

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Gaṅgādvāra  : nt.: Name of the place where the Gaṅgā enters the plains.

A. Location: On the river Bhāgīrathī 3. 80. 12-13; the place where the Gaṅgā cleft with force the Himavant mountain is called the Gaṅgādvāra (śailaṁ śikhariṇāṁ varam bibheda tarasā gaṅgā gaṅgādvāre yudhiṣṭhira) 3. 88. 18; on the Himavant mountain 9. 37. 26; the Koṭitīrtha is located at the Gaṅgādvāra 3. 82. 23.

B. Description: Holy (puṇya) 3. 80. 13; (puṇyaṁ tat khyāyate) 3. 88. 18; auspicious (śubha) 3. 80. 13; visited by the Brahmanical sages (brahmarṣigaṇasevita) 3. 88. 18, by the divine sages (devarṣisevita), and by the gods and the Gandharvas (devagandharvasevita) 3. 80. 13; comparable with the gate of the heaven (svargadvāreṇa yat tulyam) 3. 82. 23.

C. Holiness:

(1) One who bathes there is freed of sins and goes to heaven 13. 26. 12. (According to Nī. on Bom. Ed. 13. 25. 13 Gaṅgādvāra in this stanza refers to the place on the river Godāvarī on the Brahmagiri mountain: gaṅgādvārādayo 'tra brahmagirau godāvaryanugatā eva grāhyāḥ bhāgīrathīmāhātmyasya agre svātantryeṇa varṇyamānatvāt).

D. Importance: Finds mention in the Daivata-Ṛṣi-Vaṁśa 13. 151. 21, 2.

E. Events:

(1) Epic events: (i) Arjuna, during his exile, settled down there for some time (niveśam akarot); during his stay the place looked very splendid with the presence of the learned, selfcontrolled and righteous Brāhmaṇas who offered many agnihotras and flower offerings between the banks (?) (kṛtapuṣpopahāreṣu tīrāntaragateṣu ca) 1. 206. 6, 8-10; (ii) Since the path leading to the Śveta and the Mandara mountains was difficult, Yudhiṣṭhira suggested that Bhīma and the rest might return and wait for him at the Gaṅgādvāra 3. 141. 7; (iii) Jayadratha, humiliated by the Pāṇḍavas, went to the Gaṅgādvāra and practised austerities to satisfy Śiva 3. 256. 24; (iv) Bhīṣma once lived there and satisfied the manes, the gods and the sages by performing rites according to the prescription (vidhidṛṣṭena karmaṇā); and while he was there he saw the great seer Pulastya 3. 80. 1215; Bhīṣma went to the Gaṅgādvāra to offer śrāddha to Śaṁtanu 13. 83. 11; (v) From the Kurukṣetra Dhṛtarāṣṭra, along with Gāndhārī, Kuntī and Saṁjaya, went to the Gaṅgādvāra and practised austerities 15. 45. 10; (vi) Yudhiṣṭhira sent many well-versed men to the Gaṅgādvāra, where Dhṛtarāṣṭra and others were burnt by fire, and asked them to prepare there the receptacles for their bones (tatraiva teṣāṁ kulyāni gaṅgādvāre 'nvaśāt tadā/kartavyānīti puruṣān dattadeyān mahīpatiḥ) 15. 47. 14-15 (Nī. however, on Bom. Ed. 15. 39. 22: kulyāni asthīni); (vii) Bharadvāja lived there; when he there once went to the Ganges for bath, he saw the Apsaras Ghṛtācī bathing there 1. 154. 1-2;

(2) Past and mythological: (i) Newly married Agastya went there with Lopāmudrā and both practised severe austerities 3. 95. 11; (ii) Once Dakṣa decided to offer a sacrifice; all the gods proceeded to the Gaṅgādvāra to take part in the sacrifice of Dakṣa 12. 274. 18, 20; the river Sarasvatī, when invited by Brahman at the sacrifice of Dakṣa at the Gaṅgādvāra, went to the Himavant mountain 9. 37. 26.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Gaṅgādvāra  : nt.: Name of the place where the Gaṅgā enters the plains.

A. Location: On the river Bhāgīrathī 3. 80. 12-13; the place where the Gaṅgā cleft with force the Himavant mountain is called the Gaṅgādvāra (śailaṁ śikhariṇāṁ varam bibheda tarasā gaṅgā gaṅgādvāre yudhiṣṭhira) 3. 88. 18; on the Himavant mountain 9. 37. 26; the Koṭitīrtha is located at the Gaṅgādvāra 3. 82. 23.

B. Description: Holy (puṇya) 3. 80. 13; (puṇyaṁ tat khyāyate) 3. 88. 18; auspicious (śubha) 3. 80. 13; visited by the Brahmanical sages (brahmarṣigaṇasevita) 3. 88. 18, by the divine sages (devarṣisevita), and by the gods and the Gandharvas (devagandharvasevita) 3. 80. 13; comparable with the gate of the heaven (svargadvāreṇa yat tulyam) 3. 82. 23.

C. Holiness:

(1) One who bathes there is freed of sins and goes to heaven 13. 26. 12. (According to Nī. on Bom. Ed. 13. 25. 13 Gaṅgādvāra in this stanza refers to the place on the river Godāvarī on the Brahmagiri mountain: gaṅgādvārādayo 'tra brahmagirau godāvaryanugatā eva grāhyāḥ bhāgīrathīmāhātmyasya agre svātantryeṇa varṇyamānatvāt).

D. Importance: Finds mention in the Daivata-Ṛṣi-Vaṁśa 13. 151. 21, 2.

E. Events:

(1) Epic events: (i) Arjuna, during his exile, settled down there for some time (niveśam akarot); during his stay the place looked very splendid with the presence of the learned, selfcontrolled and righteous Brāhmaṇas who offered many agnihotras and flower offerings between the banks (?) (kṛtapuṣpopahāreṣu tīrāntaragateṣu ca) 1. 206. 6, 8-10; (ii) Since the path leading to the Śveta and the Mandara mountains was difficult, Yudhiṣṭhira suggested that Bhīma and the rest might return and wait for him at the Gaṅgādvāra 3. 141. 7; (iii) Jayadratha, humiliated by the Pāṇḍavas, went to the Gaṅgādvāra and practised austerities to satisfy Śiva 3. 256. 24; (iv) Bhīṣma once lived there and satisfied the manes, the gods and the sages by performing rites according to the prescription (vidhidṛṣṭena karmaṇā); and while he was there he saw the great seer Pulastya 3. 80. 1215; Bhīṣma went to the Gaṅgādvāra to offer śrāddha to Śaṁtanu 13. 83. 11; (v) From the Kurukṣetra Dhṛtarāṣṭra, along with Gāndhārī, Kuntī and Saṁjaya, went to the Gaṅgādvāra and practised austerities 15. 45. 10; (vi) Yudhiṣṭhira sent many well-versed men to the Gaṅgādvāra, where Dhṛtarāṣṭra and others were burnt by fire, and asked them to prepare there the receptacles for their bones (tatraiva teṣāṁ kulyāni gaṅgādvāre 'nvaśāt tadā/kartavyānīti puruṣān dattadeyān mahīpatiḥ) 15. 47. 14-15 (Nī. however, on Bom. Ed. 15. 39. 22: kulyāni asthīni); (vii) Bharadvāja lived there; when he there once went to the Ganges for bath, he saw the Apsaras Ghṛtācī bathing there 1. 154. 1-2;

(2) Past and mythological: (i) Newly married Agastya went there with Lopāmudrā and both practised severe austerities 3. 95. 11; (ii) Once Dakṣa decided to offer a sacrifice; all the gods proceeded to the Gaṅgādvāra to take part in the sacrifice of Dakṣa 12. 274. 18, 20; the river Sarasvatī, when invited by Brahman at the sacrifice of Dakṣa at the Gaṅgādvāra, went to the Himavant mountain 9. 37. 26.

*2nd word in right half of page p340_mci (+offset) in original book.

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