पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
चित्ररथः, पुं, (चित्रो रथो यस्य ।) सूर्य्यः । गन्धर्व्वविशेषः । इति मेदिनी । थे, २८ ॥ शेषस्य पर्य्यायः । गन्धर्व्वराजः २ अङ्गारपर्णः ३ कुवेर- सखः ४ दग्धरथः ५ । (यथा, महाभारते । १ । १७१ । ३७ -- ३९ । गन्धर्व्व उवाच । “जितोऽहं पूर्ब्बकं नाम मुञ्चाम्यङ्गारपर्णताम् । न च श्लाधे बलेनाङ्ग ! न नाम्ना जनसंसदि ॥ साध्विमं लब्धवा~ल्लाभं योऽहं दिव्यास्त्रधारिणम् । गान्धर्व्व्या माययेच्छामि संयोजयितुमर्ज्जुनम् ॥ अस्त्राग्निना विचित्रोऽयं दग्धोमे रथ उत्तमः । सोऽहं चित्ररथो भूत्वा नाम्ना दग्धरथोऽभवम् ॥”) स तु मुनिनाम्न्यां दक्षकन्यायां कश्यपौरसा- ज्जातः । इति महाभारते । १ । ६५ । ४३ ॥
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
चित्ररथ¦ पु॰ चित्रोरथोऽस्य।
१ सूर्य्ये
२ गन्धर्वभेदे च मेदि॰। स च गन्धर्वः कश्यपात् मुनिनाम्न्यां दक्षकग्यायां बभूवयथाह
“भोमोग्रसेनौ चेत्युपक्रमे
“भीमश्चित्ररथश्चैवविख्यातः सर्वविद्वशी” इत्युपक्रमे
“इत्येते देवगन्धर्वामौनयाः परिकीर्त्तिताः” भा॰ आ॰
६५ अ॰। इत्युक्तम्स च अङ्गारपर्णनामा अर्ज्जुनेन च तस्य दग्धरथ-त्वात् दग्धरथनामा बभूव यथाह भा॰ आ॰
० अ॰।
“गन्धर्व उवाच,
“जितोऽहं पूर्वकं नाम सुञ्चाम्यङ्गार-पर्णताम्। न च श्लाध्ये बलेनाङ्ग नाम्नाद्य जनसं-सदि। साध्विमं लब्धवांल्लाभोयोऽहं दिव्यास्त्रधारिणम्। गान्धर्व्या माययेच्छामि संयोजयितुनर्ज्जुन!। अस्त्रा-ग्निना विचित्रोऽयं दग्धोमे रथ उत्तमः। सोऽहं चित्र-रथो भूत्वा नाम्ना दग्धरथोऽभवम्”। [Page2947-a+ 38]
“गन्धर्वाणां चित्ररथः” गीता।
“सागराणां नदीनाञ्चमेघानां वर्षितस्य च। गन्धर्वाणामधिपतिं चक्रे चित्र-रथं विभुः” हरिव॰
४ अ॰। तस्य गन्धर्वाधिपत्यमुक्तम्।
२ नदीभेदे स्त्री
३ उषद्गोः पुत्रे पु॰ चैत्ररथिशब्देदृश्यम्। चित्ररथमधिकृत्य कृतो ग्रन्थः अण्। चैत्ररथभारतस्यादिपर्वान्तर्गतेऽवान्तरपर्वणि। तच्च पर्व आदि-पर्वणि
५ अवधि
३ अध्यायपर्य्यन्तम्।
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
चित्ररथ¦ m. (-थः)
1. The sun.
2. The chief of the Gand'harbas or cho- risters of INDRA'S heaven. E. चित्र painted, and रथ a car; lord of the painted car. चित्रः रथः अस्य |
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ mfn. ( त्र-)having a bright chariot ( अग्नि) RV. x , 1 , 5
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. the sun L.
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. the polar star ( ध्रुव). BhP. iv , 10 , 22
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. N. of a man RV. iv , 30 , 18
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. the king of the गन्धर्वs AV. viii , 10 , 27 MBh. Hariv. Vikr. Ka1d. BhP.
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. N. of a king Ta1n2d2yaBr. xx , 12 Pan5cat.
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. of a king of the अङ्गs MBh. xiii , 2351
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. of a descendant of अङ्गand son of धर्म- रथHariv. 1695 ff. BhP. ix , 23 , 6
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. of a snake-demon Kaus3. 74
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. of a son (of गदor कृष्णHariv. 9193 ; of उषद्गुor रुशेकुMBh. xiii , 6834 Hariv. 1971 BhP. ix , 23 , 30 ; of वृष्णि, 24 , 14 and 17 ; of गज, v , 15 , 2 ; of सुपार्श्वक, ix , 13 , 23 ; of उक्तor उष्ण, 22 39 )
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. of a prince of मृत्तिकावतीMBh. iii , 11076 (See. BhP. ix , 16 , 3 )
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. of a सूतR. ii , 32 , 17
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. of an officer Ra1jat. viii , 1438
चित्ररथ/ चित्र--रथ m. of a विद्या-धरL.
Purana index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
(I)--a son of Gaya, and father of सम्राट्; wife ऊर्णा. भा. V. १५. १४.
(II)--a Gandharva who crossed the place where the bones of a certain कौशिक lay dropped down to the earth. After collecting and throwing them into the सरस्वती, he went to his home. फलकम्:F1: भा. VI. 8. ३९-40.फलकम्:/F He was seen sporting at the Ganges with अप्सरस् by रेणुका. फलकम्:F2: Ib. IX. १६. 2-3.फलकम्:/F
(III)--the son of सुपार्श्वक and father of क्षेमाधि. He was king of मिथिला. भा. IX. १३. २३.
(IV)--the son of Ukta and father of Kavi- ratha. भा. IX. २२. ४०. [page१-605+ २८]
(V)--the son of Dharmaratha, well known as रोमपाद. A friend of दशरथ. As he had no children, he adopted शान्ता, daughter of दशरथ. ऋष्यशृन्ग mar- ried her. Then he had a son Caturanga. भा. IX. २३. 7-१०; M. ४८. ९४; वा. ९३. १०३; Vi. IV. १८. १६-18.
(VI)--the son of रुशेकु (रुष्(s4)anku-म्। प्।, वि। प्।) and father of शशबिन्दु. भा. IX. २३. ३१; Br. III. ७०. १८; M. ४४. १७; Vi. IV. १२. 2-3.
(VII)--a son of वृष्णि and a grandson of Anamitra. Father of पृथु and other sons. भा. IX. २४. १५ and १८.
(VIII)--a Mauneya Gandharva; overlord of the Gandharvas, Kinnaras and विद्याधरस्; फलकम्:F1: Br. III. 7. 3; 8. १०; IV. २०. ५०; M. 8. 6; वा. ६९. 2; ७०. 9.फलकम्:/F served as the calf when the Gandharvas milked the earth in the lotus vessel along with the Apsaras. फलकम्:F2: Br. II. ३६. २२१.फलकम्:/F
(IX)--a son of अगावह. Br. III. ७१. २५७.
(X)--a son of भूरि. M. ५०. ८०.
(XI)--the son of रशादु; performed several sacrifices; became later known as शशबिन्दु; had १०,000 sons of whom six were famous with names beginning in पृथु. वा. ९५. १७-18, २०-21.
(XII)--a son of उष्ण. वा. ९९. २७२; १०८. ४९. [page१-606+ २६]
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
CITRARATHA I : (AṄGĀRAPARṄA). A devagan- dharva.
1) Birth. Citraratha was the gandharva son of Kaśyapaprajāpati of his wife Muni. (Śloka 43, Chapter 65, Ādi Parva).
2) Citraratha and Arjuna. The greatest event in the life of Citraratha alias Aṅgāraparṇa was the defeat he suffered at the hands of Arjuna. The Pāṇḍavas after their escape from the lac palace (Lākṣāgṛha) through a tunnel arrived in a forest and there they killed the demons Hiḍiṁba and Baka. One night they were walking along the shores of the river Gaṅgā when they heard a sound of somebody bathing in the river. Arjuna who was walking ahead waving a country torch went to see who was bathing at that time of the night. Arjuna then saw Citraratha enjoying a bath with his wife Kumbhīnasī. That period of the night was allotted to the gandharvas, and human beings were not expected to be out walking at that time. Citraratha felt it impertinent that Arjuna a human being should be out walking at night and peep into the privacy of the gandharvas. The gandharva and Arjuna so entered into a combat. Citraratha who was a great fighter was, after a grim battle, subdued, bound hand and foot, and brought before his brothers by Arjuna. Kumbhīnasī followed her exhausted, powerless and spiritless husband and pleaded to Dharmaputra to release him. Dharma- putra advised Arjuna to do so and on getting his release he taught Arjuna the famous Cākṣuṣīvidyā--the magic art of seeing by one's own eyes anything and everything in the three worlds: Heaven, Earth and the nether- world. Manu was the author of this magic art and from him Soma learnt it and from Soma Viśvāvasu, from Viśvāvasu, Citraratha and from Citraratha, Arjuna. Besides this Citraratha gave Arjuna many chariots and horses.
In return Arjuna taught him the secret of the missile Agniśira. Exchanging faith and affection thus Citraratha and the Pāṇḍavas became friends. He then narrated to the Pāṇḍavas many interesting stories, of which the following are a few. The story of the feud between Vasiṣṭha and Viśvāmitra, story of Tapatīsaṁvaraṇa and tales about the sage Parāśara, Kalmāṣapāda, Adṛśyantī, Bhārgavas, Kṛtavīrya and Aurva. Citra- ratha advised the Pāṇḍavas to have a priest for the sacrificial rites and it was thus that they engaged Dhaumya as their family priest.
Since Arjuna had destroyed all the chariots belonging to Citraratha, the latter got a name ‘Bhagnaratha’ (devoid of chariots). Citraratha admitted that Arjuna could conquer him because of his vow of celibacy. (Chapters 165 to 183, Ādi Parva, M.B.).
3) Other details.
(1) Citraratha attended one of the birthday festivals of Arjuna. (Śloka 52, Chapter 122, Ādi Parva, M.B.).
(2) Citraratha worshipped Kubera sitting in the latter's council. (Sabhā Parva, Chapter 10, Śloka 26).
(3) He offered as a gift to Dharmaputra four hundred excellent horses which could fly like wind. (Chapter 52, Śloka 23, Vana Parva).
(4) When the gandharvas milked the earth during the time of the emperor, Pṛthu, Citraratha acted as the calf. (Śloka 39, Chapter 6, Harivaṁśa).
(5) Śiva once sent Citraratha as a messenger to Asura Śaṁkhacūḍa, with a message that Śaṁkhacūḍa should abandon his satanic activities. (Devī Bhāgavata, Nava- ma Skandha).
*3rd word in left half of page 186 (+offset) in original book.
CITRARATHA II : One of the ministers of Daśaratha. He belonged to the Sūta dynasty. (Śloka 17, Ayodhyā Kāṇḍa, Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa).
*1st word in right half of page 186 (+offset) in original book.
CITRARATHA III : A king of Sālva. Once Reṇukā, wife of Jamadagni, after her bath in the river stayed ashore watching this king and his queen bathe in the river with erotic plays. Reṇukā thus reached the āśrama a bit late and Jamadagni enraged at this commanded his son Paraśurāma to chop the head of his own mother. (Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa, Chapter 59).
*2nd word in right half of page 186 (+offset) in original book.
CITRARATHA IV : A king of the dynasty of Bharata. He was the son of King Gaya. Citraratha had a sister named Sugati and a brother Avarodhana. (Pañcama Skandha, Bhāgavata).
*3rd word in right half of page 186 (+offset) in original book.
CITRARATHA V : A prince of Pāñcāla. He was killed in the battle of Mahābhārata by Droṇācārya. (Śloka 43, Chapter 122, Droṇa Parva).
*4th word in right half of page 186 (+offset) in original book.
CITRARATHA VI : A king of the Aṅga country. He married Prabhāvatī, sister of Ruci, wife of Devaśarmā. (Śloka 8, Chapter 42, Anuśāsana Parva, M.B.).
*5th word in right half of page 186 (+offset) in original book.
CITRARATHA VII : A king of the Yādava dynasty. He was the son of Uśaṅku and father of Śūra. (Śloka 29, Chapter 147, Anuśāsana Parva).
*6th word in right half of page 186 (+offset) in original book.
CITRARATHA VIII : Son of Vīrabāhu and a friend of Śrī Rāma. In the Rājya Kāṇḍa of Ānanda Rāmāyaṇa there is the following story about him.
Citraratha was also one among those assembled for the svayaṁvara of Hemā, daughter of Kuśa. He sent an anaesthetic missile to the assemblage and made them all fall down senseless. He then took Hemā out from the marriage hall. But on reaching outside he felt he had done a very unjust thing and so withdrew the missile and stood outside ready to fight. A fight ensued in which Citraratha defeated all. But Lava alone continued to fight with him. Vīrabāhu, father of Citraratha, who was closely watching the fight came to the help of Citra- ratha and engaging Lava in a fight struck him down. Kuśa seeing this attacked Vīrabāhu and bound him hand and foot. At that time Śrī Rāma came to the scene and told Kuśa that Vīrabāhu was a friend of his and set Vīrabāhu free. Hemā was then married to Citra- ratha and Vīrabāhu was sent away with due respect.
*7th word in right half of page 186 (+offset) in original book.
CITRARATHA : An Indian river of purāṇic fame. (Chapter 9, Bhīṣma Parva, M.B.).
*8th word in right half of page 186 (+offset) in original book.