पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
पाञ्चालम्, क्ली, (पञ्चाल एव । पञ्चाल + स्वार्थे अण् ।) शास्त्रम् । यथा, -- “पितृहूर्नृपपुर्य्या द्बार्द्दक्षिणेन पुरञ्जनः । राष्ट्रं दक्षिणपञ्चालं याति श्रुतधरान्वितः ॥ इति श्रीभागवते । ४ । पुरञ्जनोपाख्याने । २५ । ५० ॥ “पञ्चानां विषयाणामन्यतोऽनवगतानां प्रकाश- नायालमिति पञ्चालं शास्त्रम् ।” इति । “प्रवृत्तञ्च निवृत्तञ्च शास्त्रं पञ्चालसंज्ञकम् ।” इति च तट्टीकायां श्रीधरस्वामी ॥ अत्र पञ्चालमिति पाठः किन्तु स्वार्थे ष्णप्रत्यये पाञ्चालमपि भवति ॥
पाञ्चालः, त्रि, (पञ्चाले तदाख्यया प्रसिद्धे प्रदेशे भवः । “तत्र भवः ।” ४ । ३ । ५३ । इत्यण् ।) पञ्चालदेशोद्भवः ॥
पाञ्चालः, पुं, (पञ्चभिः प्रधानाभिर्नदीभिरलति पर्य्याप्नोतीति पञ्चालः । ततः स्वार्थे अण् ।) देशविशेषः । स तु द्रुपदराजनगरम् । अधुना फरक्कावाद इति ख्यातः ॥ (यथा, महाभारते । १ । १३८ । ३ । “पाञ्चालराजं द्रुपदं गृहीत्वा रणमूर्द्धनि । पर्य्यानयत भद्रं वः सा स्यात् परमदक्षिणा ॥” तद्देशवासिषु पुं भूम्नि ।) यथा, -- “पाञ्चालाश्चेदिमत्स्याश्च शूरसेनाः पटच्चराः ।” इत्यादि विराटपर्व्व ॥ (ब्रह्मदत्तस्य सहचरविशेषः । यथा, हरिवंशे । २३ । २२ । “पाञ्चालकण्डरीकाभ्यां तस्य सख्यमभूत्तदा ॥”)
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
पाञ्चाल¦ त्रि॰ पञ्चालदेशे भवः स्वार्थे वा अण्।
१ पञ्चालदेश-भवे स्त्रियां ङीप्। पाञ्चाली।
२ पञ्चालदेशे च पञ्चानांविषयाणामन्यतोऽनवगतानां प्रकाशनायालमिति पृषो॰।
३ शास्त्रे
“प्रवृत्तं च निवृत्तं च शास्त्र” पाञ्चालसंज्ञकम्” माग॰
४ ।
२५ । व्याख्यायां श्रीधरधृतवाक्यम्।
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
पाञ्चाल¦ mfn. (-लः-ली-लं) Belonging to, dwelling in, ruling over, &c. the country of Pancha4la. m. (-लः)
1. The sovereign of Pancha4la. plu. The people of that country.
2. The company or association of five trades, the carpenter, weaver, barber, washerman, and shoemaker. E. पञ्चाल the country so called, and स्वार्थे अण् aff. &c.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
पाञ्चाल [pāñcāla], a. (-ली f.) Belonging to or ruling over the Pañchālas.
लः The country of the Pañchālas.
A prince of the Pañchālas. -लाः m. (pl.)
The people of the Pañchālas.
An association of five guilds (i e. of a carpenter, weaver, barber, washerman, and shoe-maker).
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
पाञ्चाल mf( ई)n. relating or belonging to or ruling over the पञ्चालs MBh. R. etc.
पाञ्चाल m. a prince of the -P पञ्चालs ib.
पाञ्चाल m. (with बाभ्रव्य)N. of an author Cat.
पाञ्चाल m. the country of the -P पञ्चालs L.
पाञ्चाल m. pl. the people of the -P पञ्चालs MBh. Var. etc.
पाञ्चाल m. an association of 5 guilds (carpenter , weaver , barber , washerman , and shoe-maker) L.
पाञ्चाल n. the language of the -P पञ्चालs Cat.
Purana index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
(I)--(च्) a kingdom of the north. भा. I. १०. ३४. Br. II. १६. ४६. M. १२१. ५०.
(II)--a common name for the five sons of भर्म्याश्व (हर्यश्व वि। प्।) and who were capable of ruling five kingdoms. भा. IX. २१. ३२-33; २२. 3; Vi. IV. १९. ५९.
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Pāñcāla : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada or a Rāṣṭra and its people; Pāñcālas are sometimes identified with Sṛñjayas, but also often mentioned separately from them.
A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya twice among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; tatreme kurūpāñcālāḥ) 6. 10. 37; (pāñcālāḥ kauśijāś caiva) 6. 10. 40; called Janapada also in 4. 1. 9. and Rāṣṭra in 1. 128. 7; 4. 1. 8; listed by Arjuna among the Janapadas lying around the Kuru country (santi ramyā janapadā…paritaḥ kurūn/pāñcālāś cedimatsyāś ca) 4. 1. 9; to the east of Indraprastha (yayau prācīṁ diśaṁ prati) 2. 26. 1; 2. 23. 9; (also see Epic events No. 11 below); the way of Pāṇḍavas from Dvaitavana (3. 295. 2-3, 5) to the Matsya country lay between Pāñcāla to the north and Daśārṇa to the south (uttareṇa daśārṇāṁs te pāñcālān dakṣiṇena tu) 4. 5. 3; the tīrtha Utpalāvata was situated in Pāñcāla country 3. 85. 11; Pāñcāla was divided by Droṇa into northern and southern Pāñcāla, the dividing line being the river Bhāgīrathī (rājāsi dakṣine kūle bhāgīrathyāham uttare) 1. 128. 12; southern Pāñcāla country lay to the south of Gaṅgā and up to Carmaṇvatī river (dakṣiṇāṁś caiva pāñcālān yāvac carmaṇvatī nadī) 1. 128. 15, 12.
B. Origin: All Pāñcālas traced their origin to Duḥṣanta and Parameṣṭhin (tatheme sarvapāñcālā duḥṣantaparameṣṭhinoḥ/anvayāḥ) 1. 89. 29.
C. Description:
(1) Country: pleasing (ramaṇīya), protected (gupta) and rich in harvest (bahvanna) 4. 1. 9; alms were easily available in the Pāñcāla country (subhikṣāś caiva pāñcālāḥ) 1. 156. 7;
(2) People: high-sould (mahātman) 5. 168. 11; 7. 132. 38; 8. 31. 51; 8. 43. 53; a certain Brāhmaṇa told the assembly of Kurus that Pāñcālas (as well as Kurus) knew the eternal dharma; they followed the ancient dharma; Pāñcālas were as good as brahminhood incarnate (kuravaḥ sahapāñcālāḥ…dharmaṁ jānanti śāśvatam; dharmaṁ purāṇam upajīvanti; ā pāñcālabhyaḥ kuravo…jānanti dharmaṁ; brāhmaṁ pāñcālāḥ) 8. 30. 60-62; 73, 75; Pāñcālas could guess correctly everything when only a part was told to them (ardhoktāḥ kurupāñcālāḥ (jānanti)) 8. 30. 79;
(3) Warriors: having arms as long as a parigha (parighabāhu) 6. 114. 107; heroic (śūra) 6. 114. 107; 7. 97. 51; 7. 101. 68; 8. 8. 19; 8. 32. 38; 8. 56. 47; (vīra) 7. 55. 9; of great energy (mahaujas) 2. 72. 29; 3. 48. 6; 7. 132. 41; energetic (tarasvin) 8. 51. 99; great archers (maheṣvāsa) 6. 84. 3; 8. 51. 95; 9. 6. 40; great chariot-fighters (mahāratha) 5. 168. 11; 7. 85. 28; 8. 51. 95; tamers of enemies, they were always determined to defeat the enemies (te nityam uditā jetuṁ yuddhe śatrūn ariṁdamāḥ) 8. 51. 98; tormentors of adversaries (paraṁtapa) 8. 60. 26; arrogant in wars (yuddhadurmada) 5. 162. 22; 8. 43. 3; who have done valorous deeds (parākrānta) 5. 52. 2; excellent among those who wield weapons (sarvaśastrabhṛtāṁ varāḥ) 8. 43. 22; tigers among men (naravyāghra) 8. 43. 61; 8. 44. 8; 9. 1. 30; 9. 7. 42; compared with Indra (śakropama) 7. 133. 4; difficult to resist, not easy to attack them (durnivārya, durāsada) 7. 31. 38; they fought like agitated elephants (saṁrabdhā iva kuñjarāḥ) 5. 168. 11; not afraid while fighting (na tv eva bhītāḥ) 8. 51. 95; not running away, rarely showing their backs (apalāyin) 8. 43. 59; (kathaṁcit syuḥ parāṅmukhāḥ) 8. 51. 95; their great warriors did not care for death (na hi mṛtyuṁ maheṣvāsā gaṇayanti mahārathāḥ) 8. 51. 95; in war they closely followed the āryadharma (āryadharmasaṁrabdha) 7. 31. 38; cruel (krūra) 7. 30. 6; they are also called inauspicious (aśiva) and capable of doing cruel deeds (krūrakarman) 7. 7. 32; mean and betrayers of friends and teacher, they could stray away from dharma (pāñcālāś calitā dharmāt kṣudrā mitragurudruhaḥ) 7. 169. 18.
D. Epic events: Drupada became the king of the Uttara Pāñcāla after his father's death 1. 121. 10;
(2) Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas attacked the Pāñcālas and crushed the capital town of Drupada (mamṛdus tasya nagaraṁ drupadasya) 1. 128. 4;
(3) After his defeat, Drupada was allowed by Droṇa to rule over the southern Pāñcālas, with Kāmpilya as its capital 1. 128. 12, 15;
(4) After their escape from Vāraṇāvata, Pāṇḍavas passed through many countries, one of them being Pāñcāla 1. 144. 2;
(5) A certain Brāhmaṇa told Pāṇḍavas about the svayaṁvara to be held in the Pāñcāla country 1. 153. 7;
(6) When Dhṛṣṭadyumna arose from the sacrificial fire, delighted Pāñcālas shouted ‘good, good’ (…praṇeduḥ pāñcālāḥ prahṛṣṭāḥ sādhu sādhv iti); an invisible being in the sky (mahad bhūtam adṛśyaṁ khecaraṁ) declared that Dhṛṣṭadyumna would remove the fear of the Pāñcālas and bring them fame 1. 155. 39-40;
(7) When Pāñcālas heard the heavenly voice at the rise of Draupadī from the sacrificial altar, they roared like a horde of lions; the earth could not bear their burden who were filled with joy (praṇeduḥ siṁhasaṁghavat/na caitān harṣasaṁpūrṇān iyaṁ sehe vasauṁdharā) 1. 155. 46;
(8) Kuntī suggested to Pāṇḍavas to go to Pāñcāla 1. 156. 6; Vyāsa too advised them to go to the town of Pāñcālas (Kāmpilya) for the svayaṁvara (pāñcālanagaraṁ…praviśadhvam) 1. 157. 15; travelling Brāhmaṇas advised Pāṇḍavas to do the same 1. 175. 5;
(9) Pāṇḍavas started for the southern Pāñcālas and reached it 1. 176. 2, 5; this event is referred to earlier in the summary narration of the Mahābhārata in the Parvasaṁgrahaparvan 1. 2. 86, and again at 1. 55. 21;
(10) The southern Pāñcālas, afraid of Jarāsandha, left their land and went further south; they also fled in different directions (dakṣiṇā ye ca pāñcālāḥ…tathottarāṁ diśam āśritāḥ//…tathaiva sarvapāñcālā jarāsandhabhayārditāḥ//svarāṣṭraṁ saṁparityajya vidrutāḥ sarvatodiśam//) 2. 13. 26-28;
(11) Bhīmasena, in his expedition to the east (yayau prācīṁ diśaṁ prati 2. 26. 1; also 2. 23. 9); before the Rājasūya, won over Pāñcālas by various means of conciliation (pāñcālān vividhopāyaiḥ sāntvayām āsa) 2. 26. 3; this event is referred to later in 4. 5. 19 where, however, it is said that he defeated them in battle (pāñcālān…saṁgrāme bhīmaseno'jayat); Pāñcālas did not pay tribute for Rājasūya because they had marriage-relationship with Pāṇḍavas (vaivāhikena pāñcālāḥ) 2. 48. 42;
(12) Vidura told Kauravas that Pāñcālas would not forgive the torture to Draupadī (in the Sabhā); Arjuna, protected by Pāñcālas, would invade them 2. 72. 29-30;
(13) Pāñcālas meeting the Pāṇḍavas in the forest (3. 13. 2) referred to in the narration of the contents of the Āraṇyakaparvan 1. 2. 106;
(14) Draupadī complained to Kṛṣṇa that though Pāñcālas were alive Kauravas desired to treat Draupadī as a Dāsī 3. 13. 56;
(15) Dhṛtarāṣṭra was afraid that later Pāñcālas, protected by Kṛṣṇa, would burn the Kaurava army 3. 48. 6;
(16) Bhīma feared that if Arjuna (who had departed to get weapons) was dead, Pāñcālas, Pāṇḍavas and the rest would perish 3. 49. 6;
(17) Bhīma told Draupadī that Pāñcālas, with the support of Arjuna, would not be afraid of even gods if they had to fight with them 3. 79. 20;
(18) Before the ajñātavāsa, Yudhiṣṭhira asked the women who attended on Draupadī, as also cooks and chief cooks, to go to the Pāñcāla country 4. 4. 4;
(19) According to Draupadī, the affliction she had to suffer while living as Sairandhrī meant insult to Kurus and Pāñcālas 4. 19. 11;
(20) Karṇa told Bhīṣma that Pāṇḍavas were claiming their share because they depended on the force of Pāñcālas and Matsyas (rājyam icchanti paitṛkam/balam āśritya matsyānāṁ pāñcālānāṁ ca) 5. 21. 11;
(21) Yudhiṣṭhira could have resorted to war without going into exile since the Pāñcālas were always available to him for guidance (nityaṁ pāñcālāḥ sacivās taveme) 5. 27. 17;
(22) By avoiding war, Yudhiṣṭhira wished Pāñcālas to meet Kurus with a smile; he desired both of them to remain uninjured and, well-disposed, live in peace (akṣatān kurupāñcālān paśyema… sarve sumanasas tāta śāmyāma) 5. 31. 2122;
(23) Saṁjaya told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas were waiting for the orders of Yudhiṣṭhira (rājño mukham udīkṣante); they, riding chariots, greeted him when he approached them 5. 49. 4-7; Saṁjaya also told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāñcālas did not honour him and that they despised him (nārhanti pāñcālāś…sarve tvām avajānate) 5. 53. 17;
(24) Pāñcālas mentioned by Dhṛtarāṣṭra among those who sided with Pāṇḍavas 5. 56. 33;
(25) Duryodhana assured Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāñcālas would be attacked by his chariotfighters with arrows 5. 56. 42; he also told him that he would soon hear Pāñcālas defeated by him 5. 60. 25;
(26) Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas counted on Dhṛṣṭadyumna's fortitude and valour 5. 56. 51;
(27) Karṇa told Duryodhana that the brahmāstra he had obtained from Paraśurāma was still with him and hence due to the favour of the ṛṣi (Paraśurāma) he would kill Pāñcālas and the rest in no time; that was his responsibility (tatas tad astram mama sāvaśeṣaṁ/tasmāt samartho 'smi mamaiṣa bhāraḥ//…tam ṛṣiprasādam avāpya pāñcālaº…/nihatya) 5. 61. 4-5 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 5. 62. 4: sāvaśeṣaṁ mama āyur asti/ato 'ntakālasyānupasthitatvāt tad astraṁ mamāstīty ahaṁ samartho 'smi);
(28) Yudhiṣṭhira, although backed by Pāñcālas and others, chose to ask for five villages 5. 70. 14;
(29) Even when Pāñcālas were alive, Draupadī was looked upon as a dāsī in the Sabhā of the wretched Kauravas 5. 80. 25;
(30) Kṛṣṇa told Karṇa that the Pāñcālas and others would consecrate him as king; Pāñcālas would follow him in his procession 5. 138. 16-17, 23;
(31) Vidura told Kuntī that Yudhiṣṭhira was supported by Pāñcālas 5. 142. 3; there was nothing more painful to Kuntī than Pāñcālas and others fighting with Bhāratas 5. 142. 3, 12;
(32) When Pāñcālas proceeded towards Kurukṣetra, they were led by Bhīmasena 5. 149. 50;
(33) Duryodhana and others were to kill Pāñcālas in battle 5. 162. 22; Droṇa was to burn Pāñcālas (pradhakṣyati sa pāñcālān) 5. 164. 20; Pāñcālas would run in all directions when they encountered Karṇa 5. 165. 21;
(34) Pāñcālas and Prabhadrakas formed the army of Śikhaṇḍin 5. 168. 3;
(35) Hiraṇyavarman's friends wanted to kill Drupada and instal another king in the Pāñcāla country if Śikhaṇḍin proved to be a girl 5. 191. 8;
(36) Saṁjaya reported that Bhīṣma showered arrows on Pāñcālas 6. 15. 25; on the first day of war, Bhīṣma's chariot moved very often among Pāñcālas and he killed them 6. 45. 4, 54;
(37) On the second day, Arjuna asked Kṛṣṇa to take him to Bhīṣma since Droṇa and others, protected by Bhīṣma, would kill Pāñcālas 6. 48. 15 (13); Pāñcālas cheered loudly when Dhṛṣṭadyumna cut off a fierce and shining arrow discharged at him by Droṇa 6. 49. 13; Bhīma was honoured by Pāñcālas when he killed Kaliṅga warriors 6. 50. 110 (108);
(38) On the third day, Pāñcālas stood in the middle of the Ardhacandravyūha of the Pāṇḍavas 6. 52. 14, 10; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya how the Pāñcālas fared against Bhīṣma 6. 55. 2; seeing the river of blood made to flow by Arjuna's sharp arrows, Pāñcālas delightfully raised a loud roar 6. 55. 126, (121125);
(39) On the fourth day, the chief warriors of Pāñcālas stood at the same place of the same vyūha as they did on the previous day 6. 56. 11; when Bhīṣma and others marched to help Bhagadatta, Pāñcālas and others chased them; since Bhīṣma did not like to continue fighting with Ghaṭotkaca, Pāñcālas and others he thought of declaring the end of the war for that day 6. 60. 64, 68;
(40) On the fifth day, although Pāñcālas were getting killed by Bhīṣma, they rushed at him with spirited mind (āryāṁ yuddhe matiṁ kṛtvā) 6. 68. 31;
(41) On the sixth day, Bhīṣma put to death the armies of Pāñcālas with arrows the joints of which were smooth 6. 75. 57;
(42) On the seventh day, Droṇa scattered away Pāñcālas (vyadhamat) 6. 82. 38;
(43) On the eighth day, Bhīṣma felled down great Pāñcāla archers, but not afraid of death (tyaktvā mṛtyukṛtaṁ bhayam), they attacked Bhīṣma; he cut off their hands and heads and broke their chariots; those who fought from horsebacks also lost their heads 6. 84. 3-6; Bhīṣma strove to kill Pāñcālas while Arjuna fought with their adversaries to protect them 6. 89. 9; when Bhagadatta wanted to reach Yudhiṣṭhira, he had to fight a fierce battle with Pāñcālas who were prepared to fight with weapons (udyatāyudhaiḥ) 6. 91. 80; on the night of that day, Duryodhana reminded Bhīṣma of his vow to kill Pāñcālas 6. 93. 37; Bhīṣma assured Duryodhana that he would kill all Pāñcālas who were taking part in the war or would get himself killed by them 6. 94. 14-15;
(44) On the ninth day, Duryodhana told Duḥśāsana that if they protected Bhīṣma, he would kill Pāñcālas who had made a common cause with Pāṇḍavas (yattān pāñcālān pāṇḍavaiḥ saha) 6. 101. 4;
(45) On the tenth day, Dhṛṣṭadyumna, protected by Pāñcālas, stood behind Sātyaki and Cekitāna in the Sarvaśatrunibarhaṇavyūha of Pāṇḍavas; Bhīṣma rushed towards them 6. 104. 4, 6, 29; Pāñcālas tried to check Bhīṣma who was killing his opponents 6. 105. 8; Bhīṣma dried up the lustre of the eminent and very strong Pāñcāla princes (pāñcālānāṁ ca ye śreṣṭhā rājaputrā mahābalāḥ/teṣāṁ ādatta tejāṁsi) 6. 105. 31; Bhīṣma suggested to Yudhiṣṭhira, who was close to him, that if he desired Bhīṣma to be killed, Arjuna, Pāñcālas and Sṛñjayas should jointly lead the attack on him; accordingly Arjuna, along with Pāñcālas and Cedis, and led by Śikhaṇḍin, marched towards Bhīṣma 6. 111. 15, 26; Bhīṣma in his battle with Matsyas and Pāñcālas, alone, killed innumerable elephants and horses, seven great chariot-fighters, and in addition five thousand chariot-fighters and fourteen thousand footsoldiers 6. 113. 21-22; when Bhīṣma killed seven great chariot-fighters, there arose a great roar (kilakilāśabdaḥ) among Pāñcālas and others who, riding horses, chariots, elephants, and also those who fought on foot attacked Bhīṣma 6. 113. 46-48; when Bhīṣma fell, Pāñcālas blew conches 6. 114. 107; at his fall in the evening of the tenth day (sāyāhne) Pāñcālas were delighted 6. 115. 7;
(46) In the summary narration of the events which occurred while Droṇa was the general of the Kaurava army, it is mentioned that the large army of Pāñcālas was scattered by Droṇa when he agitated it and penetrated it (saṁkṣobhyamāṇā droṇena bhidyamānā mahācamūḥ); they, led by Dhṛṣṭadyumna, trembled (samakampanta) while they got killed by Droṇa 7. 6. 34, 36; whenever Pāñcālas attacked Droṇa he killed them along with their horses and broke their chariots; ultimately Pāñcālas killed Droṇa by doing evil and cruel deeds (pāñcālair aśivaiḥ krūrakarmabhiḥ/hato rukmaratho rājan kṛtvā karma suduṣkaram//) 7. 7. 20-21, 32;
(47) On the eleventh day, Pāñcālas attacked the warriors led by Aśvatthāman who attacked Draupadī's sons 7. 15. 11; at the end of that day, they praised Arjuna when he declared the end of the war for the day 7. 15. 50;
(48) On the twelfth day, Pāñcālas attacked Droṇa; he scattered them away and repeatedly defeated them 7. 20. 18-19, 23; when a Pāñcāla prince (pāñcālya, not named) was killed by Droṇa, Pāñcālas attacked Droṇa shouting ‘kill Droṇa, kill Droṇa’; in the fierce battle, Droṇa threw the excessively angered Pāñcālas (bhṛśasaṁkruddhān) into disorder 7. 20. 46, 48-49; Pāñcālas, getting killed by Droṇa, trembled (samakampanta) 7. 20. 53; they were broken (bhagna) by Droṇa 7. 21. 1; pierced by Droṇa's arrows, they were thrown back from their positions (calitān); Duryodhana pointed out to Karṇa Droṇa's feat and described the plight of Pāñcālas 7. 21. 7, 11-14; Pāñcālas gathered around Bhīma 7. 21. 23; of the twelve thousand great warriors of Pāñcālas six thousand followed Śikhaṇḍin 7. 22. 14; the remaining six thousand Prabhadrakas (Pāñcālas), riding chariots, with raised weapons and stretched bows, and making death as their common goal (samānamṛtyavo bhūtvā) followed Dhṛṣṭadyumna 7. 22. 36-37; Bhagadatta was encircled by Yudhiṣṭhira and Pāñcālas; Bhagadatta, riding his elephant, scattered them away; he forced them to run away 7. 25. 24, 26, 41; Pāñcālas, shouting ‘(attack) Droṇa’ (droṇam droṇam iti…pāñcālāḥ samacodayan) incited one other; wherever Droṇa attacked the group of Pāñcāla chariotfighters, Dhṛṣṭadyumna went to their help 7. 30. 6, 8; althogh afflicted by Droṇa's arrows (śarārtāḥ), Pāñcālas did not give up fighting with him; Droṇa killed many of them 7. 31. 38-39;
(49) On the thirteenth day, Pāñcālas, checked by Droṇa's arrows could not approach him who was protecting Kaurava army; that was a wonderful feat (tad adbhutam apaśyāma…/yad enaṁ nābhyavartanta pāñcālāḥ…) 7. 34. 10; Bhīma assured Abhimanyu that he, Pāñcālas and others would follow him when he entered the Cakravyūha 7. 34. 22; Duḥśāsana told Duryodhana that he would kill Abhimanyu in the presence of Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas 7. 38. 22; when Duḥśāsana swooned in his encounter with Abhimanyu, Pāñcālas raised a loud roar; led by Yudhiṣṭhira they then attacked Droṇa's army 7. 39. 17-18; Pāñcālas and others attacked Jayadratha who foiled their attempt to follow Abhimanyu 7. 42. 18; Arjuna would have himself protected Abhimanyu if he had konwn that Pāñcālas could not do that 7. 50. 74; Subhadrā wondered who could kill Abhimanyu as though he was helpless when heroic Pāñcālas were there to help him 7. 55. 9; she felt contempt for the strength of Pāñcālas (pāñcālānāṁ ca dhig balam) 7. 55. 12;
(50) Saṁjaya told the grieving Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas would (at the end of the war) realize that the calamity was due to his failure to adopt the right course (tat te buddhivyabhīcāram upalapsyanti…/pāñcālā…) 7. 62. 7;
(51) On the fourteenth day, Pāñcālas fought a fierce battle with Kurus in front of the vyūha of Droṇa; Droṇa and many other kings on the side of Kauravas checked the onward march of Pāñcālas; when Kaurava army was being killed by Pāṇḍavas, Droṇa scattered away Pāñcālas with arrows 7. 70. 3, 13-14, 27; Pāñcāla chariot-fighters saved Dhṛṣṭadyumna from the attack of Droṇa 7. 72. 35; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya what did the Pāñcālas do when in their attempt to get close to Arjuna, they were checked by Droṇa (bhāradvājena saṁvṛtāḥ); Saṁjaya told him that in the afternoon of that day Kurus and Pāñcālas fought each other with Droṇa as the bet (aparāhṇe mahārāja saṁgrāme…/pāñcālānāṁ kurūṇāṁ ca droṇe dyūtam avartata//); Pāñcālas, wanting to kill Droṇa showered arrows on him; in the fierce battle, Pāñcālas, wanting to break the army, used important missiles (tadanīkaṁ bibhitsanto mahāstrāṇi vyadarśayan) 7. 81. 1-5; demon Alambusa made a river of blood flow carrying away (dead) Pāñcālas 7. 83. 30; Droṇa killed twentyfive Pāñcāla warriors, known as great chariot-fighters and honoured by Dhṛṣṭadyumna (mahārathasamākhyātā dhṛṣṭadyumnasya saṁmatāḥ); he killed choice Pāñcāla warriors (pāñcālānāṁ…varān varān) 7. 85. 28-29; when Droṇa defeated hundreds and thousands of Pāñcālas and killed many of them there went up a cry (of grief) (teṣām samabhavac chabdo vadhyatāṁ droṇasāyakaiḥ) 7. 85. 31-32; gods, Gandharvas and others who were watching the battle pointed out to one another the running away Pāñcālas 7. 85. 33; in the absence of Sātyaki, Yudhiṣṭhira was to be protected by Pāñcālas and others 7. 86. 45; Pāñcālas, when they faced Kṛtavarman, were attacked by him; hence they lost enthusiasm (vigatotsāhāḥ); but soon, like noble men, were ready to fight again desirous of attaining great fame (atiṣṭhann āryavad vīrāḥ prārthayanto mahad yaśaḥ) 7. 88. 57-59 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 113. 67: āryavat kulīnavat kulīnatvād iti yāvat); when defeated by Kṛtavarman they fled hither and thither 7. 90. 47-48; Dhṛtarāṣṭra wanted to know how Pāñcālas fought with Droṇa; both were deeply inimical to each other and Pāñcālas desired victory for Yudhiṣṭhira 7. 89. 41; Droṇa, having seen that his vyūha was put into disorder by Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas, endeavoured to put it into order; he succeeded in pushing back Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas 7. 93. 35; brave Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas rushed from all sides on Droṇa to kill him 7. 97. 51; Duḥśāsana had formed great enmity with Pāñcālas 7. 98. 4; Droṇa hastened moderately towards Pāñcālas (javam āsthāya madhyamam) and put them to flight; announcing his name while fighting (nāma viśrāvya saṁyuge) he killed many of them 7. 98. 2426; Pāñcālas covered Droṇa from all sides when he was checked by Vīraketu; they showered Droṇa with fiety arrows, costly Tomaras (tomaraiś ca mahādhanaiḥ) and various other weapons; Droṇa broke their arrows 7. 98. 30-32; Pāñcālas shouted that Droṇa would surrender to their king (vaśam eṣyati no rājñaḥ) 7. 98. 55; when the horses of Dhṛṣṭadyumna's chariot ran in all directions, Droṇa forced Pāñcālas to run away; defeating them Droṇa put his vyūha in order (svaṁ vyūhaṁ punar āsthāya) 7. 98. 57-58; when Duryodhana challenged Yudhiṣṭhira, Pāñcālas rushed towards him; Droṇa checked their advance 7. 100. 36-38; Dhṛṣṭaketu wanted to attack Droṇa who was killing Pāñcāla army 7. 101. 23; Pāñcālas trembled (samakampanta) as they were getting killed by Droṇa 7. 101. 47, 53; the great fighters of Pāñcālas were as though held at their thighs by Droṇa (ūrugrāhagṛhītā hi pāñcālānāṁ mahārathāḥ) 7. 101. 49 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 125. 52: ūrugrāhaḥ ūrustambhaḥ); when Cekitāna's charioteer was killed, Pāñcālas were afraid; Droṇa made them run away 7. 101. 67-68; when Pāñcāla army was reduced in number by Droṇa, Yudhiṣṭhira did not know who could go to save them 7. 102. 3-4; when the vyūhas of Pāṇḍavas were put into disorder, Pāñcālas and Pārthas went back a long way (vyūheṣv āloḍyamāneṣu pāṇḍavānāṁ tatas tataḥ/ sudūram anvayuḥ pārthāḥ pāñcālāḥ saha somakaiḥ//) 7. 102. 1; when Bhīma started to help Arjuna, Pāñcālas followed him 7. 102. 67: Droṇa wanted to remain at his place to check the advancing Pāñcālas 7. 105. 21; Dhṛtarāṣṭra told Saṁjaya that if ever Pāñcālas were to fight with Bhīma they would not be able to protect their lives (na bhīmamukhasaṁprāpto mucyeteti matir maṃa/…na pāñcālā…jānanti yudhi saṁrabdhā jīvitaṁ parirakṣitum) 7. 110. 22-23; Duryodhana pointed out to Droṇa, Śikhaṇḍin who led the Pāñcāla army 7. 125. 11; he told Droṇa that either he would kill Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas or else get killed by them 7. 125. 25; Droṇa felt himself sinking in the sin of Dhṛṣṭadyumna since he had not yet killed him, Śikhaṇḍin and Pāñcālas (majjantam iva cātmānaṁ dhṛṣṭadyumnasya kilbiṣe); he could not take off his armour until he had killed Pāñcālas 7. 126. 25, 32;
(52) In the fierce battle that was fought during the night between fourteenth and fiftteenth day the reporters on the battlefield like Saṁjaya could distinguish the Pāñcālas from Kurus only by hearing their personal names and the names of their respective gotras and families (gotrānāṁ nāmadheyānāṁ kulānāṁ caiva tuāriṣa/śravaṇād dhi vijānīmaḥ pāñcālān kurubhiḥ saha//); Pāñcālas fled in all directions when they were being killed by Duryodhana 7. 128. 2, 8, 17; at that time Pāñcālas led by Bhīma attacked Duryodhana; when deeply wounded, Duryodhana sat down in his chariot, Pāñcālas felt he was dead and delightfully they raised a loud cry 7. 128. 21, 23; when Duryodhana attacked Yudhiṣṭhira, Pāñcālas advanced towards him; Droṇa faced them 7. 128. 33; Drupada, protected by Pāñcālas turned towards Droṇa; six thousand Pāñcālas, led by Śikhaṇḍin, rushed towards Droṇa 7. 129. 8, 10; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya when Droṇa, after the death of Jayadratha and Bhūriśravas, attacked Pāñcālas, what did Arjuna do ? when Droṇa entered the Pāñcāla army, how was he (later) killed ? 7. 130. 3, 7; when Droṇa used Vāyavyāstra, Pāñcālas ran away due to fear; but when Bhīma and Arjuna invaded the Kaurava army, Pāñcālas followed them 7. 132. 38, 41; Karṇa asked Duryodhana to save the Kaurava warriors attacked on all sides by Pāñcālas and others; Pāñcāla chariotfighters, feeling victorious and delighted, were making loud sound; he assured Duryodhana that he would kill Pāñcālas who had come forward to fight 7. 133. 3, 4, 6, 11; the victorious Pāñcālas raised a cry seeing Karṇa engaged in battle with Pāṇḍavas; Duryodhana asked his army to stand still for he was going to kill the attacking Pāñcālas; he also requested Aśvatthāman to kill Pāñcālas since they, feeling victorious, moved in the Kaurava army like forest-fire; Aśvatthāman was born for killing Pāñcālas and make the world devoid of them; that was declared by the Siddhas, and it was bound to be true (kariṣyasi jagat sarvam apāñcālaṁ kilācyuta/evaṁ siddhābruvan vāco bhaviṣyati ca tat tathā/); Pāñcālas would not be able to withstand the astras of Aśvatthāman 7. 134. 11, 54, 76-77, 79-81; Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana that he would fight with Pāñcālas for Duryodhana's delight; they would run away in all directions when burnt down by his arrows; when Yudhiṣṭhira would see Pāñcālas dead, he would be dejected; Aśvatthāman then challenged Pāñcālas to steady themselves and fight with him; he asked their great chariot-fighters to strike him showing their skill in the use of astras (praharadhvam itaḥ sarve mama gātre mahārathāḥ/sthirībhūtāś ca yudhyadhvaṁ darśayanto 'stralāghavam//); when addressed, Pāñcālas showered weapons (arrows ?) on Aśvatthāman (śastravṛṣṭim apātayan); Aśvatthāman repulsed the arrows and killed ten heroes in the presence of Pāṇḍavas and Dhṛṣtadyumna; when Pāñcālas were getting killed, they ran away in all directions; seeing that, Dhṛṣṭadyumna rushed at Aśvatthāman; in the duel that ensued, Dhṛṣṭadyumna was covered on all sides by the entire Pāñcāla army; Aśvatthāman, by his well-joined arrows, forced hundreds and thousands of Pāñcālas to flee (bāṇaiḥ saṁnataparvabhiḥ); he killed a hundred Pāñcālas with a hundred arrows (śatena ca śataṁ hatvā), and three great chariot-fighters with three sharp arrows (tribhiś ca niśitair bāṇair hatvā trīn vai mahārathān); he thus killed a large number of those Pāñcālas who were prepared for fight (nāśayām āsa pāñcālān bhūyiṣṭhaṁ ye vyavasthitāḥ); Pāñcālas, thus getting killed, left Aśvatthāman and went away with their chariots and banners shattered; Aśvatthāman having defeated his enemies, uttered a loud roar 7. 135. 10, 11, 13; 16-21; 36, 47, 49-52; Droṇa used vāyavyāstra against Pāñcālas; getting killed, they ran away; when Bhīma and Arjuna attacked the left and the right flank respectively (bībhatsur dakṣiṇaṁ pārśvam uttaraṁ tu vṛkodaraḥ), great chariot-fighters among Pāñcālas followed them; Droṇa blew away (vyadhamat) the Pāṇḍava army and Pāñcālas at the start of the night (rajanīmukhe) 7. 136. 11, 14; 7. 137. 51; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya, when Droṇa entered the Pāñcāla army and burnt their hosts of chariots who protected him on all the four sides 7. 139. 12-14; when Pāñcālas and Kauravas killed one another they raised a fierce sound (āsīn niṣṭānako ghoro nighnatām itaretaram) 7. 139. 32; Yudhiṣṭhira asked Pāñcālas and others to attack Droṇa to kill him; then, raising fearful cries they attacked him 7. 140. 2-3; when Aśvatthāman swooned while fighting with Ghaṭotkaca, Pāñcālas raised a loud roar 7. 141. 32; when Duryodhana, while fighting with Bhīma, lost his charioteer and horses, he was considered dead; Pāñcālas then attacked Droṇa 7. 141. 60; after defeating Sahadeva, Karṇa turned towards Pāñcālas 7. 142. 16; when Śikhaṇḍin was defeated by Kṛpa. Pāñcālas covered him on all sides 7. 144. 27; they also covered him when he attacked Droṇa 7. 145. 3; in the great battle that followed between the two heroes, Pāñcālas also took part 7. 145. 68; when Sātyaki and Duryodhana were engaged in battle, there was confused and fierce fighting between Bhāratas and Pāñcālas (tataḥ samabhavad yuddham ākulam…/pāñcālānāṁ ca sarveṣāṁ bhāratānāṁ ca dāruṇam//) 7. 146. 17; incited by Duryodhana, Droṇa fought fiercely and started killing Pāñcālas; then they raised a tumultuous cry; when they were broken and shattered, dejected Kṛṣṇa pointed out to Arjuna their plight 7. 147. 15, 22-23; he advised Arjuna to assist their great chariot-fighters, as well as Bhīma, to give encouragement to the entire army (āśvāsanārthaṁ sarveṣāṁ sainyānām) 7. 147. 29; Karṇa oppressed the great chariotfighters among Pāñcālas (pāñcālānāṁ mahārathān/abhyapīḍayat); pressed hard by Karṇa, the large Pāñcāla army ran away (sā pīḍyamānā tu karṇena pāñcālānāṁ mahācamūḥ/saṁprādravat susaṁtrastā); their warriors fell down from horses, elephants and chariots; Karṇa cut off their hands, heads and thighs; Droṇa assisted him 7. 148. 9-19; Kṛṣṇa pointed out to Ghaṭotkaca their plight 7. 148. 45; Pāñcālas, smiling, watched the battle between Karṇa and Ghaṭotkaca 7. 152. 5; Pāñcālas, oppressed excessively by Alāyudha, had no peace of mind (na śāntiṁ lebhire tatra… bhṛśapīḍitāḥ) 7. 152. 31; Karṇa forced the Pāñcāla mahārathas to run away; then they fought with Droṇa; they raised a loud roar when Alāyudha was killed by Ghaṭotkaca 7. 153. 8, 10, 33; Karṇa attacked Pāñcālas led by Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Śikhaṇḍin 7. 154. 3-4; Saṁjaya told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that every night Duryodhana asked Karṇa to kill next day Arjuna (or Kṛṣṇa) with his śakti so that the Pāñcālas could be ruled as if they were servants (preṣyavat pāṇḍupāñcālān upabhokṣyāmahe tataḥ)--Pāñcālas who were like the leaves of a tree in the form of the Pāṇḍavas (pāñcālāḥ patrasaṁjñitāḥ) 7. 157. 19-22; Dhṛtarāṣṭra was curious to know how the Sṛñjayas and Pāñcālas who, armed and in battle-arrays (vyūḍhānīkāḥ prahāriṇaḥ) fought with Droṇa when they attacked him (7. 158. 13); when, Yudhiṣṭhira after the death of Ghaṭotkaca started to fight with Kauravas, Pāñcālas armed for battle (daṁśitāḥ) beat bheris and blew conches 7. 158. 50; Droṇa vowed that he would take off his armour only after he had killed Pāñcālas 7. 160. 12; towards the end of the night war, Droṇa divided his army into two parts and, led by Duryodhana, attacked Pāñcālas; they were specifically aflicted by the arrows of Droṇa; yet, although suffering from excessive pain, Pāñcālas continued to fight (pāñcālās tu viśeṣeṇa droṇasāyakapīḍitāḥ/samasajjanta rājendra samare bhṛśavedanāḥ) 7. 161. 3, 28; when Droṇa killed Virāṭa, Drupada, and other warriors of Pāñcālas, Dhṛṣṭadyumna cursed the Pāñcāla warriors who would let Droṇa remain alive or turn away from him; Pāñcālas then attacked Droṇa, but they could not even look at Droṇa although they tried, protected as he was by Duryodhana and others (yatamānāpi pāñcālā na śekuḥ parivīkṣitum) 7. 161. 35-37, 38, 40;
(53) On the fifteenth day, when the large armies of Kauravas and Pāñcālas clashed with one another, everything was in turmoil and nothing was quite clear (āvignam abhavat sarvam…na prājñāyata kiṁcana); in the raised dust it was difficult to know who were Kauraveyas and who Pāñcālas 7. 162. 22, 27-28; during the duel between Karṇa and Bhīma, Yudhiṣṭhira addressed the chief heroes of Pāñcālas and urged them to go and help the chief warriors of Pāṇḍavas (pāñcālānāṁ naravyāghrān…tatra gacchata yatraite yudhyante māmakā rathāḥ); Pāñcālas, thus urged, divided their army into four parts (caturdhā vāhinīṁ kṛtvā): a part hit Droṇa with arrows; others, led by Bhīma, covered him from another side (pāñcālās tv ekato droṇam abhyaghnan bahubhiḥ śaraiḥ/bhīmasenapurogāś ca ekataḥ paryavārayan//); Arjuna was urged to separate Kurus from Droṇa; then Pāñcālas would kill Droṇa whose protectors were slain; but Droṇa attacked Pāñcālas and killed them; however, they continued to attack Droṇa; as they were getting killed a fearful sound was raised by them; when Pāñcālas were thus getting killed, Pāṇḍavas were afraid and they lost hope of victory (vadhyamāneṣu saṁgrāme pāñcāleṣu...pāṇḍavān bhayam āviśat/…nāśaṁsur vijayaṁ tadā//) 7. 164. 48-54, 56-58, 60-63; after the false news of Aśvatthāman's death twenty thousand Pāñcāla principal heroes (nararṣabhāḥ) showered arrows from all sides on Droṇa; he then used brahmāstra to kill Pāñcālas; with that missile he cut off their heads and large arms adorned with gold ornaments (tathaiva parighākārān bāhūn kanakabhūṣaṇān) and killed twenty thousand Pāñcāla chariot-fighters (viṁśatisāhasrān pāñcālānāṁ rathavrajān) 7. 164. 78-83; that day Kauravas, led by Droṇa, had started fighting only with Pāñcālas (pāñcālair eva kevalaiḥ), and when Droṇa released the brahmāstra, especially Pāñcālas were killed (pāñcālāś ca viśeṣataḥ/…vyanaśan); when their armies were thus thrashed, Pāñcālas, (though) angered, turned away from battle (amarṣavaśam āpannāḥ pāñcālā vimukhābhavan) 7. 165. 98, 100-101, 104; Droṇa killed hosts of chariot-fighters of Pāñcālas but was killed 8. 4. 5;
(54) After the death of Droṇa, Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana that he would try to kill Pāñcālas by all sorts of means, whether soft or harsh (sarvopāyāir…karmaṇā yena teneha mṛdunā dāruṇena vā); only after killing Pāñcālas he would have peace of mind; he would force Pāñcālas to run away by the use of Nārāyaṇāstra 7. 166. 28-29, 52; Sahadeva, in order to pacify Sātyaki, told him that the Pāṇḍavas had no allies other than Andhakas, Vṛṣṇis and Pāñcālas; similarly the Pāñcālas had no allies other than Pāṇḍavas and Vṛṣṇis 7. 169. 48, 50; when, after the death of Droṇa, Kauravas and Pāṇḍava-Pāñcālas became ready to fight, Aśvatthāman aimed his Nārāyaṇāstra against the Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas; Yudhiṣṭhira, afraid of the effects produced by the astra, asked Dhṛṣṭadyumna to run away with Pāñcāla army; he also remembered that Pāñcālas. led by Satyajit and making effort for his victory, were totally destroyed by Droṇa (pāñcālāḥ satyajinmukhāḥ/kurvāṇā majjaye yatnaṁ samūlā vinipātitāḥ) 7. 170. 10, 15, 26, 34; Duryodhana urged Aśvatthāman to use Nārāyaṇāstra again when Pāficālas, wishing victory, had steadied themselves (vyavasthitā hi pāñcālāḥ punar eva jayaiṣiṇaḥ); Aśvatthāman told him his inability to do that but he forced Pāñcālas to run away wounding them with arrows; when Aśvatthāman succeeded in killing many prominent (Pāñcāla) heroes on the side of Pāṇḍavas he blew his large conch with delight; hearing that all Pāñcālas, and even Bhīma, ran in all directions leaving Dhṛṣṭadyumna behind 7. 171. 25, 45, 67;
(55) Saṁjaya, summarizing the events between the death of Droṇa and that of Karṇa, told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Duryodhana assured his army that they would be witnesses to the heroism of Karṇa and Aśvatthāman against the Pāñcālas; Karṇa killed and afflicted many Pāñcālas, but was ultimately killed by Arjuna 8. 2. 15, 18, 20; 8. 5. 30; Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Karṇa had once before defeated Pāñcālas and made them pay tribute (ajaiṣīt…pāñcālāṁś ca…cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18-20 (reference to Karṇa's conquests before the Vaiṣṇava sacrifice of Duryodhana 3. 241. 29, 32; 3. App. I. 24. 28-34);
(56) On the sixteenth day, Duryodhana requested Karṇa to lead the Kaurava army because when Pāñcālas would see him they would run away; Pāṇḍavas together with Pāñcālas would be disheartened on seeing Karṇa ready to fight (pāṇḍavā gatacetasaḥ…pāñcālaiḥ saha); the bards urged Karṇa to kill Pāñcālas and bring victory to Kauravas; they also said that Pāñcālas would not be able to withstand Karṇa ready with his arms 8. 6. 30-31, 40, 42; Pāñcālas and others rushed at the Kaurava army; their chariot-fighters, elephant-riders and important foot-soldiers, delighted, danced and laughed making different sounds (nānāvidharavair hṛṣṭā nṛtyanti ca hasanti ca) 8. 8. 19-20; Karṇa put to death twenty Pāñcāla chariot-fighters along with their horses and charioteers and felled down their banners; he also killed many other Pāñcālas; then Pāñcāla princes (? pāñcālaputrāś ca) attacked Karṇa 8. 16. 16, 22-23; heroes from the east and south, skilled in elephant-warfare, showered arrows, tomaras and nārācas on Pāñcālas; Pāñcālas, with sharp weapons, surrounded the elephants and showered arrows on them; they covered Nakula to protect him from those who were fighting from elephants; Karṇa, after defeating Nakula, turned towards Pāñcālas; Pāṇḍavas raised a loud cry seeing Karṇa approach Pāñcāla chariot-fighters (dṛṣṭvā senāpatiṁ yāntaṁ pāñcālānāṁ rathavrajān 8. 17. 99); their chariots then were carried away (by horses) with or without the charioteers and their axles broken; those Pāñcāla mahārathas who survived began to run away; Karṇa, showering arrows, persecuted Pāñcālas whose armours and banners were broken and tormented them with arrows 8. 17. 7, 21, 98-99, 101, 119-120; Ulūka, after defeating Yuyutsu, turned towards Pāñcālas striking them with arrows 8. 18. 11; when Yudhiṣṭhira fought a duel with Duryodhana, Pāñcālas attacked Kauravas making sounds (kṣveḍāḥ kilakilāśābdāḥ) and striking thousands of tūryas; men fought against men, elephants against elephants, chariots against chariot-fighters and horses against horse-riders; those duels were for a while pleasing to watch (dvandvāny āsan mahārāja prekṣaṇīyāni saṁyuge; muhūrtam eva tad yuddham āsīn madhuradarśanam); all fought the battle according to the rules; nobody struck the opponent from behind (anyonyaṁ samare jaghnur yodhavratam anuṣṭhitāḥ/na hi te samaraṁ cakruḥ pṛṣthato vai kathaṁcana//) 8. 19. 45-49; but later the battle was fought disregarding the proper norms; the battle described in 8. 19. 49 ff.; Karṇa killed Pāñcālas 8. 19. 74;
(57) On the seventeenth day, Duryodhana wanted Karṇa and Śalya together to kill Pāṇḍavas along with Pāñcālas and Sṛñjayas 8. 23. 15; Karṇa asked Śalya to drive his chariot to Pāñcālas and others; either he would kill them or they would kill him; Śalya pointed out to Karṇa that the banners and the chariots of Pāñcālas were making sound (dhvajāḥ kaṇakaṇāyante…sapatākā rathāś cāpi pāñcālānām) 8. 31. 51; a fierce battle broke out between Pāñcālas and Kauravas; Duryodhana protected Karṇa fighting with Pāñcālas and other heroes; Karṇa rushed towards Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Pāñcālas who rushed at him; Karṇa killed twentyfive Pāñcāla warriors with equal number of arrows; hosts of Pāñcāla chariot-fighters then surrounded Karṇa; Karṇa killed with five arrows five Pāñcāla prominent warriors viz. Bhānudeva, Citrasena, Senābindu, Tapana and Śūrasena; then there was a loud cry of anger among the Pāñcālas (hāhākāro mahān āsīt pāñcālānāṁ mahāhave); but Pāñcālas, equipped (daṁśitāḥ), attacked Karṇa 8. 32. 15, 20, 25-26, 33, 35-38, 43; they checked the advance of Karṇa; he could not break through their resistance to reach Yudhiṣṭhira; when he reached Yudhiṣṭhira and defeated him the latter turned back and Pāñcālas followed him 8. 33. 7, 9, 15, 41; Pāñcālas and others gathered together and, disregarding the terrible fear of death (tyaktvā mṛtyubhayaṁ ghoram), attacked Aśvatthāman 8. 39. 10; Karṇa killed Pāñcālas by thousands 8. 40. 4-5; when he attacked them, no one of them turned back; they attacked Karṇa from all sides; he moved among them unafraid; he made hosts of their chariot-fighters run away 8. 40. 42, 44, 58-59; Karṇa, singlehanded, announcing his name (viśrāvya nāma) killed many Pāñcālas, respected by brave (śūrasaṁmatāḥ); onlookers like Saṁjaya felt that no Pāñcāla warrior would be allowed to live by Karṇa; Karṇa, while blowing away Pāñcālas (vidhaman), rushed towards Yudhiṣṭhira; he, alone, fought with Cedis, Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas 8. 40. 62-64, 68; Pāñcālas, led by Dhṛṣṭadyumna, followed Bhīma and returned to battle (tam ete 'nu nivartante) 8. 41. 3; Karṇa, alone, held back Pāñcālas and others; when Pāñcālas saw that Dhṛṣṭadyumna was saved by Arjuna, they, considering themselves victorious, sounded musical instruments by thousands and made loud roar 8. 42. 32, 54-55; Pāñcālas quickly rallied round Yudhiṣṭhira to help him; in the presence of Pāñcālas and others, Karṇa broke the banner on the chariot of Yudhiṣṭhira; he destroyed the army of Pāṇḍavas (including Pāñcālas); Pāñcālas started to run away; Karṇa had already defeated them; it was felt that Karṇa attacking them would extirpate Pāñcālas (samucchetsyati); but when Bhīma appeared, Pāñcālas started killing Kaurava army 8. 43. 3, 22-29, 31-32, 50, 53; chariotfighters (rathinaḥ) of Kauravas, struck by Pāñcālas, fell down from their chariots; Pāñcālas returned towards the army of Kauravas (dhārtarāṣṭrān) and killed those who, riding elephants, horses and chariots, were fighting; supported by Bhīma, Pāñcālas disregarded their lives and crushed their enemies; while killing their adversaries, they blew conches and shouted; when the Pāñcālas were thus killing the Kaurava army, Kṛpa, Karṇa and other heroes made great attempt to stop their attack 8. 43. 59-65; but Pāñcālas, enraged and feeling victorious, attacked the Kaurava army from all sides 8. 44. 8; Karṇa assured Śalya that he would kill all Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas and then released his Bhārgavāstra against them; Pāñcālas, afflicted by that missile, raised a loud cry (hāhākāro mahān āsīt pāñcālānām…); getting killed by the missile Pāñcālas were all confused (tatra tatra vyamuhyanta) 8. 45. 32, 37, 41; Karṇa cut off the banner of Yudhiṣṭhira and killed his two side-charioteers in the presence of Pāñcālas (hatau ca pārṣṇisārathī) 8. 46. 12; Kṛṣṇa told Arjuna: all Pāñcālas, under Arjuna's guidance, were ready to fight; protected by him, they had killed enemies; Bhīṣma had earlier killed Pāñcālas; Arjuna now should kill the enemies, viz. the five great warriors Aśvatthāman, Kṛtavarman, Karṇa, Śalya and Kṛpa, so that Pāñcālas might rejoice (adya modantu pāñcālā…); Pāñcālas wished to rescue Pāṇḍavas (pāṇḍavān ujjihīrṣavaḥ) but were fleeing as they got killed by Karṇa; they were as good as under the control of Karṇa (viddhi karṇavaśaṁ gatān); Pāñcālas, struck by Karṇa, raised a fierce cry (śrūyate ninado ghoras…); when they faced Bhīṣma, they never turned back (nāsan parāṅmukhāḥ); they would not turn back due to fear of Karṇa; Karṇa was killing the attacking Pāñcālas by hundreds -- Pāñcālas who gave lives for their friends; Pāñcālas were fleeing in all directions (ete caranti pāñcālā dikṣu sarvāsu) as they faced the irresistible astra of Karṇa obtained by him from Bhārgava (8. 51. 101); if Karṇa was neglected (upekṣitaḥ karṇo…); he would kill Pāñcālas and the rest 8. 51. 5-6, 12, 27, 54, 91-96, 98-100, 104, 106; Arjuna saw Pāñcāla army running away; he desired to pay back the debt he owed to Pāñcālas by killing Karṇa (pāñcālānāṁ ca mādhava/ adyānṛṇyaṁ gamiṣyāmi) 8. 52. 5, 28; as desired by Karṇa, Śalya drove his chariot towards Pāñcālas; entering their army, Śalya stopped Karṇa's chariot wherever he desired; seeing Karṇa's chariot, the Pāñcālas trembled (trastā āsan); when Karṇa killed Pāñcālas a loud cry arose among them (tatrākrando mahān āsīt); although the great Pāñcāla archers were defeated, they returned to fight till death (mṛtyuṁ kṛtvā nivartanam); Karṇa killed twentyfive chariot-fighters and more than hundred horse-riders; the wonderful heroism of Pāñcālas was witnessed by others when Pāñcālas did not abandon fighting although they were getting killed (tatrādbhutam apaśyāma pāñcālānāṁ parākramam/vadhyamānāpi karṇena nājahū raṇamūrdhani//); two sons (not named) of Karṇa killed strong Pāñcālas 8. 56. 8-11, 23, 31, 47, 49, 54, 56; but at one stage Pāñcālas, afraid of Karṇa, began to flee (ete dravanti pāñcālāḥ karṇāt trastā…) 8. 57. 3; Karṇa rushed towards Pāñcālas in spite of Arjuna (paśyataḥ savyasācinaḥ); he killed Pāñcālas by releasing thousands of arrows; there was fierce battle of Karṇa with Pāñcālas who were getting killed while fighting for the sake of their allies (vadhyatāṁ sūtaputreṇa mitrārthe 'mitraghātināṁ) 8. 59. 42, 44-45; Karṇa scattered away Pāñcāla princes (? pāñcālaputrān); Karṇa was making the Pāṇḍava army devoid of Pāñcālas (apāñcālyaṁ kriyate); then five senior Pāñcāla chariot-fighters, Uttamaujas and others, attacked Karṇa but were not able to fell down Karṇa from his chariot; all of them were hit by Karṇa with arrows after he cut off their bows and banners and killed their horses and chariots; all of them were defeated by Karṇa; when they were rescued by Draupadī's sons and Sātyaki, the five chariot-fighters got other chariots and, wellarmed, they rallied round Sātyaki to protect him 8. 60. 1, 10, 15-17, 21-22, 26; Karṇa tormented Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas by the lustre of his missiles (pratāpya …astratejasā), but was thoroughly pacified by the lustre of Arjuna (i. e. by his missiles) (saṁśāntaḥ pārthatejasā) 8. 68. 43; Pāñcālas and Sṛñjayas honoured Arjuna when Karṇa was killed 8. 69. 37;
(58) In the evening of the seventeenth day Duryodhana told Śalya that when he would be on the battle-field Pāñcālas would give up all effort (nirudyamāḥ) 9. 5. 24; Śalya, when chosen by Duryodhana to lead his army, assured him that he would kill all Pāñcālas in battle: “let them see in battle my heroism, strength of my arms and bow, my skill and power of my missiles” (vikramaṁ mama paśyantu dhanuṣaś ca mahad balam/lāghavaṁ cāstravīryaṁ ca bhujayoś ca balaṁ yudhi//) 9. 6. 11, 13-14; after listening to Kṛṣṇa's advice, Yudhiṣṭhira permitted all Pāñcālas to leave and he slept that night freed of all care; all Pāñcālas too, delighted at Karṇa's death, slept (happily) that night 9. 6. 38-40;
(59) On the eighteenth day, the victorious Pāñcālas went to the battlefield 9. 7. 42; seeing Śalya's heroism, Duryodhana felt Pāñcālas, Sṛṁjayas and Pāṇḍavas as good as dead 9. 12. 28; having heard Yudhiṣṭhira's vow to kill Śalya, all Pāñcālas felt delighted; they blew conches, beat bheris and puṣkaras by hundreds and made loud roar in anticipation of the fulfilment of the vow (tataḥ praharṣaḥ…punar āsīt…pāñcālānāṁ…pratijñām tāṁ ca saṁgrāme dharmarājasya pūrayan) 9. 15. 2728; Pāñcālas and others, angered by Śalya's killing their army, surrounded him 9. 16. 6; when the Madra army, incited by Duryodhana, entered the Pāṇḍava army, Pāñcālas and others surrounded Yudhiṣṭhira wishing his sefety (yudhiṣṭhiraṁ parīpsantaḥ); Madra warriors shouted: “where are the great warriors of Pāñcālas (pāñcālānāṁ mahāvīryāḥ) 9. 17. 8, 13; when the Kaurava army fled after the death of Śalya, Pāñcālas, desirous of victory, persecuted them; seeing the Kaurava army, oppressed by fear, running away, Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas spoke to each other about the victory of Yudhiṣṭhira and the defeat of Duryodhana 9. 18. 11, 13-14; seeing Śālva's heroism, Pāñcālas raised cries of despair (hāhākārair nādayantaḥ) and surrounded his elephant 9. 19. 21; hearing the loud roar of delighted Kauravas (siṁhanādaḥ prahṛṣṭānāṁ…), Pāñcālas were dejected; when Kṛtavarman and Sātyaki were engaged in a duel, Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas acted as spectators (prekṣakāḥ samapadyanta); when Kaurava army started running away at the defeat of Kṛtavarman, Duryodhana attacked Pāñcālas and halted them with arrows 9. 20. 6-7, 11, 33-34; Pāṇḍavas, helped by Pāñcālas, stopped the advance of Kurus and killed their seven hundred chariot-fighters; Yudhiṣṭhira asked Sahadeva to kill Śakuni; he himself, along with Pāñcālas, would guard the division of chariots (rathānīkam ahaṁ rakṣye) 9. 22. 14, 34;
(60) Aśvatthāman left the army of Pāñcāla king (pāñcālarājasya tad anīkam, i. e. Pāñcālas) and went to Śakuni 9. 24. 42;
(61) Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana, who had hid himself in water, that he would that very day kill all Pāñcālas, or else he would not remove his armour; on learning the whereabouts of Duryodhana, when Pāṇḍavas started towards the lake, the delighted Pāñcālas raised a loud roar (kilakilāśabdaḥ prādurāsīd…); those Pāñcālas who survived the war of eighteen days followed Pāṇḍavas to the lake (pāñcālānāṁ ca ye śiṣṭāḥ) 9. 29. 21, 46, 52: Duryodhana even in that condition wished to destroy the enthusiasm of Pāñcālas 9. 30. 43; Duryodhana was not afraid of either Pāṇḍavas or Pāñcālas; with mace in his hand he was confident to defeat them in battle; equipped with mace, he appeared to Pāñcālas like Indra with his vajra or Śiva with his śūla; Pāñcālas and other Pāṇḍava warriors clapped each other's palms (anyonyasya talān daduḥ); Duryodhana considered that to be his insult; angered, he said that he would send Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas to the abode of Yama 9. 31. 13, 30, 40-44; Pāñcālas welcomed the decision of Bhīma to fight with Duryodhana and kill him (tad vaco bhīmasenasya sarva evābhyapūjayan) 9. 32. 27; hearing Duryodhana's challenging words, they also applauded him (saṁpūjayām āsus tad vacaḥ) 9. 32. 50; seeing the bad omens which occurred at the time of the downfall of Duryodhana, Pāñcālas were dejected (āvignamanasaḥ) 9. 57. 57; they were not very happy when Balarāma, displeased with the way Duryodhana was made to lie low, left for Dvārakā (nātipramanaso 'bhavan) 9. 59. 27; when Duryodhana fell down, Pāñcālas, delighted (prahṛṣṭamanasaḥ), threw up their upper garments and made roaring sounds; some expressed their joy by stretching their bows, others by sounding bow-strings; some blew big conches and still others beat dundubhis; some made sportive gestures and laughed (cikrīḍuś ca tathaivānye jaharṣuś ca); they said many things in praise of Bhīmasena 9. 60. 3-16; hearing that, Kṛṣṇa rebuked them 9. 60. 17-18; hearing Kṛṣṇa's words reassuring Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas for the means they adopted to defeat Kauravas, Pāñcālas were very much delighted; they roared like herds of lions (bhṛśasaṁhṛṣṭā vineduḥ siṁhasaṁghavat); Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana that he would kill all Pāñcālas with all sorts of means in the very presence of Kṛṣṇa (sarvopāyair hi neṣyāmi pretarājaniveśanam) 9. 64. 35; (a reference to this incident in 1. 2. 180);
(62) References to what happened during the night of the eighteenth day are found at the beginning of the Śalyaparvan: (i) Vaiśaṁpāyana told Janamejaya that during that night the three heroes on the side of Kauravas who survived the war (hataśiṣṭās trayo rathāḥ) killed the entire Pāñcāla army; that was told by Saṁjaya to Dhṛtarāṣṭra 9. 1. 13, 30; (ii) Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Duryodhana had assured him that he would kill all Pāñcālas; he then asked Saṁjaya to tell him how all Pāñcālas, together with foot-soldiers, were killed (pāñcālāś ca yathā sarve nihatāḥ sapadānugāḥ) 9. 2. 22, 63;
(63) In the night of the eighteenth day Aśvatthāman resolved to kill Pāñcālas when they were asleep; he told Kṛpa that Pāñcālas, tired due to exertion, would sleep that night delightfully, trustfully, feeling themselves victorious, unyoking their horses and keeping away their armours; he would storm Pāñcālas in their camp to kill them with his sword and then get peace of mind; he would repay the debt he owed to his father by killing Pāñcālas; by killing the Pāñcāla army at night he will have done his duty and feel happy 10. 1. 53; 10. 3. 25, 28-32, 3435; earlier when Bhīma had stepped on Duryodhana's head, Pāñcālas growled, laughted, blew conches and sounded dundubhis 10. 1. 58-59; Kṛpa told Aśvatthāman that they should kill Pāñcālas next day in battle; Aśvatthāman was quite capable of defeating the Pāñcāla army while fighting with them; they would return from the battle-field only after killing the wretched Pāñcālas or get themselves killed 10. 4. 4, 15, 18; but Aśvatthāman was unable to live even for a while since he had heard Pāñcālas saying: “Droṇa was killed”; they deserved to be killed by him 10. 4. 25-26; Kṛpa tried to dissuade Aśvatthāman by telling him that it would not be proper to kill Pāñcālas when they were trustfully asleep 10. 5. 11; but Aśvatthāman asked Kṛpa why he did not blame Pāñcālas who had committed sin by not following dharma and broken all norms of life (evam adhārmikāḥ pāpāḥ pāñcālā bhinnasetavaḥ); he had therefore decided to kill them during their sleep 10. 5. 2425; Mahādeva told Aśvatthāman that he formerly protected Pāñcālas only out of regard for Kṛṣṇa; but now they were overpowered by Kāla and did not deserve to live (abhibhūtās tu kālena naiṣām adyāsti jīvitam) 10. 7. 63; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya whether Kṛpa and Kṛtavarman did what was expected of them or whether they were killed by Pāñcālas 10. 8. 4; when Aśvatthāman came out of the camp, Kṛpa and Kṛtavarman told him that they had killed Pāñcālas (when they tried to escape) by thousands; Aśvatthāman told them that he had killed the rest of the Pāñcālas in the camp 10. 8. 141, 150; after killing all Pāñcālas, the three of them went to Duryodhana; they told him that all Pāñcālas were killed by them 10. 9. 1, 9, 49; the killing of Pāñcālas referred to earlier by Dhṛtarāṣṭra as a disgusting and disgraceful act of Aśvatthāman and others 1. 1. 153; 1. 2. 181; Kṛṣṇa consoled Yudhiṣṭhira by telling him that Pāñcālas and their companions (pāñcālāś ca sahānugāḥ) were killed by Mahādeva (and not by Aśvatthāman) 10. 18. 26; when Dhṛtarāṣṭra was on his way to the battlefield, Aśvatthāman and others told him and Gāndhārī that they had killed Pāñcālas and others 11. 10. 12;
(64) When Yudhiṣṭhira started to meet Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāñcāla women present there, followed him (saha pāñcālayoṣidbhir yās tatrāsan samāgatāḥ) 11. 11. 4;
(65) When Pāñcāla and Kuru women saw their husbands and relatives lying dead on the battlefield they fell down from their chariots; tired and helpless they were almost deprived of their consciousness (śrāntānāṁ cāpy anāthānāṁ nāsīt kācana cetanā) 11. 16. 13-15; Gāndhārī told Kṛṣṇa that looking at the destruction of Kurus and Pāñcālas, she burnt with grief 11. 16. 25; she asked him how was young Abhimanyu killed by many in the presence of Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas 11. 20. 18;
(66) Yudhiṣṭhira told Kuntī that he was much more grieved to learn the truth about Karṇa's birth than by the death of Pāñcālas and others (tataḥ śataguṇaṁ duḥkham) 11. 27. 18-19;
(67) Yudhiṣṭhira, repenting after the war, said that Pāñcālas and Kurus were no doubt killed; but those of them who were not killed would, after death, go to the lowest regions on account of their (i. e. of both Pāñcālas and Kurus) acts 12. 7. 20; Yudhiṣṭhira while taking leave of Kuntī said that Pāñcālas (i. e. their males) were very much depleted, only their daughters remained (pañcālāḥ subhṛśaṁ kṣīṇāḥ kanyāmātrāvaśeṣitāḥ); he did not know who would establish their line again, since most of them were reduced to ashes by Droṇa and those who survived were killed by Aśvatthāman at night 15. 44. 32-33.
D. Past event: Formerly, the ṛṣis of the Naimiṣa forest after completing the Viśvajit sacrifice went to the Pāñcāla country (purā…viśvajito 'nte vai pāñcālān ṛṣayo 'gaman) 9. 40. 3.
E. Various persons styled as ‘one related to Pāñcālas’, ‘king or prince of Pāñcālas’ ‘the prominent warrior among Pāñcālas’, etc.: (a) One related to the Pāñcālas: (i) pāñcāla (fem. -ī):
(1) Gālava 12. 330. 3738; 12. 335. 71;
(2) Citraketu and others 7. 98. 36-37, 43;
(3) Drupada 1. 122. 11; 1. 128. 12; 1. 188. 18; 3. 13. 2; 5. 5. 14; 5. 25. 3; 5. 49. 32; 5. 191. 3; 6. 57. 28; 6. 51. 3-4; (daughter of Pāñcāla i. e. of Drupada) 6. 108. 35; 6. 112. 43; 7. 8. 5; 7. 72. 6; 7. 135. 29; 9. 19. 10;
(4) Dhṛṣṭadyumna: 7. 169. 60; 8. 40. 130; 9. 24. 47; 10. 5. 34; (ii) Pāñcālī: Draupadī 1. 2. 36; 1. 155. 41; 1. 174. 8, 12; 1. 181. 34; 1. 182. 13; 1. 200. 17; 1. 213. 71, 73; 2. 58. 31, 37; 2. 60. 10, 15, 20; 2. 61. 11; 2. 62. 19, 25^2, 34; 2. 63. 26, 27; 2. 64. 3; 2. 68. 10; 2. 72. 12, 15, 26, 28; 3. 13. 42, 110; 3. 48. 31, 34; 3. 79. 11; 3. 141. 16; 3. 142. 1; 3. 144. 2, 18; 3. 145. 2; 3. 146. 12; 3. 152. 2; 3. 153. 10; 3. 176. 47; 3. 222. 7, 58, 59; 4. 5. 7; 4. 13. 3, 6, 8; 4. 21. 39, 61; 4. 22. 26; 4. 23. 14; 4. 34. 10; 4. 39. 4; 5. 79. 3; 5. 80. 27; 5. 135. 15; 5. 149. 55; 7. 55. 32, 36; 7. 158. 29, 8. 5. 79; 8. 52. 15; 11. 12. 8; 11. 14. 5; 11. 15. 12; 11. 18. 21-22; 12. 14. 30; 12. 39. 5; 14. 68. 12; 15. 16. 20; 15. 24. 1; 18. 1. 9; 18. 2. 11, 43; 18. 4. 7; (iii) Pāñcāleya ‘son of Pāñcālī (= Śatānīka) 8. 53. 7; (iv) pāñcālya:
(1) Āruṇi 1. 3. 20, 21, 24, 27;
(2) Uttamaujas 5. 56. 32; 5. 197. 3, 15; 7. 59. 4; 7. 61. 38; 7. 66. 35; 7. 67. 27, 28; 7. 105. 23, 28, 32; 7. 122. 36; 8. 7. 30; 8. 33. 15 (du., not named, Uttamaujas and Yudhāmanyu):
(3) Kṣatradharman 8. 4. 76;
(4) Kṣatravarman (?) 8. 4. 76;
(5) Janamejaya 7. 142. 19; 8. 33. 23;
(6) Drupada 1. 122. 29; 1. 154. 16; 1. 176. 9; 1. 187. 1, 8; 1. 188. 1; 1. 194. 9, 14; 1. 198. 19; 2. 63. 5; 3. 90. 21; 5. 5. 18; 5. 56. 4; 5. 191. 6; 5. 193. 14, 55; 6. 19. 25 (Yajñasena); 6. 45. 55; 6. 47. 28; 6. 57. 24; 6. 99. 14; 7. 22. 6, 45; 7. 145. 27; 7. 169. 16; 8. 16. 23; 11. 25. 17; 15. 17. 20;
(7) Dhṛṣṭadyumna 1. 155. 51; 1. 184. 1; 5. 52. 5; 5. 63. 6; 5. 139. 48; 5. 150. 6; 5. 154. 10; 5. 161. 4; 6. 19. 21; 6. 45. 31; 6. 48. 30, 70; 6. 49. 1, 39; 6. 51. 2; 6. 57. 14, 18, 21; 6. 73. 60; 6. 82. 29; 6. 95. 25; 6. 111. 30; 7. 8. 24; 7. 12. 18; 7. 19. 31; 7. 30. 8; 7. 31. 64; 7. 70. 45; 7. 72. 7, 32-33; 7. 85. 15; 7. 98. 44, 46; 7. 100. 16; 7. 140. 17; 7. 145. 6, 17; 7. 161. 38, 47; 7. 162. 24; 7. 164. 4, 18, 114, 136; 7. 165. 18; 7. 166. 14; 7. 167. 32; 7. 169. 5, 42-43, 52; 7. 170. 6, 40, 54; 7. 172. 6; 8. 17. 26; 8. 40. 1, 22-23, 25; 9. 15. 36; 9. 22. 60; 9. 24. 16-17; 9. 26. 6, 10: 9. 28. 8; 9. 29. 51; 10. 8. 12, 17;
(8) Brahmadatta 12. 226. 29;
(9) Yajñasena see Drupada;
(10) Yudhāmanyu 5. 56. 32 (?); 5. 197. 3, 15; 7. 61. 38 (?); 7. 66. 35; 7. 67. 27-8; 7. 105. 23, 32; 7. 122. 36; 8. 7. 30; 8. 33. 15 (not named);
(11) Vīraketu 7. 98. 29, 34-35;
(12) Vṛka 7. 20. 7;
(13) Vyāghradatta 7. 15. 32, 34;
(14) Śikhaṇḍin 5. 139. 48; 5. 154. 10; 5. 169. 16; 5. 193. 9; 6. 14. 9; 6. 15. 19; 6. 103. 97; 6. 105. 1; 6. 108. 17; 6. 111. 6: 6. 112. 77; 6. 113. 46; 7. 1. 1; 7. 22. 13; 9. 15. 6; 9. 29. 51 (?); 11. 26. 34; 12. 27. 11; 18 1. 26;
(15) Satyajit 7. 16. 44; 7. 20. 4, 13, 15;
(16) Siṁhasena 7. 22. 43;
(17) Not named: 1. 89. 33; 7. 20. 46; 7. 124. 27; 8. 33. 15 (du., not named, Uttamaujas and Yudhāmanyu); 8. 40. 63;
(18) Pāñcāla warriors (pl.) 6. 50. 110; 7. 124. 27; (v) pāñcālaka:
(1) Drupada 5. 193. 16;
(2) Side of Pāñcālas pakṣo…pāñcālako… 1. 194. 12; (b) King of the Pāñcālas: (i) pāñcālanṛpa: Drupada 1. 190. 18; (ii) pāñcālapati: Drupada 3. 120. 25; (iii) pāñcālarāja:
(1) Drupada 1. 128. 2; 1. 176. 27; 1. 182. 5, 10; 1. 184. 12, 14; 1. 185. 16-17, 22, 27-28; 1. 186. 2; 2. 62. 23; 2. 72. 28; 3. 144. 6; 5. 1. 4; 5. 19. 32; 5. 22. 35; 5. 168. 1; 5. 190. 14; 5. 191. 12; 5. 193. 12; 6. 55. 115; 6. 113. 36; 6. 114. 8; 7. 7. 24; 7. 50. 15; 7. 88. 2; 7. 135. 22; 7. 145. 53; 7. 164. 111; 7. 165. 118; 7. 168. 21; 7. 169. 54; 9. 19. 18, 33; 9. 24. 35, 42; 10. 5. 33; 10. 10. 24, 27;
(2) Dhṛṣṭadyumna 6. 50. 86; 7. 171. 42; 9. 19. 15, 22; 9. 24. 42; 10. 3. 33; 10. 8. 30; (iv) pāñcālarājan: Drupada 5. 191. 7; 7. 13. 25; 7. 139. 31; 11. 25. 16; (v) pāñcālānām adhipaḥ: Drupada 5. 25. 3, 13; (c) Hero(es) of the Pāñcālas pāñcālaputra (Vīraketu) 7. 98. 27; (pl.) 3. 48. 38; 7. 169. 16; 8. 16. 23 (all not named); (d) Princes of Pāñcālas: pāñcālarājaputra:
(1) Drupada (Yajñasena) 1. 122. 26;
(2) Uttamaujas 7. 105. 36;
(3) Yudhāmanyu 7. 105. 36; (e) Delighter of the family of Pāñcālas: pāñcālakulanandana: Vīraketu 7. 98. 34-35; (f) Chief among Pāñcālas: pāñcālamukhya: Dhṛṣṭadyumna 7. 148. 4; (g) Tiger among Pāñcāla people: pāñcālānāṁ naravyāghraḥ: Janamejaya 7. 22. 44; (h) Great chariotfighter among Pāñcālas: pāñcālānāṁ mahārathaḥ: (1, 2) Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Śikhaṇḍin 8. 51. 12;
(3) Suratha 9. 13. 35; (i) Bringer of fame to Pāñcālas: pāñcālānāṁ yaśaskaraḥ: a prince (kumāra) (not named) 7. 15. 21; not named (rājaputra) 7. 20. 48; (j) Great chariot fighter among Pāñcālas: pāñcālānāṁ ratharṣabhaḥ: Satyajit 7. 20. 17; (k) The best among the Pāñcālas: pāñcāleṣu…uttamam: Uttamaujas 7. 9. 36;
(1) Degraded among Pāñcālas: (i) pāñcālāpasada: Dhṛṣṭadyumna (so called by Aśvatthāman after the death of Droṇa) 7. 166. 56; 8. 42. 23; (ii) pāñcālyāpasada: (earlier by Dhṛtarāṣṭra while referring to the killing of Droṇa) 7. 8. 27; (m) The capital town of Pāñcālas (Kāmpilya, not named) (i) pāñcālanagara 1. 90. 80; 1. 157. 15; (ii) pāñcālānāṁ puram: 1. 55. 21; 2. 26. 3.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Pāñcāla : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada or a Rāṣṭra and its people; Pāñcālas are sometimes identified with Sṛñjayas, but also often mentioned separately from them.
A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya twice among the northern Janapadas (also called Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; tatreme kurūpāñcālāḥ) 6. 10. 37; (pāñcālāḥ kauśijāś caiva) 6. 10. 40; called Janapada also in 4. 1. 9. and Rāṣṭra in 1. 128. 7; 4. 1. 8; listed by Arjuna among the Janapadas lying around the Kuru country (santi ramyā janapadā…paritaḥ kurūn/pāñcālāś cedimatsyāś ca) 4. 1. 9; to the east of Indraprastha (yayau prācīṁ diśaṁ prati) 2. 26. 1; 2. 23. 9; (also see Epic events No. 11 below); the way of Pāṇḍavas from Dvaitavana (3. 295. 2-3, 5) to the Matsya country lay between Pāñcāla to the north and Daśārṇa to the south (uttareṇa daśārṇāṁs te pāñcālān dakṣiṇena tu) 4. 5. 3; the tīrtha Utpalāvata was situated in Pāñcāla country 3. 85. 11; Pāñcāla was divided by Droṇa into northern and southern Pāñcāla, the dividing line being the river Bhāgīrathī (rājāsi dakṣine kūle bhāgīrathyāham uttare) 1. 128. 12; southern Pāñcāla country lay to the south of Gaṅgā and up to Carmaṇvatī river (dakṣiṇāṁś caiva pāñcālān yāvac carmaṇvatī nadī) 1. 128. 15, 12.
B. Origin: All Pāñcālas traced their origin to Duḥṣanta and Parameṣṭhin (tatheme sarvapāñcālā duḥṣantaparameṣṭhinoḥ/anvayāḥ) 1. 89. 29.
C. Description:
(1) Country: pleasing (ramaṇīya), protected (gupta) and rich in harvest (bahvanna) 4. 1. 9; alms were easily available in the Pāñcāla country (subhikṣāś caiva pāñcālāḥ) 1. 156. 7;
(2) People: high-sould (mahātman) 5. 168. 11; 7. 132. 38; 8. 31. 51; 8. 43. 53; a certain Brāhmaṇa told the assembly of Kurus that Pāñcālas (as well as Kurus) knew the eternal dharma; they followed the ancient dharma; Pāñcālas were as good as brahminhood incarnate (kuravaḥ sahapāñcālāḥ…dharmaṁ jānanti śāśvatam; dharmaṁ purāṇam upajīvanti; ā pāñcālabhyaḥ kuravo…jānanti dharmaṁ; brāhmaṁ pāñcālāḥ) 8. 30. 60-62; 73, 75; Pāñcālas could guess correctly everything when only a part was told to them (ardhoktāḥ kurupāñcālāḥ (jānanti)) 8. 30. 79;
(3) Warriors: having arms as long as a parigha (parighabāhu) 6. 114. 107; heroic (śūra) 6. 114. 107; 7. 97. 51; 7. 101. 68; 8. 8. 19; 8. 32. 38; 8. 56. 47; (vīra) 7. 55. 9; of great energy (mahaujas) 2. 72. 29; 3. 48. 6; 7. 132. 41; energetic (tarasvin) 8. 51. 99; great archers (maheṣvāsa) 6. 84. 3; 8. 51. 95; 9. 6. 40; great chariot-fighters (mahāratha) 5. 168. 11; 7. 85. 28; 8. 51. 95; tamers of enemies, they were always determined to defeat the enemies (te nityam uditā jetuṁ yuddhe śatrūn ariṁdamāḥ) 8. 51. 98; tormentors of adversaries (paraṁtapa) 8. 60. 26; arrogant in wars (yuddhadurmada) 5. 162. 22; 8. 43. 3; who have done valorous deeds (parākrānta) 5. 52. 2; excellent among those who wield weapons (sarvaśastrabhṛtāṁ varāḥ) 8. 43. 22; tigers among men (naravyāghra) 8. 43. 61; 8. 44. 8; 9. 1. 30; 9. 7. 42; compared with Indra (śakropama) 7. 133. 4; difficult to resist, not easy to attack them (durnivārya, durāsada) 7. 31. 38; they fought like agitated elephants (saṁrabdhā iva kuñjarāḥ) 5. 168. 11; not afraid while fighting (na tv eva bhītāḥ) 8. 51. 95; not running away, rarely showing their backs (apalāyin) 8. 43. 59; (kathaṁcit syuḥ parāṅmukhāḥ) 8. 51. 95; their great warriors did not care for death (na hi mṛtyuṁ maheṣvāsā gaṇayanti mahārathāḥ) 8. 51. 95; in war they closely followed the āryadharma (āryadharmasaṁrabdha) 7. 31. 38; cruel (krūra) 7. 30. 6; they are also called inauspicious (aśiva) and capable of doing cruel deeds (krūrakarman) 7. 7. 32; mean and betrayers of friends and teacher, they could stray away from dharma (pāñcālāś calitā dharmāt kṣudrā mitragurudruhaḥ) 7. 169. 18.
D. Epic events: Drupada became the king of the Uttara Pāñcāla after his father's death 1. 121. 10;
(2) Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas attacked the Pāñcālas and crushed the capital town of Drupada (mamṛdus tasya nagaraṁ drupadasya) 1. 128. 4;
(3) After his defeat, Drupada was allowed by Droṇa to rule over the southern Pāñcālas, with Kāmpilya as its capital 1. 128. 12, 15;
(4) After their escape from Vāraṇāvata, Pāṇḍavas passed through many countries, one of them being Pāñcāla 1. 144. 2;
(5) A certain Brāhmaṇa told Pāṇḍavas about the svayaṁvara to be held in the Pāñcāla country 1. 153. 7;
(6) When Dhṛṣṭadyumna arose from the sacrificial fire, delighted Pāñcālas shouted ‘good, good’ (…praṇeduḥ pāñcālāḥ prahṛṣṭāḥ sādhu sādhv iti); an invisible being in the sky (mahad bhūtam adṛśyaṁ khecaraṁ) declared that Dhṛṣṭadyumna would remove the fear of the Pāñcālas and bring them fame 1. 155. 39-40;
(7) When Pāñcālas heard the heavenly voice at the rise of Draupadī from the sacrificial altar, they roared like a horde of lions; the earth could not bear their burden who were filled with joy (praṇeduḥ siṁhasaṁghavat/na caitān harṣasaṁpūrṇān iyaṁ sehe vasauṁdharā) 1. 155. 46;
(8) Kuntī suggested to Pāṇḍavas to go to Pāñcāla 1. 156. 6; Vyāsa too advised them to go to the town of Pāñcālas (Kāmpilya) for the svayaṁvara (pāñcālanagaraṁ…praviśadhvam) 1. 157. 15; travelling Brāhmaṇas advised Pāṇḍavas to do the same 1. 175. 5;
(9) Pāṇḍavas started for the southern Pāñcālas and reached it 1. 176. 2, 5; this event is referred to earlier in the summary narration of the Mahābhārata in the Parvasaṁgrahaparvan 1. 2. 86, and again at 1. 55. 21;
(10) The southern Pāñcālas, afraid of Jarāsandha, left their land and went further south; they also fled in different directions (dakṣiṇā ye ca pāñcālāḥ…tathottarāṁ diśam āśritāḥ//…tathaiva sarvapāñcālā jarāsandhabhayārditāḥ//svarāṣṭraṁ saṁparityajya vidrutāḥ sarvatodiśam//) 2. 13. 26-28;
(11) Bhīmasena, in his expedition to the east (yayau prācīṁ diśaṁ prati 2. 26. 1; also 2. 23. 9); before the Rājasūya, won over Pāñcālas by various means of conciliation (pāñcālān vividhopāyaiḥ sāntvayām āsa) 2. 26. 3; this event is referred to later in 4. 5. 19 where, however, it is said that he defeated them in battle (pāñcālān…saṁgrāme bhīmaseno'jayat); Pāñcālas did not pay tribute for Rājasūya because they had marriage-relationship with Pāṇḍavas (vaivāhikena pāñcālāḥ) 2. 48. 42;
(12) Vidura told Kauravas that Pāñcālas would not forgive the torture to Draupadī (in the Sabhā); Arjuna, protected by Pāñcālas, would invade them 2. 72. 29-30;
(13) Pāñcālas meeting the Pāṇḍavas in the forest (3. 13. 2) referred to in the narration of the contents of the Āraṇyakaparvan 1. 2. 106;
(14) Draupadī complained to Kṛṣṇa that though Pāñcālas were alive Kauravas desired to treat Draupadī as a Dāsī 3. 13. 56;
(15) Dhṛtarāṣṭra was afraid that later Pāñcālas, protected by Kṛṣṇa, would burn the Kaurava army 3. 48. 6;
(16) Bhīma feared that if Arjuna (who had departed to get weapons) was dead, Pāñcālas, Pāṇḍavas and the rest would perish 3. 49. 6;
(17) Bhīma told Draupadī that Pāñcālas, with the support of Arjuna, would not be afraid of even gods if they had to fight with them 3. 79. 20;
(18) Before the ajñātavāsa, Yudhiṣṭhira asked the women who attended on Draupadī, as also cooks and chief cooks, to go to the Pāñcāla country 4. 4. 4;
(19) According to Draupadī, the affliction she had to suffer while living as Sairandhrī meant insult to Kurus and Pāñcālas 4. 19. 11;
(20) Karṇa told Bhīṣma that Pāṇḍavas were claiming their share because they depended on the force of Pāñcālas and Matsyas (rājyam icchanti paitṛkam/balam āśritya matsyānāṁ pāñcālānāṁ ca) 5. 21. 11;
(21) Yudhiṣṭhira could have resorted to war without going into exile since the Pāñcālas were always available to him for guidance (nityaṁ pāñcālāḥ sacivās taveme) 5. 27. 17;
(22) By avoiding war, Yudhiṣṭhira wished Pāñcālas to meet Kurus with a smile; he desired both of them to remain uninjured and, well-disposed, live in peace (akṣatān kurupāñcālān paśyema… sarve sumanasas tāta śāmyāma) 5. 31. 2122;
(23) Saṁjaya told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas were waiting for the orders of Yudhiṣṭhira (rājño mukham udīkṣante); they, riding chariots, greeted him when he approached them 5. 49. 4-7; Saṁjaya also told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāñcālas did not honour him and that they despised him (nārhanti pāñcālāś…sarve tvām avajānate) 5. 53. 17;
(24) Pāñcālas mentioned by Dhṛtarāṣṭra among those who sided with Pāṇḍavas 5. 56. 33;
(25) Duryodhana assured Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāñcālas would be attacked by his chariotfighters with arrows 5. 56. 42; he also told him that he would soon hear Pāñcālas defeated by him 5. 60. 25;
(26) Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas counted on Dhṛṣṭadyumna's fortitude and valour 5. 56. 51;
(27) Karṇa told Duryodhana that the brahmāstra he had obtained from Paraśurāma was still with him and hence due to the favour of the ṛṣi (Paraśurāma) he would kill Pāñcālas and the rest in no time; that was his responsibility (tatas tad astram mama sāvaśeṣaṁ/tasmāt samartho 'smi mamaiṣa bhāraḥ//…tam ṛṣiprasādam avāpya pāñcālaº…/nihatya) 5. 61. 4-5 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 5. 62. 4: sāvaśeṣaṁ mama āyur asti/ato 'ntakālasyānupasthitatvāt tad astraṁ mamāstīty ahaṁ samartho 'smi);
(28) Yudhiṣṭhira, although backed by Pāñcālas and others, chose to ask for five villages 5. 70. 14;
(29) Even when Pāñcālas were alive, Draupadī was looked upon as a dāsī in the Sabhā of the wretched Kauravas 5. 80. 25;
(30) Kṛṣṇa told Karṇa that the Pāñcālas and others would consecrate him as king; Pāñcālas would follow him in his procession 5. 138. 16-17, 23;
(31) Vidura told Kuntī that Yudhiṣṭhira was supported by Pāñcālas 5. 142. 3; there was nothing more painful to Kuntī than Pāñcālas and others fighting with Bhāratas 5. 142. 3, 12;
(32) When Pāñcālas proceeded towards Kurukṣetra, they were led by Bhīmasena 5. 149. 50;
(33) Duryodhana and others were to kill Pāñcālas in battle 5. 162. 22; Droṇa was to burn Pāñcālas (pradhakṣyati sa pāñcālān) 5. 164. 20; Pāñcālas would run in all directions when they encountered Karṇa 5. 165. 21;
(34) Pāñcālas and Prabhadrakas formed the army of Śikhaṇḍin 5. 168. 3;
(35) Hiraṇyavarman's friends wanted to kill Drupada and instal another king in the Pāñcāla country if Śikhaṇḍin proved to be a girl 5. 191. 8;
(36) Saṁjaya reported that Bhīṣma showered arrows on Pāñcālas 6. 15. 25; on the first day of war, Bhīṣma's chariot moved very often among Pāñcālas and he killed them 6. 45. 4, 54;
(37) On the second day, Arjuna asked Kṛṣṇa to take him to Bhīṣma since Droṇa and others, protected by Bhīṣma, would kill Pāñcālas 6. 48. 15 (13); Pāñcālas cheered loudly when Dhṛṣṭadyumna cut off a fierce and shining arrow discharged at him by Droṇa 6. 49. 13; Bhīma was honoured by Pāñcālas when he killed Kaliṅga warriors 6. 50. 110 (108);
(38) On the third day, Pāñcālas stood in the middle of the Ardhacandravyūha of the Pāṇḍavas 6. 52. 14, 10; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya how the Pāñcālas fared against Bhīṣma 6. 55. 2; seeing the river of blood made to flow by Arjuna's sharp arrows, Pāñcālas delightfully raised a loud roar 6. 55. 126, (121125);
(39) On the fourth day, the chief warriors of Pāñcālas stood at the same place of the same vyūha as they did on the previous day 6. 56. 11; when Bhīṣma and others marched to help Bhagadatta, Pāñcālas and others chased them; since Bhīṣma did not like to continue fighting with Ghaṭotkaca, Pāñcālas and others he thought of declaring the end of the war for that day 6. 60. 64, 68;
(40) On the fifth day, although Pāñcālas were getting killed by Bhīṣma, they rushed at him with spirited mind (āryāṁ yuddhe matiṁ kṛtvā) 6. 68. 31;
(41) On the sixth day, Bhīṣma put to death the armies of Pāñcālas with arrows the joints of which were smooth 6. 75. 57;
(42) On the seventh day, Droṇa scattered away Pāñcālas (vyadhamat) 6. 82. 38;
(43) On the eighth day, Bhīṣma felled down great Pāñcāla archers, but not afraid of death (tyaktvā mṛtyukṛtaṁ bhayam), they attacked Bhīṣma; he cut off their hands and heads and broke their chariots; those who fought from horsebacks also lost their heads 6. 84. 3-6; Bhīṣma strove to kill Pāñcālas while Arjuna fought with their adversaries to protect them 6. 89. 9; when Bhagadatta wanted to reach Yudhiṣṭhira, he had to fight a fierce battle with Pāñcālas who were prepared to fight with weapons (udyatāyudhaiḥ) 6. 91. 80; on the night of that day, Duryodhana reminded Bhīṣma of his vow to kill Pāñcālas 6. 93. 37; Bhīṣma assured Duryodhana that he would kill all Pāñcālas who were taking part in the war or would get himself killed by them 6. 94. 14-15;
(44) On the ninth day, Duryodhana told Duḥśāsana that if they protected Bhīṣma, he would kill Pāñcālas who had made a common cause with Pāṇḍavas (yattān pāñcālān pāṇḍavaiḥ saha) 6. 101. 4;
(45) On the tenth day, Dhṛṣṭadyumna, protected by Pāñcālas, stood behind Sātyaki and Cekitāna in the Sarvaśatrunibarhaṇavyūha of Pāṇḍavas; Bhīṣma rushed towards them 6. 104. 4, 6, 29; Pāñcālas tried to check Bhīṣma who was killing his opponents 6. 105. 8; Bhīṣma dried up the lustre of the eminent and very strong Pāñcāla princes (pāñcālānāṁ ca ye śreṣṭhā rājaputrā mahābalāḥ/teṣāṁ ādatta tejāṁsi) 6. 105. 31; Bhīṣma suggested to Yudhiṣṭhira, who was close to him, that if he desired Bhīṣma to be killed, Arjuna, Pāñcālas and Sṛñjayas should jointly lead the attack on him; accordingly Arjuna, along with Pāñcālas and Cedis, and led by Śikhaṇḍin, marched towards Bhīṣma 6. 111. 15, 26; Bhīṣma in his battle with Matsyas and Pāñcālas, alone, killed innumerable elephants and horses, seven great chariot-fighters, and in addition five thousand chariot-fighters and fourteen thousand footsoldiers 6. 113. 21-22; when Bhīṣma killed seven great chariot-fighters, there arose a great roar (kilakilāśabdaḥ) among Pāñcālas and others who, riding horses, chariots, elephants, and also those who fought on foot attacked Bhīṣma 6. 113. 46-48; when Bhīṣma fell, Pāñcālas blew conches 6. 114. 107; at his fall in the evening of the tenth day (sāyāhne) Pāñcālas were delighted 6. 115. 7;
(46) In the summary narration of the events which occurred while Droṇa was the general of the Kaurava army, it is mentioned that the large army of Pāñcālas was scattered by Droṇa when he agitated it and penetrated it (saṁkṣobhyamāṇā droṇena bhidyamānā mahācamūḥ); they, led by Dhṛṣṭadyumna, trembled (samakampanta) while they got killed by Droṇa 7. 6. 34, 36; whenever Pāñcālas attacked Droṇa he killed them along with their horses and broke their chariots; ultimately Pāñcālas killed Droṇa by doing evil and cruel deeds (pāñcālair aśivaiḥ krūrakarmabhiḥ/hato rukmaratho rājan kṛtvā karma suduṣkaram//) 7. 7. 20-21, 32;
(47) On the eleventh day, Pāñcālas attacked the warriors led by Aśvatthāman who attacked Draupadī's sons 7. 15. 11; at the end of that day, they praised Arjuna when he declared the end of the war for the day 7. 15. 50;
(48) On the twelfth day, Pāñcālas attacked Droṇa; he scattered them away and repeatedly defeated them 7. 20. 18-19, 23; when a Pāñcāla prince (pāñcālya, not named) was killed by Droṇa, Pāñcālas attacked Droṇa shouting ‘kill Droṇa, kill Droṇa’; in the fierce battle, Droṇa threw the excessively angered Pāñcālas (bhṛśasaṁkruddhān) into disorder 7. 20. 46, 48-49; Pāñcālas, getting killed by Droṇa, trembled (samakampanta) 7. 20. 53; they were broken (bhagna) by Droṇa 7. 21. 1; pierced by Droṇa's arrows, they were thrown back from their positions (calitān); Duryodhana pointed out to Karṇa Droṇa's feat and described the plight of Pāñcālas 7. 21. 7, 11-14; Pāñcālas gathered around Bhīma 7. 21. 23; of the twelve thousand great warriors of Pāñcālas six thousand followed Śikhaṇḍin 7. 22. 14; the remaining six thousand Prabhadrakas (Pāñcālas), riding chariots, with raised weapons and stretched bows, and making death as their common goal (samānamṛtyavo bhūtvā) followed Dhṛṣṭadyumna 7. 22. 36-37; Bhagadatta was encircled by Yudhiṣṭhira and Pāñcālas; Bhagadatta, riding his elephant, scattered them away; he forced them to run away 7. 25. 24, 26, 41; Pāñcālas, shouting ‘(attack) Droṇa’ (droṇam droṇam iti…pāñcālāḥ samacodayan) incited one other; wherever Droṇa attacked the group of Pāñcāla chariotfighters, Dhṛṣṭadyumna went to their help 7. 30. 6, 8; althogh afflicted by Droṇa's arrows (śarārtāḥ), Pāñcālas did not give up fighting with him; Droṇa killed many of them 7. 31. 38-39;
(49) On the thirteenth day, Pāñcālas, checked by Droṇa's arrows could not approach him who was protecting Kaurava army; that was a wonderful feat (tad adbhutam apaśyāma…/yad enaṁ nābhyavartanta pāñcālāḥ…) 7. 34. 10; Bhīma assured Abhimanyu that he, Pāñcālas and others would follow him when he entered the Cakravyūha 7. 34. 22; Duḥśāsana told Duryodhana that he would kill Abhimanyu in the presence of Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas 7. 38. 22; when Duḥśāsana swooned in his encounter with Abhimanyu, Pāñcālas raised a loud roar; led by Yudhiṣṭhira they then attacked Droṇa's army 7. 39. 17-18; Pāñcālas and others attacked Jayadratha who foiled their attempt to follow Abhimanyu 7. 42. 18; Arjuna would have himself protected Abhimanyu if he had konwn that Pāñcālas could not do that 7. 50. 74; Subhadrā wondered who could kill Abhimanyu as though he was helpless when heroic Pāñcālas were there to help him 7. 55. 9; she felt contempt for the strength of Pāñcālas (pāñcālānāṁ ca dhig balam) 7. 55. 12;
(50) Saṁjaya told the grieving Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas would (at the end of the war) realize that the calamity was due to his failure to adopt the right course (tat te buddhivyabhīcāram upalapsyanti…/pāñcālā…) 7. 62. 7;
(51) On the fourteenth day, Pāñcālas fought a fierce battle with Kurus in front of the vyūha of Droṇa; Droṇa and many other kings on the side of Kauravas checked the onward march of Pāñcālas; when Kaurava army was being killed by Pāṇḍavas, Droṇa scattered away Pāñcālas with arrows 7. 70. 3, 13-14, 27; Pāñcāla chariot-fighters saved Dhṛṣṭadyumna from the attack of Droṇa 7. 72. 35; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya what did the Pāñcālas do when in their attempt to get close to Arjuna, they were checked by Droṇa (bhāradvājena saṁvṛtāḥ); Saṁjaya told him that in the afternoon of that day Kurus and Pāñcālas fought each other with Droṇa as the bet (aparāhṇe mahārāja saṁgrāme…/pāñcālānāṁ kurūṇāṁ ca droṇe dyūtam avartata//); Pāñcālas, wanting to kill Droṇa showered arrows on him; in the fierce battle, Pāñcālas, wanting to break the army, used important missiles (tadanīkaṁ bibhitsanto mahāstrāṇi vyadarśayan) 7. 81. 1-5; demon Alambusa made a river of blood flow carrying away (dead) Pāñcālas 7. 83. 30; Droṇa killed twentyfive Pāñcāla warriors, known as great chariot-fighters and honoured by Dhṛṣṭadyumna (mahārathasamākhyātā dhṛṣṭadyumnasya saṁmatāḥ); he killed choice Pāñcāla warriors (pāñcālānāṁ…varān varān) 7. 85. 28-29; when Droṇa defeated hundreds and thousands of Pāñcālas and killed many of them there went up a cry (of grief) (teṣām samabhavac chabdo vadhyatāṁ droṇasāyakaiḥ) 7. 85. 31-32; gods, Gandharvas and others who were watching the battle pointed out to one another the running away Pāñcālas 7. 85. 33; in the absence of Sātyaki, Yudhiṣṭhira was to be protected by Pāñcālas and others 7. 86. 45; Pāñcālas, when they faced Kṛtavarman, were attacked by him; hence they lost enthusiasm (vigatotsāhāḥ); but soon, like noble men, were ready to fight again desirous of attaining great fame (atiṣṭhann āryavad vīrāḥ prārthayanto mahad yaśaḥ) 7. 88. 57-59 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 113. 67: āryavat kulīnavat kulīnatvād iti yāvat); when defeated by Kṛtavarman they fled hither and thither 7. 90. 47-48; Dhṛtarāṣṭra wanted to know how Pāñcālas fought with Droṇa; both were deeply inimical to each other and Pāñcālas desired victory for Yudhiṣṭhira 7. 89. 41; Droṇa, having seen that his vyūha was put into disorder by Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas, endeavoured to put it into order; he succeeded in pushing back Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas 7. 93. 35; brave Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas rushed from all sides on Droṇa to kill him 7. 97. 51; Duḥśāsana had formed great enmity with Pāñcālas 7. 98. 4; Droṇa hastened moderately towards Pāñcālas (javam āsthāya madhyamam) and put them to flight; announcing his name while fighting (nāma viśrāvya saṁyuge) he killed many of them 7. 98. 2426; Pāñcālas covered Droṇa from all sides when he was checked by Vīraketu; they showered Droṇa with fiety arrows, costly Tomaras (tomaraiś ca mahādhanaiḥ) and various other weapons; Droṇa broke their arrows 7. 98. 30-32; Pāñcālas shouted that Droṇa would surrender to their king (vaśam eṣyati no rājñaḥ) 7. 98. 55; when the horses of Dhṛṣṭadyumna's chariot ran in all directions, Droṇa forced Pāñcālas to run away; defeating them Droṇa put his vyūha in order (svaṁ vyūhaṁ punar āsthāya) 7. 98. 57-58; when Duryodhana challenged Yudhiṣṭhira, Pāñcālas rushed towards him; Droṇa checked their advance 7. 100. 36-38; Dhṛṣṭaketu wanted to attack Droṇa who was killing Pāñcāla army 7. 101. 23; Pāñcālas trembled (samakampanta) as they were getting killed by Droṇa 7. 101. 47, 53; the great fighters of Pāñcālas were as though held at their thighs by Droṇa (ūrugrāhagṛhītā hi pāñcālānāṁ mahārathāḥ) 7. 101. 49 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 7. 125. 52: ūrugrāhaḥ ūrustambhaḥ); when Cekitāna's charioteer was killed, Pāñcālas were afraid; Droṇa made them run away 7. 101. 67-68; when Pāñcāla army was reduced in number by Droṇa, Yudhiṣṭhira did not know who could go to save them 7. 102. 3-4; when the vyūhas of Pāṇḍavas were put into disorder, Pāñcālas and Pārthas went back a long way (vyūheṣv āloḍyamāneṣu pāṇḍavānāṁ tatas tataḥ/ sudūram anvayuḥ pārthāḥ pāñcālāḥ saha somakaiḥ//) 7. 102. 1; when Bhīma started to help Arjuna, Pāñcālas followed him 7. 102. 67: Droṇa wanted to remain at his place to check the advancing Pāñcālas 7. 105. 21; Dhṛtarāṣṭra told Saṁjaya that if ever Pāñcālas were to fight with Bhīma they would not be able to protect their lives (na bhīmamukhasaṁprāpto mucyeteti matir maṃa/…na pāñcālā…jānanti yudhi saṁrabdhā jīvitaṁ parirakṣitum) 7. 110. 22-23; Duryodhana pointed out to Droṇa, Śikhaṇḍin who led the Pāñcāla army 7. 125. 11; he told Droṇa that either he would kill Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas or else get killed by them 7. 125. 25; Droṇa felt himself sinking in the sin of Dhṛṣṭadyumna since he had not yet killed him, Śikhaṇḍin and Pāñcālas (majjantam iva cātmānaṁ dhṛṣṭadyumnasya kilbiṣe); he could not take off his armour until he had killed Pāñcālas 7. 126. 25, 32;
(52) In the fierce battle that was fought during the night between fourteenth and fiftteenth day the reporters on the battlefield like Saṁjaya could distinguish the Pāñcālas from Kurus only by hearing their personal names and the names of their respective gotras and families (gotrānāṁ nāmadheyānāṁ kulānāṁ caiva tuāriṣa/śravaṇād dhi vijānīmaḥ pāñcālān kurubhiḥ saha//); Pāñcālas fled in all directions when they were being killed by Duryodhana 7. 128. 2, 8, 17; at that time Pāñcālas led by Bhīma attacked Duryodhana; when deeply wounded, Duryodhana sat down in his chariot, Pāñcālas felt he was dead and delightfully they raised a loud cry 7. 128. 21, 23; when Duryodhana attacked Yudhiṣṭhira, Pāñcālas advanced towards him; Droṇa faced them 7. 128. 33; Drupada, protected by Pāñcālas turned towards Droṇa; six thousand Pāñcālas, led by Śikhaṇḍin, rushed towards Droṇa 7. 129. 8, 10; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya when Droṇa, after the death of Jayadratha and Bhūriśravas, attacked Pāñcālas, what did Arjuna do ? when Droṇa entered the Pāñcāla army, how was he (later) killed ? 7. 130. 3, 7; when Droṇa used Vāyavyāstra, Pāñcālas ran away due to fear; but when Bhīma and Arjuna invaded the Kaurava army, Pāñcālas followed them 7. 132. 38, 41; Karṇa asked Duryodhana to save the Kaurava warriors attacked on all sides by Pāñcālas and others; Pāñcāla chariotfighters, feeling victorious and delighted, were making loud sound; he assured Duryodhana that he would kill Pāñcālas who had come forward to fight 7. 133. 3, 4, 6, 11; the victorious Pāñcālas raised a cry seeing Karṇa engaged in battle with Pāṇḍavas; Duryodhana asked his army to stand still for he was going to kill the attacking Pāñcālas; he also requested Aśvatthāman to kill Pāñcālas since they, feeling victorious, moved in the Kaurava army like forest-fire; Aśvatthāman was born for killing Pāñcālas and make the world devoid of them; that was declared by the Siddhas, and it was bound to be true (kariṣyasi jagat sarvam apāñcālaṁ kilācyuta/evaṁ siddhābruvan vāco bhaviṣyati ca tat tathā/); Pāñcālas would not be able to withstand the astras of Aśvatthāman 7. 134. 11, 54, 76-77, 79-81; Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana that he would fight with Pāñcālas for Duryodhana's delight; they would run away in all directions when burnt down by his arrows; when Yudhiṣṭhira would see Pāñcālas dead, he would be dejected; Aśvatthāman then challenged Pāñcālas to steady themselves and fight with him; he asked their great chariot-fighters to strike him showing their skill in the use of astras (praharadhvam itaḥ sarve mama gātre mahārathāḥ/sthirībhūtāś ca yudhyadhvaṁ darśayanto 'stralāghavam//); when addressed, Pāñcālas showered weapons (arrows ?) on Aśvatthāman (śastravṛṣṭim apātayan); Aśvatthāman repulsed the arrows and killed ten heroes in the presence of Pāṇḍavas and Dhṛṣtadyumna; when Pāñcālas were getting killed, they ran away in all directions; seeing that, Dhṛṣṭadyumna rushed at Aśvatthāman; in the duel that ensued, Dhṛṣṭadyumna was covered on all sides by the entire Pāñcāla army; Aśvatthāman, by his well-joined arrows, forced hundreds and thousands of Pāñcālas to flee (bāṇaiḥ saṁnataparvabhiḥ); he killed a hundred Pāñcālas with a hundred arrows (śatena ca śataṁ hatvā), and three great chariot-fighters with three sharp arrows (tribhiś ca niśitair bāṇair hatvā trīn vai mahārathān); he thus killed a large number of those Pāñcālas who were prepared for fight (nāśayām āsa pāñcālān bhūyiṣṭhaṁ ye vyavasthitāḥ); Pāñcālas, thus getting killed, left Aśvatthāman and went away with their chariots and banners shattered; Aśvatthāman having defeated his enemies, uttered a loud roar 7. 135. 10, 11, 13; 16-21; 36, 47, 49-52; Droṇa used vāyavyāstra against Pāñcālas; getting killed, they ran away; when Bhīma and Arjuna attacked the left and the right flank respectively (bībhatsur dakṣiṇaṁ pārśvam uttaraṁ tu vṛkodaraḥ), great chariot-fighters among Pāñcālas followed them; Droṇa blew away (vyadhamat) the Pāṇḍava army and Pāñcālas at the start of the night (rajanīmukhe) 7. 136. 11, 14; 7. 137. 51; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya, when Droṇa entered the Pāñcāla army and burnt their hosts of chariots who protected him on all the four sides 7. 139. 12-14; when Pāñcālas and Kauravas killed one another they raised a fierce sound (āsīn niṣṭānako ghoro nighnatām itaretaram) 7. 139. 32; Yudhiṣṭhira asked Pāñcālas and others to attack Droṇa to kill him; then, raising fearful cries they attacked him 7. 140. 2-3; when Aśvatthāman swooned while fighting with Ghaṭotkaca, Pāñcālas raised a loud roar 7. 141. 32; when Duryodhana, while fighting with Bhīma, lost his charioteer and horses, he was considered dead; Pāñcālas then attacked Droṇa 7. 141. 60; after defeating Sahadeva, Karṇa turned towards Pāñcālas 7. 142. 16; when Śikhaṇḍin was defeated by Kṛpa. Pāñcālas covered him on all sides 7. 144. 27; they also covered him when he attacked Droṇa 7. 145. 3; in the great battle that followed between the two heroes, Pāñcālas also took part 7. 145. 68; when Sātyaki and Duryodhana were engaged in battle, there was confused and fierce fighting between Bhāratas and Pāñcālas (tataḥ samabhavad yuddham ākulam…/pāñcālānāṁ ca sarveṣāṁ bhāratānāṁ ca dāruṇam//) 7. 146. 17; incited by Duryodhana, Droṇa fought fiercely and started killing Pāñcālas; then they raised a tumultuous cry; when they were broken and shattered, dejected Kṛṣṇa pointed out to Arjuna their plight 7. 147. 15, 22-23; he advised Arjuna to assist their great chariot-fighters, as well as Bhīma, to give encouragement to the entire army (āśvāsanārthaṁ sarveṣāṁ sainyānām) 7. 147. 29; Karṇa oppressed the great chariotfighters among Pāñcālas (pāñcālānāṁ mahārathān/abhyapīḍayat); pressed hard by Karṇa, the large Pāñcāla army ran away (sā pīḍyamānā tu karṇena pāñcālānāṁ mahācamūḥ/saṁprādravat susaṁtrastā); their warriors fell down from horses, elephants and chariots; Karṇa cut off their hands, heads and thighs; Droṇa assisted him 7. 148. 9-19; Kṛṣṇa pointed out to Ghaṭotkaca their plight 7. 148. 45; Pāñcālas, smiling, watched the battle between Karṇa and Ghaṭotkaca 7. 152. 5; Pāñcālas, oppressed excessively by Alāyudha, had no peace of mind (na śāntiṁ lebhire tatra… bhṛśapīḍitāḥ) 7. 152. 31; Karṇa forced the Pāñcāla mahārathas to run away; then they fought with Droṇa; they raised a loud roar when Alāyudha was killed by Ghaṭotkaca 7. 153. 8, 10, 33; Karṇa attacked Pāñcālas led by Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Śikhaṇḍin 7. 154. 3-4; Saṁjaya told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that every night Duryodhana asked Karṇa to kill next day Arjuna (or Kṛṣṇa) with his śakti so that the Pāñcālas could be ruled as if they were servants (preṣyavat pāṇḍupāñcālān upabhokṣyāmahe tataḥ)--Pāñcālas who were like the leaves of a tree in the form of the Pāṇḍavas (pāñcālāḥ patrasaṁjñitāḥ) 7. 157. 19-22; Dhṛtarāṣṭra was curious to know how the Sṛñjayas and Pāñcālas who, armed and in battle-arrays (vyūḍhānīkāḥ prahāriṇaḥ) fought with Droṇa when they attacked him (7. 158. 13); when, Yudhiṣṭhira after the death of Ghaṭotkaca started to fight with Kauravas, Pāñcālas armed for battle (daṁśitāḥ) beat bheris and blew conches 7. 158. 50; Droṇa vowed that he would take off his armour only after he had killed Pāñcālas 7. 160. 12; towards the end of the night war, Droṇa divided his army into two parts and, led by Duryodhana, attacked Pāñcālas; they were specifically aflicted by the arrows of Droṇa; yet, although suffering from excessive pain, Pāñcālas continued to fight (pāñcālās tu viśeṣeṇa droṇasāyakapīḍitāḥ/samasajjanta rājendra samare bhṛśavedanāḥ) 7. 161. 3, 28; when Droṇa killed Virāṭa, Drupada, and other warriors of Pāñcālas, Dhṛṣṭadyumna cursed the Pāñcāla warriors who would let Droṇa remain alive or turn away from him; Pāñcālas then attacked Droṇa, but they could not even look at Droṇa although they tried, protected as he was by Duryodhana and others (yatamānāpi pāñcālā na śekuḥ parivīkṣitum) 7. 161. 35-37, 38, 40;
(53) On the fifteenth day, when the large armies of Kauravas and Pāñcālas clashed with one another, everything was in turmoil and nothing was quite clear (āvignam abhavat sarvam…na prājñāyata kiṁcana); in the raised dust it was difficult to know who were Kauraveyas and who Pāñcālas 7. 162. 22, 27-28; during the duel between Karṇa and Bhīma, Yudhiṣṭhira addressed the chief heroes of Pāñcālas and urged them to go and help the chief warriors of Pāṇḍavas (pāñcālānāṁ naravyāghrān…tatra gacchata yatraite yudhyante māmakā rathāḥ); Pāñcālas, thus urged, divided their army into four parts (caturdhā vāhinīṁ kṛtvā): a part hit Droṇa with arrows; others, led by Bhīma, covered him from another side (pāñcālās tv ekato droṇam abhyaghnan bahubhiḥ śaraiḥ/bhīmasenapurogāś ca ekataḥ paryavārayan//); Arjuna was urged to separate Kurus from Droṇa; then Pāñcālas would kill Droṇa whose protectors were slain; but Droṇa attacked Pāñcālas and killed them; however, they continued to attack Droṇa; as they were getting killed a fearful sound was raised by them; when Pāñcālas were thus getting killed, Pāṇḍavas were afraid and they lost hope of victory (vadhyamāneṣu saṁgrāme pāñcāleṣu...pāṇḍavān bhayam āviśat/…nāśaṁsur vijayaṁ tadā//) 7. 164. 48-54, 56-58, 60-63; after the false news of Aśvatthāman's death twenty thousand Pāñcāla principal heroes (nararṣabhāḥ) showered arrows from all sides on Droṇa; he then used brahmāstra to kill Pāñcālas; with that missile he cut off their heads and large arms adorned with gold ornaments (tathaiva parighākārān bāhūn kanakabhūṣaṇān) and killed twenty thousand Pāñcāla chariot-fighters (viṁśatisāhasrān pāñcālānāṁ rathavrajān) 7. 164. 78-83; that day Kauravas, led by Droṇa, had started fighting only with Pāñcālas (pāñcālair eva kevalaiḥ), and when Droṇa released the brahmāstra, especially Pāñcālas were killed (pāñcālāś ca viśeṣataḥ/…vyanaśan); when their armies were thus thrashed, Pāñcālas, (though) angered, turned away from battle (amarṣavaśam āpannāḥ pāñcālā vimukhābhavan) 7. 165. 98, 100-101, 104; Droṇa killed hosts of chariot-fighters of Pāñcālas but was killed 8. 4. 5;
(54) After the death of Droṇa, Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana that he would try to kill Pāñcālas by all sorts of means, whether soft or harsh (sarvopāyāir…karmaṇā yena teneha mṛdunā dāruṇena vā); only after killing Pāñcālas he would have peace of mind; he would force Pāñcālas to run away by the use of Nārāyaṇāstra 7. 166. 28-29, 52; Sahadeva, in order to pacify Sātyaki, told him that the Pāṇḍavas had no allies other than Andhakas, Vṛṣṇis and Pāñcālas; similarly the Pāñcālas had no allies other than Pāṇḍavas and Vṛṣṇis 7. 169. 48, 50; when, after the death of Droṇa, Kauravas and Pāṇḍava-Pāñcālas became ready to fight, Aśvatthāman aimed his Nārāyaṇāstra against the Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas; Yudhiṣṭhira, afraid of the effects produced by the astra, asked Dhṛṣṭadyumna to run away with Pāñcāla army; he also remembered that Pāñcālas. led by Satyajit and making effort for his victory, were totally destroyed by Droṇa (pāñcālāḥ satyajinmukhāḥ/kurvāṇā majjaye yatnaṁ samūlā vinipātitāḥ) 7. 170. 10, 15, 26, 34; Duryodhana urged Aśvatthāman to use Nārāyaṇāstra again when Pāficālas, wishing victory, had steadied themselves (vyavasthitā hi pāñcālāḥ punar eva jayaiṣiṇaḥ); Aśvatthāman told him his inability to do that but he forced Pāñcālas to run away wounding them with arrows; when Aśvatthāman succeeded in killing many prominent (Pāñcāla) heroes on the side of Pāṇḍavas he blew his large conch with delight; hearing that all Pāñcālas, and even Bhīma, ran in all directions leaving Dhṛṣṭadyumna behind 7. 171. 25, 45, 67;
(55) Saṁjaya, summarizing the events between the death of Droṇa and that of Karṇa, told Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Duryodhana assured his army that they would be witnesses to the heroism of Karṇa and Aśvatthāman against the Pāñcālas; Karṇa killed and afflicted many Pāñcālas, but was ultimately killed by Arjuna 8. 2. 15, 18, 20; 8. 5. 30; Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Karṇa had once before defeated Pāñcālas and made them pay tribute (ajaiṣīt…pāñcālāṁś ca…cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18-20 (reference to Karṇa's conquests before the Vaiṣṇava sacrifice of Duryodhana 3. 241. 29, 32; 3. App. I. 24. 28-34);
(56) On the sixteenth day, Duryodhana requested Karṇa to lead the Kaurava army because when Pāñcālas would see him they would run away; Pāṇḍavas together with Pāñcālas would be disheartened on seeing Karṇa ready to fight (pāṇḍavā gatacetasaḥ…pāñcālaiḥ saha); the bards urged Karṇa to kill Pāñcālas and bring victory to Kauravas; they also said that Pāñcālas would not be able to withstand Karṇa ready with his arms 8. 6. 30-31, 40, 42; Pāñcālas and others rushed at the Kaurava army; their chariot-fighters, elephant-riders and important foot-soldiers, delighted, danced and laughed making different sounds (nānāvidharavair hṛṣṭā nṛtyanti ca hasanti ca) 8. 8. 19-20; Karṇa put to death twenty Pāñcāla chariot-fighters along with their horses and charioteers and felled down their banners; he also killed many other Pāñcālas; then Pāñcāla princes (? pāñcālaputrāś ca) attacked Karṇa 8. 16. 16, 22-23; heroes from the east and south, skilled in elephant-warfare, showered arrows, tomaras and nārācas on Pāñcālas; Pāñcālas, with sharp weapons, surrounded the elephants and showered arrows on them; they covered Nakula to protect him from those who were fighting from elephants; Karṇa, after defeating Nakula, turned towards Pāñcālas; Pāṇḍavas raised a loud cry seeing Karṇa approach Pāñcāla chariot-fighters (dṛṣṭvā senāpatiṁ yāntaṁ pāñcālānāṁ rathavrajān 8. 17. 99); their chariots then were carried away (by horses) with or without the charioteers and their axles broken; those Pāñcāla mahārathas who survived began to run away; Karṇa, showering arrows, persecuted Pāñcālas whose armours and banners were broken and tormented them with arrows 8. 17. 7, 21, 98-99, 101, 119-120; Ulūka, after defeating Yuyutsu, turned towards Pāñcālas striking them with arrows 8. 18. 11; when Yudhiṣṭhira fought a duel with Duryodhana, Pāñcālas attacked Kauravas making sounds (kṣveḍāḥ kilakilāśābdāḥ) and striking thousands of tūryas; men fought against men, elephants against elephants, chariots against chariot-fighters and horses against horse-riders; those duels were for a while pleasing to watch (dvandvāny āsan mahārāja prekṣaṇīyāni saṁyuge; muhūrtam eva tad yuddham āsīn madhuradarśanam); all fought the battle according to the rules; nobody struck the opponent from behind (anyonyaṁ samare jaghnur yodhavratam anuṣṭhitāḥ/na hi te samaraṁ cakruḥ pṛṣthato vai kathaṁcana//) 8. 19. 45-49; but later the battle was fought disregarding the proper norms; the battle described in 8. 19. 49 ff.; Karṇa killed Pāñcālas 8. 19. 74;
(57) On the seventeenth day, Duryodhana wanted Karṇa and Śalya together to kill Pāṇḍavas along with Pāñcālas and Sṛñjayas 8. 23. 15; Karṇa asked Śalya to drive his chariot to Pāñcālas and others; either he would kill them or they would kill him; Śalya pointed out to Karṇa that the banners and the chariots of Pāñcālas were making sound (dhvajāḥ kaṇakaṇāyante…sapatākā rathāś cāpi pāñcālānām) 8. 31. 51; a fierce battle broke out between Pāñcālas and Kauravas; Duryodhana protected Karṇa fighting with Pāñcālas and other heroes; Karṇa rushed towards Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Pāñcālas who rushed at him; Karṇa killed twentyfive Pāñcāla warriors with equal number of arrows; hosts of Pāñcāla chariot-fighters then surrounded Karṇa; Karṇa killed with five arrows five Pāñcāla prominent warriors viz. Bhānudeva, Citrasena, Senābindu, Tapana and Śūrasena; then there was a loud cry of anger among the Pāñcālas (hāhākāro mahān āsīt pāñcālānāṁ mahāhave); but Pāñcālas, equipped (daṁśitāḥ), attacked Karṇa 8. 32. 15, 20, 25-26, 33, 35-38, 43; they checked the advance of Karṇa; he could not break through their resistance to reach Yudhiṣṭhira; when he reached Yudhiṣṭhira and defeated him the latter turned back and Pāñcālas followed him 8. 33. 7, 9, 15, 41; Pāñcālas and others gathered together and, disregarding the terrible fear of death (tyaktvā mṛtyubhayaṁ ghoram), attacked Aśvatthāman 8. 39. 10; Karṇa killed Pāñcālas by thousands 8. 40. 4-5; when he attacked them, no one of them turned back; they attacked Karṇa from all sides; he moved among them unafraid; he made hosts of their chariot-fighters run away 8. 40. 42, 44, 58-59; Karṇa, singlehanded, announcing his name (viśrāvya nāma) killed many Pāñcālas, respected by brave (śūrasaṁmatāḥ); onlookers like Saṁjaya felt that no Pāñcāla warrior would be allowed to live by Karṇa; Karṇa, while blowing away Pāñcālas (vidhaman), rushed towards Yudhiṣṭhira; he, alone, fought with Cedis, Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas 8. 40. 62-64, 68; Pāñcālas, led by Dhṛṣṭadyumna, followed Bhīma and returned to battle (tam ete 'nu nivartante) 8. 41. 3; Karṇa, alone, held back Pāñcālas and others; when Pāñcālas saw that Dhṛṣṭadyumna was saved by Arjuna, they, considering themselves victorious, sounded musical instruments by thousands and made loud roar 8. 42. 32, 54-55; Pāñcālas quickly rallied round Yudhiṣṭhira to help him; in the presence of Pāñcālas and others, Karṇa broke the banner on the chariot of Yudhiṣṭhira; he destroyed the army of Pāṇḍavas (including Pāñcālas); Pāñcālas started to run away; Karṇa had already defeated them; it was felt that Karṇa attacking them would extirpate Pāñcālas (samucchetsyati); but when Bhīma appeared, Pāñcālas started killing Kaurava army 8. 43. 3, 22-29, 31-32, 50, 53; chariotfighters (rathinaḥ) of Kauravas, struck by Pāñcālas, fell down from their chariots; Pāñcālas returned towards the army of Kauravas (dhārtarāṣṭrān) and killed those who, riding elephants, horses and chariots, were fighting; supported by Bhīma, Pāñcālas disregarded their lives and crushed their enemies; while killing their adversaries, they blew conches and shouted; when the Pāñcālas were thus killing the Kaurava army, Kṛpa, Karṇa and other heroes made great attempt to stop their attack 8. 43. 59-65; but Pāñcālas, enraged and feeling victorious, attacked the Kaurava army from all sides 8. 44. 8; Karṇa assured Śalya that he would kill all Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas and then released his Bhārgavāstra against them; Pāñcālas, afflicted by that missile, raised a loud cry (hāhākāro mahān āsīt pāñcālānām…); getting killed by the missile Pāñcālas were all confused (tatra tatra vyamuhyanta) 8. 45. 32, 37, 41; Karṇa cut off the banner of Yudhiṣṭhira and killed his two side-charioteers in the presence of Pāñcālas (hatau ca pārṣṇisārathī) 8. 46. 12; Kṛṣṇa told Arjuna: all Pāñcālas, under Arjuna's guidance, were ready to fight; protected by him, they had killed enemies; Bhīṣma had earlier killed Pāñcālas; Arjuna now should kill the enemies, viz. the five great warriors Aśvatthāman, Kṛtavarman, Karṇa, Śalya and Kṛpa, so that Pāñcālas might rejoice (adya modantu pāñcālā…); Pāñcālas wished to rescue Pāṇḍavas (pāṇḍavān ujjihīrṣavaḥ) but were fleeing as they got killed by Karṇa; they were as good as under the control of Karṇa (viddhi karṇavaśaṁ gatān); Pāñcālas, struck by Karṇa, raised a fierce cry (śrūyate ninado ghoras…); when they faced Bhīṣma, they never turned back (nāsan parāṅmukhāḥ); they would not turn back due to fear of Karṇa; Karṇa was killing the attacking Pāñcālas by hundreds -- Pāñcālas who gave lives for their friends; Pāñcālas were fleeing in all directions (ete caranti pāñcālā dikṣu sarvāsu) as they faced the irresistible astra of Karṇa obtained by him from Bhārgava (8. 51. 101); if Karṇa was neglected (upekṣitaḥ karṇo…); he would kill Pāñcālas and the rest 8. 51. 5-6, 12, 27, 54, 91-96, 98-100, 104, 106; Arjuna saw Pāñcāla army running away; he desired to pay back the debt he owed to Pāñcālas by killing Karṇa (pāñcālānāṁ ca mādhava/ adyānṛṇyaṁ gamiṣyāmi) 8. 52. 5, 28; as desired by Karṇa, Śalya drove his chariot towards Pāñcālas; entering their army, Śalya stopped Karṇa's chariot wherever he desired; seeing Karṇa's chariot, the Pāñcālas trembled (trastā āsan); when Karṇa killed Pāñcālas a loud cry arose among them (tatrākrando mahān āsīt); although the great Pāñcāla archers were defeated, they returned to fight till death (mṛtyuṁ kṛtvā nivartanam); Karṇa killed twentyfive chariot-fighters and more than hundred horse-riders; the wonderful heroism of Pāñcālas was witnessed by others when Pāñcālas did not abandon fighting although they were getting killed (tatrādbhutam apaśyāma pāñcālānāṁ parākramam/vadhyamānāpi karṇena nājahū raṇamūrdhani//); two sons (not named) of Karṇa killed strong Pāñcālas 8. 56. 8-11, 23, 31, 47, 49, 54, 56; but at one stage Pāñcālas, afraid of Karṇa, began to flee (ete dravanti pāñcālāḥ karṇāt trastā…) 8. 57. 3; Karṇa rushed towards Pāñcālas in spite of Arjuna (paśyataḥ savyasācinaḥ); he killed Pāñcālas by releasing thousands of arrows; there was fierce battle of Karṇa with Pāñcālas who were getting killed while fighting for the sake of their allies (vadhyatāṁ sūtaputreṇa mitrārthe 'mitraghātināṁ) 8. 59. 42, 44-45; Karṇa scattered away Pāñcāla princes (? pāñcālaputrān); Karṇa was making the Pāṇḍava army devoid of Pāñcālas (apāñcālyaṁ kriyate); then five senior Pāñcāla chariot-fighters, Uttamaujas and others, attacked Karṇa but were not able to fell down Karṇa from his chariot; all of them were hit by Karṇa with arrows after he cut off their bows and banners and killed their horses and chariots; all of them were defeated by Karṇa; when they were rescued by Draupadī's sons and Sātyaki, the five chariot-fighters got other chariots and, wellarmed, they rallied round Sātyaki to protect him 8. 60. 1, 10, 15-17, 21-22, 26; Karṇa tormented Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas by the lustre of his missiles (pratāpya …astratejasā), but was thoroughly pacified by the lustre of Arjuna (i. e. by his missiles) (saṁśāntaḥ pārthatejasā) 8. 68. 43; Pāñcālas and Sṛñjayas honoured Arjuna when Karṇa was killed 8. 69. 37;
(58) In the evening of the seventeenth day Duryodhana told Śalya that when he would be on the battle-field Pāñcālas would give up all effort (nirudyamāḥ) 9. 5. 24; Śalya, when chosen by Duryodhana to lead his army, assured him that he would kill all Pāñcālas in battle: “let them see in battle my heroism, strength of my arms and bow, my skill and power of my missiles” (vikramaṁ mama paśyantu dhanuṣaś ca mahad balam/lāghavaṁ cāstravīryaṁ ca bhujayoś ca balaṁ yudhi//) 9. 6. 11, 13-14; after listening to Kṛṣṇa's advice, Yudhiṣṭhira permitted all Pāñcālas to leave and he slept that night freed of all care; all Pāñcālas too, delighted at Karṇa's death, slept (happily) that night 9. 6. 38-40;
(59) On the eighteenth day, the victorious Pāñcālas went to the battlefield 9. 7. 42; seeing Śalya's heroism, Duryodhana felt Pāñcālas, Sṛṁjayas and Pāṇḍavas as good as dead 9. 12. 28; having heard Yudhiṣṭhira's vow to kill Śalya, all Pāñcālas felt delighted; they blew conches, beat bheris and puṣkaras by hundreds and made loud roar in anticipation of the fulfilment of the vow (tataḥ praharṣaḥ…punar āsīt…pāñcālānāṁ…pratijñām tāṁ ca saṁgrāme dharmarājasya pūrayan) 9. 15. 2728; Pāñcālas and others, angered by Śalya's killing their army, surrounded him 9. 16. 6; when the Madra army, incited by Duryodhana, entered the Pāṇḍava army, Pāñcālas and others surrounded Yudhiṣṭhira wishing his sefety (yudhiṣṭhiraṁ parīpsantaḥ); Madra warriors shouted: “where are the great warriors of Pāñcālas (pāñcālānāṁ mahāvīryāḥ) 9. 17. 8, 13; when the Kaurava army fled after the death of Śalya, Pāñcālas, desirous of victory, persecuted them; seeing the Kaurava army, oppressed by fear, running away, Pāñcālas and Pāṇḍavas spoke to each other about the victory of Yudhiṣṭhira and the defeat of Duryodhana 9. 18. 11, 13-14; seeing Śālva's heroism, Pāñcālas raised cries of despair (hāhākārair nādayantaḥ) and surrounded his elephant 9. 19. 21; hearing the loud roar of delighted Kauravas (siṁhanādaḥ prahṛṣṭānāṁ…), Pāñcālas were dejected; when Kṛtavarman and Sātyaki were engaged in a duel, Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas acted as spectators (prekṣakāḥ samapadyanta); when Kaurava army started running away at the defeat of Kṛtavarman, Duryodhana attacked Pāñcālas and halted them with arrows 9. 20. 6-7, 11, 33-34; Pāṇḍavas, helped by Pāñcālas, stopped the advance of Kurus and killed their seven hundred chariot-fighters; Yudhiṣṭhira asked Sahadeva to kill Śakuni; he himself, along with Pāñcālas, would guard the division of chariots (rathānīkam ahaṁ rakṣye) 9. 22. 14, 34;
(60) Aśvatthāman left the army of Pāñcāla king (pāñcālarājasya tad anīkam, i. e. Pāñcālas) and went to Śakuni 9. 24. 42;
(61) Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana, who had hid himself in water, that he would that very day kill all Pāñcālas, or else he would not remove his armour; on learning the whereabouts of Duryodhana, when Pāṇḍavas started towards the lake, the delighted Pāñcālas raised a loud roar (kilakilāśabdaḥ prādurāsīd…); those Pāñcālas who survived the war of eighteen days followed Pāṇḍavas to the lake (pāñcālānāṁ ca ye śiṣṭāḥ) 9. 29. 21, 46, 52: Duryodhana even in that condition wished to destroy the enthusiasm of Pāñcālas 9. 30. 43; Duryodhana was not afraid of either Pāṇḍavas or Pāñcālas; with mace in his hand he was confident to defeat them in battle; equipped with mace, he appeared to Pāñcālas like Indra with his vajra or Śiva with his śūla; Pāñcālas and other Pāṇḍava warriors clapped each other's palms (anyonyasya talān daduḥ); Duryodhana considered that to be his insult; angered, he said that he would send Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas to the abode of Yama 9. 31. 13, 30, 40-44; Pāñcālas welcomed the decision of Bhīma to fight with Duryodhana and kill him (tad vaco bhīmasenasya sarva evābhyapūjayan) 9. 32. 27; hearing Duryodhana's challenging words, they also applauded him (saṁpūjayām āsus tad vacaḥ) 9. 32. 50; seeing the bad omens which occurred at the time of the downfall of Duryodhana, Pāñcālas were dejected (āvignamanasaḥ) 9. 57. 57; they were not very happy when Balarāma, displeased with the way Duryodhana was made to lie low, left for Dvārakā (nātipramanaso 'bhavan) 9. 59. 27; when Duryodhana fell down, Pāñcālas, delighted (prahṛṣṭamanasaḥ), threw up their upper garments and made roaring sounds; some expressed their joy by stretching their bows, others by sounding bow-strings; some blew big conches and still others beat dundubhis; some made sportive gestures and laughed (cikrīḍuś ca tathaivānye jaharṣuś ca); they said many things in praise of Bhīmasena 9. 60. 3-16; hearing that, Kṛṣṇa rebuked them 9. 60. 17-18; hearing Kṛṣṇa's words reassuring Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas for the means they adopted to defeat Kauravas, Pāñcālas were very much delighted; they roared like herds of lions (bhṛśasaṁhṛṣṭā vineduḥ siṁhasaṁghavat); Aśvatthāman assured Duryodhana that he would kill all Pāñcālas with all sorts of means in the very presence of Kṛṣṇa (sarvopāyair hi neṣyāmi pretarājaniveśanam) 9. 64. 35; (a reference to this incident in 1. 2. 180);
(62) References to what happened during the night of the eighteenth day are found at the beginning of the Śalyaparvan: (i) Vaiśaṁpāyana told Janamejaya that during that night the three heroes on the side of Kauravas who survived the war (hataśiṣṭās trayo rathāḥ) killed the entire Pāñcāla army; that was told by Saṁjaya to Dhṛtarāṣṭra 9. 1. 13, 30; (ii) Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Duryodhana had assured him that he would kill all Pāñcālas; he then asked Saṁjaya to tell him how all Pāñcālas, together with foot-soldiers, were killed (pāñcālāś ca yathā sarve nihatāḥ sapadānugāḥ) 9. 2. 22, 63;
(63) In the night of the eighteenth day Aśvatthāman resolved to kill Pāñcālas when they were asleep; he told Kṛpa that Pāñcālas, tired due to exertion, would sleep that night delightfully, trustfully, feeling themselves victorious, unyoking their horses and keeping away their armours; he would storm Pāñcālas in their camp to kill them with his sword and then get peace of mind; he would repay the debt he owed to his father by killing Pāñcālas; by killing the Pāñcāla army at night he will have done his duty and feel happy 10. 1. 53; 10. 3. 25, 28-32, 3435; earlier when Bhīma had stepped on Duryodhana's head, Pāñcālas growled, laughted, blew conches and sounded dundubhis 10. 1. 58-59; Kṛpa told Aśvatthāman that they should kill Pāñcālas next day in battle; Aśvatthāman was quite capable of defeating the Pāñcāla army while fighting with them; they would return from the battle-field only after killing the wretched Pāñcālas or get themselves killed 10. 4. 4, 15, 18; but Aśvatthāman was unable to live even for a while since he had heard Pāñcālas saying: “Droṇa was killed”; they deserved to be killed by him 10. 4. 25-26; Kṛpa tried to dissuade Aśvatthāman by telling him that it would not be proper to kill Pāñcālas when they were trustfully asleep 10. 5. 11; but Aśvatthāman asked Kṛpa why he did not blame Pāñcālas who had committed sin by not following dharma and broken all norms of life (evam adhārmikāḥ pāpāḥ pāñcālā bhinnasetavaḥ); he had therefore decided to kill them during their sleep 10. 5. 2425; Mahādeva told Aśvatthāman that he formerly protected Pāñcālas only out of regard for Kṛṣṇa; but now they were overpowered by Kāla and did not deserve to live (abhibhūtās tu kālena naiṣām adyāsti jīvitam) 10. 7. 63; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Saṁjaya whether Kṛpa and Kṛtavarman did what was expected of them or whether they were killed by Pāñcālas 10. 8. 4; when Aśvatthāman came out of the camp, Kṛpa and Kṛtavarman told him that they had killed Pāñcālas (when they tried to escape) by thousands; Aśvatthāman told them that he had killed the rest of the Pāñcālas in the camp 10. 8. 141, 150; after killing all Pāñcālas, the three of them went to Duryodhana; they told him that all Pāñcālas were killed by them 10. 9. 1, 9, 49; the killing of Pāñcālas referred to earlier by Dhṛtarāṣṭra as a disgusting and disgraceful act of Aśvatthāman and others 1. 1. 153; 1. 2. 181; Kṛṣṇa consoled Yudhiṣṭhira by telling him that Pāñcālas and their companions (pāñcālāś ca sahānugāḥ) were killed by Mahādeva (and not by Aśvatthāman) 10. 18. 26; when Dhṛtarāṣṭra was on his way to the battlefield, Aśvatthāman and others told him and Gāndhārī that they had killed Pāñcālas and others 11. 10. 12;
(64) When Yudhiṣṭhira started to meet Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāñcāla women present there, followed him (saha pāñcālayoṣidbhir yās tatrāsan samāgatāḥ) 11. 11. 4;
(65) When Pāñcāla and Kuru women saw their husbands and relatives lying dead on the battlefield they fell down from their chariots; tired and helpless they were almost deprived of their consciousness (śrāntānāṁ cāpy anāthānāṁ nāsīt kācana cetanā) 11. 16. 13-15; Gāndhārī told Kṛṣṇa that looking at the destruction of Kurus and Pāñcālas, she burnt with grief 11. 16. 25; she asked him how was young Abhimanyu killed by many in the presence of Pāṇḍavas and Pāñcālas 11. 20. 18;
(66) Yudhiṣṭhira told Kuntī that he was much more grieved to learn the truth about Karṇa's birth than by the death of Pāñcālas and others (tataḥ śataguṇaṁ duḥkham) 11. 27. 18-19;
(67) Yudhiṣṭhira, repenting after the war, said that Pāñcālas and Kurus were no doubt killed; but those of them who were not killed would, after death, go to the lowest regions on account of their (i. e. of both Pāñcālas and Kurus) acts 12. 7. 20; Yudhiṣṭhira while taking leave of Kuntī said that Pāñcālas (i. e. their males) were very much depleted, only their daughters remained (pañcālāḥ subhṛśaṁ kṣīṇāḥ kanyāmātrāvaśeṣitāḥ); he did not know who would establish their line again, since most of them were reduced to ashes by Droṇa and those who survived were killed by Aśvatthāman at night 15. 44. 32-33.
D. Past event: Formerly, the ṛṣis of the Naimiṣa forest after completing the Viśvajit sacrifice went to the Pāñcāla country (purā…viśvajito 'nte vai pāñcālān ṛṣayo 'gaman) 9. 40. 3.
E. Various persons styled as ‘one related to Pāñcālas’, ‘king or prince of Pāñcālas’ ‘the prominent warrior among Pāñcālas’, etc.: (a) One related to the Pāñcālas: (i) pāñcāla (fem. -ī):
(1) Gālava 12. 330. 3738; 12. 335. 71;
(2) Citraketu and others 7. 98. 36-37, 43;
(3) Drupada 1. 122. 11; 1. 128. 12; 1. 188. 18; 3. 13. 2; 5. 5. 14; 5. 25. 3; 5. 49. 32; 5. 191. 3; 6. 57. 28; 6. 51. 3-4; (daughter of Pāñcāla i. e. of Drupada) 6. 108. 35; 6. 112. 43; 7. 8. 5; 7. 72. 6; 7. 135. 29; 9. 19. 10;
(4) Dhṛṣṭadyumna: 7. 169. 60; 8. 40. 130; 9. 24. 47; 10. 5. 34; (ii) Pāñcālī: Draupadī 1. 2. 36; 1. 155. 41; 1. 174. 8, 12; 1. 181. 34; 1. 182. 13; 1. 200. 17; 1. 213. 71, 73; 2. 58. 31, 37; 2. 60. 10, 15, 20; 2. 61. 11; 2. 62. 19, 25^2, 34; 2. 63. 26, 27; 2. 64. 3; 2. 68. 10; 2. 72. 12, 15, 26, 28; 3. 13. 42, 110; 3. 48. 31, 34; 3. 79. 11; 3. 141. 16; 3. 142. 1; 3. 144. 2, 18; 3. 145. 2; 3. 146. 12; 3. 152. 2; 3. 153. 10; 3. 176. 47; 3. 222. 7, 58, 59; 4. 5. 7; 4. 13. 3, 6, 8; 4. 21. 39, 61; 4. 22. 26; 4. 23. 14; 4. 34. 10; 4. 39. 4; 5. 79. 3; 5. 80. 27; 5. 135. 15; 5. 149. 55; 7. 55. 32, 36; 7. 158. 29, 8. 5. 79; 8. 52. 15; 11. 12. 8; 11. 14. 5; 11. 15. 12; 11. 18. 21-22; 12. 14. 30; 12. 39. 5; 14. 68. 12; 15. 16. 20; 15. 24. 1; 18. 1. 9; 18. 2. 11, 43; 18. 4. 7; (iii) Pāñcāleya ‘son of Pāñcālī (= Śatānīka) 8. 53. 7; (iv) pāñcālya:
(1) Āruṇi 1. 3. 20, 21, 24, 27;
(2) Uttamaujas 5. 56. 32; 5. 197. 3, 15; 7. 59. 4; 7. 61. 38; 7. 66. 35; 7. 67. 27, 28; 7. 105. 23, 28, 32; 7. 122. 36; 8. 7. 30; 8. 33. 15 (du., not named, Uttamaujas and Yudhāmanyu):
(3) Kṣatradharman 8. 4. 76;
(4) Kṣatravarman (?) 8. 4. 76;
(5) Janamejaya 7. 142. 19; 8. 33. 23;
(6) Drupada 1. 122. 29; 1. 154. 16; 1. 176. 9; 1. 187. 1, 8; 1. 188. 1; 1. 194. 9, 14; 1. 198. 19; 2. 63. 5; 3. 90. 21; 5. 5. 18; 5. 56. 4; 5. 191. 6; 5. 193. 14, 55; 6. 19. 25 (Yajñasena); 6. 45. 55; 6. 47. 28; 6. 57. 24; 6. 99. 14; 7. 22. 6, 45; 7. 145. 27; 7. 169. 16; 8. 16. 23; 11. 25. 17; 15. 17. 20;
(7) Dhṛṣṭadyumna 1. 155. 51; 1. 184. 1; 5. 52. 5; 5. 63. 6; 5. 139. 48; 5. 150. 6; 5. 154. 10; 5. 161. 4; 6. 19. 21; 6. 45. 31; 6. 48. 30, 70; 6. 49. 1, 39; 6. 51. 2; 6. 57. 14, 18, 21; 6. 73. 60; 6. 82. 29; 6. 95. 25; 6. 111. 30; 7. 8. 24; 7. 12. 18; 7. 19. 31; 7. 30. 8; 7. 31. 64; 7. 70. 45; 7. 72. 7, 32-33; 7. 85. 15; 7. 98. 44, 46; 7. 100. 16; 7. 140. 17; 7. 145. 6, 17; 7. 161. 38, 47; 7. 162. 24; 7. 164. 4, 18, 114, 136; 7. 165. 18; 7. 166. 14; 7. 167. 32; 7. 169. 5, 42-43, 52; 7. 170. 6, 40, 54; 7. 172. 6; 8. 17. 26; 8. 40. 1, 22-23, 25; 9. 15. 36; 9. 22. 60; 9. 24. 16-17; 9. 26. 6, 10: 9. 28. 8; 9. 29. 51; 10. 8. 12, 17;
(8) Brahmadatta 12. 226. 29;
(9) Yajñasena see Drupada;
(10) Yudhāmanyu 5. 56. 32 (?); 5. 197. 3, 15; 7. 61. 38 (?); 7. 66. 35; 7. 67. 27-8; 7. 105. 23, 32; 7. 122. 36; 8. 7. 30; 8. 33. 15 (not named);
(11) Vīraketu 7. 98. 29, 34-35;
(12) Vṛka 7. 20. 7;
(13) Vyāghradatta 7. 15. 32, 34;
(14) Śikhaṇḍin 5. 139. 48; 5. 154. 10; 5. 169. 16; 5. 193. 9; 6. 14. 9; 6. 15. 19; 6. 103. 97; 6. 105. 1; 6. 108. 17; 6. 111. 6: 6. 112. 77; 6. 113. 46; 7. 1. 1; 7. 22. 13; 9. 15. 6; 9. 29. 51 (?); 11. 26. 34; 12. 27. 11; 18 1. 26;
(15) Satyajit 7. 16. 44; 7. 20. 4, 13, 15;
(16) Siṁhasena 7. 22. 43;
(17) Not named: 1. 89. 33; 7. 20. 46; 7. 124. 27; 8. 33. 15 (du., not named, Uttamaujas and Yudhāmanyu); 8. 40. 63;
(18) Pāñcāla warriors (pl.) 6. 50. 110; 7. 124. 27; (v) pāñcālaka:
(1) Drupada 5. 193. 16;
(2) Side of Pāñcālas pakṣo…pāñcālako… 1. 194. 12; (b) King of the Pāñcālas: (i) pāñcālanṛpa: Drupada 1. 190. 18; (ii) pāñcālapati: Drupada 3. 120. 25; (iii) pāñcālarāja:
(1) Drupada 1. 128. 2; 1. 176. 27; 1. 182. 5, 10; 1. 184. 12, 14; 1. 185. 16-17, 22, 27-28; 1. 186. 2; 2. 62. 23; 2. 72. 28; 3. 144. 6; 5. 1. 4; 5. 19. 32; 5. 22. 35; 5. 168. 1; 5. 190. 14; 5. 191. 12; 5. 193. 12; 6. 55. 115; 6. 113. 36; 6. 114. 8; 7. 7. 24; 7. 50. 15; 7. 88. 2; 7. 135. 22; 7. 145. 53; 7. 164. 111; 7. 165. 118; 7. 168. 21; 7. 169. 54; 9. 19. 18, 33; 9. 24. 35, 42; 10. 5. 33; 10. 10. 24, 27;
(2) Dhṛṣṭadyumna 6. 50. 86; 7. 171. 42; 9. 19. 15, 22; 9. 24. 42; 10. 3. 33; 10. 8. 30; (iv) pāñcālarājan: Drupada 5. 191. 7; 7. 13. 25; 7. 139. 31; 11. 25. 16; (v) pāñcālānām adhipaḥ: Drupada 5. 25. 3, 13; (c) Hero(es) of the Pāñcālas pāñcālaputra (Vīraketu) 7. 98. 27; (pl.) 3. 48. 38; 7. 169. 16; 8. 16. 23 (all not named); (d) Princes of Pāñcālas: pāñcālarājaputra:
(1) Drupada (Yajñasena) 1. 122. 26;
(2) Uttamaujas 7. 105. 36;
(3) Yudhāmanyu 7. 105. 36; (e) Delighter of the family of Pāñcālas: pāñcālakulanandana: Vīraketu 7. 98. 34-35; (f) Chief among Pāñcālas: pāñcālamukhya: Dhṛṣṭadyumna 7. 148. 4; (g) Tiger among Pāñcāla people: pāñcālānāṁ naravyāghraḥ: Janamejaya 7. 22. 44; (h) Great chariotfighter among Pāñcālas: pāñcālānāṁ mahārathaḥ: (1, 2) Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Śikhaṇḍin 8. 51. 12;
(3) Suratha 9. 13. 35; (i) Bringer of fame to Pāñcālas: pāñcālānāṁ yaśaskaraḥ: a prince (kumāra) (not named) 7. 15. 21; not named (rājaputra) 7. 20. 48; (j) Great chariot fighter among Pāñcālas: pāñcālānāṁ ratharṣabhaḥ: Satyajit 7. 20. 17; (k) The best among the Pāñcālas: pāñcāleṣu…uttamam: Uttamaujas 7. 9. 36;
(1) Degraded among Pāñcālas: (i) pāñcālāpasada: Dhṛṣṭadyumna (so called by Aśvatthāman after the death of Droṇa) 7. 166. 56; 8. 42. 23; (ii) pāñcālyāpasada: (earlier by Dhṛtarāṣṭra while referring to the killing of Droṇa) 7. 8. 27; (m) The capital town of Pāñcālas (Kāmpilya, not named) (i) pāñcālanagara 1. 90. 80; 1. 157. 15; (ii) pāñcālānāṁ puram: 1. 55. 21; 2. 26. 3.
*2nd word in right half of page p764_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Pāñcāla means a ‘king of the Pañcāla people,’ and is applied to Durmukha in the Aitareya Brāhmaṇa[१] and to Śoṇa in the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa.[२] The term is also found in the Jaiminīya Upaniṣad Brāhmaṇa.[३] See also Pañcāla.