न - not
नः - by us
नकुलः - mongoose
नक्तं - in the night
नक्तंचरान्तकम् - the finisher (destroyer)
नक्र - crocodile
नख - nail
नग - vital air that causes burping
नटि - Actress
नत - Bowed
नतराज - Lord ef the dancers, Shiva
नतराजासन - Lord of the Dance posture
नताः - bowed down
नद - Vibration, sound
नदि - river
ननन्दा - husband or wife's sister
ननु - really
नन्दः - nanda
नन्दति - revels
नन्दत्येव - revels alone/indeed
नन्दन - child
नपुंसकं - neutered
नभः - sky
नभःस्पृशं - sky touching
नभस्तल - sky
नम् - salute
नमः - a salute
नमति - bow
नमस्कार - salutation
नमस्कारनीचमनी - Salutation to evil minded
नमस्कुरु - to bow
नमस्ते - i bow to you
नमामि - to bow
नमेरन् - should offer proper obeisances
नभ्य - bendable
नयन - eyes
नयेत् - must bring under
नर - man
नरक - hell
नरजन्म - human birth
नरपुङ्गवः - hero in human society
नरराक्षस - devil in human form
नरलोकवीरा - brave warriors in human world
नरसिंह - Lord Vishnu in form of Half Human Half Lion
नराणां - among humans
नराधमाः - lowest among humans
नराधिपं - king of humans
नर्क - hell
नर्तकी - dancer
नलिनी - lotus
नवं - boat
नवकमलदल - newly blossomed lotus petals
नवद्वारे - place having 9 gates (this body)
नवमि - Ninth Tithi of the Moon
नववस्तु - New object
नवांश - A Varga. Ninth divisional harmonic
नवानि - new garments
नवीनम् - new
नवैः - new
नश्यति - to presh
नशयात्सु - being annihilated
नश्वर - temporary
नष्ट - destroyed
नहि - never
नह्यति - to bind
नक्षत्र - planet/star etc.
नाक - sky/heaven
नाग - snake
नागफणी - cactus
नागवल्लि - the paan (betel leaf)
नागाशन - peacock
नागेन्द्र - elephant
नाटक - play/drama
नाडी - channel within body/artery/vein
नाणकम् - coin
नाथ - Lord
नाद - sound
नादत्ते - does not wear
नाना - various
नानृतं - not untruth, justified
नान्तं - no end
नाभिं - navel
नाभिजानाति - does not know
नाभिपेदासन - the upward ankle-twist posture
नाभियान - focussing
नाम - name
नामभिः - names
नामयति - to bend
नायकाः - captain
नारङ्गफलम् - orange
नारदः - Narada, a great devotee and Rishi of Gods
नारायण - Lord Hari,s name
नारिकेल - coconut
नारी - female
नार्यः - women
नालः - tap
नालिका - pipe
नाव - boat
नावासन - boat posture
नाश - destruction
नाशयति - destroys
नाष - destruction
नासाभ्यन्तर - within the nostrils
नासिका - nose
नास्ति - not existing
नि - down
निज्ञविद् - to tell
निज्ञवृत् - to go away
निः - without
निकः - rays
निकृष्ट - inferior
निगच्छति - attains
निगडः - handcuffs
निगमः - corporation
निगूढा - cast in