पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
ब्रह्मास्त्रम्, क्ली, (ब्रह्मस्वरूपमस्त्रम् ।) ब्रह्मस्वरू- पास्त्रम् । यथा, देवीपुराणे । “तदा रामेण क्रुद्धेन ब्रह्मास्त्रं प्रति रावणे । नारायणविघातार्थं चिन्तितं चतुराननम् ॥ मुञ्जमेखलदण्डाक्षस्रुवदर्भकृताजिनम् । हूङ्काररावबहुलमागत्य पुरतः स्थितम् ॥”
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
ब्र(व्र)ह्मास्त्र¦ न॰
६ त॰। अस्त्रभेदे भा॰ आ॰
६ अ॰।
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
ब्रह्मास्त्र¦ n. (-स्त्रं) The BRAHMA4'S weapon, a fabulous weapon originally [Page522-a+ 60] from BRAHMA
2. The imprecation of a Bra4hman. E. ब्रह्म and अस्त्र a weapon.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
ब्रह्मास्त्र/ ब्रह्मा n. " ब्रह्मा's missile " , N. of a mythical weapon (which deals infallible destruction) MBh. R. Katha1s.
ब्रह्मास्त्र/ ब्रह्मा n. of a partic. kind of incantation Cat. (See. IW. 402 , 1 )
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Brahmāstra, Brāhma astra, (Paitāmaha) : nt. (rarely pl. 7. 165. 22; 8. 29. 26): Name of a missile.
A. Relationship with god Brahman: Destined by god Brahman for repulsing all other missiles (sarvāstrapratighātāya vihitaṁ padmayoninā) 7. 172. 32; when withdrawn by Kṛṣṇa from the stillborn Parikṣit, the flaming missile returned to Pitāmaha (Brahman) 14. 69. 1, 3.
B. Gods and heroes who knew its use:
(1) Among the gods, Indra knew it 5. 47. 100;
(2) Among men: (i) Droṇa: He received it from Rāma Jāmadagnya; when Droṇa received it, he became distinguished among men 1. 154. 13; Droṇa not equalled by any one in the use of Brahmāstra; Drupada attributed his defeat at the hands of Droṇa to Droṇa's knowledge of Brahmāstra 1. 155. 22; Droṇa unequalled in battle by any one because of his knowledge of Brahmāstra (and other missiles) (…brahmāstrādīni yāny api/tāni sarvāṇi tiṣṭhanti bhavaty eva viśeṣataḥ) 7. 160. 5; known for his knowledge of Brahmāstra, Droṇa knew its use and remedy (saprayogacikitsitam) 3. 38. 5; 4. 46. 7, 9; 7. 166. 2; (ii) Arjuna: He was taught (niṣṭhita) Brāhma astra by his teacher (Droṇa) 1. 181. 20; 6. 116. 38; in its use, he never violated the rules of the Kṣatriyas (kṣatradharmān mahābāhur nākampata dhanaṁjayaḥ) 10. 15. 21; Arjuna was asked by Indra to learn the Paitāmaha astra (identical, or different from Brahmāstra ?) 3. 164. 29; (iii-v) Bhīṣma, Kṛpa, and Aśvatthāman: According to Yudhiṣṭhira, Bhīṣma, Kṛpa and Aśvatthāman knew its use and remedy (saprayogacikitsitam) 3. 38. 5; 4. 46. 7 (Kṛpa and Aśvatthāman); 4. 46. 9 (Aśvatthāmān); (vi) Karṇa: Karṇa requested Droṇa to teach him Brahmāstra together with its secret and withdrawal, but Droṇa refused to oblige 12. 2. 10, 13; Karṇa, who coveted the Astra (12. 3. 27, 30), then learnt it in its entirety (kṛtsnam) from Rāma Jāmadagnya 12. 3. 2; 8. 5. 67; but since Karṇa had told a lie to obtain its knowledge (12. 3. 30), Rāma cursed him saying that the missile would flash to him on all occasions except when he met his equal and the time of his death had arrived (te…brahmāstraṁ pratibhāsyati/anyatra vadhakātāt te sadṛśena sameyuṣaḥ) 12. 3. 30-31; 5. 61. 2; returning, Karṇa reported to Duryodhana that he had acquired the missiles (from Rāma) (kṛtāstro 'smi) 12. 3. 33; since Karṇa had pacified Rāma, knowledge of Brahmāstra remained with him; hence Karṇa assured Duryodhana that he was quite capable of bearing the burden of the war (tatas tad astraṁ mama sāvaśeṣaṁ tasmāt samartho 'smi mamaiṣa bhāraḥ) 5. 61. 2-4; according to Yudhiṣṭhira, Karṇa knew the use and remedy of Brahmāstra 3. 38. 5; Karṇa boasted to Śalya that he knew the Brāhma astras (pl. astrāṇi…brāhmāṇī) 8. 29. 26; (vii) Kṛṣṇa: According to Bhīṣma, perhaps Kṛṣṇa knew Brāhma and many other heavenly weapons (kṛṣṇo vā devakīputraḥ) 6. 116. 39; (viii) Vibhīṣaṇa: He prayed Brahman that the Brahmāstra might flash to him although it was not duly taught to him (aśikṣitaṁ ca bhagavan brahmāstraṁ pratibhātu me) 3. 259. 30; [For its use also by Yudhiṣṭhira, Kuvalāśva, Bṛhatkṣatra, Pradyumna, Rāma (Dāśarathi), and Lakṣmaṇa see below section
F. ].
C. Description: heavenly (divya) 3. 271. 16; 7. 101. 12; 7. 160. 5; 7. 165. 22, 105; 8. 29. 27; 9. 61. 13, (19); great missile (mahāstra) 3. 163. 33; 7. 165. 23; 8. 65. 23; (param astram) 8. 66. 52; (paramāstra) 5. 185. 15; best (uttama) 5. 185. 16; unrivalled (apratima) 8. 29. 27; dreadful (ghora) 3. 274. 27, (māhāghora) 8. 5. 67; fierce (ugra) 8. 65. 23; unbearable (asahya) 8. 65. 24; of unmatched strength (apratimaujas) 3. 274. 27; invincible even in thought (manasā tad dhy ajayyam) 8. 29. 27; highly respected (paramasaṁmata) 1. 154. 13; to be employed mentally (manasā saṁvidheyam) 8. 65. 24; cannot be withstood even by Indra 9. 61. 27.
D. Teaching of the astra: The use of the missile was to be taught in full (kṛtsnam), i. e. together with the mode of its withdrawal; this is how Rāma Jāmadagnya taught it to Karṇa after performing due rites (tasmai sa vidhivat kṛtsnam brahmāstraṁ sanivartanam/provāca) 12. 3. 2; Droṇa learnt from Rāma Jāmadagnya both--the mode of its employment (prayoga) and withdrawal (saṁhāra) 1. 154. 11; when Karṇa expressed his desire to learn it from Droṇa he wanted to know it with its secrets and the mode of its withdrawal (sarahasyanivartanam) 12. 2. 10; Bhīṣma, Droṇa, Kṛpa, Karṇa and Aśvatthāman reputed for their knowledge of the employment of the astra and its remedy (i. e. withdrawal) (saprayogacikitsitam) 3. 38. 5; it could be taught only to a Brāhmaṇa who had duly observed the prescribed vow (yathāvat caritavrataḥ), or a Kṣatriya who had practised austerities (tapasvī), but to none else 12. 2. 13; hence Karṇa told a lie to Rāma Jāmadagnya about his lineage while declaring that he was a Bhārgava Brāhmaṇa 12. 2. 15; 12. 3. 26-30.
E. Use and withdrawal: At the time of its employment, mantras related to Brahmāstra were recited on an arrow to use it as a charged missile (bāṇavaryaṁ…brahmāstreṇābhimantritam) 3. 274. 24-25; (brahmāstraparimantritaiḥ sāyakaiḥ) 3. 167. 17; (saṁmantrya) 8. 66. 52; these mantras used to charge the arrow with the Brāhma (and the other astras) were supposed to serve as the ritual mantras for the ‘sacrifice to be performed with weapons’ (śastrayajña, i. e. in the war) 5. 139. 31; it was necessary to support the bow and the arrow with great might (balenātha sa saṁstabhya brahmāstraṁ samudairayat) 8. 66. 48; at the time of withdrawing the Brahmāstra (Iṣīkā) employed by Aśvatthāman, Kṛṣṇa touched water (upaspṛśya) 14. 68. 16, 14. 69. 1, and also made a satyakriyā 14. 68. 19-23.
F. Uses:
(1) In the epic war: (i) by Droṇa--(a) against Arjuna in order to cut down the bhalla arrows 7. 67. 9 (samudīraya-); 7. 163. 43 (prāduṣkṛ-); 9. 61. 27; (b) against Yudhiṣṭhira to burn his śakti to ashes 7. 81. 32-33 (prāduṣkṛ-); 7. 132. 33 (udīraya-); (c) against Bṛhatkṣatra of the Kekayas 7. 101. 12 (prāduṣkṛ-); (d) against the Pāñcālas, killing twenty thousand chariot-fighters, besides many elephants and horses 7. 164. 79-83 (prāduṣkṛ-); in addition, Droṇa killed ten ayutas of the Pāñcāla soldiers with Brāhma astra as if to destroy all the Kṣatriyas (kṣatriyāṇām abhāvāya brāhmam ātmānam āsthitaḥ) 7. 165. 14-15; (e) against the armies of the Pāṇḍavas, the Kekayas, the Matsyas, specially of the Pāñcālas killing by hundreds and thousands; Droṇa also burnt one thousand chariot-fighters and two thousand elephant-riders 7. 165. 100-102; (f) against Dhṛṣṭadyumna while dashing the horses of his chariot against those of Dhṛṣṭadyumna (brāhmam astram udīrayan) 7. 164. 129; (udīrayetāṁ brāhmāṇi divyāny astrāṇy anekaśaḥ) 7. 165. 22; (brāhmam astraṁ vikurvāṇaḥ) 7. 165. 100; (divyam astraṁ vikurvāṇaḥ) 7. 165. 105; (ii) by Arjuna: (a) He assured Kṛṣṇa that by employing his Brāhma astra he would repulse all the missiles used against him by the protectors of Jayadratha 7. 53. 44; (b) Arjuna cut down with the rain of arrows released by the use of the Brahmāstra the shower of arrows released against him by Droṇa by using the same missile 7. 67. 12; 7. 163. 46; (c) Arjuna released (udīraya-) his Brāhma astra to nullify the effect of the Āgneya astra (7. 172. 14) of Aśvatthāman 7. 172. 14; (d) against Karṇa: Arjuna thought of using it for the welfare of the people (śivāya lokasya) and the death of Karṇa (vadhāya sauteḥ); to do this he sought the permission of Kṛṣṇa, the gods, Brahman, Śiva, and of all the knowers of brahman (brahmavid) 8. 65. 23-24; Arjuna advised to use Brahmāstra by Kṛṣṇa 8. 66. 52 (visṛj-, prayojaya.); he countered Karṇa's Brahmāstra by using apparently the same missile (tad astram astreṇāvārya) 8. 67. 8; (iii) by Karṇa: (a) when he was surrounded at once by many Pāṇḍava warriors 8. 33. 25 (udīraya-); (b) against Arjuna 8. 66. 48 (samudīraya-); 8. 67. 8; (9. 61. 27); (iv) by Yudhiṣṭhira: to pacify the Brahmāstra of Droṇa used against him 7. 81. 34; 7. 132. 35; (v) by Dhṛṣṭadyumna: He and Droṇa used (udīraya-) heavenly Brāhma missiles (pl.) against each other in many ways (brāhmāṇi divyāny astrāṇy anekaśaḥ) 7. 165. 22; Dhṛṣṭdyumna repelled successfully all missiles used by Droṇa 7. 165. 23; (vi) by Bṛhatkṣatra (a Kaikeya): he repulsed Droṇa's Brāhma astra by the use of the same weapon 7. 101. 13, (14);
(2) Outside the epic war: (i) by Arjuna: (a) against Kirāta (Śiva); but it was destroyed by Kirāta 3. 163. 33, 35; (b) against the Nivātakavacas to blow them away by hundreds and thousands with the arrows released from the missile 3. 167. 17; (ii) by Aśvatthāman: the iṣīkā directed by Aśvatthāman towards the foetus of Uttarā (10. 15. 31, 33) identified with Brahmāstra 14. 65. 9; 14. 67. 21; 14. 68. 16; 14. 69. 1; (14. 67. 13, 16); (iii) by Rāma Jāmadagnya: he used it against Bhīṣma 5. 185. 15 (prāduṣkṛ-); (iv) by Bhīṣma: to counter with the same missile the use of the Brahmāstra by Rāma Jāmadagnya 5. 185. 16 (prayuj-); (v) by Pradyumna: against Śālva to cut off half way his Daiteyāstra (māyā) 3. 20. 17; (vi) by Kuvalāśva: against the Daitya Dhundhu who was burnt with it 3. 195. 28; (vii) by Rāma (Dāśarathi): against Rāvaṇa; Rāma, while using it, recited mantras on his arrow; with it, Rāvaṇa, together with his chariot and the charioteer, were burnt down 3. 274. 24-25, 28; (viii) by Lakṣmaṇa: against the demon Kumbhakarṇa who was burnt with it 3. 271. 16.
G. Effects of Brahmāstra: When the Brahmāstra was released: (i) it produced a very large number of (flaming) arrows 3. 163. 33; 3. 167. 17; 7. 67. 9 (bhalla), 12; 7. 165. 100 (bhalla); 8. 33. 25; 8. 65. 24; 8. 66. 53; 8. 67. 8; (ii) it produced fire enough to heat the worlds and fill the directions and space with lustre (tataḥ saṁtāpito loko matprasūtena tejasā/kṣaṇena hi diśaḥ khaṁ ca sarvato 'bhividīpitam) 3. 163. 34; (jajvāla) 5. 185. 16; (vyomni pādurabhūt tejaḥ) 5. 185. 18; (dīpayāṁ cakre) 5. 186. 7; (tad astraṁ jvalitam) 14. 69. 3; or to burn the enemy with it 3. 195. 28; 3. 271. 16; 3. 274. 28; 7. 165. 102; or to burn the enemy's weapon 7. 81. 33; or to burn the enemy's chariot 9. 61. 18-19; or to burn the chariot together with horses and charioteer 3. 274. 28; (iii) it produced smoke to fill the directions 5. 185. 21; (iv) it produced darkness all over which terrified creatures 7. 132. 33-34; (v) it removed the darkness produced by the enemy's missile with the result that cold winds blew and the directions became clear 7. 172. 32; (vi) all life could be threatened by it 5. 47. 101; 5. 185. 18, 20-21; 7. 163. 45; (vii) earth, with its mountains, forests, and trees shook, winds blew in the opposite direction, and the oceans were agitated 7. 163. 44; 5. 185. 22; (viii) gods and other divine and demoniac beings were heated with its blaze 5. 185. 19; or they could not remain in the mid-region and they bewailed 5. 185. 21-22; (ix) under its influence the Rakṣases infested the residence; they disappeared when the missile was withdrawn 14. 69. 2.
H. Withdrawal: Brahmāstra, when employed, either served the purpose for which it was used, or was repulsed, or pacified by the counter-use of the same missile (cf. above sections
F. and
G. ); it was only once destroyed by Kirāta (Śiva) 3. 163. 35; only once when the same missile was employed by the opponents they clashed inbetween without reaching the respective targets 5. 185. 17; Arjuna withdrew it (= Brahmaśiras) 10. 15. 1, 5, but it (Iṣīkā identified with Brahmāstra) could not be withdrawn by Aśvatthāman as he had not observed the brahmacārivrata 10. 15. 7-8; later Kṛṣṇa withdrew it after sipping water (and making a satyakriyā) to revive the still-born child 14. 68. 16, (19-23); 14. 69. 1; when Kṛṣṇa withdrew the Brahmāstra, brilliant light emanated from the body of Parikṣit to fill the room; the evil spirlts (rakṣāṁsi) then left the house and disappeared, and the mid-region was filled with the words ‘well-done’ (sādhu keśava sādhv iti) 14. 69. 1-2.
I. Comparison: the missile compared with the raised Brahmadaṇḍa 3. 274. 27;
J. Status: Inferior to Pāśupatāstra of Śiva 13. 14. 127, (124). [See Iṣīkā, Brahmaśiras^1 ]
*1st word in left half of page p122_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Brahmāstra, Brāhma astra, (Paitāmaha) : nt. (rarely pl. 7. 165. 22; 8. 29. 26): Name of a missile.
A. Relationship with god Brahman: Destined by god Brahman for repulsing all other missiles (sarvāstrapratighātāya vihitaṁ padmayoninā) 7. 172. 32; when withdrawn by Kṛṣṇa from the stillborn Parikṣit, the flaming missile returned to Pitāmaha (Brahman) 14. 69. 1, 3.
B. Gods and heroes who knew its use:
(1) Among the gods, Indra knew it 5. 47. 100;
(2) Among men: (i) Droṇa: He received it from Rāma Jāmadagnya; when Droṇa received it, he became distinguished among men 1. 154. 13; Droṇa not equalled by any one in the use of Brahmāstra; Drupada attributed his defeat at the hands of Droṇa to Droṇa's knowledge of Brahmāstra 1. 155. 22; Droṇa unequalled in battle by any one because of his knowledge of Brahmāstra (and other missiles) (…brahmāstrādīni yāny api/tāni sarvāṇi tiṣṭhanti bhavaty eva viśeṣataḥ) 7. 160. 5; known for his knowledge of Brahmāstra, Droṇa knew its use and remedy (saprayogacikitsitam) 3. 38. 5; 4. 46. 7, 9; 7. 166. 2; (ii) Arjuna: He was taught (niṣṭhita) Brāhma astra by his teacher (Droṇa) 1. 181. 20; 6. 116. 38; in its use, he never violated the rules of the Kṣatriyas (kṣatradharmān mahābāhur nākampata dhanaṁjayaḥ) 10. 15. 21; Arjuna was asked by Indra to learn the Paitāmaha astra (identical, or different from Brahmāstra ?) 3. 164. 29; (iii-v) Bhīṣma, Kṛpa, and Aśvatthāman: According to Yudhiṣṭhira, Bhīṣma, Kṛpa and Aśvatthāman knew its use and remedy (saprayogacikitsitam) 3. 38. 5; 4. 46. 7 (Kṛpa and Aśvatthāman); 4. 46. 9 (Aśvatthāmān); (vi) Karṇa: Karṇa requested Droṇa to teach him Brahmāstra together with its secret and withdrawal, but Droṇa refused to oblige 12. 2. 10, 13; Karṇa, who coveted the Astra (12. 3. 27, 30), then learnt it in its entirety (kṛtsnam) from Rāma Jāmadagnya 12. 3. 2; 8. 5. 67; but since Karṇa had told a lie to obtain its knowledge (12. 3. 30), Rāma cursed him saying that the missile would flash to him on all occasions except when he met his equal and the time of his death had arrived (te…brahmāstraṁ pratibhāsyati/anyatra vadhakātāt te sadṛśena sameyuṣaḥ) 12. 3. 30-31; 5. 61. 2; returning, Karṇa reported to Duryodhana that he had acquired the missiles (from Rāma) (kṛtāstro 'smi) 12. 3. 33; since Karṇa had pacified Rāma, knowledge of Brahmāstra remained with him; hence Karṇa assured Duryodhana that he was quite capable of bearing the burden of the war (tatas tad astraṁ mama sāvaśeṣaṁ tasmāt samartho 'smi mamaiṣa bhāraḥ) 5. 61. 2-4; according to Yudhiṣṭhira, Karṇa knew the use and remedy of Brahmāstra 3. 38. 5; Karṇa boasted to Śalya that he knew the Brāhma astras (pl. astrāṇi…brāhmāṇī) 8. 29. 26; (vii) Kṛṣṇa: According to Bhīṣma, perhaps Kṛṣṇa knew Brāhma and many other heavenly weapons (kṛṣṇo vā devakīputraḥ) 6. 116. 39; (viii) Vibhīṣaṇa: He prayed Brahman that the Brahmāstra might flash to him although it was not duly taught to him (aśikṣitaṁ ca bhagavan brahmāstraṁ pratibhātu me) 3. 259. 30; [For its use also by Yudhiṣṭhira, Kuvalāśva, Bṛhatkṣatra, Pradyumna, Rāma (Dāśarathi), and Lakṣmaṇa see below section
F. ].
C. Description: heavenly (divya) 3. 271. 16; 7. 101. 12; 7. 160. 5; 7. 165. 22, 105; 8. 29. 27; 9. 61. 13, (19); great missile (mahāstra) 3. 163. 33; 7. 165. 23; 8. 65. 23; (param astram) 8. 66. 52; (paramāstra) 5. 185. 15; best (uttama) 5. 185. 16; unrivalled (apratima) 8. 29. 27; dreadful (ghora) 3. 274. 27, (māhāghora) 8. 5. 67; fierce (ugra) 8. 65. 23; unbearable (asahya) 8. 65. 24; of unmatched strength (apratimaujas) 3. 274. 27; invincible even in thought (manasā tad dhy ajayyam) 8. 29. 27; highly respected (paramasaṁmata) 1. 154. 13; to be employed mentally (manasā saṁvidheyam) 8. 65. 24; cannot be withstood even by Indra 9. 61. 27.
D. Teaching of the astra: The use of the missile was to be taught in full (kṛtsnam), i. e. together with the mode of its withdrawal; this is how Rāma Jāmadagnya taught it to Karṇa after performing due rites (tasmai sa vidhivat kṛtsnam brahmāstraṁ sanivartanam/provāca) 12. 3. 2; Droṇa learnt from Rāma Jāmadagnya both--the mode of its employment (prayoga) and withdrawal (saṁhāra) 1. 154. 11; when Karṇa expressed his desire to learn it from Droṇa he wanted to know it with its secrets and the mode of its withdrawal (sarahasyanivartanam) 12. 2. 10; Bhīṣma, Droṇa, Kṛpa, Karṇa and Aśvatthāman reputed for their knowledge of the employment of the astra and its remedy (i. e. withdrawal) (saprayogacikitsitam) 3. 38. 5; it could be taught only to a Brāhmaṇa who had duly observed the prescribed vow (yathāvat caritavrataḥ), or a Kṣatriya who had practised austerities (tapasvī), but to none else 12. 2. 13; hence Karṇa told a lie to Rāma Jāmadagnya about his lineage while declaring that he was a Bhārgava Brāhmaṇa 12. 2. 15; 12. 3. 26-30.
E. Use and withdrawal: At the time of its employment, mantras related to Brahmāstra were recited on an arrow to use it as a charged missile (bāṇavaryaṁ…brahmāstreṇābhimantritam) 3. 274. 24-25; (brahmāstraparimantritaiḥ sāyakaiḥ) 3. 167. 17; (saṁmantrya) 8. 66. 52; these mantras used to charge the arrow with the Brāhma (and the other astras) were supposed to serve as the ritual mantras for the ‘sacrifice to be performed with weapons’ (śastrayajña, i. e. in the war) 5. 139. 31; it was necessary to support the bow and the arrow with great might (balenātha sa saṁstabhya brahmāstraṁ samudairayat) 8. 66. 48; at the time of withdrawing the Brahmāstra (Iṣīkā) employed by Aśvatthāman, Kṛṣṇa touched water (upaspṛśya) 14. 68. 16, 14. 69. 1, and also made a satyakriyā 14. 68. 19-23.
F. Uses:
(1) In the epic war: (i) by Droṇa--(a) against Arjuna in order to cut down the bhalla arrows 7. 67. 9 (samudīraya-); 7. 163. 43 (prāduṣkṛ-); 9. 61. 27; (b) against Yudhiṣṭhira to burn his śakti to ashes 7. 81. 32-33 (prāduṣkṛ-); 7. 132. 33 (udīraya-); (c) against Bṛhatkṣatra of the Kekayas 7. 101. 12 (prāduṣkṛ-); (d) against the Pāñcālas, killing twenty thousand chariot-fighters, besides many elephants and horses 7. 164. 79-83 (prāduṣkṛ-); in addition, Droṇa killed ten ayutas of the Pāñcāla soldiers with Brāhma astra as if to destroy all the Kṣatriyas (kṣatriyāṇām abhāvāya brāhmam ātmānam āsthitaḥ) 7. 165. 14-15; (e) against the armies of the Pāṇḍavas, the Kekayas, the Matsyas, specially of the Pāñcālas killing by hundreds and thousands; Droṇa also burnt one thousand chariot-fighters and two thousand elephant-riders 7. 165. 100-102; (f) against Dhṛṣṭadyumna while dashing the horses of his chariot against those of Dhṛṣṭadyumna (brāhmam astram udīrayan) 7. 164. 129; (udīrayetāṁ brāhmāṇi divyāny astrāṇy anekaśaḥ) 7. 165. 22; (brāhmam astraṁ vikurvāṇaḥ) 7. 165. 100; (divyam astraṁ vikurvāṇaḥ) 7. 165. 105; (ii) by Arjuna: (a) He assured Kṛṣṇa that by employing his Brāhma astra he would repulse all the missiles used against him by the protectors of Jayadratha 7. 53. 44; (b) Arjuna cut down with the rain of arrows released by the use of the Brahmāstra the shower of arrows released against him by Droṇa by using the same missile 7. 67. 12; 7. 163. 46; (c) Arjuna released (udīraya-) his Brāhma astra to nullify the effect of the Āgneya astra (7. 172. 14) of Aśvatthāman 7. 172. 14; (d) against Karṇa: Arjuna thought of using it for the welfare of the people (śivāya lokasya) and the death of Karṇa (vadhāya sauteḥ); to do this he sought the permission of Kṛṣṇa, the gods, Brahman, Śiva, and of all the knowers of brahman (brahmavid) 8. 65. 23-24; Arjuna advised to use Brahmāstra by Kṛṣṇa 8. 66. 52 (visṛj-, prayojaya.); he countered Karṇa's Brahmāstra by using apparently the same missile (tad astram astreṇāvārya) 8. 67. 8; (iii) by Karṇa: (a) when he was surrounded at once by many Pāṇḍava warriors 8. 33. 25 (udīraya-); (b) against Arjuna 8. 66. 48 (samudīraya-); 8. 67. 8; (9. 61. 27); (iv) by Yudhiṣṭhira: to pacify the Brahmāstra of Droṇa used against him 7. 81. 34; 7. 132. 35; (v) by Dhṛṣṭadyumna: He and Droṇa used (udīraya-) heavenly Brāhma missiles (pl.) against each other in many ways (brāhmāṇi divyāny astrāṇy anekaśaḥ) 7. 165. 22; Dhṛṣṭdyumna repelled successfully all missiles used by Droṇa 7. 165. 23; (vi) by Bṛhatkṣatra (a Kaikeya): he repulsed Droṇa's Brāhma astra by the use of the same weapon 7. 101. 13, (14);
(2) Outside the epic war: (i) by Arjuna: (a) against Kirāta (Śiva); but it was destroyed by Kirāta 3. 163. 33, 35; (b) against the Nivātakavacas to blow them away by hundreds and thousands with the arrows released from the missile 3. 167. 17; (ii) by Aśvatthāman: the iṣīkā directed by Aśvatthāman towards the foetus of Uttarā (10. 15. 31, 33) identified with Brahmāstra 14. 65. 9; 14. 67. 21; 14. 68. 16; 14. 69. 1; (14. 67. 13, 16); (iii) by Rāma Jāmadagnya: he used it against Bhīṣma 5. 185. 15 (prāduṣkṛ-); (iv) by Bhīṣma: to counter with the same missile the use of the Brahmāstra by Rāma Jāmadagnya 5. 185. 16 (prayuj-); (v) by Pradyumna: against Śālva to cut off half way his Daiteyāstra (māyā) 3. 20. 17; (vi) by Kuvalāśva: against the Daitya Dhundhu who was burnt with it 3. 195. 28; (vii) by Rāma (Dāśarathi): against Rāvaṇa; Rāma, while using it, recited mantras on his arrow; with it, Rāvaṇa, together with his chariot and the charioteer, were burnt down 3. 274. 24-25, 28; (viii) by Lakṣmaṇa: against the demon Kumbhakarṇa who was burnt with it 3. 271. 16.
G. Effects of Brahmāstra: When the Brahmāstra was released: (i) it produced a very large number of (flaming) arrows 3. 163. 33; 3. 167. 17; 7. 67. 9 (bhalla), 12; 7. 165. 100 (bhalla); 8. 33. 25; 8. 65. 24; 8. 66. 53; 8. 67. 8; (ii) it produced fire enough to heat the worlds and fill the directions and space with lustre (tataḥ saṁtāpito loko matprasūtena tejasā/kṣaṇena hi diśaḥ khaṁ ca sarvato 'bhividīpitam) 3. 163. 34; (jajvāla) 5. 185. 16; (vyomni pādurabhūt tejaḥ) 5. 185. 18; (dīpayāṁ cakre) 5. 186. 7; (tad astraṁ jvalitam) 14. 69. 3; or to burn the enemy with it 3. 195. 28; 3. 271. 16; 3. 274. 28; 7. 165. 102; or to burn the enemy's weapon 7. 81. 33; or to burn the enemy's chariot 9. 61. 18-19; or to burn the chariot together with horses and charioteer 3. 274. 28; (iii) it produced smoke to fill the directions 5. 185. 21; (iv) it produced darkness all over which terrified creatures 7. 132. 33-34; (v) it removed the darkness produced by the enemy's missile with the result that cold winds blew and the directions became clear 7. 172. 32; (vi) all life could be threatened by it 5. 47. 101; 5. 185. 18, 20-21; 7. 163. 45; (vii) earth, with its mountains, forests, and trees shook, winds blew in the opposite direction, and the oceans were agitated 7. 163. 44; 5. 185. 22; (viii) gods and other divine and demoniac beings were heated with its blaze 5. 185. 19; or they could not remain in the mid-region and they bewailed 5. 185. 21-22; (ix) under its influence the Rakṣases infested the residence; they disappeared when the missile was withdrawn 14. 69. 2.
H. Withdrawal: Brahmāstra, when employed, either served the purpose for which it was used, or was repulsed, or pacified by the counter-use of the same missile (cf. above sections
F. and
G. ); it was only once destroyed by Kirāta (Śiva) 3. 163. 35; only once when the same missile was employed by the opponents they clashed inbetween without reaching the respective targets 5. 185. 17; Arjuna withdrew it (= Brahmaśiras) 10. 15. 1, 5, but it (Iṣīkā identified with Brahmāstra) could not be withdrawn by Aśvatthāman as he had not observed the brahmacārivrata 10. 15. 7-8; later Kṛṣṇa withdrew it after sipping water (and making a satyakriyā) to revive the still-born child 14. 68. 16, (19-23); 14. 69. 1; when Kṛṣṇa withdrew the Brahmāstra, brilliant light emanated from the body of Parikṣit to fill the room; the evil spirlts (rakṣāṁsi) then left the house and disappeared, and the mid-region was filled with the words ‘well-done’ (sādhu keśava sādhv iti) 14. 69. 1-2.
I. Comparison: the missile compared with the raised Brahmadaṇḍa 3. 274. 27;
J. Status: Inferior to Pāśupatāstra of Śiva 13. 14. 127, (124). [See Iṣīkā, Brahmaśiras^1 ]
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