यन्त्रोपारोपितकोशांशः सम्पाद्यताम्

कल्पद्रुमः सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कृतम्, क्ली, (क्रियते सत्यमेवानुष्ठीयतेऽस्मिन् यद्वा क्रियते सत्ये स्थाप्यते लोको यत्र । कृ + क्तः ।) सत्ययुगम् । (यथा, विष्णुपुराणे । २ । १ । ४३ । “कृतत्रेतादिसर्गेण युगाख्यां ह्येकसप्ततिः” ॥) पर्य्याप्तम् । इत्यमरः । ३ । ३ । ७६ ॥ फलम् । इति हेमचन्द्रः ॥ अलमर्थः । इति मेदिनी ॥ (यथा, -- शाकुन्तले १ माङ्के । “अथवा कृतं सन्देहेन” ॥ पुं, वसुदेवस्य रोहिण्यां पत्न्यां जातः पुत्त्रविशेषः । यथा, भागवते ९ । २४ । ४६ । “बलं गदं सारणञ्च दुर्म्मदं विमलं ध्रुवम् । वसुदेवस्तु रोहिण्यां कृतादीनुदपादयत्” ॥)

कृतम्, त्रि, (क्रियते विधीयते हन्यते निष्पाद्यते वा । कृ + कर्म्मणि क्तः ।) विहितम् । (यथा, वेणीसंहारे । “कृतमनुमतं दृष्टं वा यैरिदं गुरुपातकम्” ॥) हिंसितम् । इति मेदिनी ॥ निष्पादितम् । इत्य- मरटीकायां मथुरानाथः ॥

अमरकोशः सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कृत नपुं।




श्रुतं शास्त्रावधृतयोर्युगपर्याप्तयोः कृतम्. अत्याहितं महाभीतिः कर्म जीवानपेक्षि च॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : नाम, द्रव्यम्, कालः

कृत नपुं।




श्रुतं शास्त्रावधृतयोर्युगपर्याप्तयोः कृतम्. अत्याहितं महाभीतिः कर्म जीवानपेक्षि च॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : , गुणः, मानसिकभावः

वाचस्पत्यम् सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कृत¦ संशब्दे चुरा॰ उभ॰ सक॰ सेट्। कीर्तयति ते अचिकी-र्त्तत् त कीर्त्तयां बभूव आस चकार चक्रे। कीर्त्तिःकीर्त्तनम् कीर्त्तितः कीर्त्त्यन्। कीर्त्त्यते कीत्त्यमानः

कृत¦ छेदे तुदा॰ पर॰ सक॰ सेट् मुचादि। कृन्तति अकर्त्तीत्कर्त्तिष्यति--कर्त्स्यति ईदित् कृत्तः कृत्तिः।
“न विश्वसेद-विश्वस्ते विश्वस्ते नातिविश्वसेत्। विश्वासाद् भयमुत्पन्नंमूलान्यपि निकृन्तति” हितो॰। प्रनिकृन्तति णिचिकर्त्तयति ते अचीकृतत्--त अचकर्त्तत्--त सनि। चिक-र्त्तिषति
“शिरोऽतिरागाद्दशमं चिकीर्त्तिषुः” माघः। कर्त्तनं कर्त्तनी कृन्तनम्।

कृत¦ वेष्टे रुधा॰ पर॰ सक॰ सेट्। कृणत्ति कृन्तः अकर्त्तीत्। चकर्त

कृत¦ त्रि॰ कृ + कर्म्मणि क्त।

१ सम्पादिते

२ जनिते

३ अभ्यस्तेच।
“कृतमोदनसक्त्वादि तण्डुलादि कृताकृतम्। ब्री-ह्यादि चाकृतं प्रोक्तमिति द्रव्यं त्रिधा बुधैः” कात्या॰उक्ते

४ ओदानादौ हविषि न॰।
“कृतमनुमतं दृष्टं वा यैरिदं गुरु पातकम्” वेणीसं॰

५ विहिते त्रि॰।

६ फलेन॰।

७ सत्ययुगे न॰ तन्मानाद्युक्तं मनुना
“चत्वार्य्याहुः[Page2177-b+ 38] सहस्राणि वर्षाणान्तु कृतं युगम्। तस्य तावच्छती सन्ध्यासन्ध्याशश्च तथाविधः”। तेन


०० दिव्यवर्षास्तन्मानम्व्यक्तमुक्तं सू॰ सि॰ यथा
“तद्द्वादशसहस्राणि चतु-र्युगमुदाहृतम्। सूर्याव्दसङ्ख्यया द्वित्रिसागरैरयुता-हतैः। सन्ध्यासन्ध्यांशसहितं विज्ञेयं तच्चतुर्युगम्। कृ-तादीनां व्यवस्थेयं धर्मपादव्यवस्थया युगस्य दशमोभागश्चतुस्त्रिद्व्येकसङ्गुणः। क्रमात् कृतयुगादीनां ष-ष्ठोंशः सन्ध्ययोः स्वकः”। ततश्च मानुषमानेन




० वर्षास्तन्मानं। तदेतदुक्तं सि॰ शि॰
“खखाभ्रदन्तसागरैर्युगा-ग्नियुग्ममूगुणैः। क्रमेण सूर्य्यवत्सरैः कृतादयो युगा-ङ्घ्रयः। स्वसन्ध्यकातदंशकैर्निजार्क

१२ भागसंमितैः। युताश्च तद्युतौ युगं रदाब्धयोऽयुताहताः” मू॰
“खखाऽभ्रदन्तसागरैरिति। रविवर्षाणां लक्षचतुष्टयेनद्वात्रिंत्सहस्राधिकेन चतुर्गुणेन कृतं नाम प्रथमो युग-चरणः




० । त्रिगुणेन त्रेतासंज्ञो द्वितीयोयुगचरणः




० । द्विगुणेन द्वापराख्यस्तृतीयः



० । एकगुणेन कलिश्चतुर्थः



०० । किंविशिष्टाएते युगचरणाः। स्वसन्ध्यकातदंशकैर्निजार्कभागसोम-तैर्युताश्च। युगचरणप्रमाणस्य यो द्वादशांशस्तत्प्रमाणातस्य चरणस्य सन्ध्या। सा चरणादौ भवति। तावांश्चसन्ध्यांशः। स चरणस्यान्ते। एवं स्वसन्ध्यासन्ध्यांशैःसह एते युगचरणाः कथिता इत्यर्थः। ततश्च कृतादौसन्ध्यावर्षाणि



०० । कृतान्ते सन्ध्यांशः



०० । त्रेता-दौ सन्ध्या



०० । त्रेतान्ते सन्ध्यांशः



०० । द्वापरादौ सन्ध्या



० । द्वापरान्ते सन्ध्यांशः



० ,कलेरादौ


०० सन्ध्या तदन्ते


०० सन्ध्यांशः” प्रमि॰
“पदैश्चतुर्भिः सुकृतैःस्थिरीकृते कृतेऽमुना के न तपः प्रपे-दिरे” नैष॰।


४ पृ॰ अयशब्ददर्शिते

९ चतुरङ्कयुक्तेपाशकभेदे

१० स्तोमभेदे च तत्रैवोदा॰

११ पर्य्याप्ते त्रि॰मेदि॰। भावे क्त!

१२ क्रियायां न॰ कृतपूर्ब्बी कटम् कृतपू-र्व्विशब्दे विवृतिः।

१३ दासभेदे पु॰ कृतदासशब्दे विवृतिः

१४ चतुःसंख्यायां
“युग्माग्नी कृतभूतानि” ति॰ त॰निगमः।

१५ साधिते पक्वे त्रि॰ कृतान्नम्।

शब्दसागरः सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कृत(-ई)कृती¦ r. 6th cl. (कृन्तति) To cut, to divide. r. 7th cl. (कृणति) To surround, to encompass.

कृत¦ mfn. (-तः-ता-तं)
1. Done, made, performed.
2. Injured, hurt.
3. Fit, proper. n. (-तं)
1. The first of the four ages of the world, the Satya- yug.
2. Fruit, consequence. adv.
1. Enough, sufficient.
2. Enough, completely finished.
3. Enough, have done, no more. E. कृ to do, to injure, &c. affix क्त।

Apte सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कृत [kṛta], p. p. [कृ-क्त]

Done, performed, made, effected accomplished, manufactured &c.; (p. p. of कृ 8. U. q. v.) ते करान् संप्रयच्छन्तु सुवर्णं च कृताकृतम् Mb.3.255.17; दिव्याः प्रसन्ना विविधाः सुराः कृतसुरा अपि Rām.5.11.22; natural and manufactured wines.

Wounded, hurt; सिद्ध्येत ते कृतमनोभवधर्षितायाः Bhāg.3.23.11.

Acquired, bought (a kind of son); Mb.13.49.4.

Cultivated; अकृतं च कृतात्क्षेत्राद् गौरजाविकमेव च Ms.1.114.

Appointed (as a duty); सो$पि यत्नेन संरक्ष्यो धर्मो राजकृतश्च यः Y.2.186.

Relating to, referring to; पतनीयकृते क्षेपे Y.2.21.

तम् Work, deed, action; कृतं न वेत्ति Pt.1.424; ungrateful; Ms.7.197.

Service, benefit.

Consequence, result.

Aim, object.

N. of that side of a die which is marked with four points; this is lucky; cf. Vāj.3.18.

N. of the first of the four Yugas of the world extending over 1728 years of men (see Ms.1.69 and Kull. thereon).

The number '4'.

A stake at a game.

Prize or booty gained in a battle.

An offering.

Magic sorcery. -Comp. -अकृत a. done and not done; i. e. done in part but not completed; कृताकृतस्यैव च काञ्चनस्य Bu. Ch.2.2; that which is done and that which is not done (Dvandva Comp.) मा त्वा ताप्तां कृताकृते Mbh. on P.II.2.29; कृताकृतप्रसङ्गि नित्यम्. (-तः) the Supreme Being. -अङ्क a.

marked, branded; कठ्यां कृताङ्को निर्वास्यः Ms.8.281.

numbered. (ङ्कः) that side of a die which is marked with four points. -अञ्जलि a. folding the hands in supplication; प्रणम्य शिरसा देवं कृताञ्जलिरभाषत Bg.11.14,35; Ms.4.154. -अनुकरa. following another's example, subservient. -अनुसारः custom, usage. -अन्त a. bringing to an end, terminating.

(तः) Yama, the god of death; कृतान्त आसीत्समरो देवानां सह दानवैः Bhāg.9.6.13; द्वितीयं कृतान्त- मिवाटन्तं व्याधमपश्यत् H.1.

fate, destiny; कृतान्त एव सौमित्रे द्रष्टव्यो मत्प्रवासने Rām.2.22.15; क्रूरस्तस्मिन्नपि न सहते संगमं नौ कृतान्तः Me.17.

a demonstrated conclusion, dogma, a proved doctrine; दैवं पुरुषकारश्च कृतान्ते- नोपपद्यते Mb.12.153.5; यथा लौकिकेषु वैदिकेषु च कृतान्तेषु Mbh. on P.I.1.1,56; साङ्ख्ये कृतान्ते प्रोक्तानि Bg.18.13.

a sinful or inauspicious action.

an epithet of Saturn.


the inevitable result of former actions.

the second lunar mansion.

the number 'two'. ˚कुशल an astrologer; आधिराज्ये$भिषेको मे ब्राह्मणैः पतिना सह । कृतान्त- कुशलैरुक्तं तत्सर्वं वितथीकृतम् Rām.6.48.14. ˚जनकः the sun.

अन्नम् cooked food. कृतान्नमुदकं स्त्रियः Ms.9.219;11.3.

digested food.

excrement. -अपराध a. guilty, offender, criminal. -अभय a. saved from fear or danger.-अभिषेक a. crowned, inaugurated. (-कः) a prince.-अभ्यास a. practised. -अयः the die called कृत marked with four points. -अर्थ a.

having gained one's object, successful; एकः कृतार्थो भवते वीतशोकः Śwet. Up.2.14.

satisfied; happy, contented; वयं कृतार्था इत्यभिमन्यन्ति बालाः Muṇḍ.1.2.9; कृतः कृतार्थो$स्मि निबर्हितांहसा Śi.1.29; R.8.3; Ki.4.9; Ś.2.1; Pt.1.194.

that which has served its purpose (and hence incapable of yielding any further sense or serving any other purpose); पुरुषे यागं श्रावयित्वा कृतार्थः शब्द एकस्य द्वयोर्बहूनां वा यागं न वारयति । ŚB. on MS.6.2.3. सकृत् कृत्वा कृतार्थः शब्दः न नियमः पौनःपुन्ये । ŚB. on MS.6.2.27; सा चाकाङ्क्षा एकेनापि कृतार्था भवतीत्युक्तम् । ŚB. on MS.11.1.13. (कृतार्थीकृ

to render fruitful or successful; कृतार्थीकृत्य तं विप्रम् Ks.74.125.

to make good; कान्तं प्रत्युपचारतश्चतुरया कोपः कृतार्थीकृतः Amaru.15; so कृतार्थयति to make fruitful; Māl.3.6.) -अवधान a. careful, attentive. -अवधि a.

fixed, appointed.

bounded, limited. -अवमर्ष a.

effacing from recollection.

intolerant. -अवस्थ a.

summoned, caused to be present; Ms.8.6.

fixed, settled. -अस्त्र a.


trained in the science of arms or missiles; पित्रा संवर्धितो नित्यं कृतास्त्रः सांपरा- यिकः R.17.62. -अहक a. having performed the daily ceremonies. -आगम a. advanced, proficient, skilled. (-m.) the Supreme soul. -आगस् a. guilty, offending, criminal, sinful; अध्ने प्र शिरो जहि ब्रह्मजस्य कृतागसः Av.12.5.6; कृतागाः कौटिल्यो मुजग इव निर्याय नगरात् Mu.3.11. -आत्मन् a.

having control over oneself, self-possessed, of a selfgoverned spirit; कृतात्मा ब्रह्मलोकमभिसंभवामि Ch. Up.8.13.1; कृतात्मानो वीतरागाः प्रशान्ताः Muṇḍ. Up.3.2.5; Rām.5.61.6; ऐहिष्ट तं कारयितुं कृतात्मा Bk.1.11.

purified in mind; magnanimous; तमरिघ्रं कृतात्मानं क्षिप्रं द्रक्ष्यसि राघवम् Rām.5.39.48. -आभरण a. adorned. -आयास a. labouring, suffering. -आलय a. one who has taken up his abode in any place; यत्र ते दयिता भार्या तनयाश्च कृतालयाः Rām. (-यः) a frog; dog ? M. W.-आवास a lodging. -आस्पद a.

governed; ruled.

supporting, resting on.

residing in. -आहार a. having taken one's meals. -आह्वान a. challenged.-उत्साह a. diligent, making effort, striving. -उदकa. one who had performed his ablutions; Mb.3.-उद्वाह a.


practising penance by standing with up-lifted hands. -उपकार a.

favoured, befriended, assisted; अज्ञातभर्तृव्यसना मुहूर्तं कृतोपकारेव रतिर्बभूव Ku.3.73.

friendly. -उपभोग a. used, enjoyed. -कर, -कारिन्a. Enjoining what is already known or done; कृतकरो हि विधिरनर्थकः स्यात् ŚB. on MS.1.5.58; कृतकरं शास्त्रमनर्थकं स्यात् ŚB. on MS.1.7.25; कृतकारि खलु शास्त्रं पर्जन्यवत् Mbh. on P.I.2.9. -कर्मन् a.

one who has done his work; R.9.3.

skilful, clever. (-m.)

the Supreme spirit.

a Saṁnyāsin. -काम a. one whose desires are fulfilled. -कार्य a.

one who has done his work or obtained his object.

having no need of another's aid. -काल a.

fixed or settled as to time.

who has waited a certain time. (-लः) appointed time; कृतशिल्पो$पि निवसेत्कृतकालं गुरोर्गृहे Y.2.184. -कृत्य, -क्रिय a.

who has accomplished his object; Bg.15.2.

satisfied, contented; Śānti.3.19; Māl.4.3.

having done his duty; कृतकृत्यो विधिर्मन्ये न वर्धयति तस्य ताम् Śi.2.32. -क्रयः a purchaser.

क्रियः one who has accomplished any act.

one who has fulfilled his duty.

one who has performed a religious ceremony; Ms.5.99. -क्षण a.

waiting impatiently for the exact moment; कृतक्षणाहं भद्रं ते गमनं प्रति राघव Rām.2.29.15; वयं सर्वे सोत्सुकाः कृतक्षणास्तिष्ठामः Pt.1.

one who has got an opportunity. -घ्न a.

ungrateful; Ms.4.214;8.89.

defeating all previous measures. -चूडः a boy on whom the ceremony of tonsure has been performed; Ms.5.58,67; नृणामकृतचूडानां विशुद्धिर्नौशिकी स्मृता. -जन्मन्a. planted; Ku.5.6. -ज्ञ a.

grateful; Ms.7.29,21; Y.1.38.

correct in conduct; कृतज्ञतामस्य वदन्ति सम्पदः Ki.

(ज्ञः) a dog.

an epithet of Śiva. -तीर्थ a.

one who has visited or frequented holy places.

one who studies with a professional teacher.

fertile in means or expedients.

a guide.

rendered accessible or easy; Ki.2.3. -दार a. married. -दासः a servant hired for a stated period, a hired servant. -दूषणम् spoiling what is done; उद्धतायाः पुनरुद्धनने न हि किञ्चित्कार्यमस्ति । केवलं कृतदूषणं भवेत् । ृŚB. on MS.12.2.16. (see कृतदूषा)-दूषा f. a blemish or vitiating factor for what is done; अकर्म वा कृतदूषा स्यात् MS.12.1.1. (कृतायाः दूषणम् ŚB).-धी a.

prudent, considerate.

learned, educated, wise; पुत्रेभ्यः कृतवेदिनां कृतधियां येषां न भिन्ना वयम् Mu.5.2; Bg.2.54; Śi.2.79. -नामधेय a. named, called as; Ś6. -निर्णेजनः a penitent. -a. one who has performed penance; कृतनिर्णेजनांश्चैव न जुगुप्सेत कर्हिचित् Ms.11.189.-निश्चय a.

resolute, resolved; युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः Bg.2.37.

confident, sure. -पुङ्ख a. skilled in archery. -पूर्व a. done formerly. -प्रतिकृतम् assault and counter-assault, attack and resistance; R.12.94. -प्रतिज्ञ a.

one who has made an agreement or engagement.

one who has fulfilled his promise. -प्रयोजन a. one who has attained his object; Ks.13.158. -फल n. successful. (-लम्) result, consequence. -बुद्धि a.

learned, educated, wise; विद्वत्सु कृतबुद्धयः (श्रेष्ठाः) Ms.1.97, 7.3.

a man of resolute character.

informed of one's duty. -ब्रह्मन् a. Ved. one who has performed his devotions; कृतब्रह्मा शूशुवद् रातहव्य इत् Rv.2. 25.1. -मङ्गल a. blessed, consecrated. -मति a. firm, resolute. -मन्यु a. indignant. -मालः,

लकः a kind of cassia.

the spotted antelope. -मुखa. learned, clever, wise. -युगम् the first (golden) of the four ages. -रूप one who knows the customary rites (कृतकल्प); Rām.2.1.2. -लक्षण a.

stamped, marked.

branded; ज्ञातिसम्बन्धिभिस्त्वेतास्त्यक्तव्याः कृत- लक्षणाः Ms.9.239.

excellent, amiable.

defined, discriminated. -वर्मन् m. N. of a warrior on the side of the Kauravas who with Kṛipa and Aśvatthāman survived the general havoc of the great Bhārata war. He was afterwards slain by Sātyaki. -वापः a penitent who has shaven his head and chin; Ms.11.18. -विद् a. grateful; तस्यापवर्ग्यशरणं तव पादमूलं विस्मर्यते कृतविदा कथमार्तबन्धो Bhāg.4.9.8. -विद्य a. learned, educated; शूरो$सि कृत- विद्यो$सि Pt.4.43; सुवर्णपुष्पितां पृथ्वीं विचिन्वन्ति त्रयो जनाः । शूरश्च कृतविद्यश्च यश्च जानाति सेवितुम् ॥ Pt.1.45. -वीर्य a. being strong or powerful; Av.17.1.27. (-र्यः) N. of the father of Sahasrārjuna. -वेतन a. hired, paid (as a servant); प्रमादमृतनष्टांश्च प्रदाप्यः कृतवेतनः Y.2.164. -वेदिन्a.

grateful; न तथा कृतवेदिनां करिष्यन्प्रियतामेति यथा कृता- वदानः Ki.13.32; see कृतज्ञ.

observant of propriety.-वेश a. attired, decorated; गतवति कृतवेशे केशवे कुञ्जशय्याम् Gīt.11. -व्यावृत्ति a. dislodged or dismissed from office, set aside; Ku.2.27. -शिल्प a. skilled in art or trade; कृतशिल्पो$पि निवसेत्कृतकालं गुरोर्गृहे Y.2.184. -शोभ a.



handy, dexterous. -शौच a. purified; पुण़्डरीकमवाप्नोति कृतशौचो भवेच्च सः Mb.3.83.21.-श्मश्रुः one who is shaven; न हि कृतश्मश्रुः पुनः श्मश्रूणि कार- यति Mbh. on P.I.2.9. -श्रमः, -परिश्रमः one who has studied; कृतपरिश्रमो$स्मि ज्योतिःशास्त्रे Mu.1; I have devoted my time to (spent my labours on) the science of astronomy. -संकल्प a. resolved, determined. -संकेत a. making an appointment; नामसमेतं कृतसंकेतं वादयते मृदु वेणुम् Gīt.5.-संज्ञ a.

having presence of mind ... स्थापयेद् दासान् कृत- संज्ञान् समन्ततः Ms.

restored to consciousness or senses.


one to whom sign has been given; Rāj. T.4.221. -संनाह a. clad in armour, accoutred. -संस्कारa.

one who has performed all purificatory rites, initiated; वैश्यस्तु कृतसंस्कारः Ms.9.326; R.1.78.

Prepared, adorned. -सापत्निका, -सापत्नी, सापत्नीका, -सापत्नका, सपत्निका a woman whose husband has married another wife, a married woman having a co-wife or a superseded wife. -हस्त, -हस्तक a.

dexterous, clever, skilful, handy.

skilled in archery.

हस्तता skill, dexterity; ... संनिपाते । सुमहति कृतहस्ताः सैनिकास्तं ररक्षुः ॥ Śiva. B.13.3.47.

skill in archery or generally in handling arms; कौरव्ये कृतहस्तता पुनरियं देवे यथा सीरिणि Ve.6.13; Mv.6.41.

कृतम् [kṛtam], ind. Enough, no more of, away; (with instr.); अथवा कृतं संदेहेन Śi.1; अथवा गिरा कृतम् R.11.41; कृत- माविष्कृतपौरुषैर्भुजैः Ki.2.17; कृतमश्वेन U.4.

Monier-Williams सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कृत mfn. done , made , accomplished , performed RV. AV. etc.

कृत mfn. prepared , made ready ib.

कृत mfn. obtained , gained , acquired , placed at hand AV. iii , 24 , 5

कृत mfn. well done , proper , good S3Br. iv

कृत mfn. cultivated Mn. x , 114

कृत mfn. appointed (as a duty) Ya1jn5. ii , 186

कृत mfn. relating or referring to Ya1jn5. ii , 210

कृत m. N. of one of the विश्वेदेवाs MBh. xiii , 4356

कृत m. of a son of वसु-देवBhP. ix , 24 , 45

कृत m. of a son of संनतिand pupil of हिरण्य-नाभHariv. 1080 BhP. xii , 6 , 80

कृत m. of a son of कृत- रथand father of विबुधVP.

कृत m. of a son of जयand father of हर्यवनBhP. ix , 17 , 17

कृत m. of a son of च्यवनand father of उपरि-चरVa1yuP.

कृत n. (with सहor with instr. )" done with " , away with , enough of , no need of , etc. ( e.g. कृतं संदेहेन, away with doubt S3ak. ; कृइतं परिहासेन, enough of joking ib. )

कृत n. the past tense AitBr. v , 1

कृत n. deed , work , action RV. AV. S3vetUp. Mn. etc.

कृत n. service done , kind action , benefit(See. कृत-ज्ञand -घ्न) MBh. v , 1692 Pan5cat.

कृत n. magic , sorcery Sa1mavBr.

कृत n. consequence , result L.

कृत n. aim Vop. i , 2

कृत n. stake at a game RV. AV.

कृत n. prize or booty gained in battle ib.

कृत n. N. of the die or of the side of a die marked with four points or dots (this is the lucky or winning die) VS. xxx , 18 TS. S3Br. etc.

कृत n. (also the collective N. of the four dice in opposition to the fifth die called कलिComm. on VS. x , 28 )

कृत n. (hence) the number " four " VarBr2S. Su1ryas.

कृत n. N. of the first of the four ages of the world (also called सत्यor " the golden age " , comprehending together with the morning and evening dawn 4800 years of men [ Mn. MBh. Hariv. ] or according to the later conception [ BhP. etc. Comm. on Mn. i , 69 ] 4800 years of the gods or 1728000 years of men)

कृत mfn. injured , killed L. (See. 2. कीर्ण.)

Purana index सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--the son of Jaya and father of Haryavana. भा. IX. १७. १७.
(II)--a son of Vasudeva and रोहिणी. भा. IX. २४. ४६.
(III)--a son of Sannati (म्।प्।); a pupil of Hira- ण्यनाभ; in yoga imparted twenty-four सम्हितस् to his disciples; फलकम्:F1:  भा. XII. 6. ८०; Br. II. ३५. ४९ and ५५; वा. ९९. १८९-90; Vi. III. १६. 7.फलकम्:/F chief among the सामयस् by arranging साम वेद in २४ parts. फलकम्:F2:  M. ४९. ७५-6.फलकम्:/F Father of उग्रायुध. फलकम्:F3:  Vi. IV. १९. ५०-3.फलकम्:/F [page१-424+ २१]
(IV)--an यक्ष and a son of देवयानि. Br. III. 7. १३०.
(V)--married श्रुतदेवी; father of सुग्रीव. M. ४६. 5.
(VI)--a son of विश्वामित्र. वा. ९१. ९६.
(VII)--a son of Kanaka. वा. ९४. 8.
(VIII)--a son of हृदिक. वा. ९६. १३९.
(IX)--a son of Cyavana. वा. ९९. २१९.
(X)--a son of Vijaya; father of Haryadhana. Vi. IV. 9. २६-7.

Purana Encyclopedia सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kṛta, Kṛtayuga : nt.: Name of the first among the four Yugas; also called Devayuga (1. 14. 5; 2. 11. 1; 3. 92. 6; 10. 18. 1; 12. 3. 19; 13. 82. 24, Ādiyuga (6. 76. 18; 13. 135. 11), Prājāpatyayuga (12. 113. 4), and Dharmayuga (12. 308. 7).

A. Description: Auspicious (śubha) 1. 14. 5; 12. 336. 31; completely free from the three guṇas (sattva, rajas and tamas), (traiguṇyaparivarjita) 13. 148. 22; the best period (śreṣṭhaḥ kālaḥ) 5. 130. 14; 12. 324. 5; 12. 327. 73; the best among the Yugas (yugottama) 13. 148. 11.

B. Place among the Yugas: When Brahmā created the worlds, the first Yuga to occur was the Kṛta (tataḥ prāvartata tadā ādau kṛtayugaṁ śubham) 12. 336. 31; 6. 11. 4; 14. 44. 8; first Yuga after the dissolution of the entire world (āditaḥ manujavyāghra kṛtsnasya jagataḥ kṣaye…tato kṛtaṁ yugaṁ) 3. 186. 17-18; hence called ādiyuga and prathamakalpita 12. 322. 51; hence also the words ādau and purā (or pūrvam) often used with Kṛta (12. 59. 13; 12. 336. 31, and many other citations in section

D. below); Kṛta sets in again at the end of the fourth Kali Yuga; Yudhiṣṭhira asked Mārkaṇḍeya what would be the (final) stage of Kali when its end will have arrived and after which Kṛta will commence again (yugakṣaye//kāṁ ca kāṣṭhāṁ samāsādya punaḥ saṁpatsyate kṛtam) 3. 188. 6-7; 3. 186. 22.

C. Duration: Mārkaṇḍedya told Yudhiṣṭhira that the duration of the Kṛta Yuga was 4000 years; it had dawns of 400 years and twilights of the same duration (catvāry āhuḥ sahasrāṇi varṣāṇāṁ tat kṛtaṁ yugam/tasya tāvacchatī saṁdhyā saṁdhyāṁśaś ca tataḥ param//) 3. 186. 18 (cf. Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 188. 23 above Kali, section C, p. 234); the same duration of Kṛta told by Vyāsa to Śuka 12. 224. 18-19.

D. Events occurring in the Kṛta Yuga:

(1) All beings are produced from Viṣṇu at the advent of the Kṛta Yuga and are reabsorbed into him at the end of that Yuga 13. 135. 11;

(2) The creation of the world, the creation of Saṁkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Brahman, Nārāyaṇa's incarnation as Varāha to reestablish the earth and kill Hiraṇyākṣa, as Nṛsiṁha to kill Hiraṇyakaśipu, and as Vāmana to make Bali a resident of Pātāla--all these events are said to have occurred in the Kṛta Yuga which is not named 12. 326. 67-76; (also cf. 12. 337. 29-36 where these three incarnations are mentioned without naming Kṛtayuga);

(3) Formerly, in the Kṛta Yuga of the Svāyaṁbhuva Manvantara, Nārāyaṇa was born as Nara, Nārāyaṇa, Hari and Kṛṣṇa (nārāyaṇo hi viśvātmā caturmūratiḥ sanātanaḥ/dharmātmajaḥ saṁbabhūva…//kṛte yuge mahārāja purā svāyaṁbhuve 'ntare/naro nārāyaṇaś caiva hariḥ kṛṣṇas tathaiva ca//) 12. 321. 8-9;

(4) In the Devayuga when the Daityendras ruled the three worlds Viṣṇu entered the womb of Aditi (purā devayuge tāta…) 13. 82. 24-25;

(5) In the Devayuga Prajāpati had two daughters (purā devayuge…) 1. 14. 5 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 16. 5: devayuge satyayuge);

(6) In the Kṛta Yuga all gods approached Varuṇa and requested him to be the ruler of waters 9. 46. 5-6;

(7) In the Devayuga, Āditya came down from the heaven to visit the world of mortals when he met Nārada (purā devayuge rājan…) 2. 11. 1;

(8) In one of the past Devayugas, the gods, desirous of giving offerings, arranged the sacrifice following the prescriptions of the Vedas (tato devayuge 'tīte devā vai samakalpayan/yajñam vedapramāṇena vidhivad yaṣṭum īpsavaḥ) 10. 18. 1;

(9) Lomaśa told Yudhiṣṭhira that formerly in the Devayuga he had seen that the gods liked the dharma and the Asuras deserted it (purā devayuge caiva dṛṣṭaṁ sarvaṁ mayā vibho/arocayan surā dharmaṁ dharmaṁ tatyajire 'surāḥ) 3. 92. 6;

(10) Gods and demons churned the ocean in the Ādiyuga 6. 76. 18;

(11) There were fierce Dānavas, known as Kāleyas, in the Kṛta Yuga 3. 98. 3;

(12) Asura Gṛtsa carried away the wife of Bhṛgu in the Devayuga (purā devayuge tāta…) 12. 3. 19;

(13) In the Kṛta Yuga Manu held the daṇḍa (āsīt kṛtayuge pūrvaṁ manur daṇḍadharaḥ prabhuḥ) 14. 4. 2;

(14) God Nārāyaṇa told the seven sages (12. 322. 27, 31) that the anuśāsana promulagated by him and the śāstra, together with the aṅgas and the Upaniṣad, will be established by them in Bṛhaspati Āṅgirasa in the Kṛta Yuga (not directly named) (utpanne "ṅgirase caiva yuge prathamakalpite/sāṅgopaniṣadaṁ śāstraṁ sthāpayitvā bṛhaspatau) 12. 322. 51;

(15) In the Kṛta there was a famous sage Taṇḍi who, as a devotee, propitiated god for ten thousand years by practising samādhi 13. 16. 12;

(16) Formerly in the the Kṛta Yuga an excellent Brāhmaṇa called Ārṣṭiṣeṇa lived in a gurukula; he studied diligently, but could not complete the study of either the vidyās or the Vedas (purā kṛtayuge…) 9. 39. 3-4;

(17) Formerly in the Kṛta Yuga there lived a king Avikampaka who was overpowered in battle by enemies (purā kṛtayuge tāta…) 12. 248. 7;

(18) In the Kṛta Yuga there was a famous sage Sāvarṇi who practised austorities for six thousand years to satisfy Rudra 13. 14. 70;

(19) Formerly in the Kṛta Yuga there was a sage Vyāghrapāda who was versed in the Vedas and the Vedāṅgas (purā kṛtayuge tāta…) 13. 14. 75;

(20) In the Dharmayuga, when Janaka ruled Mithilā, a certain bhikṣukī called Sulabhā roamed alone on the earth 12. 308. 7;

(21) In the Prājāpatyayuga (i. e. the Kṛtayuga) there once lived a large camel who remembered his previous lives (jātismaraḥ); he observed scrupulously the vows and practised severe austerities in a forest 12. 113. 4;

(22) Formerly in the Kṛta Yuga a Rākṣasa called Cārvāka practised austerities in the Badarī Āśrama and was blessed with a boon by Brahman (purā kṛtayuge…) 12. 39. 39;

(23) Nārāyaṇa told Nārada that formerly in the Kṛta Yuga when the Veda and the śruti were lost, he retrieved them and (the worlds) were again supplied with the Vedas and the śrutis (?) (yadā vedaśrutir naṣṭā mayā pratyāhṛtā purā/savedāḥ saśrutīkāś ca kṛtāḥ pūrvaṁ kṛte yuge//) 12. 326. 94;

(24) Formerly, during the second birth of Brahmā from the eyes of Nārāyaṇa in the Kṛta Yuga, Rudra, who received the dharma of the Ekāntins from Soma and who practised yoga, taught it to the Vālakhilyas (…purā kṛtayuge nṛpa) 12. 336. 15-16; the practice of the dharma of the Ekāntins formed such an important characteristic of the Kṛta Yuga that if in any other Yuga the world became full of the Ekāntins that would mean the advent of the Kṛta Yuga--this is what Vaiśaṁpāyana told Janamejaya (yady ekāntibhir ākīrṇaṁ jagat syāt kurunandana/ …bhavet kṛtayugaprāptiḥ) 12. 336. 58;

(25) Hari-Nārāyaṇa told Brahmā, born for the fourth time from his ears (12. 336. 23), to learn the Sātvata Dharma, from him and establish it in the Kṛta Yuga 12. 336. 27; this dharma was hence called Kārtayugadharman 12. 336. 29; Brahmā, as instructed by Nārāyaṇa, initiated first the Kṛta Yuga and then the Sātvata dharma spread among the people 12. 336. 31;

(26) In the fifth birth of Brahman from the nose of Nārāyaṇa (12. 336. 36), at the beginning of the Kṛtayuga, Prajāpati Vīraṇa learnt the Sātvata Dharma from Sanatkumāra 12. 336. 37;

(27) In the seventh birth of Brahman from a lotus (12. 336. 44), Nārāyaṇa himself instructed Pitāmaba in the Sātvata dharma at the beginning of the Kṛta Yuga (not named) tatraiṣa dharmaḥ kathitaḥ svayaṁ nārāyaṇena hi//pitāmahāya śuddhāya yugādau lokadhāriṇe) 12. 336. 44-45;

(28) At the request of Yudhiṣṭhira Bhīṣma told him how at the beginning, in the Kṛta Yuga, a kingdom first came into existence (yathā rājyaṁ samutpannam ādau kṛtayuge 'bhavat) 12. 59. 13;

(29) Formerly in the Kṛta Yuga the ascetics residing in the Naimiṣa forest were engaged in a twelve-yearly sacrificial session (pūrvaṁ kṛtayuge rājan…) 9. 36. 39.

F. Nārāyaṇa (Kṛṣṇa) and the Kṛta Yuga: Bhagavān Nārāyaṇa (who was the same as KṛṣṇaJanārdana 3. 187. 52, 50) told Mārkaṇḍeya that his colour in the Kṛta Yuga was white (śvetaḥ kṛtayuge varṇaḥ) 3. 187. 31; Bhīṣma told Yudhiṣṭhira that Kṛṣṇa was complete Dharma in the Kṛta Yuga (kṛte yuge dharma āsīt samagraḥ) 13. 143. 9.

G. King and the Kṛta Yuga: The king is the creator of the Kṛta Yuga (rājā kṛtayugasraṣṭā) 5. 130. 16 = 12. 70. 25, (also cf. rājā kālasya kāraṇam 12. 70. 6); Kṛta and the remaining three Yugas depend on the conduct of the king and hence the king is identical with Yuga (rājavṛttāni sarvāṇi rājaiva yugam ucyate) 12. 92. 6; (rājamūlāni sarvāṇi) 12. 139. 10; when the king fully followed daṇḍanīti then prevalied the Kṛta Yuga, the best of time (daṇḍanītyāṁ yadā rājā samyak kārtsnyena vartate/tadā kṛtayugaṁ nāma kālaḥ śreṣṭhaḥ pravartate//) 5. 130. 14 = 12. 70. 7; Dyumatsena told Satyavān that in the Kṛta Yuga the king followed the instruction (how a king should rule 12. 259. 24-30) as his primary principle (etat prathamakalpena rājā kṛtayuge 'bhajat) 12. 259. 32; a king, as the creator of Kṛta, enjoyed in the heaven endlessly (kṛtasya karaṇād rājā svargam atyantam aśnute) 5. 130. 17 = 12. 70. 26; king Yayāti was described by Aṣṭaka as the best among those born in the Kṛta Yuga (kārtayugapradhāna) 1. 85. 1 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 90. 1: kārtayugapradhāna/kṛtayuge bhavāḥ kārtayugāḥ/atyantaniṣpāpā teṣāṁ mukhyatamety arthaḥ).

H. Kṛta and dharma: In the Kṛta Yuga the ancient dharma prevails (yatra dharmaḥ sanātanaḥ) 3. 148. 10; in that Yuga the eternal dharma of the four varṇas stands on all its four feet (i. e. is in no way deficient) (kṛte yuge catuṣpādaś cāturvarṇyasya śāśvataḥ) 3. 148. 21; formerly in the Kṛta Yuga Dharma, the bull, without deceit and free from vices stood established in its entirety among men (kṛte catuṣpāt sakalo nirvyājopādhivarjitaḥ/vṛṣaḥ pratiṣṭhito dharmo manuṣyeṣv abhavat purā//) 3. 188. 10 (Nī. on 3. 190. 9: vṛṣa iva catuṣpāt); 12. 327. 73; both dharma, on its four feet, and truth are fully established in the Kṛta Yuga (catuṣpāt sakalo dharmaḥ satyaṁ caiva kṛte yuge) 12. 224. 22; since dharma is not contaminated by adharma (nādharmeṇāgamaḥ kaścit 12. 224. 22) it does not get diminished (dharmo na hrasate kvacit) 1. 58. 22; dharma always prospers and adharma is destroyed 3. 189. 7; 12. 70. 8; dharma in the Kṛta Yuga was established among the Brāhmaṇas who had mastered their self, who had practised austerities and who had studied the Vedas (ātmavatsu tapovatsu śrutavaisu pratiṣṭhitaḥ) 12. 224. 67; dharma in different Yugas is different 12. 224. 26 = 12. 252. 8; austerity is the best dharma for the Kṛta (tapaḥ paraṁ kṛtayuge) 12. 24. 27; in the Kṛta Yuga the only dharma is renunciation (dharmaḥ saṁnyāsa eva ca) 3. 148. 13; one is not supposed to get angry in the Kṛta Yuga (na roṣaṁ kartum arhasi/naiṣa dharmaḥ kṛtayuge yas tvaṁ roṣam acīkṛthāḥ) 12. 323. 17.

I. Kṛta and the sacrifice: In the Kṛta Yuga performance of sacrifices is not prescribed (tretāyuge vidhis tv eṣāṁ yajñānāṁ na kṛte yuge) 12. 224. 62; the sages who assembled for a sacrifice told gods who wanted a goat to be killed that that was not the dharma of good people; they reminded the gods that they were in the Kṛta Yuga when an animal was not offered (naiṣa dharmaḥ satāṁ devā yatra vadhyeta vai paśuḥ/idaṁ kṛtayugaṁ śreṣṭhaṁ kathaṁ vadhyeta vai paśuḥ//) 12. 324. 5; (ahiṁsyā yajñapaśavo yuge 'smin naitad anyathā) 12. 327. 73; the offerings offered by Brahman and others to Viṣṇu in a Vaiṣṇava Kratu were offered according to the prescriptions meant for the Kṛta Yuga and, as a result, they reached the Puruṣa who had the brightness of the sun and who was above darkness (te kārtayugadharmāṇo bhāgā paramasatkṛtāḥ/ prāpur ādityavarṇaṁ taṁ puruṣaṁ tamasaḥ param//) 12. 327. 50 (commentator Vidyāsāgara: kārtayugadharmāṇaḥ ahiṁsādilakṣaṇakṛtasvabhāvāḥ mantralopatantralopakriyālopahiṁsādirahitāḥ paramasaṁskṛtāḥ, cf. the note on this stanza in the Cr. Ed.); but according to Bhīṣma when the king, in any other Yuga, employed daṇḍanītī properly, condition was as good as in the Kṛta Yuga (12. 70. 7); in such a Kṛta Yuga, all the three Varṇas offered Soma sacrifices according to rites (some prayatnaṁ kurvanti trayo varṇā yathāvidhi) (Editor's note on the stanza: some = devatādīn uddiśya somayāge) and the Vedic rites were faultlessly performed (vaidikāni ca karmāṇi bhavanty aviguṇāny uta) 12. 70. 9.

J. Nature of the Kṛta Yuga, its effects on men: Hanūmant told Bhīma that the times in the Kṛta Yuga were different from those in the other Yugas (anyaḥ kṛtayuge kālas tretāyāṁ dvāpare paraḥ) 3. 148. 6; Kṛta Yuga described by different persons:

(1) by Hanūmant to Bhīma 3. 148. 11-22 (Kṛta Yuga was completely free from the three qualities (viz. sattva, rajas and tamas) (traiguṇyaparivarjitam 3. 148. 22);

(2) by Vaiśaṁpāyana to Janamejaya 1. 58. 8-24 (kāle gāvaḥ prasūyante nāryaś ca bharatarṣabha/ phalanty ṛtuṣu vṛkṣāś ca puṣpāṇi ca phalāni ca// 1. 58. 23);

(3) by Mārkaṇḍeya to the Pāṇḍavas 3. 189. 8-13 (ṣaṭkarmaniratā viprāḥ kṣatriyā rakṣaṇe ratāḥ// śusrūṣāyāṁ ratāḥ śūdrās tathā varṇatrayasya ca/eṣa dharmaḥ kṛtayuge…// 3. 189. 12-13);

(4) by Bhīṣma to Yudhiṣṭhira (when a king in any Yuga practised daṇḍanīti properly) 12. 70. 8-13 (the qualities of Kṛta age are called kārtayugān guṇgān 12. 70. 13, also kārtayugadharmāṇo bhāgāḥ 12. 327. 50);

(5) by Saṁjaya to Dhṛtarāṣṭra 6. 11. 8-9; in general the people of the Kṛta Yuga were possessed of fortitude, were diligent in their duties, knew the proper time for the use of valour (dhṛtimantaś ca dakṣāś ca sve sve karmaṇi bhārata/parākramavidhānajñā narāḥ kṛtayuge 'bhavan) 3. 159. 2; the ascetics of the Kṛta Yuga were calm and they remained steady in the sattva quality (tapasvinaḥ praśāntāś ca sattvasthāś ca kṛte yuge) 12. 230. 7 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 238. 7: praśāntāḥ niḥsaṁśayāḥ); all the ascetics then made no distinction between pauruṣa, daiva and svabhāva as the cause of the success in karma and had neither love nor hatred for the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans; hence they practised austerities (and did not perform sacrifices) apṛthagdarśinaḥ sarve ṛksāmasu yajuḥṣu ca/kāmadveṣau pṛthag dṛṣṭvā tapaḥ kṛta upāsate//) 12. 230. 8 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 238. 8: vedatraye 'pi bhedam apaśyantaḥ kāmyādīn pṛthakkṛtya tapo jñānam upāsate śrayanti); 12. 224. 63 (Kṛta not mentioned, but Nī., on Bom. Ed. 12. 232. 33 supplies it: advaitaniṣṭhā martyās tapa eva yogam eva kṛtayuge 'nutiṣṭhantīti śeṣaḥ); when Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāṇḍu and Vidura were born the country of the Kurus (kurujāṅgalam), the Kurus themselves and the Kurukṣetra, all prospered 1. 102. 1; at that time a condition similar to the Kṛta Yuga prevailed in the regions of the different kingdoms (pradeśeṣv api rāṣṭrāṇāṁ kṛtam yugam avartata) 1. 102. 5; this condition is described in 1. 102. 2-11; people in the Kṛta Yuga did not have to cohabit to beget children, they could have them by mere thought (na caiṣāṁ maithuno dharmo babhūva bharatarṣabha/ saṁkalpād eva caiteṣām apatyam udapadyata//) 12. 200. 35; in the Kṛta Yuga evil tribes like the Talavaras, the Andhrakas etc. in the south and the Yaunas (Yavanas), Kāmbojas etc. in the north did not exist on the earth 12. 200. 39-43; there were no bhikṣus and those who have sectarian marks (liṅginaḥ); similarly there were no alternatives to the four āśramas; all this happened when the Kṛta Yuga passed away and the daṇḍanīti was no longer practised--thus Indra told to Māndhātṛ 12. 65. 24-25.

K. Expectation of life: In the Kṛta Yuga people were free from diseases, succeeded in achieving all objectives and lived for four hundred years (arogāḥ sarvasiddhārthāś caturvarṣaśatāyuṣaḥ/kṛte) 12. 224. 24; however, according to Saṁjaya people lived for four thousand years (catvāri ca sahasrāṇi varṣāṇāṁ kurusattama/āyuḥsaṁkhyā kṛtayuge saṁkhyātā rājasattama//) 6. 11. 5 (apparently there is confusion between the duration of the Kṛta Yuga (above section

C. ) and lifeexpectancy of human beings); also cf. sahasraśatajīvinaḥ tāḥ prajāḥ…//…evaṁ kṛtayuge samyag vartamāne tadā nṛpa) 1. 58. 10, 24; men lived as long as they liked and they had no fear of Yama 12. 200. 34; (na kṣīyante ca vai prajāḥ) 3. 148. 11; (nālpāyur dṛśyate naraḥ) 12. 70. 11; but the life expectation, virility etc. decrease successively in the Yugas that follow the Kṛta (āyur vīryam atho buddhir…manuṣyāṇām anuyugaṁ hrasatīti nibodha me) 3. 188. 13.

L. Kṛta as the name of Sūrya: Kṛta appears among the 108 names of Sūrya taught by Dhaumya to Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 3. 22.

M. Etymology: The etymology is implied when it is said that in the Kṛta Yuga (whatever needs be done) is done and does not remain undone (kṛtam eva na kartavyaṁ tasmin kāle yugottame) 3. 148. 10 [Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 149. 11: kṛtam eva sarve kṛtakṛtyā evety arthaḥ/tata eva hetoḥ kṛtayugaṁ nāma//). [Nī., Bom. Ed. 3. 191. 3, who reads vipraiś corakṣayaś caiva kṛte kṣemaṁ bhaviṣyati in place of the Cr. Ed. vipraiś corakṣaye caiva kṛte (3. 189. 3) interprets kṛte yuge; the words kṛta, tretā etc. occurring in 5. 140. 7-15 (= Bom. Ed. 5. 142. 7-15) are interpreted by Nī. as the Yuga names and not as names of the throws of dice in a dice game].

*2nd word in right half of page p238_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kṛta, Kṛtayuga : nt.: Name of the first among the four Yugas; also called Devayuga (1. 14. 5; 2. 11. 1; 3. 92. 6; 10. 18. 1; 12. 3. 19; 13. 82. 24, Ādiyuga (6. 76. 18; 13. 135. 11), Prājāpatyayuga (12. 113. 4), and Dharmayuga (12. 308. 7).

A. Description: Auspicious (śubha) 1. 14. 5; 12. 336. 31; completely free from the three guṇas (sattva, rajas and tamas), (traiguṇyaparivarjita) 13. 148. 22; the best period (śreṣṭhaḥ kālaḥ) 5. 130. 14; 12. 324. 5; 12. 327. 73; the best among the Yugas (yugottama) 13. 148. 11.

B. Place among the Yugas: When Brahmā created the worlds, the first Yuga to occur was the Kṛta (tataḥ prāvartata tadā ādau kṛtayugaṁ śubham) 12. 336. 31; 6. 11. 4; 14. 44. 8; first Yuga after the dissolution of the entire world (āditaḥ manujavyāghra kṛtsnasya jagataḥ kṣaye…tato kṛtaṁ yugaṁ) 3. 186. 17-18; hence called ādiyuga and prathamakalpita 12. 322. 51; hence also the words ādau and purā (or pūrvam) often used with Kṛta (12. 59. 13; 12. 336. 31, and many other citations in section

D. below); Kṛta sets in again at the end of the fourth Kali Yuga; Yudhiṣṭhira asked Mārkaṇḍeya what would be the (final) stage of Kali when its end will have arrived and after which Kṛta will commence again (yugakṣaye//kāṁ ca kāṣṭhāṁ samāsādya punaḥ saṁpatsyate kṛtam) 3. 188. 6-7; 3. 186. 22.

C. Duration: Mārkaṇḍedya told Yudhiṣṭhira that the duration of the Kṛta Yuga was 4000 years; it had dawns of 400 years and twilights of the same duration (catvāry āhuḥ sahasrāṇi varṣāṇāṁ tat kṛtaṁ yugam/tasya tāvacchatī saṁdhyā saṁdhyāṁśaś ca tataḥ param//) 3. 186. 18 (cf. Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 188. 23 above Kali, section C, p. 234); the same duration of Kṛta told by Vyāsa to Śuka 12. 224. 18-19.

D. Events occurring in the Kṛta Yuga:

(1) All beings are produced from Viṣṇu at the advent of the Kṛta Yuga and are reabsorbed into him at the end of that Yuga 13. 135. 11;

(2) The creation of the world, the creation of Saṁkarṣaṇa, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Brahman, Nārāyaṇa's incarnation as Varāha to reestablish the earth and kill Hiraṇyākṣa, as Nṛsiṁha to kill Hiraṇyakaśipu, and as Vāmana to make Bali a resident of Pātāla--all these events are said to have occurred in the Kṛta Yuga which is not named 12. 326. 67-76; (also cf. 12. 337. 29-36 where these three incarnations are mentioned without naming Kṛtayuga);

(3) Formerly, in the Kṛta Yuga of the Svāyaṁbhuva Manvantara, Nārāyaṇa was born as Nara, Nārāyaṇa, Hari and Kṛṣṇa (nārāyaṇo hi viśvātmā caturmūratiḥ sanātanaḥ/dharmātmajaḥ saṁbabhūva…//kṛte yuge mahārāja purā svāyaṁbhuve 'ntare/naro nārāyaṇaś caiva hariḥ kṛṣṇas tathaiva ca//) 12. 321. 8-9;

(4) In the Devayuga when the Daityendras ruled the three worlds Viṣṇu entered the womb of Aditi (purā devayuge tāta…) 13. 82. 24-25;

(5) In the Devayuga Prajāpati had two daughters (purā devayuge…) 1. 14. 5 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 16. 5: devayuge satyayuge);

(6) In the Kṛta Yuga all gods approached Varuṇa and requested him to be the ruler of waters 9. 46. 5-6;

(7) In the Devayuga, Āditya came down from the heaven to visit the world of mortals when he met Nārada (purā devayuge rājan…) 2. 11. 1;

(8) In one of the past Devayugas, the gods, desirous of giving offerings, arranged the sacrifice following the prescriptions of the Vedas (tato devayuge 'tīte devā vai samakalpayan/yajñam vedapramāṇena vidhivad yaṣṭum īpsavaḥ) 10. 18. 1;

(9) Lomaśa told Yudhiṣṭhira that formerly in the Devayuga he had seen that the gods liked the dharma and the Asuras deserted it (purā devayuge caiva dṛṣṭaṁ sarvaṁ mayā vibho/arocayan surā dharmaṁ dharmaṁ tatyajire 'surāḥ) 3. 92. 6;

(10) Gods and demons churned the ocean in the Ādiyuga 6. 76. 18;

(11) There were fierce Dānavas, known as Kāleyas, in the Kṛta Yuga 3. 98. 3;

(12) Asura Gṛtsa carried away the wife of Bhṛgu in the Devayuga (purā devayuge tāta…) 12. 3. 19;

(13) In the Kṛta Yuga Manu held the daṇḍa (āsīt kṛtayuge pūrvaṁ manur daṇḍadharaḥ prabhuḥ) 14. 4. 2;

(14) God Nārāyaṇa told the seven sages (12. 322. 27, 31) that the anuśāsana promulagated by him and the śāstra, together with the aṅgas and the Upaniṣad, will be established by them in Bṛhaspati Āṅgirasa in the Kṛta Yuga (not directly named) (utpanne "ṅgirase caiva yuge prathamakalpite/sāṅgopaniṣadaṁ śāstraṁ sthāpayitvā bṛhaspatau) 12. 322. 51;

(15) In the Kṛta there was a famous sage Taṇḍi who, as a devotee, propitiated god for ten thousand years by practising samādhi 13. 16. 12;

(16) Formerly in the the Kṛta Yuga an excellent Brāhmaṇa called Ārṣṭiṣeṇa lived in a gurukula; he studied diligently, but could not complete the study of either the vidyās or the Vedas (purā kṛtayuge…) 9. 39. 3-4;

(17) Formerly in the Kṛta Yuga there lived a king Avikampaka who was overpowered in battle by enemies (purā kṛtayuge tāta…) 12. 248. 7;

(18) In the Kṛta Yuga there was a famous sage Sāvarṇi who practised austorities for six thousand years to satisfy Rudra 13. 14. 70;

(19) Formerly in the Kṛta Yuga there was a sage Vyāghrapāda who was versed in the Vedas and the Vedāṅgas (purā kṛtayuge tāta…) 13. 14. 75;

(20) In the Dharmayuga, when Janaka ruled Mithilā, a certain bhikṣukī called Sulabhā roamed alone on the earth 12. 308. 7;

(21) In the Prājāpatyayuga (i. e. the Kṛtayuga) there once lived a large camel who remembered his previous lives (jātismaraḥ); he observed scrupulously the vows and practised severe austerities in a forest 12. 113. 4;

(22) Formerly in the Kṛta Yuga a Rākṣasa called Cārvāka practised austerities in the Badarī Āśrama and was blessed with a boon by Brahman (purā kṛtayuge…) 12. 39. 39;

(23) Nārāyaṇa told Nārada that formerly in the Kṛta Yuga when the Veda and the śruti were lost, he retrieved them and (the worlds) were again supplied with the Vedas and the śrutis (?) (yadā vedaśrutir naṣṭā mayā pratyāhṛtā purā/savedāḥ saśrutīkāś ca kṛtāḥ pūrvaṁ kṛte yuge//) 12. 326. 94;

(24) Formerly, during the second birth of Brahmā from the eyes of Nārāyaṇa in the Kṛta Yuga, Rudra, who received the dharma of the Ekāntins from Soma and who practised yoga, taught it to the Vālakhilyas (…purā kṛtayuge nṛpa) 12. 336. 15-16; the practice of the dharma of the Ekāntins formed such an important characteristic of the Kṛta Yuga that if in any other Yuga the world became full of the Ekāntins that would mean the advent of the Kṛta Yuga--this is what Vaiśaṁpāyana told Janamejaya (yady ekāntibhir ākīrṇaṁ jagat syāt kurunandana/ …bhavet kṛtayugaprāptiḥ) 12. 336. 58;

(25) Hari-Nārāyaṇa told Brahmā, born for the fourth time from his ears (12. 336. 23), to learn the Sātvata Dharma, from him and establish it in the Kṛta Yuga 12. 336. 27; this dharma was hence called Kārtayugadharman 12. 336. 29; Brahmā, as instructed by Nārāyaṇa, initiated first the Kṛta Yuga and then the Sātvata dharma spread among the people 12. 336. 31;

(26) In the fifth birth of Brahman from the nose of Nārāyaṇa (12. 336. 36), at the beginning of the Kṛtayuga, Prajāpati Vīraṇa learnt the Sātvata Dharma from Sanatkumāra 12. 336. 37;

(27) In the seventh birth of Brahman from a lotus (12. 336. 44), Nārāyaṇa himself instructed Pitāmaba in the Sātvata dharma at the beginning of the Kṛta Yuga (not named) tatraiṣa dharmaḥ kathitaḥ svayaṁ nārāyaṇena hi//pitāmahāya śuddhāya yugādau lokadhāriṇe) 12. 336. 44-45;

(28) At the request of Yudhiṣṭhira Bhīṣma told him how at the beginning, in the Kṛta Yuga, a kingdom first came into existence (yathā rājyaṁ samutpannam ādau kṛtayuge 'bhavat) 12. 59. 13;

(29) Formerly in the Kṛta Yuga the ascetics residing in the Naimiṣa forest were engaged in a twelve-yearly sacrificial session (pūrvaṁ kṛtayuge rājan…) 9. 36. 39.

F. Nārāyaṇa (Kṛṣṇa) and the Kṛta Yuga: Bhagavān Nārāyaṇa (who was the same as KṛṣṇaJanārdana 3. 187. 52, 50) told Mārkaṇḍeya that his colour in the Kṛta Yuga was white (śvetaḥ kṛtayuge varṇaḥ) 3. 187. 31; Bhīṣma told Yudhiṣṭhira that Kṛṣṇa was complete Dharma in the Kṛta Yuga (kṛte yuge dharma āsīt samagraḥ) 13. 143. 9.

G. King and the Kṛta Yuga: The king is the creator of the Kṛta Yuga (rājā kṛtayugasraṣṭā) 5. 130. 16 = 12. 70. 25, (also cf. rājā kālasya kāraṇam 12. 70. 6); Kṛta and the remaining three Yugas depend on the conduct of the king and hence the king is identical with Yuga (rājavṛttāni sarvāṇi rājaiva yugam ucyate) 12. 92. 6; (rājamūlāni sarvāṇi) 12. 139. 10; when the king fully followed daṇḍanīti then prevalied the Kṛta Yuga, the best of time (daṇḍanītyāṁ yadā rājā samyak kārtsnyena vartate/tadā kṛtayugaṁ nāma kālaḥ śreṣṭhaḥ pravartate//) 5. 130. 14 = 12. 70. 7; Dyumatsena told Satyavān that in the Kṛta Yuga the king followed the instruction (how a king should rule 12. 259. 24-30) as his primary principle (etat prathamakalpena rājā kṛtayuge 'bhajat) 12. 259. 32; a king, as the creator of Kṛta, enjoyed in the heaven endlessly (kṛtasya karaṇād rājā svargam atyantam aśnute) 5. 130. 17 = 12. 70. 26; king Yayāti was described by Aṣṭaka as the best among those born in the Kṛta Yuga (kārtayugapradhāna) 1. 85. 1 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 90. 1: kārtayugapradhāna/kṛtayuge bhavāḥ kārtayugāḥ/atyantaniṣpāpā teṣāṁ mukhyatamety arthaḥ).

H. Kṛta and dharma: In the Kṛta Yuga the ancient dharma prevails (yatra dharmaḥ sanātanaḥ) 3. 148. 10; in that Yuga the eternal dharma of the four varṇas stands on all its four feet (i. e. is in no way deficient) (kṛte yuge catuṣpādaś cāturvarṇyasya śāśvataḥ) 3. 148. 21; formerly in the Kṛta Yuga Dharma, the bull, without deceit and free from vices stood established in its entirety among men (kṛte catuṣpāt sakalo nirvyājopādhivarjitaḥ/vṛṣaḥ pratiṣṭhito dharmo manuṣyeṣv abhavat purā//) 3. 188. 10 (Nī. on 3. 190. 9: vṛṣa iva catuṣpāt); 12. 327. 73; both dharma, on its four feet, and truth are fully established in the Kṛta Yuga (catuṣpāt sakalo dharmaḥ satyaṁ caiva kṛte yuge) 12. 224. 22; since dharma is not contaminated by adharma (nādharmeṇāgamaḥ kaścit 12. 224. 22) it does not get diminished (dharmo na hrasate kvacit) 1. 58. 22; dharma always prospers and adharma is destroyed 3. 189. 7; 12. 70. 8; dharma in the Kṛta Yuga was established among the Brāhmaṇas who had mastered their self, who had practised austerities and who had studied the Vedas (ātmavatsu tapovatsu śrutavaisu pratiṣṭhitaḥ) 12. 224. 67; dharma in different Yugas is different 12. 224. 26 = 12. 252. 8; austerity is the best dharma for the Kṛta (tapaḥ paraṁ kṛtayuge) 12. 24. 27; in the Kṛta Yuga the only dharma is renunciation (dharmaḥ saṁnyāsa eva ca) 3. 148. 13; one is not supposed to get angry in the Kṛta Yuga (na roṣaṁ kartum arhasi/naiṣa dharmaḥ kṛtayuge yas tvaṁ roṣam acīkṛthāḥ) 12. 323. 17.

I. Kṛta and the sacrifice: In the Kṛta Yuga performance of sacrifices is not prescribed (tretāyuge vidhis tv eṣāṁ yajñānāṁ na kṛte yuge) 12. 224. 62; the sages who assembled for a sacrifice told gods who wanted a goat to be killed that that was not the dharma of good people; they reminded the gods that they were in the Kṛta Yuga when an animal was not offered (naiṣa dharmaḥ satāṁ devā yatra vadhyeta vai paśuḥ/idaṁ kṛtayugaṁ śreṣṭhaṁ kathaṁ vadhyeta vai paśuḥ//) 12. 324. 5; (ahiṁsyā yajñapaśavo yuge 'smin naitad anyathā) 12. 327. 73; the offerings offered by Brahman and others to Viṣṇu in a Vaiṣṇava Kratu were offered according to the prescriptions meant for the Kṛta Yuga and, as a result, they reached the Puruṣa who had the brightness of the sun and who was above darkness (te kārtayugadharmāṇo bhāgā paramasatkṛtāḥ/ prāpur ādityavarṇaṁ taṁ puruṣaṁ tamasaḥ param//) 12. 327. 50 (commentator Vidyāsāgara: kārtayugadharmāṇaḥ ahiṁsādilakṣaṇakṛtasvabhāvāḥ mantralopatantralopakriyālopahiṁsādirahitāḥ paramasaṁskṛtāḥ, cf. the note on this stanza in the Cr. Ed.); but according to Bhīṣma when the king, in any other Yuga, employed daṇḍanītī properly, condition was as good as in the Kṛta Yuga (12. 70. 7); in such a Kṛta Yuga, all the three Varṇas offered Soma sacrifices according to rites (some prayatnaṁ kurvanti trayo varṇā yathāvidhi) (Editor's note on the stanza: some = devatādīn uddiśya somayāge) and the Vedic rites were faultlessly performed (vaidikāni ca karmāṇi bhavanty aviguṇāny uta) 12. 70. 9.

J. Nature of the Kṛta Yuga, its effects on men: Hanūmant told Bhīma that the times in the Kṛta Yuga were different from those in the other Yugas (anyaḥ kṛtayuge kālas tretāyāṁ dvāpare paraḥ) 3. 148. 6; Kṛta Yuga described by different persons:

(1) by Hanūmant to Bhīma 3. 148. 11-22 (Kṛta Yuga was completely free from the three qualities (viz. sattva, rajas and tamas) (traiguṇyaparivarjitam 3. 148. 22);

(2) by Vaiśaṁpāyana to Janamejaya 1. 58. 8-24 (kāle gāvaḥ prasūyante nāryaś ca bharatarṣabha/ phalanty ṛtuṣu vṛkṣāś ca puṣpāṇi ca phalāni ca// 1. 58. 23);

(3) by Mārkaṇḍeya to the Pāṇḍavas 3. 189. 8-13 (ṣaṭkarmaniratā viprāḥ kṣatriyā rakṣaṇe ratāḥ// śusrūṣāyāṁ ratāḥ śūdrās tathā varṇatrayasya ca/eṣa dharmaḥ kṛtayuge…// 3. 189. 12-13);

(4) by Bhīṣma to Yudhiṣṭhira (when a king in any Yuga practised daṇḍanīti properly) 12. 70. 8-13 (the qualities of Kṛta age are called kārtayugān guṇgān 12. 70. 13, also kārtayugadharmāṇo bhāgāḥ 12. 327. 50);

(5) by Saṁjaya to Dhṛtarāṣṭra 6. 11. 8-9; in general the people of the Kṛta Yuga were possessed of fortitude, were diligent in their duties, knew the proper time for the use of valour (dhṛtimantaś ca dakṣāś ca sve sve karmaṇi bhārata/parākramavidhānajñā narāḥ kṛtayuge 'bhavan) 3. 159. 2; the ascetics of the Kṛta Yuga were calm and they remained steady in the sattva quality (tapasvinaḥ praśāntāś ca sattvasthāś ca kṛte yuge) 12. 230. 7 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 238. 7: praśāntāḥ niḥsaṁśayāḥ); all the ascetics then made no distinction between pauruṣa, daiva and svabhāva as the cause of the success in karma and had neither love nor hatred for the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans; hence they practised austerities (and did not perform sacrifices) apṛthagdarśinaḥ sarve ṛksāmasu yajuḥṣu ca/kāmadveṣau pṛthag dṛṣṭvā tapaḥ kṛta upāsate//) 12. 230. 8 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 238. 8: vedatraye 'pi bhedam apaśyantaḥ kāmyādīn pṛthakkṛtya tapo jñānam upāsate śrayanti); 12. 224. 63 (Kṛta not mentioned, but Nī., on Bom. Ed. 12. 232. 33 supplies it: advaitaniṣṭhā martyās tapa eva yogam eva kṛtayuge 'nutiṣṭhantīti śeṣaḥ); when Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāṇḍu and Vidura were born the country of the Kurus (kurujāṅgalam), the Kurus themselves and the Kurukṣetra, all prospered 1. 102. 1; at that time a condition similar to the Kṛta Yuga prevailed in the regions of the different kingdoms (pradeśeṣv api rāṣṭrāṇāṁ kṛtam yugam avartata) 1. 102. 5; this condition is described in 1. 102. 2-11; people in the Kṛta Yuga did not have to cohabit to beget children, they could have them by mere thought (na caiṣāṁ maithuno dharmo babhūva bharatarṣabha/ saṁkalpād eva caiteṣām apatyam udapadyata//) 12. 200. 35; in the Kṛta Yuga evil tribes like the Talavaras, the Andhrakas etc. in the south and the Yaunas (Yavanas), Kāmbojas etc. in the north did not exist on the earth 12. 200. 39-43; there were no bhikṣus and those who have sectarian marks (liṅginaḥ); similarly there were no alternatives to the four āśramas; all this happened when the Kṛta Yuga passed away and the daṇḍanīti was no longer practised--thus Indra told to Māndhātṛ 12. 65. 24-25.

K. Expectation of life: In the Kṛta Yuga people were free from diseases, succeeded in achieving all objectives and lived for four hundred years (arogāḥ sarvasiddhārthāś caturvarṣaśatāyuṣaḥ/kṛte) 12. 224. 24; however, according to Saṁjaya people lived for four thousand years (catvāri ca sahasrāṇi varṣāṇāṁ kurusattama/āyuḥsaṁkhyā kṛtayuge saṁkhyātā rājasattama//) 6. 11. 5 (apparently there is confusion between the duration of the Kṛta Yuga (above section

C. ) and lifeexpectancy of human beings); also cf. sahasraśatajīvinaḥ tāḥ prajāḥ…//…evaṁ kṛtayuge samyag vartamāne tadā nṛpa) 1. 58. 10, 24; men lived as long as they liked and they had no fear of Yama 12. 200. 34; (na kṣīyante ca vai prajāḥ) 3. 148. 11; (nālpāyur dṛśyate naraḥ) 12. 70. 11; but the life expectation, virility etc. decrease successively in the Yugas that follow the Kṛta (āyur vīryam atho buddhir…manuṣyāṇām anuyugaṁ hrasatīti nibodha me) 3. 188. 13.

L. Kṛta as the name of Sūrya: Kṛta appears among the 108 names of Sūrya taught by Dhaumya to Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 3. 22.

M. Etymology: The etymology is implied when it is said that in the Kṛta Yuga (whatever needs be done) is done and does not remain undone (kṛtam eva na kartavyaṁ tasmin kāle yugottame) 3. 148. 10 [Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 149. 11: kṛtam eva sarve kṛtakṛtyā evety arthaḥ/tata eva hetoḥ kṛtayugaṁ nāma//). [Nī., Bom. Ed. 3. 191. 3, who reads vipraiś corakṣayaś caiva kṛte kṣemaṁ bhaviṣyati in place of the Cr. Ed. vipraiś corakṣaye caiva kṛte (3. 189. 3) interprets kṛte yuge; the words kṛta, tretā etc. occurring in 5. 140. 7-15 (= Bom. Ed. 5. 142. 7-15) are interpreted by Nī. as the Yuga names and not as names of the throws of dice in a dice game].

*2nd word in right half of page p238_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kṛta. See 2. Akṣa and 2. Yuga.
==Foot Notes==

Vedic Rituals Hindi सम्पाद्यताम्


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कृत न.
पाशे के पृष्ठ पर अंकित विशिष्ट संख्या अथवा चिह्न (अर्थात् 4), ‘कृतादि वा निदध्याद्राजप्रभृतिभ्यः’, का.श्रौ.सू. 15.7.18 (राजसूय)।

"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=कृत&oldid=497030" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्