



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शक, इ ङ त्रासशङ्कयोः । इति कविकल्पद्रुमः ॥ (भ्वा०-आत्म०-त्रासे अक०-शङ्कायां सक०- सेट् ।) त्रासो भयम् । शङ्का संशयारोपः । इ, शङ्क्यते व्याघ्राज्जनेन । ङ, शङ्कते पुरुषत्वं स्थाणौ । स्थाणुर्व्वा पुरुषो वा इति संशय- मारोपयतीत्यर्थः । इति दुर्गादासः ॥

शक, न इर् ऊ शक्ती । इति कविकल्पद्रुमः ॥ (भ्वा०-पर०-अक०-सक०-च-वेट् ।) न, शक्नो- त्यशक्यमप्याजौ विजेतुं य इति हलायुधः । इर, अशकत् अशकीत् अशाक्षीत् । ऌदित्त्वे- नास्मान्नित्यं ङ इत्यन्ये । ऊ, शकिष्यति शक्ष्यति । पृथकपाठादाद्यो न स्वादिः । द्वावे- वानिमाबित्यन्ये । षष्ठस्वरानुबन्धः केषाञ्चि- दनरोधात् । द्वावेव सकर्म्मकौ । तथा च । शक्योऽस्य मन्युर्भवता विनेतुमिति रघुः । रजः- परिणामभेदो न शक्यते प्रत्याख्यातुमिति तत्त्व- कौमुद्यां वाचस्पतिमिश्रः । शक्या मखेनापि मुदोऽमराणामिति नैषधम् । इति दुर्गादासः ॥

शक, य ञ शक्तौ । इति कविकल्पद्रुमः ॥ (दिवा० उभ०-सक०-सेट् ।) शक्तिर्दिवादिपक्षे क्षमा खादिपक्षे सामर्थ्यम् । यञ, शक्यति शक्यते दुःखं दीनः । इति दुर्गादासः ।

शकः, पुं, (शक + अच् ।) जातिभेदः । नृपभेदः । इति मेदिनी ॥ स च नृपः शकादित्यः इति शालिवाहन इति च नाम्ना ख्यातः । तस्य मरणदिनावधि वत्सरगणनाङ्कः शकाब्देति नाम्ना पञ्जिकायां लिख्यते । स च म्लेच्छ- जातिविशेषः । सत्ययुगे सगरराजेनास्य मस्त- कार्द्धं मुण्डयित्वा वेदबाह्यत्वमकारि । यथा, -- “ततः शकान् सयवनान् काम्बोजान् पारदां- स्तथा । पह्नवांश्चापि निःशेषान् कर्त्तुं व्यवसितो नृपः ॥ ते हन्यमाना बीरेण सगरेण महौजसा । वशिष्ठं शरणं जग्मुः सूर्य्यवंशपुरोहितम् ॥ वशिष्ठः शरणापन्नान समये स्थाप्य तानृषिः । सगरं वारयामास तेभ्यो दत्त्वाभयं तदा ॥ सगरस्तां प्रतिज्ञान्तु निशम्य सुमहाबलः । धर्म्मं जघान तेषाञ्च वेशानन्यांश्चकार ह ॥ अर्द्धं शिरः शकानान्तु मुण्डयामास भूपतिः । जवनानां शिरः सर्व्वं काम्बोजानामपि द्विज ॥ पारदान्मुक्तकेशांस्तु पह्रवान् श्मश्रुधारिणः । निःस्वाध्यायवषट्कारान् सर्व्वानेव चकार ह ॥” इति पाद्मे स्वर्गखण्डे सगरोपाख्यानम् १५ अः ॥ देशभेदः । इति विश्वः ॥ (यथा, मात्स्ये । १२० । ४५ । “तुषारान् वर्व्वरान् कारान् पह्रवान् पारदान् शकान् । एतान् जनपदान् मङ्क्षु प्लावयित्वोदधिं गता ॥”)



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शक¦ त्रामे अक॰ संशये सक॰ भ्वा॰ आ॰ सेट् इदित्। शङ्कतेअशङ्किष्ट।

शक¦ क्षमायां सक॰ दि॰ उभ॰ सेट्। शक्यति ते अशाकीत्-अशकीत् अशकिष्ट
“शक्योऽस्य मन्यु र्भवता विनेतुम्” रघुः।

शक¦ सामर्थ्ये स्वा॰ प॰ अक॰ इरित् वेट्। शक्नोति अश-कत्--अशाक्षीत्। पुषादिरित्येके तेन अशकदित्येव।

शक¦ पु॰ शक--अच्।

१ जातिभेदे स च ब्रात्यक्षत्रियः


०७ पृ॰दृश्यम।

२ देशभेदे स्वराज्यावधिवत्सराङ्कप्रवर्त्तके

२ नृप-भेदे

४ तदीये वत्सरे च। कलियुगे शककर्त्तृषु षट्सुयुधिष्ठिरः विक्रमादित्यः शालिवाहनश्चेति त्रयोगता[Page5073-a+ 38] विजयाभिनन्दनादयस्तयो भविष्यन्ति। तथा हि कलौषट् शककर्त्तारः तल्लक्षणादि ज्योतिर्वि॰

१० अ॰ उक्त यथा
“कलौ भविष्यन्त्यथ भारतावनौ महीभुजो बाहुमृतोऽप्य-नेकशः। शकास्तथैषामभिषेचनादिकं हितं सदोदी-रितकालसाधितम्। धराधिभूर्भिल्लशकादिजातिजस्त-दासनस्थोऽभिजनैर्नमस्कृतः। स्ततौ स राजाधिजनैःप्रतिष्ठितो न मन्त्रभेदाद्यभिषेचनोचितः। निहन्ति योभूतलमण्डले शकान् सपञ्चकोट्यब्जदलप्रमान् कलौ। स राजपुत्रः शककारको भवेत् नृपाधिराज्ये ह्युतशाक-कर्त्तृ हा”। (तत्र शककारकस्य विक्रमादित्यस्य हननात्शालिवाहवस्य शककर्त्तृत्वम्)
“यधिष्ठिरो विक्रमशालि-वाहनौ नराधिनाथौ विजयाभिनन्दनः। इमेऽनु ना-गार्जुनमेदिनीबिभुर्वलिः क्रमात् षट् शककारकाः कलौ”। तत्प्रवृत्तिकालांस्तत्राह
“युधिष्ठिरात् वेदयुगाम्बरा-ग्नयः (


४४ ) कलम्बविश्वे (


५ ) ऽभ्रखखाष्टभूमयः



० । ततोऽयुतं



० लक्षचतुष्टयं क्रमात् धरा-दृगष्टाविति (


१ ) शाकवत्सराः। युघिष्ठिरोऽभूद्भुविहस्तिनापुरे तथोज्जयिन्थां पुरि विक्रसाह्वयः। शाले-यभूमीभृति शालिवाहनःसुचित्रकूटे विजयाभिनन्दनः। नागार्जुनो रोहितके क्षितौ बलिर्भविष्यतीन्द्रो भृगु-कच्छपत्तने। कृतप्रवृत्तिस्तदनन्तरं भवेत्तदा भविष्यन्त्यबनी-भृतोऽर्कतः”। अत्र युधिष्ठिरात् प्राक् कलौ शककर्त्त्र-न्तराभावात् कलियुगारम्भकालादेव तस्य शककालउक्तः वराहसंहितायां

१३ अ॰ तु तद्राज्यावधित एवतच्छककाल इत्यभिप्रायेण
“आसन् मधासु मुनयः शासतिपृथ्वीं युधिष्ठिरे नृपतौ। षड्द्विकपञ्चद्वियुतः(


२६ ) शककालस्तस्य राज्ञश्च” तेन कलेः (


८ ) वर्षेषुगतेषु युधिष्ठिरस्य राज्यप्रवृत्तिः। षट्कर्तृवत्सरसमष्टिश्चयुधि॰


४४ । इति न कलिमानसंख्याविरोधःविक्र॰


५ अतएव ज्योतिर्विदाभरणशेषे ग्रन्थ-शालि॰



० कृतैव
“वर्षैः सिन्धुरदर्शनाम्बरगणै-विजया॰



० यांते कलौ सम्भितैः” इति कलि-नागा॰



०० युगस्यैव


६८ वर्षंषु गतेषु ग्रन्थ-बलि॰


१ करणमुक्तम्।






पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शक¦ m. (-कः)
1. A sovereign, and prince who gives his name to an era, especially applied to SA4LIVA4HAN4A.
2. A particular caste, the followers or descendants of S4AKA or SA4LIVA4HAN4A.
3. A country. m. plu. (-काः)
1. The inhabitants, the Sacæ, the Scythians.
2. An era: see शाक। E. शक् to be able, aff. अच् |


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शकः [śakḥ], 1 N. of a king (especially applied to Śālivāhana; but scholars do not seem to have yet agreed as to the precise meaning and scope of the word).

An epoch, era (the term is especially applied to the era of Śālivāhana which commences 78 years after the Christian ear). -काः (m. pl.)

N. of a country.

N. of a particular tribe or race of people (mentioned in Ms.1.44 along with the Pauṇḍrakas &c.; see Mu.5.11 also). -Comp. -अन्तकः, -अरिः epithets of king Vikramāditya who is said to have exterminated the Śakas. -अब्दः, -कालः a year of the Śaka era.-कर्तृ, -कृत् m. the founder of an era.

शकम् [śakam], Dung, cow-dung (Ved.).


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शक See. सु-शक.

शक n. excrement , ordure , dung(See. शकन्, i , शकृत्) AV.

शक n. water( v.l. for कश) Naigh. i , 12

शक m. a kind of animal Pan5car. ( v.l. शल)

शक m. w.r. for शुकMBh. xiii , 2835

शक m. pl. N. of a partic. white-skinned tribe or race of people (in the legends which relate the contests between वसिष्ठand विश्वामित्रthe शकs are fabled to have been produced by the Cow of वसिष्ठ, from her sweat , for the destruction of विश्वामित्र's army ; in Mn. x , 44 , they are mentioned together with the पौण्ड्रकs , ओड्रs , द्रविडs , काम्बोजs , जवनs or यवनs , पारदs , पह्लवs , चीनs , किरातs , दरदs , and खशs , described by Kull. as degraded tribes of क्षत्रियs called after the districts in which they reside: according to the VP. iv , 3 , king सगरattempted to rid his kingdom of these tribes , but did not succeed in destroying them all : they are sometimes regarded as the followers of शकor शालि-वाहन, and are probably to be identified with the Tartars or Indo-Scythians [ Lat. सच] who overran India before the Aryans , and were conquered by the great विक्रमा-दित्य[q.v.] ; they really seem to have been dominant in the north-west of India in the last century before and the first two centuries after the beginning of our era) AV.Paris3. Mn. MBh. etc.

शक m. a king of the शकs g. कम्बोजा-दि(on Pa1n2. 4-1 , 175 Va1rtt. )

शक m. an era , epoch(See. -काल)

शक m. a year (of any era) Inscr.

शक m. a partic. fragrant substance Gal.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--a northern kingdom. Br. II. १६. ४८.
(II)--the tree after which the शाकद्वीप takes its name. Br. II. १९. ९४, १४०.
(III)--a son of बृहद्रथ Maurya, ruled for ३६ years; his grandson ruled for १७ years. (?) M. २७२. २४.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Śaka : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also colled Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10 37, 5; (vakrabhayāḥ śakāḥ) 6. 10. 43; listed by him again along with Niṣādas and Niṣadhas (śakā niṣādā niṣadhās…) 6. 10. 50.

B. Origin: They were produced, along with Śabaras, by Nandinī, Vasiṣṭha's cow, from her dung (śakṛtaḥ śabarāñ śakān) 1. 165. 35; elsewhere it is stated that they were originally Kṣatriyas but were degraded to the status of a vṛṣala due to their neglect of Brāhmaṇas (kṣatriyajātayaḥ/vṛṣalatvaṁ parigatā brāhmaṇānām adarśanāt) 13. 33. 19.

C. Description and characteristics: Very strong (atibala) 8. 5. 18, (balin) 8. 51. 19; very frightful (sughora), having frightful eyes (ghoracakṣus) 7. 68. 41; rough, doers of cruel deeds (ugra, krūrakarman) 8. 51. 18; impure (aśuci), having shaven, half-shaven heads, or having matted hair on heads and with bearded faces (muṇḍārdhamuṇḍajaṭilān…jaṭilānanān) 7. 68. 44; they knew the māyās of demons (vidanty asuramāyāṁ ye) 7. 68. 41; excited, fond of wars, firm-fisted (saṁraṁbhin, yuddhaśauṇḍa, dṛbdhapāṇi) 8. 51. 19; quick in action (laghuhasta) 7. 95. 32; difficult to be conquered (durjaya) 8. 5. 18; difficult to be assailed (durādharṣa), fiery, shining like burning fire (agnikalpa) (pradīptair iva pāvakaiḥ); their valour was like that of Indra (śakratulyaparākrama) 7. 87. 50; characterized as mlecchas 7. 68. 44; 7. 95. 13; they lived in the caves of mountains (girigahvaravāsin) 7. 68 45; also said to be living on country-side but leading the life of Dasyus (sarve viṣayavāsinaḥ…sarve te dasyujīvinaḥ) 12. 65. 15;

D. Epic events:

(1) Śakas were among several peoples like Cīnas, Hūṇas and others who, although they brought tribute of different kinds for Rājasūya, were stopped at the gate (abhigatān vividhān dvāri vāritān; baliṁ ca kṛtsnam ādāya dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ) 2. 47. 19-20, 25; the details of their tribute given in 2. 47. 21-25; Śakas are mentioned once again along with Tukhāras and others who brought tribute in the form of an arbuda horses who could go long distances and were of noble descent, as well as gold in very large quantities to be counted by crores and totalling a padma, but were stopped at the gate (mahāgamān dūragamān gaṇitān arbudaṁ hayān//koṭiśaś caiva bahuśaḥ suvarṇaṁ padmasaṁmitam//balim ādāya vividhaṁ dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ//) 2. 47. 26-27; they are mentioned a third time along with Aṅgas, Vaṅgas and others whose kings (kṣatriyāḥ) brought large amount of wealth as tribute (āhārṣuḥ kṣatriyā vittaṁ śataśaḥ); when asked by the gate-keepers to give more, each one of them gave a thousand elephants from the Kāmyaka lake and then were allowed to enter; the elephants given by them are described in stanzas 2. 48. 15-20; Kṛṣṇa mentioned Śakas among those whose kings, afraid of the lustre of the weapons of Pāṇḍavas, acted as servers at the Rājasūya sacrifice (śakān/…mahīpālān śastratejobhayārditān/…yajñe te pariveṣakān) 3. 48. 18, 20, 22;

(2) Drupada asked Yudhiṣṭhira to send his messengers to the kings of Śakas and others to seek their help in war 5. 4. 7, 9, 15;

(3) Kāmboja Sudakṣiṇa came to Duryodhana with an army of akṣauhiṇī fighters consisting of Yavanas and Śakas; it looked like a swarm of locusts (tasya senāsamāvāyaḥ śalabhānām ivābabhau) 5. 19. 21-22; Duryodhana's army consisted of different peoples, Śakas being one of them; like the army of gods it was difficult to be attacked (durādharṣāṁ devacamūprakāśām) 5. 158. 19-20; Śaka kings with their armies led by Śakuni marched towards Kurukṣetra in the second division of the Kaurava army (śakāḥ…dvitīye niryayur bale) 5. 196. 7; there, on the battle-field, before the start of the war, Kṛpa along with Śakas, Kirātas and others protected the Kaurava army in the north (camūm uttarato 'bhipāti) 6. 20. 13;

(4) On the third day of the war, the Kāmboja king along with the Śakas was posted at the ‘tail’ (puccham āsan) of the Garuḍavyūha (6. 52. 2) of Kauravas 6. 52. 7;

(5) On the sixth day, Śakas, Yavanas and others stood at the right wing (dakṣiṇam pakṣam āśritya) of the Krauñcavyūha (6. 71. 14) of the Kauravas 6. 71. 20;

(6) On the eleventh day, Śakas, Yavanas and others riding swift horses stood at the exterme end of the left wing (savyaṁ pārśvaṁ…teṣāṁ prapakṣāḥ…yayur aśvair mahāvegaiḥ) of the Śakaṭavyūha (7. 6. 15) of Kauravas 7. 6. 4-5;

(7) On the eleventh day, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, while recounting past exploits of Kṛṣṇa remembered his victory over hordes of enemies consisting of Āvantyas and others who came from different directions and joined the Śakas riding horses (?) (āvantyān…nānādigbhyaś ca saṁprāptān vrātān aśvaśakān prati/jitavān puṇḍarīkākṣo…) 7. 10. 16-18 (See Editor's note on the stanza Vol. IX. pp. 1144-1145: ŚBr. (Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa) appears to use this word to signify ‘excrement of a horse’! Here it seems to mean a particular (disgusting ?) tribe of Śakas who were horse-riders (cf. aSvapuruza in 6. 1. 7);

(8) On the twelfth day, Śakas were among those who occupied the ‘neck’ (grīvāyām) of the Suparṇavyūha (7. 19. 4) of Kauravas 7. 19. 7-8;

(9) On the fourteenth day, fierce Śakas, Yavanas and others formed innumerable hordes in hundreds and thousands (vrātāḥ śatasahasraśaḥ) to attack Arjuna; he fought them with arrows and cut them off with his skill in shooting arrows (aśātayat…astramāyayā); afraid, they all fled 7. 68. 41-45;

(10) The same day, Sātyaki expected to encounter them in his onward march towards Arjuna (śakaiś cāpi sameṣyāmi) 7. 87. 50; Sātyaki asked his charioteer to drive his chariot to Śakas and other Mlecchas who, riding chariots and elephants and holding different kinds of weapons in their hands, were eager to fight with him (mām evābhimukhāḥ sarve tiṣṭhanti samarārthinaḥ); Sātyaki was confident to defeat them 7. 95. 13-14; in the encounter that followed, Śakas and others showered arrows on Sātyaki; he cut off their arrows and killed them by thousands covering the earth with their blood and flesh; those who escaped death fled swiftly in fright; Sātyaki thus defeated the large army of Śakas 7. 95. 32-33, 38-39, 45; three thousand horse-riders of Śakas and others, led by Duryodhana, returned to the battlefield to attack Sātyaki; he killed many of them 7. 97. 13-14, 20;

(11) On the seventeenth day, Kāmbojas, Śakas and Yavanas, led by Saṁśaptakas guarded the extremity of the left side (vāmaṁ pārśvam apālayan…teṣāṁ prapakṣaḥ) of the Bārhaspatyavyūha (8. 31. 26) of Kauravas 8. 31. 14-15; in the course of that day, after the death of the younger brother of Kāmboja Sudakṣiṇa, there was fierce fighting (ghoram adbhutadarśanam) in which Śakas riding horses took part; a large number of them were killed 8. 40. 107-110; later that day, Kṛṣṇa in order to encourage Arjuna told him that Śakas had joined the Kaurava army for the sake of Duryodhana and no one else but he (Arjuna) could defeat them (na śakyā yudhi nirjetuṁ tvadanyena paraṁtapa) 8. 51. 18, 20; Śakas, who held excellent weapons in their hands and were ready to shoot arrows, riding horses, chariots and elephants, rushed at Arjuna to kill him (ātatāyinaḥ/śakās…//varāyudhān pāṇigatān); Arjuna cut off their hands and heads, killed their horses and elephants and broke their chariots 8. 64. 16-17;

(12) On the seventeenth day, at night (niśi 8. 1. 25), when Saṁjaya reported to Dhṛtarāṣṭra the death of Karṇa, he while remembering the past heroism of Karṇa mentioned that he had formerly defeated Śakas and many others and made them pay tribute (cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18, 20 (reference to Karṇa's digvijaya at the time of Duryodhana's vaiṣṇavayajña 3. 241. 19, 32 (Vol. 4. App. I. 24. 28-34);

(13) On the eighteenth day, Kṛpa with Śakas and Yavanas stood on the right side (dakṣiṇe pārśve) of the Sarvatobhadravyūha (9. 7. 19) of Kauravas 9. 7. 24;

(14) At the end of the war, Saṁjaya mentioned Śakas among those who were killed in the war 9. 1. 26; Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Śakas and others had joined his side not caring for death while fighting (madartham udyatāḥ sarve prāṇāṁs tyaktvā raṇe); Duryodhana boasted his ability to fight with Pāṇḍavas due to the support of Śakas 9. 2. 8, 21-22.

E. Past event: Māndhātṛ once asked Indra how people like Śakas were to be made to follow Dharma and how kings like him should control them (kathaṁ dharmaṁ careyus te …madvidhaiś ca kathaṁ sthāpyāḥ); Indra thereupon told Māndhātṛ the duties of Dasyus (the term Dasyu apparently covered Śakas) 12. 65. 13, 15, 17-21.

F. Future event: Śakas are mentioned among many kings who at the end of the Yuga (yugānte samanuprāpte) 3. 186. 30; yugānte 3. 186. 33; yugakṣaye 3. 186. 43, 48) would rule the earth the wrong way, would be sinful and would be given to tell lies (mithyānuśāsinaḥ pāpā mṛṣāvādaparāyaṇāḥ) 3. 186. 29-30.

*2nd word in left half of page p878_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Śaka : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas (also colled Deśas 6. 10. 68) of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10 37, 5; (vakrabhayāḥ śakāḥ) 6. 10. 43; listed by him again along with Niṣādas and Niṣadhas (śakā niṣādā niṣadhās…) 6. 10. 50.

B. Origin: They were produced, along with Śabaras, by Nandinī, Vasiṣṭha's cow, from her dung (śakṛtaḥ śabarāñ śakān) 1. 165. 35; elsewhere it is stated that they were originally Kṣatriyas but were degraded to the status of a vṛṣala due to their neglect of Brāhmaṇas (kṣatriyajātayaḥ/vṛṣalatvaṁ parigatā brāhmaṇānām adarśanāt) 13. 33. 19.

C. Description and characteristics: Very strong (atibala) 8. 5. 18, (balin) 8. 51. 19; very frightful (sughora), having frightful eyes (ghoracakṣus) 7. 68. 41; rough, doers of cruel deeds (ugra, krūrakarman) 8. 51. 18; impure (aśuci), having shaven, half-shaven heads, or having matted hair on heads and with bearded faces (muṇḍārdhamuṇḍajaṭilān…jaṭilānanān) 7. 68. 44; they knew the māyās of demons (vidanty asuramāyāṁ ye) 7. 68. 41; excited, fond of wars, firm-fisted (saṁraṁbhin, yuddhaśauṇḍa, dṛbdhapāṇi) 8. 51. 19; quick in action (laghuhasta) 7. 95. 32; difficult to be conquered (durjaya) 8. 5. 18; difficult to be assailed (durādharṣa), fiery, shining like burning fire (agnikalpa) (pradīptair iva pāvakaiḥ); their valour was like that of Indra (śakratulyaparākrama) 7. 87. 50; characterized as mlecchas 7. 68. 44; 7. 95. 13; they lived in the caves of mountains (girigahvaravāsin) 7. 68 45; also said to be living on country-side but leading the life of Dasyus (sarve viṣayavāsinaḥ…sarve te dasyujīvinaḥ) 12. 65. 15;

D. Epic events:

(1) Śakas were among several peoples like Cīnas, Hūṇas and others who, although they brought tribute of different kinds for Rājasūya, were stopped at the gate (abhigatān vividhān dvāri vāritān; baliṁ ca kṛtsnam ādāya dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ) 2. 47. 19-20, 25; the details of their tribute given in 2. 47. 21-25; Śakas are mentioned once again along with Tukhāras and others who brought tribute in the form of an arbuda horses who could go long distances and were of noble descent, as well as gold in very large quantities to be counted by crores and totalling a padma, but were stopped at the gate (mahāgamān dūragamān gaṇitān arbudaṁ hayān//koṭiśaś caiva bahuśaḥ suvarṇaṁ padmasaṁmitam//balim ādāya vividhaṁ dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ//) 2. 47. 26-27; they are mentioned a third time along with Aṅgas, Vaṅgas and others whose kings (kṣatriyāḥ) brought large amount of wealth as tribute (āhārṣuḥ kṣatriyā vittaṁ śataśaḥ); when asked by the gate-keepers to give more, each one of them gave a thousand elephants from the Kāmyaka lake and then were allowed to enter; the elephants given by them are described in stanzas 2. 48. 15-20; Kṛṣṇa mentioned Śakas among those whose kings, afraid of the lustre of the weapons of Pāṇḍavas, acted as servers at the Rājasūya sacrifice (śakān/…mahīpālān śastratejobhayārditān/…yajñe te pariveṣakān) 3. 48. 18, 20, 22;

(2) Drupada asked Yudhiṣṭhira to send his messengers to the kings of Śakas and others to seek their help in war 5. 4. 7, 9, 15;

(3) Kāmboja Sudakṣiṇa came to Duryodhana with an army of akṣauhiṇī fighters consisting of Yavanas and Śakas; it looked like a swarm of locusts (tasya senāsamāvāyaḥ śalabhānām ivābabhau) 5. 19. 21-22; Duryodhana's army consisted of different peoples, Śakas being one of them; like the army of gods it was difficult to be attacked (durādharṣāṁ devacamūprakāśām) 5. 158. 19-20; Śaka kings with their armies led by Śakuni marched towards Kurukṣetra in the second division of the Kaurava army (śakāḥ…dvitīye niryayur bale) 5. 196. 7; there, on the battle-field, before the start of the war, Kṛpa along with Śakas, Kirātas and others protected the Kaurava army in the north (camūm uttarato 'bhipāti) 6. 20. 13;

(4) On the third day of the war, the Kāmboja king along with the Śakas was posted at the ‘tail’ (puccham āsan) of the Garuḍavyūha (6. 52. 2) of Kauravas 6. 52. 7;

(5) On the sixth day, Śakas, Yavanas and others stood at the right wing (dakṣiṇam pakṣam āśritya) of the Krauñcavyūha (6. 71. 14) of the Kauravas 6. 71. 20;

(6) On the eleventh day, Śakas, Yavanas and others riding swift horses stood at the exterme end of the left wing (savyaṁ pārśvaṁ…teṣāṁ prapakṣāḥ…yayur aśvair mahāvegaiḥ) of the Śakaṭavyūha (7. 6. 15) of Kauravas 7. 6. 4-5;

(7) On the eleventh day, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, while recounting past exploits of Kṛṣṇa remembered his victory over hordes of enemies consisting of Āvantyas and others who came from different directions and joined the Śakas riding horses (?) (āvantyān…nānādigbhyaś ca saṁprāptān vrātān aśvaśakān prati/jitavān puṇḍarīkākṣo…) 7. 10. 16-18 (See Editor's note on the stanza Vol. IX. pp. 1144-1145: ŚBr. (Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa) appears to use this word to signify ‘excrement of a horse’! Here it seems to mean a particular (disgusting ?) tribe of Śakas who were horse-riders (cf. aSvapuruza in 6. 1. 7);

(8) On the twelfth day, Śakas were among those who occupied the ‘neck’ (grīvāyām) of the Suparṇavyūha (7. 19. 4) of Kauravas 7. 19. 7-8;

(9) On the fourteenth day, fierce Śakas, Yavanas and others formed innumerable hordes in hundreds and thousands (vrātāḥ śatasahasraśaḥ) to attack Arjuna; he fought them with arrows and cut them off with his skill in shooting arrows (aśātayat…astramāyayā); afraid, they all fled 7. 68. 41-45;

(10) The same day, Sātyaki expected to encounter them in his onward march towards Arjuna (śakaiś cāpi sameṣyāmi) 7. 87. 50; Sātyaki asked his charioteer to drive his chariot to Śakas and other Mlecchas who, riding chariots and elephants and holding different kinds of weapons in their hands, were eager to fight with him (mām evābhimukhāḥ sarve tiṣṭhanti samarārthinaḥ); Sātyaki was confident to defeat them 7. 95. 13-14; in the encounter that followed, Śakas and others showered arrows on Sātyaki; he cut off their arrows and killed them by thousands covering the earth with their blood and flesh; those who escaped death fled swiftly in fright; Sātyaki thus defeated the large army of Śakas 7. 95. 32-33, 38-39, 45; three thousand horse-riders of Śakas and others, led by Duryodhana, returned to the battlefield to attack Sātyaki; he killed many of them 7. 97. 13-14, 20;

(11) On the seventeenth day, Kāmbojas, Śakas and Yavanas, led by Saṁśaptakas guarded the extremity of the left side (vāmaṁ pārśvam apālayan…teṣāṁ prapakṣaḥ) of the Bārhaspatyavyūha (8. 31. 26) of Kauravas 8. 31. 14-15; in the course of that day, after the death of the younger brother of Kāmboja Sudakṣiṇa, there was fierce fighting (ghoram adbhutadarśanam) in which Śakas riding horses took part; a large number of them were killed 8. 40. 107-110; later that day, Kṛṣṇa in order to encourage Arjuna told him that Śakas had joined the Kaurava army for the sake of Duryodhana and no one else but he (Arjuna) could defeat them (na śakyā yudhi nirjetuṁ tvadanyena paraṁtapa) 8. 51. 18, 20; Śakas, who held excellent weapons in their hands and were ready to shoot arrows, riding horses, chariots and elephants, rushed at Arjuna to kill him (ātatāyinaḥ/śakās…//varāyudhān pāṇigatān); Arjuna cut off their hands and heads, killed their horses and elephants and broke their chariots 8. 64. 16-17;

(12) On the seventeenth day, at night (niśi 8. 1. 25), when Saṁjaya reported to Dhṛtarāṣṭra the death of Karṇa, he while remembering the past heroism of Karṇa mentioned that he had formerly defeated Śakas and many others and made them pay tribute (cakre balibhṛtaḥ purā) 8. 5. 18, 20 (reference to Karṇa's digvijaya at the time of Duryodhana's vaiṣṇavayajña 3. 241. 19, 32 (Vol. 4. App. I. 24. 28-34);

(13) On the eighteenth day, Kṛpa with Śakas and Yavanas stood on the right side (dakṣiṇe pārśve) of the Sarvatobhadravyūha (9. 7. 19) of Kauravas 9. 7. 24;

(14) At the end of the war, Saṁjaya mentioned Śakas among those who were killed in the war 9. 1. 26; Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that Śakas and others had joined his side not caring for death while fighting (madartham udyatāḥ sarve prāṇāṁs tyaktvā raṇe); Duryodhana boasted his ability to fight with Pāṇḍavas due to the support of Śakas 9. 2. 8, 21-22.

E. Past event: Māndhātṛ once asked Indra how people like Śakas were to be made to follow Dharma and how kings like him should control them (kathaṁ dharmaṁ careyus te …madvidhaiś ca kathaṁ sthāpyāḥ); Indra thereupon told Māndhātṛ the duties of Dasyus (the term Dasyu apparently covered Śakas) 12. 65. 13, 15, 17-21.

F. Future event: Śakas are mentioned among many kings who at the end of the Yuga (yugānte samanuprāpte) 3. 186. 30; yugānte 3. 186. 33; yugakṣaye 3. 186. 43, 48) would rule the earth the wrong way, would be sinful and would be given to tell lies (mithyānuśāsinaḥ pāpā mṛṣāvādaparāyaṇāḥ) 3. 186. 29-30.

*2nd word in left half of page p878_mci (+offset) in original book.

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