बंधनात् -- (Nr.abl.S) bondage; tie


बकः -- (m) crane

बकुलं -- blossom (bakula tree blossom

बकुलः -- type of tree/shrub

बकुला -- (f)pr.n

बङ्गभाषा -- Bengali language

बडिशम् -- (n) fishing rod

बत—how strange it is

बदरिका -- the jujube fruit (``bora in marathi)

बद्ध -- caught

बद्धपद्म -- having bound himself in lotus-

बद्धहस्तशिर्षासन—the bound hands headstand posture

बद्धाः -- being bound

बध—to tie up

बध् -- to trap, to tie down

बध्नाति -- to tie, to pack

बध्यते -- becomes entangled

बन्दी -- prisoner, detainee

बन्ध -- a form of poetry

बन्धं -- bondage

बन्धः -- (m) bonds

बन्धकः -- (m) mortgage

बन्धपद्मासन—the bound lotus posture


बन्धनैः -- from the bondage

बन्धात् -- from bondage

बन्धु -- brother

बन्धुः -- friend

बन्धुवर्गः -- relatives

बन्धुषु -- and the relatives or well-wishers

बन्धून् -- relatives

बन्धौ -- in (towards) relatives

बभूव -- became (from bhuu, to become)

बर्हम् -- (n) peacock feather


बलं -- army

बलवत् -- strong

बलवतां -- of the strong

बलवान् -- powerful

बलहीनेन -- (instr.sing.) by the person bereft of power or strength

बला -- force

बलात् -- by force

बलारिष्ट -- Infant mortality

बलिष्ठ -- strong

बली -- a demon king

बस्ति -- method for cleaning the intestines

बहवः -- in great numbers

बहिः -- outside

बहु -- a lot

बहुकृत -- variously done/made-up

बहुकृतवेषः -- various make-ups/roles

बहुजनसुखाय -- (dat.Sing.) for he happiness of many

बहुजनहिताय -- (dat.Sing.)for the welfare of many

बहुढा -- (indec.)in many ways or differently

बहुदंष्ट्रा -- many teeth

बहुदुस्तारे -- fordable with great difficulty

बहुधा -- in many ways

बहुना -- many

बहुमतं -- (n) majority

बहुमतः -- in great estimation

बहुलां -- various

बहुलायासं -- with great labor

बहुवचनं -- plural

बहुविधाः -- various kinds of

बहुशाखाः -- having various branches

बहुस्यां -- may exist as many

बहूदरं -- many bellies

बहून् -- many

बहूनां -- many

बहूनि -- many

बाण -- Arrow

बाणः -- (m) arrow

बाणपाणिं -- with hand holding arrow (and Bow)

बाधते -- (1 ap) to obstruct

बाध्यते -- affected, afflicted


बाल -- child

बालः -- young boy

बालकः -- boy

बालकवी -- young poet

बालबुद्धी -- adj. childish

बाला -- Girl

बालाः -- the less intelligent

बालिका -- girl

बालिकाः -- girl

बालोन्मत्तवदेव -- like a child who has gone mad

बाल्यकालात् -- from a young age

बाष्पवृत्ति -- the continuity of tears

बाष्पस्थाली -- (f) pressure cooker

बाहु -- arm

बाहुं -- arms

बाहुल्य -- plentitude

बाह्यस्पर्शेषु -- in external sense pleasure

बाह्यांग -- outer appearance, outer body, outer cover, external nature

बाह्यान् -- unnecessary

बिडालः -- (m) cat

बिन्दु -- dot

बिन्दुः -- (m) point, drop

बिन्दू -- a drop, a dot

बिभर्ति -- is maintaining

बिभीषणश्रीदः -- the man who gave `shrI' riches etc, to vibhIshhaNa

बिभेति -- fears

बिभेषि -- afraid

बिभ्यति -- is afraid;fears

बिम्बः -- (m) disk, diskette

बिल -- hole (neut)

बीज -- seed

बीजं -- the seed

बीजगणित -- algebra

बीजप्रदः -- the seed-giving

बीजाङ्कुरन्याय -- maxim of seed and shoot

बीभत्स -- the sentiment of disgust (nauseating, revolting )

बीभत्सकर्मन् -- adj. repulsive worker

बुद्ध्या -- by intelligence

बुद्ध्वा -- knowing

बुद्बुदाः -- (m) bubbles

बुद्ध -- one who has known hence the enlightened.

बुद्ध -- Buddha

बुद्धगतं -- having gone to Buddhaor due to Buddha

बुद्धयः -- intelligence

बुद्धि -- intelligence

बुद्धिं -- intelligence

बुद्धिः -- intellect

बुद्धिनाशः -- loss of intelligence

बुद्धिनाशात् -- and from loss of intelligence

बुद्धिभेदं -- disruption of intelligence

बुद्धिमतां -- of the intelligent

बुद्धिमान् -- is intelligent

बुद्धियुक्तः -- one who is engaged in devotional service

बुद्धियुक्ताः -- being engaged in devotional service

बुद्धियोगं -- real intelligence

बुद्धियोगात् -- on the strength of KRishhNa consciousness

बुद्धिसंयोगं -- revival of consciousness

बुद्धी -- Intelligence

बुद्धेः -- more than the intelligence

बुद्धौ -- in such consciousness

बुद्बुदाङ्कः -- (m) boiling point

बुध -- to know.

बुध -- wise

बुधः -- the intelligent person

बुधकौशिक -- the person budhakaushika

बुधकौशिकः -- budhakaushikaH (the author of this hymn)

बुधवार -- Wednesday

बुधाः -- those who know

बुधादित्ययोग -- Combination for learning

बुधिः -- mind

बृहत् -- greater, long, macro, encompassing larger domain

बृहत्दृष्टिता -- macropsia

बृहत्शिर्षी -- macrocephalic

बृहत्साम -- the Braahat-sama

बृहस्पतिं -- Brhaspati

बृहस्पतिः -- the teacher of the Devas called "Brihaspati" literally

बृहस्पतिर्दधातु -- Brihaspadi may give us

बृहस्पती -- A name of the planet Jupiter

बृहस्पतीवर्ष -- The Jovian or Jupiter Year. Cycle of 60 years which starts with the first New Moon in Tropical Aries. Mundane Astrology term

बृहस्पतीवार -- Thursday

बोद्धव्यं -- should be understood

बोधयन्तः -- preaching

बोधि -- enlightenment

बोधि -- supreme knowledge

बोधित -- having been taught/enlightened

बोधिसत्त्व -- the one whose sattva essence is enlightenment.

ब्रं -- (root) to wander

ब्रवीमि -- I am speaking

ब्रवीषि -- You are explaining

ब्रह्म -- cosmos

ब्रह्मं -- (Acc.S)the great self

ब्रह्मचर्य -- control of sexual impulses

ब्रह्मचर्यं -- celibacy

ब्रह्मचर्यासन—the posterior stretch posture

ब्रह्मचारिणौ -- (2)bachelors

ब्रह्मचारिन् -- celebates, established in (the persuit of) Brahma

ब्रह्मचारिव्रते -- in the vow of celibacy

ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा -- desire to know or understand Brahman

ब्रह्मणः -- gen. sing. of brahman

ब्रह्मणा -- by the spirit soul

ब्रह्मणि -- Brahman.h ;God

ब्रह्मतेजोबलं -- the power or might arising out of the effulgence of Brahman

ब्रह्मदण्डेन -- (Nr.instr.S) the big egg i.e Universe

ब्रह्मद्वार -- the door where kundalini enters the spine

ब्रह्मन् -- the preceptor

ब्रह्मनिर्वाणं -- the spiritual kingdom of God

ब्रह्मपदं -- the state/position of Brahma/god-realised state

ब्रह्मभुः -- the earth

ब्रह्मभुयाय -- elevated to the Brahman platform

ब्रह्मभूतं -- liberation by identification with the Absolute

ब्रह्मभूतः -- being self-realised

ब्रह्मभूयाय -- for self-realisation

ब्रह्ममयः -- full of Brahma (Ananda) i.e.bliss

ब्रह्मयोग -- by concentration in Brahman

ब्रह्मवादिनां -- of the transcendentalists

ब्रह्मवित् -- one who knows the Supreme perfectly

ब्रह्मविदः -- who know the Absolute

ब्रह्मसंस्पर्शं -- being in constant touch with the Supreme

ब्रह्मसमाज -- Brahmasamaj, a movement in 19-20th century near Calcutta

ब्रह्मसूत्र -- of the Vedanta

ब्रह्मा -- non. sing of brahman, masc

ब्रह्माणं -- Lord Brahma

ब्रह्माण्ड -- macrocosm

ब्रह्माण्डप्राण -- cosmic breath

ब्रह्मादीनामपि -- even of Brahma and others

ब्रह्माद्याचरणं -- practises this brahma science

ब्रह्मासि -- are Brahma

ब्रह्मास्मि -- brahmA and asmi: Brahma and am

ब्राह्मण—Brahmin, priest, knower of Brahma (brahmaM jaanaati iti)

ब्राह्मणः -- )Masc.Nom.S) the Brahmin

ब्राह्मणस्य -- of the man who knows the Supreme Brahman

ब्राह्मणा -- sacrificial formulae

ब्राह्मणाः -- brahmanas

ब्राह्मणान् -- Brahmins

ब्राह्मणे -- in the brahmana

ब्राह्मी -- spiritual

ब्रू -- to speak

ब्रूहि -- tell

भंग -- (masc) break

भकतः -- devotee

भक्त -- devotee

भक्तः -- devotee

भक्ताः -- devotees

भक्तानुकंपिनां -- compassionate to the devotees

भक्ति -- devotion, worship

भक्तिं -- devotional service

भक्तिः -- in devotional service

भक्तिमान् -- devotee

भक्तियोगेन -- by devotional service

भक्तेषु -- amongst devotees

भक्त्या -- in full devotion

भक्त्युपहृतं -- offered in devotion

भगवत् -- God

भगवद् -- god's

भगवद्गीता -- the dialogues between Krishna and Arjuna

भगवन् -- O Supreme

भगवान् -- O Personality of Godhead

भगवान -- holy

भगिनी -- sister

भग्नेशकार्मुकः -- the man who broke the bow of Isha(shiva) i.e. rAma

भज् -- to practice / incur



भजतां -- in rendering devotional service

भजति -- (1 pp) to divide, to allocate

भजते -- renders transcendental loving service

भजन—a hymn

भजन्ति -- render service

भजन्ते -- render services

भजस्व -- be engaged in loving service

भजामि -- reward

भजे -- I worship

भट्टकवार -- Sunday

भद्रं -- (Nr.nom. + acc.sing.)goodness

भद्राः -- goodness

भद्रासन—the auspicious posture


भयं -- fear

भयसंकीर्ण -- phobia

भयात् -- out of fear

भयानक—the sentiment of fear, terror

भयानकानि -- very fearful

भयावहः -- dangerous

भयेन -- out of fear


भरणि -- jewel

भरणी -- Second nakshatra


भरतर्षभ—O chief amongst the descendants of Bharata

भरतवंदितः -- the who has been saluted by Bharata

भरतश्रेष्ठ -- O chief of the Bharatas

भरतसत्तम—O best of the Bharatas

भरताग्रज—the one going before Bharata (elder of bharata)

भर्जनं -- nourisher?

भर्जयति -- to fry

भर्ता -- sustainer

भर्त्सयते -- to snub

भल्लतकः -- (m) cashewnut

भल्लुकः -- (m) bear

भव् -- to be


भवंतु -- let them be or become

भवः -- birth

भवतः -- Thy

भवतरणे -- for crossing the ocean of births \& deaths

भवतां -- (Masc.poss.Pl.) your

भवति -- becomes

भवती -- you

भवतु -- let there be

भवन—home, residence, place

भवनेषु -- in the homes of

भवन्तं -- You

भवन्तः -- you

भवन्ति -- grow

भवबीजानां -- the birth-seeds

भवसागरं -- the ocean of births and deaths

भवान् -- you

भवामि -- I become

भवाय -- for the sake of the world

भवार्णव—bhava+arNava, birth\&death+ocean

भविता -- will come to be

भविष्य -- future

भविष्यतां -- of future manifestations

भविष्यति -- it will increase in the future

भविष्यन्ति -- will be

भविष्याणि -- future

भविष्यामः -- shall exist

भवेत् -- would be

भषति -- to bark

भस्त्रिका -- the bellows breath

भस्म -- ash

भस्मं -- ashes

भस्मसात् -- to burn to ashes

भस्मावशेषं -- ashes+remains

भक्ष -- Food

भक्षयति -- (10 up) to eat, to devour

भाः -- light

भाग -- quota, portion

भाग -- part

भागधेय -- fortune

भाग्य -- Blessing

भाग्यभाव -- Ninth house of Luck

भाग्यं -- fortune; luck

भाग्योदय—prosperity, rise of wealth and belongings

भाजनम् -- (n) division

भाजां -- acquiring peeople

भाति -- light

भानू -- a name of Sun

भार -- load

भारः -- (m) burden, onus

भारत—O descendant of Bharata

भारती -- Utterance

भारते -- (Loc.S)in India or Bharat

भारवाहकम् -- (n) a truck

भार्या -- wife

भार्याभाव -- Seventh house of spouse (wife)

भार्यानुरागः -- attachment to wife

भालं -- forehead

भाव -- House and is also used to indicate the chart that uses Porphyry's Cusps

भावं -- nature

भावः -- (m) sentiment

भावना -- (f) emotions, feelings


भावयता -- having pleased

भावयन्तः -- pleasing one another

भावयन्तु -- will please

भावसमन्वितः -- with great attention

भावाः -- natures

भाविताः -- remembering

भावेषु -- natures cintyah

भावैः -- by the states of being

भाशते -- (1 ap) to speak

भाशिन् -- one who talks

भाष् -- to speak


भाषसे -- speaking

भाषा -- language

भाषायां -- in the language

भाषिणि -- speaker

भाषित -- speech

भाष्त्रं -- (n) furnace

भासः -- effulgence

भासयते -- illuminates

भासस्य -- Bhasa's

भास्क्र -- a name of Sun

भास्वता -- glowing

भिण्डिः -- (f) ladies-finger, okra

भिताः -- out of fear

भित्तिः -- (m) walls

भिद् -- to break

भिन्नङ्कः -- (m) fractional number

भिन्ना -- separated

भिल्ल -- tribal

भिक्षुकः -- (m) beggar

भीतं -- fearful

भीतभीतः -- fearful

भीतानि -- out of fear

भीति -- fear

भीतिं -- fear

भीतिः -- fear

भीम -- terrible

भीमकर्मा -- one who performs herculean tasks

भीमार्जुन -- to Bhima and Arjuna

भीष्म -- by Grandfather Bhishma

भीष्मं -- unto Grandfather Bhishma

भीष्मः -- Grandfather Bhishma

भुक्ति -- The Sub-period in a Dasha. Also known as the Antara

भुक्त्वा -- enjoying

भुङ्क्ते -- enjoys

भुङ्क्ष्व -- enjoy

भुज् -- to eat

भुज -- arm or shoulder

भुजंग -- snake

भुजङ्ग -- snake

भुजन.गासन—the cobra posture

भुजासन—the arm posture

भुजौ -- upper arms

भुञ्जते -- enjoy

भुञ्जानं -- enjoying

भुञ्जीय -- one has to enjoy

भुतः -- (past part.)was there

भुदान -- the donation of land

भुनक्तु -- (may) eat or enjoy

भुमिः -- the earth

भुमिकत्व -- firm ground

भुमी -- the object of meditation

भुमौ -- on the earth

भुवः -- the upper world


भुवि -- in this world

भुशुण्डी -- (f) rifle, gun

भू -- to be

भूः -- become

भूत -- happened

भूतं -- created being

भूतगणान् -- ghosts

भूतग्रामं -- all the cosmic manifestations

भूतग्रामः -- the aggregate of all living entities

भूतभर्तृ -- the maintainer of all living entities

भूतभावन—O origin of everything

भूतभावनः -- the source of all manifestations

भूतभावोद्भवकरः -- producing the material bodies of the living entities

भूतभृत् -- the maintainer of all living entities

भूतल—on the surface of the earth

भूतसर्गौ -- created living beings

भूतस्थः -- in the cosmic manifestation

भूतस्य -- of forms

भूतानां -- of living entities

भूतानि -- living entities (that are born)

भूतानी -- all that are created

भूतिः -- exceptional power

भूतेज्याः -- worshipers of ghosts and spirits

भूतेश -- O Lord of everything

भूतेषु -- living entities

भूत्वा -- having come into being

भूद् -- was

भूप -- king

भूपटः -- (m) map, chart

भूपति -- lord of the earth (king)

भूभृत् -- mountain

भूमिः -- earth

भूमिति -- geometry

भूमीसुत -- A name for the planet Mars

भूयः -- repeatedly

भूयो -- again

भूरि -- much, great

भूशनं -- ornament (Nr.nom.sing.)


भूषित -- adorned

भृकुटि -- upper part of the eye-lashes and lower part of the forehead

भृगुः -- Bhrigu

भृज्जति -- to bake

भृत् -- one who carries

भृत्य -- servant

भृश -- (adv) ample

भेक -- a frog

भेद -- break, pierce, also difference

भेदं -- the differences

भेदन—breaking through, piercing

भेदनं -- (n) incision

भेदाज्ञानं -- difference/otherness/duality

भेरुण्ड -- terrible

भेरुण्डासन—the formidable posture

भेर्यः -- large drums


भेषजशास्त्रम् -- therapy

भैरव—terrible, one of the forms of Shiva

भैक्ष्यं -- by begging

भो -- exclamatory word for addressing a person

भोउतिकशास्त्रम् -- physics

भोक्तव्य -- should be used, enjoyed

भोक्ता -- the enjoyer

भोक्तारं -- the beneficiary

भोक्तिआ -- one who enjoys

भोक्तुं -- to enjoy life

भोक्तृत्वे -- in enjoyment

भोग -- enjoyment

भोगरतः -- indulging in worldly pleasures

भोगाः -- material enjoyment

भोगान् -- enjoyable things

भोगि -- serpent (that has bhoga, meaning hood)

भोगी -- the enjoyer

भोगैः -- enjoyment

भोजनं -- eating

भोजनशाला -- (f) dining room

भोजनेषु -- or while eating together

भोक्ष्यसे -- you enjoy

भौज्य -- enjoyment (of kingship)

भौतिक -- material

भौम -- A name for the planet Mars

भ्रमति -- (1 pp) to roam, to wander

भ्रमर—a large bee

भ्रमरकम् -- (n) a top (spun using a thread)

भ्रमरी -- the bee breath

भ्रमिः -- a screw

भ्रातः -- brother

भ्रातरौ -- the two brothers

भ्राता -- brother

भ्रातृ -- brother

भ्रातृकारक—Significator of Brother which is Mars

भ्रातृन् -- brothers

भ्रान्त -- lost

भ्रान्ति -- confusion

भ्रान्तिदर्शन—a delusion

भ्रामयन् -- causing to travel

भ्रुवोः -- the eyebrows

भ्रूः -- brow

म.ंदोऽपि -- mandaH + api:though dull or slow

मंगलं -- (Nr. nom. + accc.S)auspiciousness

मंत्रस्य -- mantra's

मंत्रेण -- thro' the mantra

मंद -- Dull

मंदिर -- temple

मंस्यन्ते -- they will consider


मकरः -- crocodile

मकरासन—the crocodile posture

मखत्राता -- the protector, saviour of makha (Indra)

मग्न -- (adj) immersed

मघा -- Also known as makka. Tenth nakshatra

मङ्गल—Mars. Also Auspiciousness and well-being

मङ्गलवार -- Tuesday

मच्चित्तः -- in consciousness of Me

मच्चित्ताः -- their minds fully engaged in Me

मजिन -- deer skin?

मज्जत् -- one who takes a dip

मज्जति -- (6 pp) to sink, to drown

मञ्चः -- (m) bed

मणि -- gem

मणिगणाः -- pearls

मणिपुर -- a chakra near or at the navel

मणिबन्धः -- (m) wrist


मण्डित -- shining

मण्डुक -- a frog

मण्डुकासन—the frog posture

मत् -- upon Me (KRishhNa)


मतं -- injunctions

मतः -- is considered

मता -- is considered

मताः -- are considered

मतिं -- intellect

मतिः -- intellect , thought ,opinion

मतिरापनेया -- matiH + ApaneyA:mind + to be led

मतिर्भिन्नः -- mind +different (different opinions or views)

मतिर्मम—my opinion

मतुरा -- the city of mathura

मतृ -- mother

मते -- in the opinion

मतैक्यं -- (n) consensus

मत्कर्म -- My work

मत्कर्मकृत् -- engaged in doing My work

मत्कुण -- bed-bug

मत्कुणः -- (m) bedbug, khatamal

मत्तः -- beyond Me

मत्परं -- subordinate to Me

मत्परः -- in relationship with Me

मत्परमः -- considering Me the Supreme

मत्परमाः -- taking Me, the Supreme Lord, as everything

मत्पराः -- being attached to Me

मत्परायणः -- devoted to Me

मत्प्रसादात् -- by My mercy

मत्वा -- having thought ,thinking that

मत्संस्थां -- the spiritual sky (the kingdom of God)

मत्सर—Anger, Jealousy, Envy, Hostility

मत्स्थानि -- in Me

मत्स्य -- a fish

मत्स्यण्डी -- (n) molasses

मत्स्यासन—the fish posture

मत्स्येन्द्रासन—the posture of Matsyendra

मद्भक्तः -- My devotee

मद्भक्तिं -- My devotional service

मद्भावं -- transcendental love for Me

मद्व्यपाश्रयः -- under My protection


मदं -- illusion

मदन—manmatha (god of Love)

मदनं -- god of love, Cupid

मदनुग्रहाय -- just to show me favour

मदर्थं -- for My sake

मदर्थे -- for my sake

मदान्ध -- blind from lust

मदान्विताः -- absorbed in the conceit

मदाश्रयः -- in consciousness of Me (KRishhNa consciousness)

मदिर -- (f) wine

मदीय -- Mine

मद्गतप्राणाः -- their lives devoted to Me

मद्गतेन -- abiding in Me, always thinking of Me

मद्भक्तः -- engaged in My devotional service

मद्भावं -- My nature

मद्भावाः -- born of Me

मद्भावाय -- to My nature

मद्य -- liqour

मद्याजी -- My worshiper

मधु -- Sweet


मधुकरी -- bee

मधुकर्कटि -- (f) papaya

मधुकोशः -- (m) beehive

मधुमक्षिका -- (f) bee

मधुर -- sweet

मधुरं -- sweet

मधुरत्व -- sweetness

मधुराक्षरम् -- sweet letter(s)

मधुसूदन—O killer of the demon Madhu (KRishhNa)

मधुसूदनः -- the killer of Madhu

मधुस्फीता -- sweet

मध्य -- middle

मध्यं -- middle


मध्यमरूपं -- having this form in the middle

मध्यस्थ -- mediators between belligerents

मध्यानि -- in the middle

मध्यायु -- Medium span of life 32–75 years

मध्ये -- among, in

मध्योन्नतकाचः -- (m) magnifying lens

मन् -- to imagine/fancy/conceive/think/contemplate.

मन् -- to think


मनः -- heart

मनःप्रसादः -- satisfaction of the mind


मनप्रवाह -- Stream of thought

मनवः -- Manus

मनवे -- unto the father of mankind (of the name Vaivasvata)

मनस् -- mind

मनसं -- whose mind

मनसः -- more than the mind

मनसा -- by the mind

मनसि -- in the mind

मनस्ताप -- mental pain

मनीषिणः -- great sages or devotees

मनीषिणां -- even for the great souls

मनीषित -- (n) a wish

मनु -- father of the human race

मनुः -- the father of mankind

मनुष्य -- man

मनुष्यलोके -- in the world of human society

मनुष्याः -- all men

मनुष्याणां -- of such men

मनुष्येषु -- in human society

मनोगतान् -- of mental concoction

मनोघटनावाद -- mentalism

मनोजवं -- having the speed of mind

मनोदुर्दशा -- psychosis

मनोभावः -- (m) attitude

मनोभिः -- and mind

मनोमनि -- samadhi

मनोरञ्जन—entertainment, pleasant to mind


मनोरथं -- according to my desires

मनोरमे -- another appellation to PArvati here meaning `pleasing to the mind'

मनोरासायनिक -- mental chemistry

मनोरुग्ण -- mental patient

मनोविकृति -- psychiatry

मनोविकृति -- mental disorder

मनोवृत्ति -- mentality


मन्गलं -- auspiciousness

मन्तव्यः -- is to be considered

मन्त्र -- spell

मन्त्रः -- transcendental chant

मन्त्रयते -- (10 ap) to consult

मन्त्रहीनं -- with no chanting of the Vedic hymns

मन्थति -- to churn (as in to get butter from curds)

मन्दाकिनी -- the ganges

मन्दान् -- lazy to understand self-realisation

मन्दार -- mountain used by the gods to stir the cosmic ocean

मन्दि -- A mathematical point that arises every day a certain number of hours after sunset. Used in Electional Astrology or Muhurtha

मन्दिर -- abode

मन्दिरे -- in the temple

मन्मथ—god of love, Cupid

मन्मनाः -- always thinking of Me

मन्मया -- fully in Me

मन्यते -- (4 ap) to think, to believe

मन्यन्ते -- think

मन्यसे -- you so think

मन्ये -- think

मन्येत -- thinks


ममापि -- even my

मयं -- full of/completely filled

मयः -- full of

मया -- by me

मयि -- in myself

मयुरासन—the peacock posture

मयूर -- a peacock

मयूरः -- (m) peacock

मय्यसहिष्णु -- mayi+asahishhNuH, in me+intolerant


मरणं -- death

मरणात् -- than death

मरीच -- a name of Sun

मरीचि -- rays

मरीचिः -- Marici

मरीचिका -- (f) chillies

मरीचिमालिन् -- (adj) garlanded with rays, sun

मरु -- desert

मरुत् -- wind

मरुतः -- the forty-nine Maruts (demigods of the wind)

मरुतां -- in the air or thoro' the air

मरुभूमिः -- (m) desert, barren land

मर्जारः -- (m) cat

मर्त्य -- mortal

मर्त्यलोकं -- to the mortal earth

मर्त्येषु -- among those subject to death

मल—dirt, rubbish

मलय—malaya mountain

मलयज—A sandal tree (born in malaya mountain range), sandal wood

मलयज—arising out of mount malaya

मलेन -- by dust

मल्लः -- (m) wrestler

मल्लयुद्धम् -- (n) wrestling

मशक—gnat, small fly

मशकः -- (m) mosquito

मशकजालः -- (m) mosquito net

मशी -- (f) ink

महत् -- great man

महतः -- from very great

महता -- great

महति -- in a great

महतीं -- great

महत्तोन्माद -- macromania

महदवधानं -- great care \& attention

महद्योनिः -- source of birth in the material substance

महनीय -- great person

महर्षयः -- great sages

महर्षि -- great sages

महर्षीणां -- of the great sages

महा -- great (substitute of mahat), big large, huge, powerful, mighty, eminent, noble

महाकाव्य -- epic poem, very long poem

महाजनः -- great man

महात्मन् -- great man

महात्मनः -- the great souls

महात्मा -- Great man

महात्मानः -- the great souls

महादेव -- the great god - Shiva

महादोषात् -- from the great defects, wrongs

महान् -- great

महानद्यां -- in the great river

महानुभवान् -- great souls

महापातक—great sins

महापापात् -- from the great sins

महापाप्मा -- greatly sinful

महापुरुषयोग -- Combination for an extraordinary personality. Usually a planet is in Exaltation and in a Kendra (Angular sign or house)

महाबन्ध -- types of mudraa

महाबलौ -- (two)great powerful persons

महाबाहुः -- mighty-armed

महाबाहो -- O mighty-armed one

महाभारतः -- epic Mahabharat, part of itihas (history)

महाभियोगः -- (m) impeachment

महाभूतानी -- the great elements

महामुद्रा -- types of mudraa

महायोगेश्वरः -- the most powerful mystic

महारथः -- great fighter

महारथाः -- great chariot fighters

महाराष्त्र -- Indian state

महार्ह -- great (those that deserve to be called great)

महाविघ्नात् -- from the great obstacles

महावीर -- Mahavir

महाशङ्खं -- the terrific conchshell

महाशनः -- all-devouring

महिपाल -- (m) king

महिमा -- Glory

महिमानं -- glories

महिम्नः -- of greatness

महिश -- he - buffalo

महिष -- (m) buffalo

महिषः -- demon

महिषासुरस्य -- of demon mahisha

महिषासुरेण -- by the demon mahishasura

महीं -- the world

महीकृते -- for the sake of the earth

महीपते -- O King

महीक्षितां -- chiefs of the world

महेन्द्र -- Indra, god of gods

महेश्वरं -- the Supreme Lord

महेश्वरः -- the Supreme Lord

महेश्वासाः -- mighty bowmen

महोदधि -- ocean

मह्यम् -- Mine

मक्षिका -- bee

मा -- Do not

मां -- me

मांगलिक -- auspicious

मांसावसादि -- mAmsau+Adi, flesh+etc

मागा -- mA+gaa, Don't+go

माणिक्य -- perl

मात -- mother

मातंग -- Matang

मातरं -- (fem.acc.Sing.)mother

माता -- mother

मातामह -- (m) grandfather (mother's father)

मातामहि -- (f) grandmother (mother's mother)

मातुल -- maternal uncle

मातुलाः -- maternal uncles

मातुलान् -- maternal uncles

मातृ -- mother

मातृभाव -- The 4th house of Mother

मात्र -- only

मात्रास्पर्शः -- sensory perception

माद्यति -- (4 pp) to be glad

माधव—vishnu, krishhna

माधवः -- KRishhNa (the husband of the goddess of fortune)

माधुर्य -- Sweetness


माध्यमाणि -- media

मान -- Respect


मानवः -- a man

मानवधर्म -- humanity based ideology, prescribed behavior for humans

मानवाः -- human beings

मानवी -- (adj) done by human


मानसं -- of the mind

मानसः -- within the mind

मानसचित्र -- mental picture

मानसशक्ति -- mental power

मानसशास्त्र -- psychology

मानसशास्त्र -- psychology

मानसाः -- from the mind

मानसिक -- of the mind

मानुषं -- human

मानुषीं -- in a human form

मानुषे -- in human society


मापनदण्डः -- (m) ruler, scale

मापिका -- (f) scale, ruler

माम् -- me

मामकं -- from Me

मामकाः -- my party (sons)

मामिकां -- My

मायया -- by the illusory energy

माया -- Unreality, illusion, prakRitii

मायामेतां -- this illusory energy

मारणं -- (n) killing

मारय -- (verbal stem) to kill

मारात्मक—habitual killer

मारुत -- wind

मारुतः -- wind

मारुततुल्यवेगम् -- with the speed equal to that of wind-god(his father

मारुतिर्यस्य -- mArutiH+yasya, Hanuman+whose

मार्ग -- way (masc)

मार्गशीर्षः -- the month of November-December

मार्गाचल—mountain coming in the way


मार्जनं -- correcting, rubbing

मार्जार -- cat

मार्दवं -- gentleness

माल -- a wreath

माला -- Garland

मालाकार -- (m) gardener

मालाकारी -- (f) a woman selling flowers and garlands

मालासन—the garland posture

मालिका -- Garland

मालिनी -- shining, also maalinii metre, the one with garland

माल्य -- garlands

माष -- (m) a gold coin

मास -- month

मासानां -- of months

माहात्म्यं -- glories

माहाराज्य -- being the great king

मित -- a few, a little

मित्र -- (neut) friend

मित्रद्रोहे -- in quarreling with friends

मित्रे -- in (towards) the friend

मिथुन -- Sexual union. The Zodiacal sign Gemini

मिथ्थ्याचारणि -- adj. living in the falsehood

मिथ्थ्यावादी -- adj. adherent to improper philosophy

मिथ्या -- (fem.nom.S)false; unreal

मिथ्याचारः -- pretender

मिथ्याज्ञानेन -- (instr.) through false knowledge

मिथ्यैषः -- this is all false

मिमां -- this

मिमांसा -- one of the schools (systems) of Indian philosophy

मिलति -- ( 6 pp) to join, meet

मिश्रं -- mixed

मिश्रणीय -- miscible

मिश्रयति -- to mix

मिहिर -- sun

मीन -- The Zodiacal sign Pisces

मुकुल -- A bud, anything like a bud, the body, the soul or spirit

मुकुलम् -- (n) a bud

मुक्त -- liberated

मुक्तं -- liberated

मुक्तः -- released

मुक्तहस्तशिर्षासन—the freehand headstand posture

मुक्तसङ्गः -- liberated from association

मुक्तस्य -- of the liberated

मुक्तानां -- pearls or released

मुक्तासन—the liberated posture

मुक्तिं -- salvation/freedom

मुक्त्वा -- quitting

मुख -- mouth

मुखं -- mouth

मुखद्वारम् -- (n) the main entrance gate (of a house)

मुखपुटलेखः -- (m) cover story

मुखानि -- faces

मुखे -- through the mouth

मुख्यं -- the chief

मुग्धाक्षि -- the woman with innocent eyes

मुच्यन्ते -- get relief

मुञ्चति -- (6 pp) to loosen

मुण्डं -- head

मुण्डी -- shaven head

मुदित -- delight

मुद्गर—hammer, mallet

मुद्गरः -- (m) hammer

मुद्रकः -- (m) printer

मुद्रण—printing, publication

मुद्रा -- a seal, postures especially with hands and face

मुद्रिका -- money, coin

मुनयः -- the sages

मुनिः -- a sage

मुनीनां -- of the sages

मुनेः -- sage

मुमुक्षुभिः -- who attained liberation

मुमोच -- left , gave up

मुरभित् -- one who has killed Mura - Lord Vishnu

मुरली -- flute

मुरलीधर—one who holds flute attribute to Krishna

मुरारि -- the enemy of `Muraa' (Lord Krishna)

मुरारे -- Oh Muraa's enemy!(KrishhNa)

मुर्छा -- mind-fainting

मुष्टिः -- (m) fist


मुस्लिम -- Muslim

मुहुर्मुहुः -- repeatedly

मुह्यति -- (4 pp) to faint

मुह्यन्ति -- are bewildered

मुक्षिय -- release (Verb)

मूक -- dumb

मूढ -- foolish person

मूढः -- the fool

मूढमते -- O, foolish mind!

मूढयोनिषु -- in animal species

मूढा -- fools

मूढाः -- foolish men

मूध -- foolish man

मूर्ख -- fool

मूर्तयः -- forms

मूर्ति -- idol

मूर्धजा -- hair (from the head)

मूर्धन् -- head

मूर्ध्नि -- on the head

मूल -- Also spelt Moola. The nineteenth nakshatra

मूलं -- rooted

मूलतत्त्व -- element

मूलत्रिकोन -- Root trine. Specially favourable sign positions for planets. Almost as good as Exaltation

मूलबन्धासन—the ankle-twist posture

मूलशोधन—cleansing the rectum

मूलानि -- roots

मूलाशिनौ -- roots-eaters (2 persons)

मूल्य -- price

मूल्यपत्रक—cost quotation

मूल्याङ्कः -- (m) postage stamp

मूषकः -- (m) mouse

मूषकध्वजम् -- having the mouse as the flag

मूळ -- Nineteenth nakshatra

मृग -- animal

मृगतृष्णिका -- mirage

मृगाणां -- of animals

मृगेंद्रता -- the nature of the king of animals

मृगेन्द्रः -- the lion

मृणाल -- soft

मृत -- Dead

मृतं -- dead

मृतस्य -- of the dead

मृतासन—the corpse posture

मृत्तिका -- mud

मृत्तैलं -- (n) kerosene

मृत्यु -- of death

मृत्युभाव -- House of Death or the 8th

मृत्युं -- death

मृत्युः -- death

मृत्यू -- death

मृत्योः -- (masc.poss.S) death's

मृदंग -- drum

मृदङ्ग -- Drum

मृदू -- soft

मृयते -- (6 ap) to die

मृइशति -- (6 pp) to ponder, to reflect

मे -- mine

मेघ -- cloud

मेदः -- (neu) fat

मेधया -- (fem.instr.S)intellect

मेधा -- (f) memory, ability to remember things

मेधावान् -- well- read man , intellectual

मेधावी -- intelligent

मेरुः -- Meru

मेरुदण्ड -- the spinal column

मेलनं -- (n) meeting

मेष -- First Zodiacal sign Aries

मेषः -- (m) sheep

मैत्रः -- friendly

मैत्री -- friendship

मैथुन -- sacramental intercourse

मोघं -- uselessly

मोघकर्माणः -- baffled in fruitive activities

मोघज्ञानाः -- baffled in knowledge

मोघाशाः -- baffled in their hopes

मोचय -- (verbal stem) to make free

मोदक—with the sweetened rice-balls

मोदते -- (1ap) to rejoice, to be happy

मोदिष्ये -- I shall rejoice

मोह -- temptation

मोहं -- infatuation

मोहः -- illusion

मोहनं -- the delusion

मोहयसि -- You are bewildering

मोहात् -- by illusion

मोहाद्दास्यति -- out of infatuation+ will give

मोहावेशं -- infatuated state(moha+AveshaM-seizure)

मोहितं -- deluded

मोहिताः -- are bewildered

मोहिनीं -- bewildering

मोहेन -- by the illusion

मोहौ -- and illusion

मोक्ष -- emancipation of the soul from rebirth

मोक्षं -- the liberation

मोक्षकाङ्क्षिभिः -- by those who actually desire liberation

मोक्षयिष्यामि -- will deliver

मोक्षाय -- for the purpose of liberation

मोक्ष्यसे -- you will be liberated

मौन -- silence

मौनं -- silence

मौननुमतिः -- connivance

मौनि -- silent

म्ञ्जुषा -- (f) a box

म्रियते -- dies

म्लेंच्छ -- adj. barbarian

"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=ब_भ_म_से_आरम्भित_शब्द&oldid=506844" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्