of gods are born there; both men and women there have similar form and virtues; they are born in pairs; the women are comparable with apsaras; they drink milk, which is like amṛta, of the milk-producing trees; since they are born in pairs, they grow up together, are similar in form and virtues and wear similar dress; they love each other like the cakravāka birds; they are always happy and live ten thousand and ten hundred years; free from disease, they are not afflicted by sorrow; they never abandon each other; when they die, very strong Bhāruṇḍa birds, having sharp beaks, carry them away and throw them in valleys; (this is a short description of the Uttarakurus given by Saṁjaya to Dhṛtarāṣṭra) (uttarā kuravo rājan…/tatra vṛkṣā madhuphalā nityapuṣpaphalopagāḥ/puṣpāṇi ca sugandhīni rasavanti phalāni ca//sarvakāmaphalās tatra kecid vṛkṣā janādhipa/apare kṣīriṇo nāma vṛkṣās tatra narādhipa//ye kṣaranti sadā kṣīraṁ ṣaḍrasaṁ hy amṛtopamam/ vastrāṇi ca prasūyante phaleṣv ābharaṇāni ca//sarvā maṇimayā bhūmiḥ sūkṣmakāñcanavālukā/sarvatra sukhasaṁsparśā niṣpaṅkā ca janādhipa//devalokacyutāḥ sarve jāyante tatra mānavāḥ/tulyarūpaguṇopetāḥ sameṣu viṣameṣu ca//mithunāni ca jāyante striyaś cāpsarasopamāḥ/teṣāṁ te kṣīriṇāṁ ksīram pibanty amṛtaśaṁnibham//mithunaṁ jāyamānaṁ vai samaṁ tac ca pravardhate/tulyarūpaguṇopetaṁ samaveṣaṁ tathaiva ca/ekaikam anuraktaṁ ca cakravākasamaṁ vibho//nīrāmayā vītaśokā nityaṁ muditamānasāḥ/ daśa varṣasahasrāṇi daśa varṣaśatāni ca/ jīvanti te mahārāja na cānyonyaṁ jahaty uta//bhāruṇḍā nāma śakunās tīkṣṇatuṇḍā mahābalāḥ/te nirharanti hi mṛtān darīṣu prakṣipanti ca//uttarā kuravo rājan vyākhyātās te samāsataḥ/) 6. 8. 2-12;

(2) The juicy fruits of the Jambū tree called Sudarśana, falling on ground, give rise to a river which, after encircling the Meru mountain, flows to the Uttarakurus; the men living in the Uttarakurus happily drink that juice and hence oldage never overtakes them (tasmin phalarase pīte na jarā bādhate ca tān) 6. 8. 23-24;

(3) At the birth of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāṇḍu and Vidura, the people of the Kuru country became so prosperous and happy that they are said to have vied with the people of the Uttara Kurus (uttaraiḥ kurubhtḥ sārdhaṁ dakṣiṇāḥ kuravas tadā/vispardhamānā vyacaran) 1. 102. 10;

(4) In the Uttarakurus, Brāhmaṇas who are not born the natural way, i. e. whose origin is in the fire or mountain, delight with gods (devaiḥ sārdhaṁ modamānā narendra/yatrāgniyaunāś ca vasanti viprā hy ayonayaḥ parvatayonayaś ca) 13. 105. 25 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 13. 102. 25: agniyaunā dhṛṣṭadyumnavad agnir eva yaunaṁ yonir yeṣāṁ te);

(5) King Kuśika having seen the golden palace, looking like the Gandharvanagara, and the wonderful forest created by sage Cyavana wondered whether he was bodily transferred to the land of the Uttarakurus (aho saha śarīreṇa prāpto 'smi paramāṁ gatim/uttarān vā kurūn puṇyān) 13. 54 16, 1-2;

(6) Indra showers all wishes on this land (yatrottarāḥ kuravo…yatra śakro varṣati sarvakāmān) 13. 105. 25-26;

(7) The gate-keepers of Harivarṣa told Arjuna that those were the lands of the Uttarakurus and he could not conquer their town; one who entered it did not remain a man: no wars were fought on the lands of Uttarakurus; even if Arjuna entered the land he would not be able to see anything, since no one with a human body could see anything there (tata enaṁ …dvārapālā samāsādya…vacanam abruvan//pārtha nedaṁ tvayā śakyaṁ puraṁ jetuṁ kathaṁcana/…idaṁ puraṁ yaḥ praviśed dhruvaṁ sa na bhaven naraḥ/… uttarāḥ kuravo hy ete nātra yuddhaṁ pravartate//praviṣṭaś cāpi kaunteya neha drakṣyasi kiṁcana/na hi mānuṣadehena śakyam atrābhivīkṣitum//) 2. 25. 8-12;

(8) Formerly, women were not closeted (in four walls), they moved as they liked, and were independent; they united with men other than their husbands since their marriage as virgins, and in ancient times that was not adharma, but dharma; that ancient dharma, favourable to women, was still practised by people of the Uttara Kurus (anāvṛtāḥ kila purā striya āsan varānane/kāmacāravihāriṇyaḥ svatantrāś cārulocane//tāsāṁ vyuccaramāṇānām kaumārāt subhage patīn/nādharmo 'bhūt varārohe sa hi dharmaḥ purābhavat// …purāṇadṛṣṭo dharmo 'yam…uttareṣu ca rambhoru kuruṣv adyāpi vartate//) 1. 113. 4-5, 6-7; (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 122. 4: anāvṛtāḥ sarvair draṣṭuṁ yogyāḥ/kāmacāro ratisukhaṁ tadarthaṁ vihāriṇyaḥ paryaṭanaśīlāḥ svatantrāḥ bhartrādibhir anivāryāḥ/); where women behaved as they liked, where men and women were not envious (yatra striyaḥ kāmacārāś caranti/ yatra cerṣyā nāsti nārīnarāṇām) 13. 105. 26.

E. Epic events:

(1) Pāṇḍu told Kuntī that the ancient dharma, applicable to married women, was still followed among the Uttarakurus 1. 113. 7 (see above

D. Characteristics: No. 7).

(2) The gatekeepers of Harivarṣa did not allow Arjuna to enter the town (see above

D. Characteristics No. 6); they advised Arjuna to return; he then told gate-keepers that he would not enter the land that was prohibited for human beings; he however asked for tribute for Yudhiṣṭhira's Rājasūya sacrifice; the gate-keepers then gave Arjuna heavenly garments, ornaments and animal- and deer-skins (na pravakṣyāmi vo deśaṁ bādhyatvaṁ yadi mānuṣaiḥ/yudhiṣṭhirāya yat kiṁcit karavan naḥ pradīyatām//tato divyāni vastrāṇi divyāny ābharaṇāni ca/ mokājināni divyāni tasmai te pradaduḥ karam//) 2. 25. 15-16; Dhṛtarāṣṭra referred to Arjuna's conquering the northern direction and the Uttarakurus and making them pay tribute; he also said that Arjuna brought wealth from them and made them join his army (which is not reported earlier in 2. 25. 15-16) (diśam udīcīm api cottarān kurūn gāṇḍīvadhanvā…jigāya/dhanaṁ caiṣām āharat savyasācī senānugān balidāṁś caiva cakre) 5. 22. 12;

(3) Flowers, brought down by waters flowing from Uttarakurus, were brought for making garlands as tribute to Yudhiṣṭhira by the mountain peoples (uttarebhyaḥ kurubhyaś cāpy apoḍhaṁ mālyam ambubhiḥ/…pārvatīyā baliṁ cānyam āhṛtya praṇatāḥ sthitāḥ) 2. 48. 6-7;

(4) The Pāṇḍavas on their way to Gandhamādana crossed the Uttarakurus and saw the Kailāsa mountain and the āśrama of Nara and Nārāyaṇa in its vicinity (te vyatītya…uttarāṁś ca kurūn api/dadṛśur…kailāsam…//tasyābhyāśe tu dadṛśur naranārāyaṇāśramam) 3. 145. 15-16;

(5) After the miracle of the meeting of the dead warriors with their living relatives, brought about by Vyāsa, the dead returned to the place from where they came; some of them returned to the Uttarakurus (svāni sthānāni bhejire// ...kecic cāpy uttarān kurūn) 15. 41. 13, 15.

F. Past events: The sage Gautama offered king Dhṛtarāṣṭra (who was really Indra) the world of the Uttarakurus in lieu of his elephant but the latter refused to return the elephant and accept the Uttarakurus (yatrottarāḥ kuravo bhānti ramyā…tatra tvāhaṁ hastinaṁ yātayiṣye//…paraṁ gantā dhṛtarāṣṭro na tatra) 13. 105. 25-26, 28;

(2) In the long, twelve-yearly sacrifice of the sage Agastya, when a difficulty arose due to famine, the sage just said that whatever wealth was found in the Uttarakurus all that should appear of its own accord at the place of his sacrifice, and it happened just as he said (uttarebhyaḥ kurubhyaś ca yat kiṁcid vasu vidyate/sarvaṁ tad tha yajñe me svayam evopatiṣṭhatu/…ity ukte sarvam evaitad abhavat tasya dhīmataḥ) 14. 95. 25-26.

*1st word in left half of page p635_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p634_mci .......... next page p638_mci

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Uttarakuru : m. (pl.): Name of a dvīpa and of the people residing there.

A. Location: Counted by Saṁjaya among the four dvīpas on the four sides of mountain Meru (tasya (i. e. of mount Meru 6. 7. 8) pārśve tv ime dvīpāś catvāraḥ saṁsthitāḥ prabho/…uttarāś caiva kuravaḥ) 6. 7. 11; to the south of Nīla mountain and to the northern side of mount Meru (dakṣiṇena tu nīlasya meroḥ pārśve tathottare/ uttarā kuravo rājan) 6. 8. 2; the river which arises from the juice of the fallen fruit of Jambū tree makes a pradakṣiṇā of Meru and flows to the Uttara Kurus (tasyā jambvāḥ phalaraso nadī bhūtvā janādhipa/ meruṁ pradakṣiṇaṁ kṛtvā saṁprayāty uttarān kurūn//) 6. 8. 23; it lies beyond the countries occupied by Mlecchas, and beyond the mountainous regions occupied by Vidyādharas, Vānaras, Kiṁnaras, Kiṁpuruṣas; beyond the Uttara Kurus lie the Kailāsa mountain and the Naranārāyaṇāśrama (deśān mlecchagaṇākīrṇān…dadṛśur giripādāṁś ca…vidyādharagaṇākīrṇān yutān vānarakiṁnaraiḥ/tathā kiṁpuruṣaiś caiva gandharvaiś ca samantataḥ//…te vyatītya bahūn deśān uttarāṁś ca kurūn api/dadṛśur…kailāsaṁ parvatottamam// tasyābhyāśe tu dadṛśur naranārāyaṇāśramam (3. 145. 12-13; 15-16; they are conceived to be beyond mountain Meru and the Nandana forest and below the world of Soma 13. 105. 20, 23, 29; Arjuna in his expedition to the north went up to the Uttara Kurus but did not enter it; the Uttara Kurus lay beyond the Śveta mountain, the residence of Kiṁpuruṣas, the Hāṭaka deśa, Gandharva deśa, Harivarṣa in the north (prayayāv uttarāṁ tasmād diśaṁ) 2. 24. 1; (evaṁ sa… vijigye diśaṁ uttarām) 2. 25. 17, 24; (sa śvetaparvataṁ vīraḥ samatikramya…deśaṁ kiṁpuruṣāvāsam…taṁ jitvā hāṭakaṁ deśam…gandharvarakṣitaṁ deśaṁ vyajayat pāṇḍavas tataḥ//…uttaraṁ harivarṣaṁ tu samāsādya sa pāṇḍavaḥ/…uttarāḥ kuravo hy ete) 2. 25. 1, 3, 5, 7, 11; (diśaṁ hy udīcīm api cottarān kurūn gāṇḍīvadhanvā ekaratho jigāya) 5. 22. 12; (according to Nīla. on Bom. Ed. 5. 22. 12: uttarān kurūn himācalād apy udagdeśān svargabhūmirūpān); they are once distinguished from the southern Kurus (i. e. the Kuru country) 1. 102. 10.

B. Description: Holy (puṇya) 6. 8. 2; 13. 54. 16; delightful (ramya) 13. 105. 25; where Siddhas live (siddhaniṣevita) 6. 8. 2; abode of those who have done meritorious acts (kṛtapuṇyapratiśraya) 6. 7. 11.

C. Holiness:

(1) The land of the Uttara Kurus was meant for those who had no expectations from all beings, who did not eat meat, who had abandoned the use of rod, who did no injury to moving and non-moving beings, who had become one with all beings, who had no desires, no attachments, who were free from passions, who were indifferent to gain and loss, to abuse and praise (ye sarvabhūteṣu nivṛttakāmā amāṁsādā nyastadaṇḍāś caranti/na hiṁsanti sthāvaraṁ jaṅgamaṁ ca bhūtānāṁ ye sarvabhūtātmabhūtāḥ//nirāśiṣo nirmamā vītarāgā lābhālābhe tulyanindāpraśaṁsāḥ/tathāvidhānām eṣa loko maharṣe) 13. 105. 27-28;

(2) One who donates household articles (like bed etc.), having all qualities, to a good Brāhmaṇa, who is learned and virtuous, goes to the land of the Uttara Kurus (naiveśikaṁ sarvaguṇopapannam dadāti vai yas tu naro dvijāya/svādhyāyacāritraguṇānvitāya tasyāpi lokāḥ kuruṣūttareṣu//) 13. 57. 33 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 13. 57. 33: naiveśikaṁ gṛhopaskaraṁ śayyādi);

(3) Warriors who somehow got killed between two battles in the epic war went to Uttara Kurus (ye tatra nihatā rājann antarāyodhanaṁ prati/yathākathaṁcit te rājan saṁprāptā uttarān kurūn) 11. 26. 17.

D. Characteristics:

(1) The trees in the Uttara Kurus have sweet and juicy fruits and fragrant flowers; they bear fruits and flowers in all seasons; some trees give any kind of fruit according to one's desire and others always yield milk which has six flavours and is like amṛta; they also produce garments and ornaments from their fruits; jewelled ground in the Uttara Kurus is spread over with thin golden sand; it is everywhere pleasant to touch and is free from mud; men who fall down from the world of gods are born there; both men and women there have similar form and virtues; they are born in pairs; the women are comparable with apsaras; they drink milk, which is like amṛta, of the milk-producing trees; since they are born in pairs, they grow up together, are similar in form and virtues and wear similar dress; they love each other like the cakravāka birds; they are always happy and live ten thousand and ten hundred years; free from disease, they are not afflicted by sorrow; they never abandon each other; when they die, very strong Bhāruṇḍa birds, having sharp beaks, carry them away and throw them in valleys; (this is a short description of the Uttarakurus given by Saṁjaya to Dhṛtarāṣṭra) (uttarā kuravo rājan…/tatra vṛkṣā madhuphalā nityapuṣpaphalopagāḥ/puṣpāṇi ca sugandhīni rasavanti phalāni ca//sarvakāmaphalās tatra kecid vṛkṣā janādhipa/apare kṣīriṇo nāma vṛkṣās tatra narādhipa//ye kṣaranti sadā kṣīraṁ ṣaḍrasaṁ hy amṛtopamam/ vastrāṇi ca prasūyante phaleṣv ābharaṇāni ca//sarvā maṇimayā bhūmiḥ sūkṣmakāñcanavālukā/sarvatra sukhasaṁsparśā niṣpaṅkā ca janādhipa//devalokacyutāḥ sarve jāyante tatra mānavāḥ/tulyarūpaguṇopetāḥ sameṣu viṣameṣu ca//mithunāni ca jāyante striyaś cāpsarasopamāḥ/teṣāṁ te kṣīriṇāṁ ksīram pibanty amṛtaśaṁnibham//mithunaṁ jāyamānaṁ vai samaṁ tac ca pravardhate/tulyarūpaguṇopetaṁ samaveṣaṁ tathaiva ca/ekaikam anuraktaṁ ca cakravākasamaṁ vibho//nīrāmayā vītaśokā nityaṁ muditamānasāḥ/ daśa varṣasahasrāṇi daśa varṣaśatāni ca/ jīvanti te mahārāja na cānyonyaṁ jahaty uta//bhāruṇḍā nāma śakunās tīkṣṇatuṇḍā mahābalāḥ/te nirharanti hi mṛtān darīṣu prakṣipanti ca//uttarā kuravo rājan vyākhyātās te samāsataḥ/) 6. 8. 2-12;

(2) The juicy fruits of the Jambū tree called Sudarśana, falling on ground, give rise to a river which, after encircling the Meru mountain, flows to the Uttarakurus; the men living in the Uttarakurus happily drink that juice and hence oldage never overtakes them (tasmin phalarase pīte na jarā bādhate ca tān) 6. 8. 23-24;

(3) At the birth of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāṇḍu and Vidura, the people of the Kuru country became so prosperous and happy that they are said to have vied with the people of the Uttara Kurus (uttaraiḥ kurubhtḥ sārdhaṁ dakṣiṇāḥ kuravas tadā/vispardhamānā vyacaran) 1. 102. 10;

(4) In the Uttarakurus, Brāhmaṇas who are not born the natural way, i. e. whose origin is in the fire or mountain, delight with gods (devaiḥ sārdhaṁ modamānā narendra/yatrāgniyaunāś ca vasanti viprā hy ayonayaḥ parvatayonayaś ca) 13. 105. 25 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 13. 102. 25: agniyaunā dhṛṣṭadyumnavad agnir eva yaunaṁ yonir yeṣāṁ te);

(5) King Kuśika having seen the golden palace, looking like the Gandharvanagara, and the wonderful forest created by sage Cyavana wondered whether he was bodily transferred to the land of the Uttarakurus (aho saha śarīreṇa prāpto 'smi paramāṁ gatim/uttarān vā kurūn puṇyān) 13. 54 16, 1-2;

(6) Indra showers all wishes on this land (yatrottarāḥ kuravo…yatra śakro varṣati sarvakāmān) 13. 105. 25-26;

(7) The gate-keepers of Harivarṣa told Arjuna that those were the lands of the Uttarakurus and he could not conquer their town; one who entered it did not remain a man: no wars were fought on the lands of Uttarakurus; even if Arjuna entered the land he would not be able to see anything, since no one with a human body could see anything there (tata enaṁ …dvārapālā samāsādya…vacanam abruvan//pārtha nedaṁ tvayā śakyaṁ puraṁ jetuṁ kathaṁcana/…idaṁ puraṁ yaḥ praviśed dhruvaṁ sa na bhaven naraḥ/… uttarāḥ kuravo hy ete nātra yuddhaṁ pravartate//praviṣṭaś cāpi kaunteya neha drakṣyasi kiṁcana/na hi mānuṣadehena śakyam atrābhivīkṣitum//) 2. 25. 8-12;

(8) Formerly, women were not closeted (in four walls), they moved as they liked, and were independent; they united with men other than their husbands since their marriage as virgins, and in ancient times that was not adharma, but dharma; that ancient dharma, favourable to women, was still practised by people of the Uttara Kurus (anāvṛtāḥ kila purā striya āsan varānane/kāmacāravihāriṇyaḥ svatantrāś cārulocane//tāsāṁ vyuccaramāṇānām kaumārāt subhage patīn/nādharmo 'bhūt varārohe sa hi dharmaḥ purābhavat// …purāṇadṛṣṭo dharmo 'yam…uttareṣu ca rambhoru kuruṣv adyāpi vartate//) 1. 113. 4-5, 6-7; (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 122. 4: anāvṛtāḥ sarvair draṣṭuṁ yogyāḥ/kāmacāro ratisukhaṁ tadarthaṁ vihāriṇyaḥ paryaṭanaśīlāḥ svatantrāḥ bhartrādibhir anivāryāḥ/); where women behaved as they liked, where men and women were not envious (yatra striyaḥ kāmacārāś caranti/ yatra cerṣyā nāsti nārīnarāṇām) 13. 105. 26.

E. Epic events:

(1) Pāṇḍu told Kuntī that the ancient dharma, applicable to married women, was still followed among the Uttarakurus 1. 113. 7 (see above

D. Characteristics: No. 7).

(2) The gatekeepers of Harivarṣa did not allow Arjuna to enter the town (see above

D. Characteristics No. 6); they advised Arjuna to return; he then told gate-keepers that he would not enter the land that was prohibited for human beings; he however asked for tribute for Yudhiṣṭhira's Rājasūya sacrifice; the gate-keepers then gave Arjuna heavenly garments, ornaments and animal- and deer-skins (na pravakṣyāmi vo deśaṁ bādhyatvaṁ yadi mānuṣaiḥ/yudhiṣṭhirāya yat kiṁcit karavan naḥ pradīyatām//tato divyāni vastrāṇi divyāny ābharaṇāni ca/ mokājināni divyāni tasmai te pradaduḥ karam//) 2. 25. 15-16; Dhṛtarāṣṭra referred to Arjuna's conquering the northern direction and the Uttarakurus and making them pay tribute; he also said that Arjuna brought wealth from them and made them join his army (which is not reported earlier in 2. 25. 15-16) (diśam udīcīm api cottarān kurūn gāṇḍīvadhanvā…jigāya/dhanaṁ caiṣām āharat savyasācī senānugān balidāṁś caiva cakre) 5. 22. 12;

(3) Flowers, brought down by waters flowing from Uttarakurus, were brought for making garlands as tribute to Yudhiṣṭhira by the mountain peoples (uttarebhyaḥ kurubhyaś cāpy apoḍhaṁ mālyam ambubhiḥ/…pārvatīyā baliṁ cānyam āhṛtya praṇatāḥ sthitāḥ) 2. 48. 6-7;

(4) The Pāṇḍavas on their way to Gandhamādana crossed the Uttarakurus and saw the Kailāsa mountain and the āśrama of Nara and Nārāyaṇa in its vicinity (te vyatītya…uttarāṁś ca kurūn api/dadṛśur…kailāsam…//tasyābhyāśe tu dadṛśur naranārāyaṇāśramam) 3. 145. 15-16;

(5) After the miracle of the meeting of the dead warriors with their living relatives, brought about by Vyāsa, the dead returned to the place from where they came; some of them returned to the Uttarakurus (svāni sthānāni bhejire// ...kecic cāpy uttarān kurūn) 15. 41. 13, 15.

F. Past events: The sage Gautama offered king Dhṛtarāṣṭra (who was really Indra) the world of the Uttarakurus in lieu of his elephant but the latter refused to return the elephant and accept the Uttarakurus (yatrottarāḥ kuravo bhānti ramyā…tatra tvāhaṁ hastinaṁ yātayiṣye//…paraṁ gantā dhṛtarāṣṭro na tatra) 13. 105. 25-26, 28;

(2) In the long, twelve-yearly sacrifice of the sage Agastya, when a difficulty arose due to famine, the sage just said that whatever wealth was found in the Uttarakurus all that should appear of its own accord at the place of his sacrifice, and it happened just as he said (uttarebhyaḥ kurubhyaś ca yat kiṁcid vasu vidyate/sarvaṁ tad tha yajñe me svayam evopatiṣṭhatu/…ity ukte sarvam evaitad abhavat tasya dhīmataḥ) 14. 95. 25-26.

*1st word in left half of page p635_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p634_mci .......... next page p638_mci


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

उत्तरकुरु पु.
(बहु.) उत्तर कुरु प्रदेश के लोग, जै.ब्रा. I.118।

"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=उत्तरकुरु&oldid=492316" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्