



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

निषादः, पुं, (निषद्यते ग्रामशेषसीमायाम् । यद्वा, निषीदति पापमत्र । नि + सद् + कर्म्मणि अधिकरणे वा घञ् ।) चण्डालः । इत्यमरः । २ । १० । २० ॥ वेणशरीरोद्भवजातिविशेषः । यथा, अग्निपुराणे । “मथ्यमाने ततो राज्ञस्तस्मिन्नूरौ प्रजज्ञिवान् । ह्रस्वोऽतिपरुषः कृष्णस्तद्भयात् प्राञ्जलिः स्थितः ॥ ते मन्त्रैर्व्विह्वलं दृष्ट्वा निषीदेत्यब्रुवंस्तदा । निषादवंशकर्त्ता स बभूव मुनिसत्तमाः ! ॥ धीवरानसृजन् वापि वेणकल्मषसम्भवान् । ये चान्ये विन्ध्यनिलयाः शवरा नाहलादयः ॥ अधर्म्मरुचयो ये च वित्तैनान् वेणसम्भवान् ॥” पारिभाषिकचण्डालो यथा, मार्कण्डेयपुराणे । “आशाकर्त्तुस्त्वदाता च दातुश्च प्रतिषेधकः । शरणागतं यस्त्यजति स चण्डालोऽधमो नरः ॥” धीवरविशेषः । इति मेदिनी । दे, ३४ ॥ (निषीदन्ति षड्जादयः स्वरा यत्र । नि + सद् + घञ् ।) सप्तस्वरान्तर्गतशेषस्वरः । स तु नारदमते हस्तिस्वरतुल्यस्वरः । अस्योच्चारणस्थानं लला- टम् । व्याकरणमते दन्तः । अयं वैश्यवर्णः । सर्व्वस्वराणां मध्ये उच्चः । अस्य जातिः सम्पूर्णा । अस्य कूटतानाः ५०४० । प्रत्येकतानम् ५६ समुदायेन २८२२४० भवन्ति । अस्य स्वरूपः गणेशतुल्यः । कृष्णश्वेतवर्णः । स्थानं पुष्कर- द्वीपः । देवता सूर्य्यः । वारः शनिः । समयः निशान्ते ८ दण्ड -- ३४ पलानि । अस्य श्रुतिः उग्रा शोभिनी च । मूर्च्छना मन्दरस्थाने सखा । मध्यस्थाने अहङ्कृता । तारस्थाने लोचना च । निषादवर्ज्जिता रागिणी आसावरी मल्लारी च । नादपुराणमते । निःसन्तानोऽयम् बीणायां धैवतावधिषड्जस्थानपर्य्यन्तं प्रथम- सप्तकतृतीयांशस्य शेषसमुदायबीणातन्त्रीनिषा- दस्थानं भवति । इति सङ्गीतशास्त्रम् ॥ * ॥ “षड्जादयः षडेतेऽत्र स्वराः सर्व्वे मनोहराः निषीदन्ति यतो लोके निषादस्तेन कथ्यते ॥ चतस्रः पञ्चमे षड्जे मध्यमे श्रुतयो मताः । ऋषभे धैवते तिस्रो द्वे गान्धारनिषादके ॥” इति सङ्गीतदामोदरः ॥ (अस्य असुरवंशे उत्पत्तिः । वैश्यो जातिः । विचित्रो वर्णः । पुष्करद्बीपे जन्म । ऋषि- स्तुम्बुरुः । सूर्य्यो देवता । जगती छन्दः । करुणे उपयोगित्वम् ॥ इति सङ्गीतदर्पणम् ॥)


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

निषाद पुं।




निषादर्षभगान्धारषड्जमध्यमधैवताः। पञ्चमश्चेत्यमी सप्त तन्त्रीकण्ठोत्थिताः स्वराः॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : , गुणः, शब्दः

निषाद पुं।




निषादश्वपचावन्तेवासिचाण्डालपुक्कसाः। भेदाः किरातशबरपुलिन्दा म्लेच्छजातयः॥

पत्नी : चाण्डालिका

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, चलसजीवः, मनुष्यः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

निषाद¦ पुंस्त्री निषीदति पापमत्र नि + सद--आधारे घञ्।

१ चण्डाले जातिभेदे अमरः तन्निरुक्तिः
“निषादः कस्मा-न्निषदनो भवति निषण्णमत्र पापकमिति” निरु॰

३ ।

८ । वेनोरुमन्थनाज्जाते

२ जातिभेदे तत्कथा
“दग्धस्थूणा-व्रतीकाशी विकटाक्षोऽतिह्रस्वकः। किङ्करोमीति तान्सर्वान् विप्रानाह स चातुरः। निषीदेति तमूचुस्तेनिषादस्तेन सोऽभवत्। ततस्तत्सम्भवा जाता विन्ध्य-शैलनिवासिनः। निषादा मुनिशार्दूल! पापकर्मोपल-क्षणाः। तेन द्वारेण निष्क्रान्तं तत्पापं तस्य भूपतेः। निषादास्ते ततो जाता वेनकल्मषनाशनाः” स्त्रियांलातित्वात् ङीष्।
“निषाद्याः पञ्चपुत्रायाः सुप्तायाजतुवेश्मनि” भा॰ आ॰

१ अ॰। तन्त्रीकण्ठोत्थिते

३ स्वर-भेदे पु॰ अमरः।
“षड्जादथः षडे{??}ऽत्र स्वराः सर्वेमनोहराः। निषीदन्ति यतो लोके निषादस्तेनकथ्यते। चतस्रः पञ्चमे षड्जे मध्यमे श्रुत्तयो मताः। ऋषभे धैवते तिस्रोद्वे गान्धारनिषादके” सङ्गीतदामो-दरः
“निषादं रौति कुञ्जरः” इत्युक्तेः तस्य हस्तितुल्य-स्वरता।

४ ब्राह्मणाच्छूद्रकन्यायामुत्पन्ने पारशवाख्येजातिभेदे च
“ब्राह्मणात् वैश्यकन्यायामम्बष्ठो नासजायते निषादः। शूद्रकन्यायां यः पारशव उच्यते” मनुः।
“मत्स्यघातोनिषादानाम्” मनुना तद्धृत्तिरुक्ता

५ देशभेदे स च देशः सरस्वती नद्यन्तर्द्धानस्थानं यथोक्तंभा॰ व॰


० अ॰
“एतद्विनशनं नाम सरस्वत्या विशा-म्पते!। द्वारं निषादराष्ट्रस्य येषां दोषात् सरस्वती। प्रविष्टा पृथिवीं वीर मा निषादा हि मां विदुः”।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

निषाद¦ m. (-दः)
1. The last or the seventh note of the Hindu gamut, or more properly the highest of the scale.
2. A man of a degraded tribe, or an outcaste, especially the son of a Bra4hman by a Su4dra woman.
3. A fisherman. E. नि before, सद् to go, aff. आधारे घञ्; pervading the mind, &c.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

निषादः [niṣādḥ], 1 N. of one of the wild aboriginal tribes in India, such as hunters, fishermen &c.; a mountaineer; मा निषाद प्रतिष्ठां त्वमगमः शाश्वतीः समा Rām.1.2.15; R.14. 52,7; U.2.5.

A man of a degraded tribe in general, an outcast, a Chāṇḍāla.

Especially, the son of a Brāhmaṇa by a Sūdra woman. cf. ब्राह्मणाद्वैश्य- कन्यायामम्बष्ठो नाम जायते । निषादः शूद्रकन्यायां यः पारशव उच्यते ॥ Ms.1.8.

(In music) The first (more properly the last or seventh) note of the Hindu gamut; गीतकला- विन्यासमिव निषादानुगतम् K.31 (where it has sense 1 also).

N. of a Kalpa. -Comp. -वत् m. the निषाद note; Mb.12 184.39. -स्थपतिन्यायः The rule according to which when a compound expression is capable of being dissolved as a कर्मधारय or a तत्पुरुष, the former is to be preferred to the latter. This is discussed and established by जैमिनि and शबर in MS.6.1.51-52 in connection with the expression निषादस्थपति.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

निषाद/ नि- m. N. of a wild non-Aryan tribe in India (described as hunters , fishermen , robbers etc. ) VS. Br. MBh. etc.

निषाद/ नि- m. = भिल्ल, " the Bheels " Katha1s. Mahi1dh.

निषाद/ नि- m. a man of any degraded tribe , an out-caste ( esp. the son of a Brahman by a शूद्रwoman) Mn. x , 8

निषाद/ नि- m. the progenitor of the -NNi-shad (said to have sprung from the thigh of वेन) MBh. Hariv.

निषाद/ नि- m. (in music) N. of the first (more properly the last or 7th) note of the gamut MBh. xiv , 1419

निषाद/ नि- m. N. of a कल्पVa1yuP.

निषाद/ नि-षाद etc. See. नि-षद्.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--the black and dwarfish man who came out of the churning of the thigh of the dead Vena by the sages; the ancestor of the नैषदस्, the Vindhyan tribe. भा. IV. १४. ४५-46; Vi. I. १३. ३५-6.
(II)--a son of Vasudeva; the first bowman; फलकम्:F1:  वा. ९६. १८४, १८७.फलकम्:/F hunter. फलकम्:F2:  Ib. ४७. ५१.फलकम्:/F
(III)--२०थ् kalpa; प्रजापति Nis2a1da performed austerities controlling the senses for a thousand divine years; seeing the son getting wearied by penance ब्रह्मा said: “refrain from it,” hence the name, निषाद. Out of him came निषादवान्स्वर। वा. २१. ४३.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Niṣāda  : m. (pl.): Name of a people of low caste; their territory called niṣādaviṣaya 7. 168. 35; 14. 84. 7; niṣādarāṣṭra 3. 130. 4; niṣādabhūmi 2. 28. 5; their settlement niṣādālaya 1. 24. 2; 12. 315. 14 (niṣādānām ālayaḥ).

A. Origin:

(1) Sages killed Atibala's son Vena with Kuśa blades and produced from his right thigh a dwarfish person (hrasvāṅgaḥ); they asked hlm to sit down; from him Niṣādas were born (niṣīda ity evam ūcus tam ṛṣayo brahmavādinaḥ/ tasmān niṣādāḥ saṁbhūtāḥ) 12. 59. 102103; (this is also an etymological explanation);

(2) Niṣādas were born due to intermixture of the original four castes (niṣādāḥ…/ete caturbhyo varṇebhyo jāyante vai parasparam) 12. 285. 8-9.

B. Location:

(1) Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; śakā niṣādā…) 6. 10. 50; in the west: the Vinaśana tīrtha on the river Sarasvatī called the gate of the Niṣādarāṣṭra 3. 130. 4; the territory of Niṣādas was located outside the Samantapañcaka 7. 168. 35; 7. 121. 24, 34;

(2) Another territory in the southwest: Sahadeva in his expedition to the south of Indraprastha (prayayau dakṣiṇāṁ diśam 2. 28. 1; 2. 23. 9) conquered the land of the Niṣādas (niṣādabhūmim… vyajayat) 2. 28. 5; south of Śūrpāraka 2. 28. 43-44; Arjuna went from the Daśārṇa country to the country of Niṣādas 14. 84. 5-7; from the country of Niṣādas, he went to the southern ocean (prayayau bhūyaḥ dakṣiṇaṁ salilārṇavam) 14. 84. 10;

(3) In a past event, a settlement of the Niṣādas is said to be in a solitary place in the bay of the ocean (samudrakukṣāv ekānte niṣādālayam uttamam) 1. 24. 2.

C. Low Status: A son begotten on a Kṣatriya woman by a Śūdra becomes Niṣāda 13. 48. 12; a Niṣāda uniting with a Vaidehī begets Āhiṇḍika 13. 48. 27; a Niṣāda uniting with a woman of lower caste begets a Mudgara and Dāśa who lives by plying boats (dāśaṁ nāvopajīvinam) 13. 48. 21; a Niṣāda also begets a Madranābha who rides in vehicles drawn by asses (niṣādān madranābhaṁ ca kharayānaprayāyinam) 13. 48. 23;

(2) A Niṣādī from a Caṇḍāla gives birth to a son who lives on the outskirts on the cremation grounds; he is an outcaste among outcastes (niṣādī cāpi caṇḍālāt putram antāvasāyinam/śmaśānagocaraṁ sūte bāhyair api bahiṣkṛtam//) 13. 48. 28.

D. Profession: They lived by catching fish (matsyajīvinaḥ; jālahastāḥ; matsyoddharaṇaniścitāḥ; niścitā jālakarmaṇi) 13. 50. 11, 12; (niṣādo matsyaghnaḥ) 13. 48. 12; hence also called kaivartāḥ 13. 50. 14.

E. Description: (i) Their settlement in the ocean is said to be excellent (uttama) 1. 24. 2; (ii) People and warriors: residing on mountains and in forests (śailavanāśraya) 12. 59. 103; strong and brave, they never returned from water-reservoirs (empty-handed out of fear) (vyāyatā balinaḥ śūrāḥ salileṣv anivartinaḥ) 13. 50. 12; cruel (krūra) 12. 59. 103; skilled in fighting with elephants (gajayodhinaḥ, gajayuddheṣu kuśalāḥ) 8. 17. 2-3; their elephants often mentioned during wardescriptions cf. 6. 50. 7; 7. 45. 21-22; 8. 12. 59; 8. 15. 8; 8. 17. 5, 22; 8. 33. 1, 4; 8. 43. 70; 8. 49. 78-79.

F. Their abode used for comparison: The mountain Himālaya without the sound of Vedic recitation appeared like an abode of the Niṣādas (na bhrājate yathāpūrvaṁ niṣādānām ivālayaḥ/…vedadhvaninirākṛtaḥ) 12 315. 14.

G. Epic events:

(1) Sahadeva, in his expedition to the south before the Rājasūya, conquered the territory of the Niṣādas and brought them under control (niṣādabhūmim…vyajayat) 2. 28. 5; (vaśe cakre…niṣādān) 2. 28. 44;

(2) Karṇa had once defeated them and made them pay tribute (cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 19-20 (possibly a reference to Karṇa's conquest of the earth before the Vaiṣṇava sacrifice performed by Duryodhana 3. 241, 32 and Cr. Edn. Vol. 3, App. I. 24. 28-72);

(3) On the second day of the war, Yudhiṣṭhira with Niṣādas (on the side of the Pāṇḍavas) and other warriors, formed the ‘back’ of the Krauñcāruṇavyūha 6. 46. 39. 47 (Krauñca 6. 47. 1);

(4) On the same day, Ketumant, a Niṣāda prince (naiṣādi) with his Niṣāda warriors (on the side of the Kauravas), riding elephants, surrounded Bhīma (ayutena gajānāṁ ca niṣādaiḥ saha ketumān); Cedis and other warriors led by Bhīma, attacked Niṣādas; in the fierce battle, Niṣādas and Kaliṅgas outnumbered Cedis and their associates (vimardaḥ sumahān āsīd alpānāṁ bahubhiḥ saha) 6. 50. 5, 7, 8, 14;

(5) On the tenth day, Niṣādas and other warriors, incited by Duryodhana, attacked Arjuna 6. 112. 108;

(6) On the thirteenth day, Niṣādas and Kaliṅgas, riding elephants (gajānīkena daṁśitāḥ; kuñjarānīkam) obstructed the advance of Abhimanyu; he scattered away their army of elephants 7. 45. 21-22;

(7) On the fifteenth day, Dhṛṣṭadyumna regretted that he did not throw away the head of Droṇa in the territory of the Niṣādas, as (Arjuna did) the head of Jayadratha (yan na tasya śiro mayā/ niṣādaviṣaye kṣiptaṁ jayadrathaśiro yathā) 7. 168. 35;

(8) On the sixteenth day, Kaliṅga, Vaṅga and Niṣāda warriors, riding elephants (atha dvipair devapatidvipābhair) rushed against Arjuna; Arjuna killed both the elephants and the warriors 8. 12. 59-60;

(9) On the same day, the Pāṇḍya king killed many Niṣāda warriors, who fought with śakti, prāsa and quivers (i. e. arrows), along with their elephants (dviradān) and horses 8. 15. 5, 8-9;

(10) On the same day, incited by Duryodhana, Niṣādas, riding elephants (hastibhis), attacked Dhṛṣṭadyumna with arrows, tomaras and nārāca arrows; Dhṛṣṭadyumna showered nārāca arrows on them to crush their elephants 8. 17. 1, 3-5;

(11) On the same day, they attacked Nakula with arrows and tomaras; when warriors came to help Nakula, a fierce battle took place between chariot-riders and elephant-riders (yuddhaṁ rathināṁ hastibhiḥ saha) 8. 17. 20-22;

(12) On the seventeenth day, Karṇa killed many warriors in the army of Yudhiṣṭhira consisting of Niṣādas (on the side of the Pāṇḍavas) and others; when they began to run away, Sātyaki incited them to fight; on return, they were killed by Karṇa who cut off their arms and removed their head-gears (te vibāhuśirastrāṇāḥ… petuḥ pṛthivyāṁ…) 8. 33. 1, 4-5;

(13) On the same day, Arjuna referred to Bhīma's killing Niṣādas (on the side of the Kauravas) and their elephants (nāgavarān…sadāmadān nīlabalāhakopamān) 8. 49. 78-79;

(14) When Arjuna moved with the Aśvamedha horse, he had to fight a fierce battle with the Niṣādas led by Ekalavya's son 14. 84. 7-8.

H. Mythological event: Vinatā allowed her son Garuḍa to eat Niṣādas (but not the Brāhmaṇas) while on his way to fetch amṛta 1. 24. 2; when Garuḍa found the Niṣādas he collected them together; then, opening his beak wide, he stood in the way of the Niṣādas; they entered Garuḍa's mouth by hundreds since they were deluded by the dust raised by the wind; the hungry Garuḍa closed his beak and killed many Niṣādas 1. 24. 10-14.

I. Past events:

(1) Sarasvatī disappeared at the gate of the Niṣādarāṣṭra so that the Niṣādas might not see her 3. 130. 4;

(2) Some Niṣādas once came to the place where Cyavana was practising austerities near the confluence of Gaṅgā and Yamunā; the Niṣādas who wanted to catch fishes threw their net in water; when they drew their net they dragged Cyavana along with fishes; they fell at the feet of Cyavana and asked him what they should do; Cyavana told the Niṣadas that he did not want to forsake the fishes and hence would get killed or sold along with them; afraid, the Niṣādas reported the matter to king Nahuṣa; Nahuṣa asked his priest to pay one thousand (coins) to the Niṣādas as the price of fishes and Cyavana; on Cyavana's denial to accept this price, Nahuṣa went on bidding higher and higher price to be paid to Niṣādas; ultimately Cyavana was purchased by giving a cow to Niṣādas; they offered it to Cyavana; Cyavana sent the Niṣādas and the fishes to heaven 13. 50. 3-26; 13. 51. 1-41.

I. Some persons called the king of Niṣādas or one belonging to the Niṣādas:

(1) niṣādarāja: (i) Ekalavya 5. 47. 71; (ii) Hiraṇyadhanus 1. 123. 10;

(2) niṣādarājan: Ekalavya 14. 84. 7;

(3) niṣādādhipati: (i) Hiraṇyadhanus 1. 123. 24, 28; 2. 27. 10 (?) (ii) a certain Mahāsura 1. 61. 48;

(4) naiṣādi: (i) Ekalavya: 1. 123. 11, 17, 18, 29, 38; 7. 156. 2, 17, 18; 16. 7. 10; (ii) Ekalavya's son 14. 84. 10; (iii) Ketumant 6. 50. 5; (iv) A Kuru warrior (not named; Ekalavya ?) 8. 43. 70; (v) Kāpavya 12. 133. 3;

(5) niṣādaja: Ekalavya 1. 123. 32;

(6) niṣāda: Ekalavya 7. 155. 29;

(7) Niṣādī (f.), not named 12. 133. 3.

*1st word in right half of page p757_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p756_mci .......... next page p760_mci

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Niṣāda  : m. (pl.): Name of a people of low caste; their territory called niṣādaviṣaya 7. 168. 35; 14. 84. 7; niṣādarāṣṭra 3. 130. 4; niṣādabhūmi 2. 28. 5; their settlement niṣādālaya 1. 24. 2; 12. 315. 14 (niṣādānām ālayaḥ).

A. Origin:

(1) Sages killed Atibala's son Vena with Kuśa blades and produced from his right thigh a dwarfish person (hrasvāṅgaḥ); they asked hlm to sit down; from him Niṣādas were born (niṣīda ity evam ūcus tam ṛṣayo brahmavādinaḥ/ tasmān niṣādāḥ saṁbhūtāḥ) 12. 59. 102103; (this is also an etymological explanation);

(2) Niṣādas were born due to intermixture of the original four castes (niṣādāḥ…/ete caturbhyo varṇebhyo jāyante vai parasparam) 12. 285. 8-9.

B. Location:

(1) Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; śakā niṣādā…) 6. 10. 50; in the west: the Vinaśana tīrtha on the river Sarasvatī called the gate of the Niṣādarāṣṭra 3. 130. 4; the territory of Niṣādas was located outside the Samantapañcaka 7. 168. 35; 7. 121. 24, 34;

(2) Another territory in the southwest: Sahadeva in his expedition to the south of Indraprastha (prayayau dakṣiṇāṁ diśam 2. 28. 1; 2. 23. 9) conquered the land of the Niṣādas (niṣādabhūmim… vyajayat) 2. 28. 5; south of Śūrpāraka 2. 28. 43-44; Arjuna went from the Daśārṇa country to the country of Niṣādas 14. 84. 5-7; from the country of Niṣādas, he went to the southern ocean (prayayau bhūyaḥ dakṣiṇaṁ salilārṇavam) 14. 84. 10;

(3) In a past event, a settlement of the Niṣādas is said to be in a solitary place in the bay of the ocean (samudrakukṣāv ekānte niṣādālayam uttamam) 1. 24. 2.

C. Low Status: A son begotten on a Kṣatriya woman by a Śūdra becomes Niṣāda 13. 48. 12; a Niṣāda uniting with a Vaidehī begets Āhiṇḍika 13. 48. 27; a Niṣāda uniting with a woman of lower caste begets a Mudgara and Dāśa who lives by plying boats (dāśaṁ nāvopajīvinam) 13. 48. 21; a Niṣāda also begets a Madranābha who rides in vehicles drawn by asses (niṣādān madranābhaṁ ca kharayānaprayāyinam) 13. 48. 23;

(2) A Niṣādī from a Caṇḍāla gives birth to a son who lives on the outskirts on the cremation grounds; he is an outcaste among outcastes (niṣādī cāpi caṇḍālāt putram antāvasāyinam/śmaśānagocaraṁ sūte bāhyair api bahiṣkṛtam//) 13. 48. 28.

D. Profession: They lived by catching fish (matsyajīvinaḥ; jālahastāḥ; matsyoddharaṇaniścitāḥ; niścitā jālakarmaṇi) 13. 50. 11, 12; (niṣādo matsyaghnaḥ) 13. 48. 12; hence also called kaivartāḥ 13. 50. 14.

E. Description: (i) Their settlement in the ocean is said to be excellent (uttama) 1. 24. 2; (ii) People and warriors: residing on mountains and in forests (śailavanāśraya) 12. 59. 103; strong and brave, they never returned from water-reservoirs (empty-handed out of fear) (vyāyatā balinaḥ śūrāḥ salileṣv anivartinaḥ) 13. 50. 12; cruel (krūra) 12. 59. 103; skilled in fighting with elephants (gajayodhinaḥ, gajayuddheṣu kuśalāḥ) 8. 17. 2-3; their elephants often mentioned during wardescriptions cf. 6. 50. 7; 7. 45. 21-22; 8. 12. 59; 8. 15. 8; 8. 17. 5, 22; 8. 33. 1, 4; 8. 43. 70; 8. 49. 78-79.

F. Their abode used for comparison: The mountain Himālaya without the sound of Vedic recitation appeared like an abode of the Niṣādas (na bhrājate yathāpūrvaṁ niṣādānām ivālayaḥ/…vedadhvaninirākṛtaḥ) 12 315. 14.

G. Epic events:

(1) Sahadeva, in his expedition to the south before the Rājasūya, conquered the territory of the Niṣādas and brought them under control (niṣādabhūmim…vyajayat) 2. 28. 5; (vaśe cakre…niṣādān) 2. 28. 44;

(2) Karṇa had once defeated them and made them pay tribute (cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 19-20 (possibly a reference to Karṇa's conquest of the earth before the Vaiṣṇava sacrifice performed by Duryodhana 3. 241, 32 and Cr. Edn. Vol. 3, App. I. 24. 28-72);

(3) On the second day of the war, Yudhiṣṭhira with Niṣādas (on the side of the Pāṇḍavas) and other warriors, formed the ‘back’ of the Krauñcāruṇavyūha 6. 46. 39. 47 (Krauñca 6. 47. 1);

(4) On the same day, Ketumant, a Niṣāda prince (naiṣādi) with his Niṣāda warriors (on the side of the Kauravas), riding elephants, surrounded Bhīma (ayutena gajānāṁ ca niṣādaiḥ saha ketumān); Cedis and other warriors led by Bhīma, attacked Niṣādas; in the fierce battle, Niṣādas and Kaliṅgas outnumbered Cedis and their associates (vimardaḥ sumahān āsīd alpānāṁ bahubhiḥ saha) 6. 50. 5, 7, 8, 14;

(5) On the tenth day, Niṣādas and other warriors, incited by Duryodhana, attacked Arjuna 6. 112. 108;

(6) On the thirteenth day, Niṣādas and Kaliṅgas, riding elephants (gajānīkena daṁśitāḥ; kuñjarānīkam) obstructed the advance of Abhimanyu; he scattered away their army of elephants 7. 45. 21-22;

(7) On the fifteenth day, Dhṛṣṭadyumna regretted that he did not throw away the head of Droṇa in the territory of the Niṣādas, as (Arjuna did) the head of Jayadratha (yan na tasya śiro mayā/ niṣādaviṣaye kṣiptaṁ jayadrathaśiro yathā) 7. 168. 35;

(8) On the sixteenth day, Kaliṅga, Vaṅga and Niṣāda warriors, riding elephants (atha dvipair devapatidvipābhair) rushed against Arjuna; Arjuna killed both the elephants and the warriors 8. 12. 59-60;

(9) On the same day, the Pāṇḍya king killed many Niṣāda warriors, who fought with śakti, prāsa and quivers (i. e. arrows), along with their elephants (dviradān) and horses 8. 15. 5, 8-9;

(10) On the same day, incited by Duryodhana, Niṣādas, riding elephants (hastibhis), attacked Dhṛṣṭadyumna with arrows, tomaras and nārāca arrows; Dhṛṣṭadyumna showered nārāca arrows on them to crush their elephants 8. 17. 1, 3-5;

(11) On the same day, they attacked Nakula with arrows and tomaras; when warriors came to help Nakula, a fierce battle took place between chariot-riders and elephant-riders (yuddhaṁ rathināṁ hastibhiḥ saha) 8. 17. 20-22;

(12) On the seventeenth day, Karṇa killed many warriors in the army of Yudhiṣṭhira consisting of Niṣādas (on the side of the Pāṇḍavas) and others; when they began to run away, Sātyaki incited them to fight; on return, they were killed by Karṇa who cut off their arms and removed their head-gears (te vibāhuśirastrāṇāḥ… petuḥ pṛthivyāṁ…) 8. 33. 1, 4-5;

(13) On the same day, Arjuna referred to Bhīma's killing Niṣādas (on the side of the Kauravas) and their elephants (nāgavarān…sadāmadān nīlabalāhakopamān) 8. 49. 78-79;

(14) When Arjuna moved with the Aśvamedha horse, he had to fight a fierce battle with the Niṣādas led by Ekalavya's son 14. 84. 7-8.

H. Mythological event: Vinatā allowed her son Garuḍa to eat Niṣādas (but not the Brāhmaṇas) while on his way to fetch amṛta 1. 24. 2; when Garuḍa found the Niṣādas he collected them together; then, opening his beak wide, he stood in the way of the Niṣādas; they entered Garuḍa's mouth by hundreds since they were deluded by the dust raised by the wind; the hungry Garuḍa closed his beak and killed many Niṣādas 1. 24. 10-14.

I. Past events:

(1) Sarasvatī disappeared at the gate of the Niṣādarāṣṭra so that the Niṣādas might not see her 3. 130. 4;

(2) Some Niṣādas once came to the place where Cyavana was practising austerities near the confluence of Gaṅgā and Yamunā; the Niṣādas who wanted to catch fishes threw their net in water; when they drew their net they dragged Cyavana along with fishes; they fell at the feet of Cyavana and asked him what they should do; Cyavana told the Niṣadas that he did not want to forsake the fishes and hence would get killed or sold along with them; afraid, the Niṣādas reported the matter to king Nahuṣa; Nahuṣa asked his priest to pay one thousand (coins) to the Niṣādas as the price of fishes and Cyavana; on Cyavana's denial to accept this price, Nahuṣa went on bidding higher and higher price to be paid to Niṣādas; ultimately Cyavana was purchased by giving a cow to Niṣādas; they offered it to Cyavana; Cyavana sent the Niṣādas and the fishes to heaven 13. 50. 3-26; 13. 51. 1-41.

I. Some persons called the king of Niṣādas or one belonging to the Niṣādas:

(1) niṣādarāja: (i) Ekalavya 5. 47. 71; (ii) Hiraṇyadhanus 1. 123. 10;

(2) niṣādarājan: Ekalavya 14. 84. 7;

(3) niṣādādhipati: (i) Hiraṇyadhanus 1. 123. 24, 28; 2. 27. 10 (?) (ii) a certain Mahāsura 1. 61. 48;

(4) naiṣādi: (i) Ekalavya: 1. 123. 11, 17, 18, 29, 38; 7. 156. 2, 17, 18; 16. 7. 10; (ii) Ekalavya's son 14. 84. 10; (iii) Ketumant 6. 50. 5; (iv) A Kuru warrior (not named; Ekalavya ?) 8. 43. 70; (v) Kāpavya 12. 133. 3;

(5) niṣādaja: Ekalavya 1. 123. 32;

(6) niṣāda: Ekalavya 7. 155. 29;

(7) Niṣādī (f.), not named 12. 133. 3.

*1st word in right half of page p757_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p756_mci .......... next page p760_mci

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Niṣāda.--The Niṣādas, according to the Mahābhārata (iii. 10 538), are situated beyond Vinaśana, the ‘place of disappear ance’ of the Sarasvatī.
==Foot Notes==


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

निषाद पु.
एक जाति का नाम, यदि यजमान ‘निषाद’ जाति का हो, तो अध्वर्यु को उसके ‘प्रवरों’ का नाम उन ऋषियों के नाम की तरह बोलना चाहिए, जिनके नाम वह (यजमान) इंगित करता है, श्रौ.को. (अं.) 1.336 (दर्श); एक निषाद- मुख्य (निषादस्थपति) पकाये गये गवेधुका के अन्न की आहुति (का.श्रौ.सू. 1.12) ‘लौकिकागिन्’ में देने के लिए अधिकृत है।

"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=निषाद&oldid=478929" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्