य्,र्,ल्,व् वर्णानां शब्दाः

य -- who

यं -- one to whom

यंतु -- reach us

यः -- anyone who

यकृत् -- liver

यकृत्कोपः -- (m) hepatitis

यजति -- (1 pp) to sacrifice

यजत्राः -- doing yAga or yagya or sacrifice?

यजन्तः -- sacrificing

यजन्ति -- they worship

यजन्ते -- they worship by sacrifices

यजाम -- I pl `imperative' parasmaipada of yaj

यजिनः -- devotees

यजुः -- the Yajur Veda

यजुर्वेदः -- Yajur Veda

यत् -- to strive


यतः -- because

यतचित्त -- controlling the mind

यतचित्तस्य -- whose mind is controlled

यतचित्तात्मा -- always careful in mind

यतचेतसां -- who have full control over the mind

यततः -- while endeavouring

यतता -- while endeavouring

यततां -- of those so endeavouring

यतति -- endeavours

यतते -- (1 app) to attempt, to try

यतन्तः -- fully endeavouring

यतन्ति -- endeavour

यतमानः -- endeavouring

यतयः -- enlightened persons

यतस्यतः -- wherever

यतात्म -- self-controlled

यतात्मनाः -- engaged in self-realisation

यतात्मवान् -- self-situated

यति -- Mendicant

यतीनां -- of the saintly persons

यत्न -- effort

यत्नं -- effort

यत्र -- wherein

यथा -- just as (or how)

यथाभागं -- as differently arranged

यथावत् -- as they are

यदा -- when

यदायुः -- yat+AyuH

यदि -- if

यदृच्छया -- by its own accord

यदृच्छा -- out of its own accord

यदेव -- yat.h + eva: whatever + itself or alone

यद्यत् -- whatever

यद्यपि -- even though

यद्वत् -- as

यद्वा -- whether

यन्तृ -- charioteer

यन्त्र -- a design used in meditation

यन्त्रम् -- (n) machine

यन्त्रागारम् -- (n) factory

यम—the god of death, also the five moral commandments

यमः -- the controller of death

यमदूतानां -- the messengers of the lord of death (yama)

यमेन -- by Yama, the lord of Death

यमेवैश -- yaM + eva + esha: him + itself or alone + this

यया -- by which

ययौ -- went (past perfect tense of yaa gachha meaning to go)

यल्लभसे -- yat.h+labhase, whatever+(you)obtain


यवनिका -- (f) curtain


यशः -- fame

यशस् -- glory

यशांसि -- reputation

यशोवान् -- man with fame

यष्टव्यं -- must be performed

यष्टिकासन—the stick posture

यष्टिक्रीडा -- (f) dandia (a dance using wooden sticks)

यस्मात् -- from whom

यस्मिन् -- in which

यस्मै -- that person to whom

यस्य -- whose

यस्यति -- (verb, future,III P.sing.PP) will presently go

यस्यां -- in which

यस्याः -- (fem.poss.sing.) her(whose)

यक्ष -- the Yaksas

यक्षरक्षसां -- of the Yaksas and Raksasas

यक्षरक्षांसि -- demons

यक्ष्ये -- I shall sacrifice

यज्ञ -- a sacrifice

यज्ञं -- sacrifice

यज्ञः -- performance of yajna

यज्ञभाविताः -- being satisfied by the performance of sacrifices

यज्ञविदः -- conversant with the purpose of performing sacrifices

यज्ञशिष्ट -- of the result of such performances of yajna

यज्ञशिष्टा -- of food taken after performance of yajna

यज्ञक्षपित -- being cleansed as the result of such performances

यज्ञाः -- sacrifices

यज्ञात् -- from the performance of sacrifice

यज्ञानां -- sacrifices

यज्ञाय -- for the sake of Yajna (KRishhNa)

यज्ञार्थात् -- done only for the sake of Yajna, or Visnu

यज्ञे -- in sacrifice

यज्ञेन -- by sacrifice

यज्ञेशः -- lord of all sacrifices, worshipping rites

यज्ञेषु -- in the performances of yajna, sacrifice

यज्ञैः -- with sacrifices

या -- to go


याचते -- (1 ap) to beg, to plead

याजि -- worshiper

यातयामं -- food cooked three hours before being eaten

याता -- (f) husband's brother's wife

याति -- goes

यात्रा -- maintenance

याथार्थ्यमेव -- the original nature of things or the natural states + alone

यादसां -- of all aquatics

यादृक् -- as it is

यान् -- those who

यान्ति -- undergo

याभिः -- by which

याम -- one-eighth part of day, three yaamaas constitute one night

यामिनि -- night

यामिमां -- all these

यामुन -- of the yamunaa river

यावच्च.ंद्रश्च -- yAvat.h + chandraH + cha:till the moon and (sun last)

यावत् -- by the time when

यावन्तः -- as many as

यावान् -- all that

यास्यसि -- you will go

युक्त -- used

युक्तः -- dovetailed

युक्तचेतसः -- their minds engaged in Me

युक्ततमः -- the greatest yogi

युक्ततमाः -- most perfect in yoga

युक्तस्य -- engaged

युक्ता -- with

युक्ताः -- engaged

युक्तात्म -- having the mind firmly set on

युक्तात्मा -- self-connected

युक्ति -- utility ; proportion

युक्ते -- being yoked

युक्तेन -- being engaged in meditation

युक्तैः -- engaged

युक्त्वा -- being absorbed

युग -- World Ages

युगपत् -- simultaneously

युगले -- dual

युगे -- millennium

युज् -- to yoke, join, concentrate on

युज्यते -- is engaged

युज्यस्व -- engage (fight)

युञ्जतः -- constantly engaged

युञ्जन् -- practicing

युञ्जीत -- must concentrate in KRishhNa consciousness

युञ्ज्यात् -- should execute

युत -- equipped with

युतक -- (n) shirt

युद्ध -- Planetary War

युद्धं -- war

युद्धविशारदाः -- experienced in military science

युद्धात् -- than fighting

युद्धाय -- for the sake of fighting

युद्धे -- in the fight

युधामन्युः -- Yudhamanyu

युधि -- in the fight

युधिष्ठिरः -- Yudhisthira

युध्य -- fight

युध्यते -- (4 ap) to fight

युध्यस्व -- fight

युयुत्सवः -- desiring to fight

युयुत्सुं -- all in a fighting spirit

युयुधानः -- Yuyudhana

युवन् -- young

युवा -- the two youths

युष्मासु -- (Masc.Loc.Pl.) among yourselves

यूथ -- (neut) collection, troop

ये -- those who

येथेच्चया -- (adverb) at will

येन -- by whom

येनकेनचित् -- with anything

येषां -- whose

यो -- who

योऽधीते -- who studies

योऽयं -- this system

योक्तव्यः -- must be practiced

योग -- effort

योगं -- self-realisation

योगः -- KRishhNa consciousness

योगकारक—Planet in both its Rashi and navaa.nsha sign giving it SwakShetra-like strength. Also a combination that produces a Yoga

योगदण्डासन—the yogin's staff posture

योगधारणां -- the yogic situation

योगनिद्रा -- the sleep of yoga, where the body is resting but the mind is awake

योगनियोजित -- ccontrolled by yoga

योगफलं -- (n) sum, addition

योगबलेन -- by the power of mystic yoga

योगभ्रष्टः -- one who has fallen from the path of self-realisation

योगमाया -- by internal potency

योगमैश्वरं -- inconceivable mystic power

योगयज्ञाः -- sacrifice in eightfold mysticism

योगयुक्तः -- engaged in devotional service

योगयुक्तात्मा -- one who is dovetailed in KRishhNa consciousness

योगरतः -- indulging in yoga

योगवित्तमाः -- the most perfect in knowledge of yoga

योगसंसिद्धिं -- the highest perfection in mysticism

योगसंज्ञितं -- called trance in yoga

योगसेवया -- by performance of yoga

योगस्थः -- equipoised

योगस्य -- about yoga

योगक्षेमं -- family welfare

योगात् -- from the mystic link

योगाय -- for the sake of devotional service

योगारूढः -- elevated in yoga

योगासन—the anchor posture

योगिन् -- one who practices yoga (Male)

योगिनं -- yogi

योगिनः -- mystics

योगिनां -- of the devotees

योगिनी -- one who practices yoga (Female)

योगी -- one who practices yoga (Male)

योगे -- in work without fruitive result

योगेन -- in devotional service

योगेश्वर—O Lord of all mystic power

योगेश्वरः -- the master of mysticism

योगेश्वरात् -- from the master of all mysticism

योगैः -- by devotional service

योगौ -- work in devotional service

योग्य -- like

योग्यता -- (f) ability

योजकस्तत्र -- yojakaH + tatra:the joiner and there

योजिनी -- (f) stapler

योत्स्यमानान् -- those who will be fighting

योद्धव्यं -- have to fight

योद्धुकामान् -- desiring to fight

योधमुख्यैः -- chiefs among the warriors

योधवीरान् -- great warriors

योधाः -- the soldiers

योनयः -- sources of

योनि -- species of life

योनिं -- species

योनिः -- source of birth

योनिषु -- into the wombs

योनी -- vagina, womb, or the source

योनीनि -- whose source of birth


यौवनं -- youth

रंगावली -- (f) spectrum, coloured design

रंज.् -- to entertain

रक्त -- red

रक्तं -- the red one (raktaM may mean blood also)

रक्तः -- attached

रक्तगंध -- red scent

रक्तपुस्ष्पैः -- with red flowers

रक्तरञ्जित -- bloody

रक्तवाससम् -- haaving red dress

रक्तहीन -- bloodless

रघुकुलतिलकं -- the mark (e.g. one on the forehead) of the Raghu family

रघुत्तमः -- best of the Raghu race

रघुनंदन—the delighter of the Raghus

रघुनंदनम् -- thedelighter of Raghus


रघुनाथस्य -- lord of the Raghu's(rAma descended from the famous

रघुनाथाय -- to the lord of Raghus

रघुवंशनाथम् -- the lord of the Raghu family

रघुवरं -- the chosen Raghu

रघूत्तमः -- the best of the raghus (raghu-descendants)

रघूत्तमौ -- the best two of the Raghu race

रङ्गवल्लि -- (f) rangoli

रच् -- to form

रचना -- structure, construction

रचना -- construction, arrangement

रचना -- construction, arrangement

रचनात्मक—constructional, polyschematic

रचयति -- (10 up) to arrange

रजः -- the mode of passion

रजकः -- (m) washerman, dhobi

रजनि -- night

रजनी -- night

रजनीचर—moon, demon


रजसः -- from the mode of passion

रजसि -- of the mode of passion

रजोगुण -- the mode of passion

रज्जु -- (fem) rope, straight line

रज्जुः -- (m) rope

रञ्जन—entertainment, delight

रञ्जना -- (f) a giver of delight


रणकर्कश—the vanquishing one in the war

रणरंगधीरम् -- the brave in the stage of war

रणात् -- from the battlefield

रणे -- on the battlefield

रत—engaged in

रताः -- engaged

रतिओ -- guNottara

रत्न -- precious stones


रथं -- the chariot

रथोत्तमं -- the finest chariot

रथ्या --  ?

रदं --  ?

रन्ध्रिका -- (f) punching machine

रभते -- (1 ap) to begin, start

रमंते -- revel; enjoy (Vr.Pr.III P Pl.AP)

रमते -- delights

रमन्ति -- enjoy transcendental bliss

रमावास -- the abode of rama (lakshmi)

रमे -- Oh! ramA (Shiva tells this shloka to his consort PArvati

रमेशं -- the lord of ramA(sItA)



रवि -- a name of Sun

रविः -- the sun

रविवार -- Sunday

रस—enjoyment, interest

रसः -- sense of enjoyment

रसनं -- tongue

रसवर्जं -- giving up the taste

रसात्मकः -- supplying the juice

रसायनं -- (n) chemical

रसायनशास्त्र -- chemistry

रसायनशास्त्रम् -- chemistry

रसाल -- mango

रस्याः -- juicy

रहसि -- in a secluded place

रहस्यं -- mystery

रक्ष् -- to protcet

रक्षः -- the rAkshasaas

रक्षकः -- (m) guard, protector


रक्षणाय -- for protection

रक्षति -- (1 pp) to protect

रक्षस—adj. devil

रक्षा -- protection

रक्षां -- protecting armour

रक्षांसि -- the demons

रक्षितं -- the person who has ben protected(by)

रक्षितः -- (past part.masc.nom.S) the protected one

रक्ष्य -- protection

राकिणी -- the goddess in svadhishthana

राग -- Anger

रागवति -- red-coloured, passionate

रागात्मकं -- born of desire or lust

रागी -- very much attached

राघवं -- thew descendant of Raghu

राघवः -- RAghava (RAma)

राजगुह्यं -- the king of confidential knowledge

राजद्रोहः -- (m) sedition

राजद्वार -- doors of apalace

राजन् -- king

राजनिति -- (f) politics

राजमणिः -- the jewel of the kings or the king of jewels

राजयोग -- Combinations for Status and Power

राजर्षयः -- the saintly kings

राजविद्या -- royal policy, king-craft, statesmanship, state-policy, the training in the traits and skills of nobility

राजसं -- in the mode of passion

राजसः -- in the mode of passion

राजसभा -- assembly of king, advisors, and subjects

राजसस्य -- to one in the mode of passion

राजसाः -- those situated in the mode of passion

राजसिक -- Regal planets - Sun, Mars and Venus

राजसी -- in the mode of passion

राजहंस -- swan

राजहंसः -- the royal swan

राजा -- a ruler, king

राजाधिराज -- Overking of kings

राजीव -- lotus

राजीव -- lotus

राजीवनेत्रं -- the lotus-eyed

राजेंद्रं -- the lord of kings

राज्य -- Kingdom

राज्यं -- kingdom

राज्यसुखलोभेन -- driven by greed for royal happiness

राज्यस्य -- for the kingdom

राज्येन -- is the kingdom

रात्र -- night

रात्रि -- night

रात्रिं -- night

रात्रिः -- night

रात्रिकृतं -- night-done

रात्रिचन्द्रौ -- the pair of night and moon

रात्रौ -- in the night

रात्र्यागमे -- at the fall of night

राधा -- Radha, Krishna's beloved

राम -- Rama, deity Shrii Rama

रामं -- rAma

रामः -- Rama

रामकवचं -- rAma-armour

रामकृष्ण -- Commonly known Ramakrishna, a saint from Bengal

रामकृष्णस्य -- of Ramakrishna

रामचंद्र -- rAmachandra

रामचंद्रः -- rAma

रामचंद्रम् -- rAmachandra

रामचंद्राय -- to rAmachandra

रामचंद्रेति -- saying `rAmachandra'

रामचंद्रो -- Lord RAmachandra

रामनाम -- the name of rAma (uttering of the word `rAma' only once is

रामनाम्ना -- by the name of rAma

रामबलोपेतां -- that which has been attained through rAma'a strength, power

रामभद्र -- raama who gives the well-being

रामभद्राय -- to the good-giving, protecting RAma

रामभद्रेति -- rAmabhadra+iti, saying `rAmabhadra"(raama who gives the

रामरक्षा -- rAma armour or rama- protection

रामरक्षां -- raamarakshA (hymn)

रामरक्षास्तोत्रजपे -- in the chanting of rAmaraksha hymn

रामलक्ष्मणौ -- raama \& lakshmaNa

रामस्य -- rAmaa's

रामह—Lord Rama

रामान्नास्ति -- no one is except from rAma

रामाभोग -- sexual pleasures?

रामाय -- to rAma

रामायणः -- epic Ramayana, part of itihas (history)

रामे -- in RAma

रामेणाभिहता -- the one struck by rAma

रामेति -- rAma+iti saying thus rAma

रामो -- rAma

रावण—a demon king from Lanka who abducted the wife of Rama

रावणारिम् -- rAvaNasya ariM, the enemy of rAvaNa

राशि -- Sign of the Zodiac

राश्ट्र -- nation

राष्ट्रिकः -- A inhabitant of a kingdom or country, a subject, governor

राष्ट्रिय -- belonging to a kingdom or country, national

राष्त्रं -- kingdom, empire, territory, country, nation, people, subjects

रासलास्य -- raasa dance

राहू -- North Lunar Node. Caput Draconis or Dragon's head


राक्षसीं -- demonic

राज्ञी -- (f) queen

रिङ्गति -- to crawl

रिपवः -- enemies

रिपु -- Enemy

रिपुः -- enemy

रीतिः -- procedure/practice/custom

रु -- light

रुचिः -- taste; flavour

रुद् -- to cry

रुद्ध्वा -- checking

रुद्र -- a form of Shiva

रुद्रः -- the Destroying God

रुद्राणां -- of all the Rudras

रुद्रान् -- the eleven forms of Rudra

रुध् -- to stop, control

रुधिर -- blood

रुपं -- beauty

रुक्ष -- dry

रूप -- beautiful form

रूपं -- beaut

रूपमैश्वरं -- universal form

रूपसंपन्नौ -- (two)persons endowed with beautiful appearance

रूपस्य -- form

रूपाणि -- forms

रूपित्रं -- (n) camera

रूपेण -- form


रेखा -- line

रेखाचित्र -- line drawing, sketch

रेखाचित्रं -- (n) diagram, chart


रेणु -- molecule

रेत -- semen

रेवति -- Twenty-seventh nakshatra

रेषा -- line

रोकपालः -- (m) cashier

रोग -- disease

रोगी -- patient, ill or sick person

रोचते -- (1 ap) to like

रोदिति -- to cry

रोधिता -- resistivity

रोमहर्षः -- standing of hair on end

रोमहर्षणं -- making the hair stand on end

रोहति -- (1 pp) to grow

रोहिणी -- Fourth nakshatra

रौद्र -- the sentiment of violence, wrath, rage

र्हास -- deterioration

लंघ् -- to climb

लंबोदरं -- having a long stomach

लंबोदराय -- to the long-stomached

लगुड -- a club, a stick

लग्न -- The Ascendant or 1st house

लग्नकः -- (m) bail

लग्नधिपति -- Ascendant lord

लघु -- small / inferior / light

लघुः -- light

लघुड -- club, stick

लघुत्वं -- lightness

लघ्वाशी -- eating a small quantity

लङ्का -- the kingdon of Ravana, Ceylon or Sri Lanka

लज्जा -- modesty

लज्ज्यते -- (1 ap) to be ashamed, embarrassed


लता -- (f) creeper, vine

लद्दुक -- laddoo, a sweet-ball

लब्धं -- gained

लब्धा -- regained

लब्ध्वा -- having achieved

लभ् -- to obtain

लभते -- (1 ap) to get, to obtain

लभन्ते -- do achieve

लभस्व -- gain

लभे -- I obtain

लभेत् -- gains

लभ्य -- Easy

लभ्यः -- can be achieved


लयं -- tranquillity or the lull after destruction or the Deluge

लययोग -- yoga using the latent power of kundalini

ललाट -- the forehead

ललाटक -- (n) forehead

ललित -- (a) playing, sporting, dallying; amorous, lovely, beautiful; grace, charm

ललित -- lovely, beautiful, elegant, graceful

ललिता -- A women; wanton woman; musk; a form of goddess Durga; various metres


लवङ्ग -- clove

लवङ्गः -- (m) cloves

लवण -- (m) salty

लवणम् -- (n) salt

लशुनम् -- (n) garlic

लसत्भिः -- glowing

लसितं -- beautified

लक्ष -- Lakh, 100,000 in number, also sight

लक्षं -- target

लक्षणं -- symptom; indication; aspect; characteristics

लक्ष्मणपूर्वजं -- the (earlier-born)elder of LakShmaNa

लक्ष्मणानुचरो -- having LakshmaNa as the follower

लक्ष्मणो -- laksshmaNaH

लक्ष्मणोपेतं -- having Lakshmana nearby

लक्ष्मि -- goddess of wealth, beauty and luck, wife of Vishnu

लक्ष्मी -- wealth

लक्ष्यम् -- (n) aim, target, goal

लक्ष्यमात्रव्यापकः -- lakshyam + atra + vyApakaH:goal or target + here + manifested

लाकिणी -- the goddess in manipuraka

लाघव—sweetness, kindness, lightness

लाघवं -- with ease or lightness

लाजैः -- with the roasted rice, wheat flakes

लाभ -- acquirement, acquisition

लाभं -- gain

लाभालाभौ -- both profit and loss

लाल् -- to pamper

लाला -- (f) saliva

लिख् -- to write

लिखति -- wrote

लिखितवान् -- wrote

लिङ्गं -- gender

लिङ्गानां -- genders

लिङ्गानि -- genders

लिङ्गैः -- symptoms

लिप -- to smear

लिपिकः -- (m) clerk

लिप्यते -- is affected

लिम्पति -- (6 pp) to anoint

लिम्पन्ति -- do affect

लीला -- legend (?)

लुञ्छितकेश -- hair cut here and there

लुप्त -- stopped

लुब्धः -- greedy

लुब्धक -- (m) hunter

लुभ्यति -- (4 pp) to covet

लुम्पति -- (6 pp) to break

लेख -- writings, article

लेखनी -- (f) pencil

लेखफलकम् -- (n) slate


लेखानि -- writings

लेप -- smearing

लेपकारः -- (m) person who builds houses

लेलिह्यसे -- You are licking

लेश -- little-bit, slight

लोक -- this world

लोकं -- world;people

लोकः -- world

लोकतन्त्रं -- (n) democracy

लोकत्रये -- in the three planetary systems

लोकय -- (verbal stem) to see

लोकयानम् -- (n) car

लोकसंग्रहं -- the people in general

लोकस्य -- of the people

लोकाः -- all the world

लोकात् -- from people

लोकान् -- to heaven

लोकापवाद -- general infamy

लोकाभिरामं -- the laudable one of the people

लोके -- in the world

लोकेषु -- planetary systems


लोचनम् -- eyes

लोभ -- greed

लोभं -- greed

लोभः -- greed


लोभाविष्ट -- (adj) greedy

लोम -- hair

लोल -- swinging

लोलासन—the swing posture

लोष्ट -- clay

लोष्ट्र -- pebbles

लोह -- iron

लोहमार्गः -- (m) railway track

लौलिकी -- a movement of the abdominal muscles and organs

वंद -- Worship

वंदे -- (Vr. Pr.I. P.Sing.AP)bow; salute

वंश -- family

वंशसंहारः -- (m) genocide

वंशहीन -- without family

वः -- your

वक्तारम् -- the man who speaks or utters

वक्तुं -- to say

वक्तृ -- orator

वक्त्र -- the mouth

वक्त्रं -- face

वक्त्राणि -- the mouths

वक्र -- Retrograde

वक्रगति -- not straight

वक्रतुण्डाय -- to one who has crooked limb or part(the twised broken tusk)

वक्रा -- (adj) curved, crooked

वक्रासन—the curved posture

वङ्ग -- Bengal

वचः -- words


वचनं -- word

वचने -- (loc.sing) in words or speech

वचसा -- with words

वच्मि -- vachAmi or shall speak

वज्र -- one of the channels in the spine, a thunderbolt, diamond

वज्रमणी -- diamond

वज्रं -- the thunderbolt

वज्रम् -- (n) diamond

वज्रासन—the thunderbolt posture

वज्रोली -- the thunderbolt contraction

वञ्चना -- cheating

वटवृक्षः -- (m) a banyan tree

वत्स्य -- reside

वद् -- to talk

वद—please tell

वदंति -- (Vr.Pr.IIIP.pl.PP) tell; speak

वदति -- (1 pp) to speak


वदनम् -- (n) mouth

वदनैः -- by the mouths

वदन्ति -- say

वदसि -- You tell

वदिष्यन्ति -- will say

वद्यपक्ष -- Dark half of the lunar month

वधः -- (m) murder

वधू -- (f) bride


वनं -- forest


वनस्पतिशास्त्रम् -- botany

वन्तः -- subject to

वन्द् -- to bow down

वन्द -- Worship

वन्दते -- (1 ap) to salute

वन्दित -- praised, saluted

वन्दे -- worship

वन्हिः -- fire

वपति -- (1 pp) to sow

वपुः -- body

वमति -- (1 pp) to vomit


वयं -- we

वयस् -- age

वयसि -- of age

वयसिगते -- vayasi+gate, when age has advanced/gone


वरं -- better

वरः -- better

वरद—the one granting boons

वरदं -- that which gives boons

वरदमूर्तये -- to the personified boongiver

वरान् -- (masc.Acc.Pl.) boons; bridegrooms

वरानने -- Oh! lady having the best face!

वराह -- the boar

वराहः -- (m) pig, boar

वरिष्ठम् -- the foremost

वरुणः -- the demigod controlling the water

वर्ग -- Divisional or Harmonic Charts

वर्गमूल -- square root

वर्गोत्तम—Same sign in navaa.nsha as in Bhavi usually increasing power for good or bad

वर्जयेत् -- (verb III P.sing.PP) should be avoided ; given up

वर्जिताः -- are devoid of

वर्ण -- colour

वर्णं -- colours

वर्णयां -- do we describe


वर्णलेखा -- chromatogram

वर्णसङ्कर—of unwanted children

वर्णसङ्करः -- unwanted progeny

वर्णादीं -- the letter groups or caste groups

वर्तते -- (1 ap) to exist, to be


वर्तन्ते -- are being engaged

वर्तमान -- Present

वर्तमानः -- being situated

वर्तमानानि -- present

वर्तय—to operate (causal from vart.h)

वर्तिन् -- one who lives / behaves

वर्ते -- I am engaged

वर्तेत -- remains

वर्तेयं -- thus engage

वर्त्म -- path

वर्त्मनि -- on the path

वर्धते -- (1 ap) to grow, to increase

वर्धन—Who prospers

वर्धमानकः -- (m) special containers used to store pickles

वर्श -- Year

वर्शफल—Annual results. Method of Progression using Solar Returns

वर्ष् -- to pour

वर्ष -- year

वर्षं -- rain

वर्षतु -- (Vr.Imp.IIIP S)let it rain

वर्षा -- monsoon

वलखिल्य -- a class of tiny entities, about the size of a thumb


वलयम् -- (n) bangle

वल्लि -- (fem) creeper


वशं -- control

वशाः -- (Nom.Pl.) (are under) control or influence

वशात् -- under obligation

वशी -- one who is controlled

वशी+कृ -- to conquer, overcome

वशे -- in full subjugation

वश्य -- under control

वस् -- to live

वसत् -- one who lives

वसति -- (1 pp) to stay, dwell


वसन्त -- the deity of Spring, also Spring itself

वसन्तौ -- (and) Spring season

वसवः -- the Vasus

वसानं -- having worn

वसुधा -- earth

वसुधैव -- vasudhA(fem.nom.sing.)earth;world + eva:alone;itself

वसुन् -- the eight Vasus

वसुन्धरा -- (f) earth

वसौनां -- of the Vasus

वस्ति -- internal cleansing

वस्तु -- Article

वस्तुतः -- actually, in reality

वस्तुमान -- mass

वस्तुमानौउर्जा -- mass-energy


वस्तू -- goods

वस्तूनि -- objects

वस्त्र -- Garment

वहति -- (1 pp) to carry

वहन् -- counterrotaing field of light affecting body \& spirit

वहम्यहं -- vahAmi + ahaM:bear or carry + I

वहा -- Porter

वहामि -- carry

वह्नि -- fire

वह्निः -- fire ( for worship)


वक्ष -- chest

वक्षःस्थलम् -- (n) breasts, chest

वक्षोज -- breasts

वक्ष्यामि -- shall explain

वा -- or

वांग्मय—full of speech

वांछ् -- to want

वांछा -- (fem) desire

वाक् -- language/speech

वाक्य -- sentence

वाक्यं -- words

वाक्यानि -- sentences

वाक्येन -- words

वाग्मी -- master of speech

वाङ्मयं -- of the voice

वाङ्मयः -- full of the `word' i.e. master of the word \& language

वाचं -- words

वाचः -- the Vedas

वाचा -- speech

वाचाल -- capable of talking

वाच्यं -- to be spoken

वाञ्छसि -- you desire

वाञ्छित -- desired

वाटिका -- (f) garden

वाणिज्यं -- trade

वाणी -- language

वाणीं -- speech

वात -- (masc) wind

वातय—blow (like a wind?)

वाताटः -- (m) kite

वातात्मजं -- the son of the wind-god (`vAta' or `vAyu)

वातायन—a horse

वातायनं -- window

वातायनासन—the horseface posture

वातावरणम् -- (n) environment, also used to mean weather

वातोन्माद -- hysteria

वाद -- argument

वादः -- the natural conclusion

वादयति -- to play (a musical instrument)

वादान् -- fabricated words

वादिनः -- the advocates

वादिनी -- she who speaks

वाद्यवृदः -- (m) orchestra


वानरयूथमुख्यम् -- the chieftain of the monkey brigade

वापि -- at all

वाम -- left side

वामदेवासन—Vamadeva's posture

वामन—Vishnu's fifth incarnation also known as trivikrama

वामप्रकाश -- lovely shiningness

वामांकारूढ -- having the left side of the body climbed, occupied by

वामे -- left side

वायु -- wind

वायुः -- the vital airs

वायोः -- of the wind

वायौ -- air(life-breath)

वार -- Day

वारं -- and again

वारधिपति -- Ruler of the Day

वारि -- water

वारिधर—water-carrier(cloud )

वारिणि -- the one who prevents

वारिद -- cloud (one who gives water)

वारिवाह -- (m) cloud

वार्ता -- news

वार्तां -- word (here enquiry/inquiry)

वार्ष्णेय -- O descendant of VRishhNi

वाल्मीकिकोकिलम् -- the vAlmIki-cuckoo

वासः -- (m) living, habitation

वासना -- longings, craving



वासवः -- the heavenly king

वासस् -- apparel / clothes

वासांसि -- garments

वासित -- made fragrant

वासुकिः -- Vasuki

वासुकी -- a name of Shesha

वासुदेवः -- the Personality of Godhead, KRishhNa

वासुदेवस्य -- of KRishhNa

वासुदेवाः -- KRishhNa

वासो -- cloth, dress

वास्तुशास्त्र -- study of architecture

वास्तू -- place, residence


वाहनकारक—Significator of vehicles which is Venus

वाहिका -- transportation

वि+अप+गम् -- to go away

वि+चिन्त् -- think

वि+भा -- to adorn

वि+स्मृ -- to forget

वि+ज्ञा -- to know

विंदति -- enjoys

विंशंश -- A Varga. The harmonic twentieth division. Used for delineating Religious fervour and accrued spiritual merit

विंशोत्तरि -- The most popular Dasha method in use today

विंशोपक—A method of calculating planetary strength using the Vargas

विकम्पितुं -- to hesitate


विकरः -- (m) enzyme

विकर्णः -- Vikarna

विकर्मणः -- of forbidden work


विकलं -- not related or joined



विकल्प -- imagination, fancy

विकारं -- appearance (generally, grotesque/ugly)

विकारान् -- transformations

विकारि -- changes

विकासः -- (m) development

विकिरति -- to cast a net

विकीर्ण -- scattered

विकृ -- modify, alter

विकृत -- Ugly

विकृतवहा -- Ugly porter

विक्रान्तः -- mighty

विक्रीणीते -- to sell

विक्र्ताचरणी -- adj. mentally disturbed behaviour

विखण्डनं -- (n) fission

विख्यात -- famous

विगत—having discarded

विगतः -- is removed

विगतज्वरः -- without being lethargic

विगतभीः -- devoid of fear

विगतस्पृहः -- without being interested

विगुणः -- even faulty


विग्रहसन्धौ -- for war(dissension) or peace-making

विघति -- Equivalent to 24 seconds of clock time

विघ्न -- calamity

विघ्ननाशिने -- to the destroyer of all obstacles

विघ्नैः -- difficulties, obstacles

विचर् -- to think

विचक्षण—clever, wise

विचक्षणः -- the experienced

विचार -- thought

विचारं -- thought

विचालयेत् -- should try to agitate

विचाल्यते -- becomes shaken

विचित्र -- foolish, extraordinary, strange

विचित्रः -- wonderful/mysterious

विचिन्तय—think well

विचिन्त्य -- having thought

विचेतसः -- bewildered

विजयं -- victory

विजयः -- victory

विजयते -- is victorious

विजयी -- victorious man

विजानतः -- who is in complete knowledge

विजानीताः -- are in knowledge

विजानीयं -- shall I understand

विजितात्मा -- self-controlled

विजितेन्द्रियः -- sensually controlled

विततः -- are spread

वितरति -- to distribute

वितर्क -- discernment

वितृ -- to distribute

वितृष्णां -- desirelessness

वित्त -- money

वित्तं -- wealth

वित्तकोषः -- (m) bank

वित्ते -- wealth

वित्तेशः -- the lord of the treasury of the demigods

विद् -- to obtain

विदः -- who understand

विदधामि -- give

विदारयति -- to split apart

विदाहिनः -- burning

विदितम् -- known

विदितात्मनां -- of those who are self-realised

विदित्वा -- having known/realised

विदिशां -- non-direction

विदुः -- understood

विदूषकः -- (m) clown, joker

विदेश -- foreign land

विदेशी -- foreigner

विद्धि -- know for sure

विद्मः -- do we know

विद्महे --  ?

विद्यते -- there is

विद्यनिपुणै -- by the ace scholar Shankara (Plural is used for reverance)

विद्यया -- (fem.instr.sing.) by knowledge

विद्या -- knowledge

विद्यात् -- you must know

विद्यातुरानां -- (poss.pl.) of people who are indulging in knowledge

विद्यानां -- of all education

विद्यानिधिः -- the stock-pile of knowledge (here rAma)

विद्यामहं -- shall I know

विद्यार्थिनी -- (f) student

विद्यार्थी -- (m) student

विद्यालयः -- (m) school

विद्यावान् -- a knowledgeable manor scholar

विद्युत्कन्दः -- (m) incandescent bulb

विद्रोह -- revolt

विद्रोहः -- (m) rebellion

विद्वत् -- scholar

विद्वत्त्व -- scholarliness

विद्वान् -- learned

विद्विषावहै -- may us not quarrel or hate

विधातृ -- the creator

विधान -- placing

विधानं -- (n) legislation

विधानं -- Arranging, disposing; Performing, making, doing, executing; Creation, creating; Ordinance, Sacred rule or precept, sacred injunction; Mode, manner; Wealth; Pain, agony, torment, distress;

विधानोक्तः -- according to scriptural regulation

विधि -- ritual

विधिः -- (m) law, ritual

विधिदिष्टः -- according to the direction of scripture

विधिहीनं -- without scriptural direction

विधीयते -- does take place

विधूत -- moving

विधेम -- make

विधेयात्मा -- one who follows regulated freedom

विध्वंस -- destruction

विन -- without

विनङ्क्ष्यसि -- you will be lost

विनद्य -- vibrating


विनयी -- man with humility

विनशयसि -- you destroy

विनश्यति -- falls back

विनश्यत्सु -- in the destructible

विना -- without

विनामूल्य -- free, without cost

विनाश -- total destruction

विनाशं -- destruction

विनाशः -- destruction

विनाशाय -- for the annihilation

विनिग्रहः -- control

विनिन्दति -- to scold

विनियतं -- particularly disciplined

विनियमः -- (m) regulation

विनियमित -- regulated

विनियम्य -- regulating

विनियोगः -- distribution (of various limbs, postures)

विनिर्मुक्ताः -- liberated

विनिवर्तन्ते -- are practiced to be refrained from

विनिवृत्त -- disassociated

विनिश्चितैः -- certain

विनिहंसि -- you kill

विनोद -- humor

विनोदः -- (m) humour, joke

विनोदय—divert/recreate(be happy)

विन्दति -- (6 pp) to find

विन्दते -- enjoys

विन्दामि -- I have


विपणिः -- market-place, mall

विपणी -- market

विपणी -- market

विपत्ति -- calamity

विपरिवर्तते -- is working

विपरीत -- inverted, contrary to rule, wrong

विपरीतं -- the opposite

विपरीतकरणी -- the upside-down posture

विपरीतान् -- in the wrong direction

विपरीतानि -- just the opposite


विपर्ययेणाऽपि -- by changing also

विपर्याय -- a mistaken view

विपश्चित् -- (m) a learned man, scholar

विपश्चितः -- full of discriminating knowledge

विपक्ष -- of the opposite side

विपाक -- the distressing results of karmas

विपुल -- ample

विपुलं -- more than enough, plenty

विप्रतिपन्न -- adj. perplexed

विप्रतिपन्ना -- without being influenced by the fruitive results

विप्रप्रियं -- the loved of the Brahmins

विप्राः -- (masc.nom.Pl.)Brahmins

विप्लवः -- (m) revolt

विफलः -- not good fruitless

विभक्तं -- divided

विभक्तेषु -- in the numberless divided

विभागयोः -- differences

विभागशः -- in terms of division



विभावसौ -- in the fire

विभुं -- greatest

विभुः -- the Supreme Lord

विभुम् -- the Lord who shines

विभूतयः -- opulences

विभूति -- divine power

विभूतिं -- opulence

विभूतिनां -- opulences

विभूतिभिः -- opulences

विभूतेः -- of opulences

विभूश् -- to decorate

विभूषण—ornament, asset

विभ्रमः -- bewilderment

विभ्रष्टः -- deviated from

विभ्रान्ताः -- perplexed

विमत्सरः -- free from envy

विमानम् -- (n) an aircraft, plane

विमुक्तः -- liberated

विमुक्तानां -- of those who are liberated

विमुक्तैः -- by one who has become free from

विमुच्य -- being delivered from

विमुञ्चति -- one gives up

विमुह्यति -- one is bewildered

विमूढ -- foolish

विमूढः -- bewildered

विमूढभावः -- bewilderment

विमूढाः -- foolish persons

विमूढान् -- perfectly befooled

विमृश्य -- deliberating


विमोहयति -- bewilders

विमोहिताः -- deluded

विमोक्षणात् -- giving up

विमोक्षाय -- meant for liberation

विमोक्ष्यसे -- you will be liberated

वियोगं -- extermination

विरक्त -- uninerested

विरक्तिः -- (f) aversion

विरचित -- created

विरचितं -- created, composed



विरहितं -- without

विरागः -- Non-attachment/desirelessness

विराटः -- Virata

विराम् -- to stop

विराम -- stop

विरामः -- respite, full stop

विरोचन—a demon prince

विरोध -- opposition


विलग्न -- separate

विलग्नता -- segragation

विलग्नाः -- becoming attached

विलयमं -- extinct


विलोकयतां -- of those who are seeing

विलोक्य -- on seeing

विलोम -- against the natural order of things

विवर्जित -- without/ having abandoned

विवर्जितं -- devoid of

विवर्धनाः -- increasing

विवस्वतः -- of the sun-god

विवस्वते -- unto the sun-god

विवस्वान् -- Vivasvan (the sun-god's name)

विवक्षा -- choice

विवाह -- Wedding

विवाहं -- marriage

विविक्त -- to solitary

विविक्तसेवी -- living in a secluded place

विविध -- varied

विविधः -- various

विविधाः -- various

विविधैः -- various

विवृणुते -- (Vr. Pr.III Per.S.AP)chooses

विवृद्धं -- increased

विवृद्धे -- when developed

विवेक -- (m)discretion

विवेकिन् -- one who is thoughtful and just

विशते -- he enters

विशन्ति -- enter

विशमवृत्ती -- uneven or strained movement whilst breathing

विशां -- and the vaisyas

विशाखा -- Sixteenth nakshatra

विशाल -- very great

विशालं -- vast

विशालकः -- (m) magnifier

विशालाक्षौ -- (two)persons with (lotus-like)large eyes

विशिष्टाः -- especially powerful

विशिष्यते -- is by far the better

विशुद्ध -- pure

विशुद्धया -- fully purified

विशुद्धये -- for clarifying

विशुद्धात्मा -- a purified soul

विशेष -- particular

विशेषतः -- especiaaly

विशेषसङ्घान् -- specifically assembled

विशेषज्ञ -- the knowledgeable or wise person

विश्यति -- (4 pp) to pierce

विश्लेष -- lonely (antonym of aashleshha which is embrace)

विश्लेष(ः) -- separation


विश्वं -- the universe

विश्वकोषः -- (m) encyclopedia

विश्वताः -- from all around the world

विश्वतोमुखं -- and in the universal form

विश्वतोमुखः -- Brahma

विश्वमार्यं -- vishvaM:Universe and AryaM: (acc.sing.):noble person

विश्वमूर्ते -- O universal form

विश्वरूप -- in the form of the universe

विश्वविद्यालयः -- (m) university

विश्ववेदाः -- one who has understood the world(vishva)

विश्वसनीय -- (adj) reliable

विश्वस्य -- universe

विश्वामित्र -- vishvAmitra's

विश्वास -- faith

विश्वासः -- (m) belief

विश्वासभूमि -- trustworthy

विश्वे -- the Visvedevas

विश्वेश्वर—O Lord of the universe

विष -- poison

विषम—odd (as in odd or even)

विषमिव -- like poison

विषमे -- in this hour of crisis

विषय—kingdom (here)

विषयाः -- on the subject matter

विषयान् -- sense objects

विषये -- in topics, in subjects

विषाण -- horns

विषादं -- moroseness

विषादि -- morose

विषीदन् -- while lamenting

विषीदन्तं -- lamenting

विषुस्पृश -- touched, tinged with poison (poison-tipped arrow?)

विषेशाधिकारः -- (m) privilege

विषेषता -- difference

विषोपमेयं -- poison-like

विष्टभ्य -- pervading

विष्ठितं -- situated

विष्णु -- the preserver of life

विष्णुः -- the Lord MahaavishhNu

विष्णुत्वं -- the quality/state of Brahman/god-realisation

विष्णो -- O Lord Visnu



विसर्गः -- creation

विसृजन् -- giving up

विसृजामि -- I create

विसृज्य -- putting aside

विस्तरः -- the expanse

विस्तरशः -- in detail

विस्तरस्य -- to the extent

विस्तरेण -- in detail

विस्तारं -- the expansion

विस्तारः -- (m) amplitude

विस्तारित -- expanded

विस्फुरणै -- by emanation

विस्मयः -- wonder

विस्मयपदं -- object of wonder

विस्मयाविष्टः -- being overwhelmed with wonder

विस्मिताः -- in wonder


विहगः -- Bird, cloud, arrow, sun, moon, a planet in general, some thing that moves in the sky

विहाय -- giving up

विहार -- in relaxation

विहारस्य -- recreation

विहारिणि -- one who strolls

विहिआ -- vihitA?, understood

विहित -- prescribed

विहितं -- directed

विहिताः -- used

विहितान् -- arranged

विहीन -- without

विहीना -- bereft

विहृ -- to roam

विक्षिप्त -- mental aggitation

विक्षेप -- confusion

विज्ञातं -- has been known

विज्ञातुं -- to know

विज्ञान -- comprehension, Science

विज्ञानं -- numinous knowledge

विज्ञानमय—full of greater(scientific in a way) knowledge

विज्ञानी -- scientist

विज्ञाय -- after understanding

वीक्षः -- (m) lens

वीजति -- to fan

वीत -- free from

वीतरागाः -- in the renounced order of life

वीथि -- (f) road, way

वीर -- the sentiment of valor

वीरञ्च -- name of Brahma

वीरभद्रासन—the arrow posture

वीरासन—the hero posture

वीर्य -- vitality, enthusiasm, semen

वीर्यं -- valour

वीर्यवान् -- very powerful

वीर्यां -- glories

वीक्ष् -- to see

वीक्षन्ते -- are beholding

वीक्ष्य -- having seen

वृक -- wolf

वृकोदरः -- the voracious eater (Bhima)

वृजनं -- the ocean of miseries

वृणुते -- chooses

वृत् -- to exist

वृत्त -- desire

वृत्तपत्रिका -- (f) newspaper

वृत्तिस्थाः -- whose occupation

वृत्ती -- tendancy

वृथा -- (indecl) wanton, uselessly, idly

वृद्ध -- aged

वृद्धः -- old man

वृद्धश्रवाः -- having become old with years of hearing knowledge

वृद्धि -- growth

वृद्धि -- growth

वृन्तम् -- (n) the stem of a flower

वृन्ताकम् -- (n) brinjal

वृन्द -- (n) group

वृशशैल -- vRishaa hill

वृश्चिक -- The Zodiacal Sign of Scorpio

वृश्चिकासन—the scorpion posture

वृषभ—The Zodiacal Sign of Taurus

वृषभः -- (m) bull, the Zodiacal Sign of Taurus

वृष्टि -- rain

वृष्टिः -- (m) rain, showers

वृष्णीनां -- of the descendants of VRishhNi

वृक्ष -- tree

वृक्षासन—the tree posture

वृक्षि -- I sing. aatmane. `injunctive' of vRij, `to avoid

वेगं -- urges

वेगः -- (m) speed

वेणी -- (f) pigtail, ponytail

वेणुः -- flute

वेतनम् -- (n) salary

वेत्त -- the knower

वेत्ति -- knows

वेत्थ -- know

वेद -- Ancient Indian Religious Texts

वेदः -- (masc.nom.sing.)the Veda


वेदना -- feelings of pain

वेदयज्ञ -- by sacrifice

वेदवादरताः -- supposed followers of the Vedas

वेदवित् -- the knower of the Vedas

वेदविदः -- persons conversant with the Vedas

वेदाः -- Vedic literatures

वेदानां -- of all the Vedas

वेदान्त -- Vedic method of Self-Realisation

वेदान्तकृत् -- the compiler of the Vedanta

वेदान्तवेद्यो -- one knowable thro' `upanishat.h'

वेदितव्यं -- to be understood

वेदितुं -- to understand

वेदे -- in the Vedic literature

वेदेषु -- Vedic literatures

वेदैः -- by study of the Vedas

वेद्यं -- what is to be known

वेद्यः -- knowable

वेधस् -- brahmaa

वेधसे -- to the Brahman (like rAma)

वेपथुः -- trembling of the body

वेपथुमथी -- she who is sweating

वेपमानः -- trembling

वेला -- (fem) time

वेश -- dress

वेषः -- make-ups/garbs/roles

वेष्टिः -- (m) dhoti

वै -- emphasis

वैकुण्ठ -- the abode of Vishnu

वैकुण्ठाधिपती -- ruler of vaikuNTha which is Vishnu

वैक्लव्यं -- (Nr.Nom.sing.) sorrow

वैद्यः -- doctor

वैध -- (adj) legal

वैनतेयः -- Garuda

वैमानिकः -- (m) pilot

वैयक्तिक -- (adj) personal


वैयाकरणस्यैषः -- to the grammarian+this

वैर -- enmity

वैराग्य -- uncolouredness, not desiring physical objects

वैराग्यं -- renunciation

वैराग्येण -- by detachment

वैराज्य -- excelent rulership

वैरिणं -- greatest enemy

वैरिषु -- on enemies

वैशेशिका -- one of the schools (systems) of Indian philosophy

वैश्य -- the caste of merchants and professionals

वैश्यः -- mercantile people

वैश्रवण—son of Vishravas (typically applied only to Kubera)

वैश्वानरः -- My plenary portion as the digesting fire

वैष्णव—a large sect of the followers of Sri Vishnu

वैज्ञानिकः -- (m) scientist

व्यक्त -- made known

व्यक्तयः -- living entities

व्यक्तिं -- personality

व्यक्तिगत -- (adj) individual

व्यजनम् -- (n) fan

व्यतितरिष्यति -- surpasses

व्यतीतानि -- have passed

व्यत्त -- open

व्यथन्ति -- are disturbed

व्यथयन्ति -- are distressing

व्यथा -- trouble

व्यथिष्ठाः -- be disturbed

व्यदारयत् -- shattered

व्यपदेश -- (m) mention, name

व्यपाश्रयः -- taking shelter of

व्यपाश्रित्य -- particularly taking shelter

व्यपेतभीः -- free from all fear

व्यभिचारिन् -- adj. deviate

व्ययभाव -- House of Expenditure/Loss or 12th

व्ययम् -- (n) expenditure, spending

व्यरंसीत् -- passed, elapsed

व्यर्थ -- u(adj)seless, purposelss

व्यवकलनम् -- (n) subtraction

व्यवच्छेत्सीः -- cut or dissect

व्यवसायः -- enterprise or adventure

व्यवसायात्मिका -- resolute in KRishhNa consciousness

व्यवसितः -- situated in determination

व्यवसिता -- engaged

व्यवस्थितान् -- situated

व्यवस्थितिः -- the situation

व्यवस्थितौ -- put under regulations

व्यवस्यति -- (verb Pr.III P.sing.PP) tries

व्यवहारः -- (m) business, transaction

व्यवासिताः -- have decided

व्यशेम --  ?


व्याकरणं -- (n) grammar

व्याकुल -- alarmed (adj)

व्याकुलत्व -- (neut) sorrow, concern

व्याकुलिता -- she who has been afflicted/affected

व्याख्यानं -- (n) lecture

व्याघ्रः -- (m) tiger

व्याधः -- (m) hunter

व्याधि -- disease

व्याधिमुक्ति -- healing

व्याधी -- illness

व्यान -- one of the vital airs, circulates energy all over the body

व्यापार -- affair (masc)

व्यापारी -- (m) merchant, trader

व्याप्तं -- pervaded

व्याप्य -- pervading

व्यामिश्रेण -- by equivocal

व्याल -- elephant

व्यावहारिक -- (adj) practical

व्यास -- diameter

व्यासः -- Vyasa

व्यासङ्ग -- varied interests, (involvement in) many hobbies

व्यासप्रसादात् -- by the mercy of Vyasadeva

व्यासोच्छिष्ठं -- vyAsa + uchchhishhThaM:by VyAsa + mouth-dropped

व्याहरन् -- vibrating

व्युदस्य -- laying aside

व्यूढं -- arranged in a military phalanx

व्यूढां -- arranged

व्योमचारिणः -- the people who wander over the sky (and `pAtAla'\&bhUtala')

व्योमन् -- (n) the sky


व्रजेत -- walks

व्रण—injury, wound (masc, neut)


व्रताः -- avowed

व्रात -- disciplined course

व्रिद्ध -- old, aged