



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शाल्वः, पुं, देशविशेषः । यथा, -- “शाल्वास्तु कारकुक्षीया मरवस्तु दशेरकाः ॥” इति हेमचन्द्रः ॥ राजविशेषः । इति महाभारतम् ॥ (भीष्मेण सहास्य युद्धवृत्तान्तो महाभारते आदिपर्व्वणि १०२ अध्याये तथा कृष्णेन सहास्य युद्ध- वृत्तान्तस्तत्रैव वनपर्व्वणि १५ अध्यायमारभ्य द्रष्टव्यः ॥)



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शाल्व¦ पु॰ शाल--व।

१ देशभेदे हेमच॰। तस्य

२ मृपे च भारते दृश्यम्।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शाल्व¦ m. Plu. (-ल्वाः) The inhabitants of one of the central divisions of India. E. शाल्-व |


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शाल्वः [śālvḥ], 1 N. of a country.

A king of Śālva.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

शाल्व m. pl. (also written साल्व; See. शल्व)N. of a people GopBr. MBh. etc. (mfn. " relating to the शल्वs " g. कच्छा-दि)

शाल्व m. sg. a king of the शाल्वs (mentioned among the enemies of विष्णु; See. शाल्वा-रिbelow) MBh. Hariv. BhP.

शाल्व n. the fruit of the शाल्वplant Pa1n2. 4-3 , 166 Va1rtt. 2 Pat. ( v.l. )


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

--a दानव king and friend of शिशुपाल and जरासन्ध; an enemy of कृष्ण; when Hamsa, his brother, was killed by कृष्ण he wanted to avenge his death and after meeting his friends at कुण्डिन, took a vow to wipe out the यादवस्; he performed tapas to propitiate शिव and got an aerial car to go to any place, given to him by Maya; hearing of शिशुपाल's death, he grew angry and at- tacked द्वारका. Pradyumna, सात्यकि and others offered resistance. His commander-in-chief was defeated. But his minister Dyumat hit Pradyumna in the chest when his cha- rioteer removed him from the field. After recovering, he attacked Dyumat and vanquished him. For twenty- seven days the battle went on, when कृष्ण arrived. He directed his attack towards शाल्व, who attacked him when his bow slipped from his hand. After a hot discussion and some more fight, शाल्व dis- appeared and sent to कृष्ण a माया messenger saying that Vasudeva had been taken prisoner by शाल्व. Then कृष्ण saw a scene where a माया Vasudeva was killed. कृष्ण knew that all this was due to illusory powers and kept cool. He broke his car and cut off his head. फलकम्:F1: भा. X. ६०. १८; Chh. ७६-77 (whole); ७८. १३; II. 7. ३४; III. 3. १०; Vi. V. २६. 7.फलकम्:/F Attained मोक्ष by hatred of कृष्ण. फलकम्:F2: भा. XI. 5. ४८; Br. III. ७३. ९९; IV. २९. १२२.फलकम्:/F [page३-413+ २७]


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Śālva, Śālveya, Śālveyaka  : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people; people once referred to as śālvāśrayāḥ 6. 114. 77.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; (śālvamādreyajāṅgalāḥ) 6. 10. 37; designated as Janapada also in 4. 1. 9; 6. 18. 13-14; 6. 114. 77, and as Rāṣṭra in 4. 1. 8; the Janapada lay around Kurus (paritaḥ kurūn) 4. 1. 9.

B. Description:

(1) Of the Janapada: pleasant (ramaṇīya), (ramya) 4. 1. 8-9; rich in food (bahvanna) 4. 1. 9; well-protected (gupta) 4. 1. 8;

(2) Of the warriors: brave (śūra) and prepared to die while fighting (tanutyaj) 6. 18. 14.

C. Epic events:

(1) Śālvas were among those peoples who, afraid of Jarāsandha, had left north to take shelter in the south; their (of Śālveyas) kings also, along with their brothers and followers, fled to the south (śālvāḥ paṭaccarāḥ/…śālveyānāṁ ca rājānaḥ sodaryānucaraiḥ saha…tathottarāṁ diśaṁ cāpi parityajya bhayārditāḥ…dakṣiṇāṁ diśam āśritāḥ) 2. 13. 25-27;

(2) Jayadratha, wanting to marry, was proceeding to the country of Śālveyas (śālveyān prayātaḥ so 'bhavat tadā) 3. 248. 6;

(3) Śālva was one of the countries recommended by Arjuna to Yudhiṣṭhira for their stay during the year of ajñātavāsa 4. 1. 8-10;

(4) Śālveyakas, along with Matsyas led by Kīcaka, had often subdued Suśarman, the king of Trigartas (askṛn nikṛtaḥ pūrvaṁ matsyaiḥ śālveyakaiḥ saha) 4. 29. 2;

(5) Saṁjaya reported to Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Śālveyas were among those who did not respect him any longer and had gone to the side of Pāṇḍavas (śālveyāḥ…sarve tvām avajānate) 5. 53. 17;

(6) According to Saṁjaya's report, the five Kekaya brothers (on the side of Pāṇḍavas) were supposed to engage the Śālvas and Kekayas (both, on the side of Kauravas) in the forthcoming war (rājaputrā bhrātaraḥ pañca kekayāḥ/… yotsyanti saṁyuge//teṣām eva kṛto bhāgo …śālvakekayāḥ/) 5. 56. 17-18;

(7) Ulūka informed Yudhiṣṭhira that Duryodhana's army, which included Śālvas and others and was protected by their kings, had become unassailable and had become like the army of the gods (durādharṣāṁ devacamūprakāśāṁ) 5. 158. 19-20;

(8) Bhīṣma had assured Duryodhana that he alone would kill the Pāṇḍava army along with Śālveyakas; that was his responsibility (ahaṁ hantā pāṇḍavānām anīkaṁ śālveyakāṁś ceti mamaiṣa bhāraḥ) 5. 160. 10;

(9) On the battle-field before the start of the war, Śālvas were among the twelve Janapadas, whose twenty thousand chariot-fighters (rathā viṁśatisāhasrāḥ), offered protection to Bhīṣma (dvādaśaite janapadāḥ…mahatā rathavaṁśena te'bhyarakṣan pitāmaham) 6. 18. 12-14;

(10) On the first day of the war, Śālvas led by Jayadratha and other heroes, were stationed in the middle of the army (śālvā matsyāḥ…sarvasainyasya madhye) 6. 20. 12;

(11) On the fifth day, Sātyaki, Cekitāna and Abhimanyu attacked Śālvas and Kekayas 6. 68. 8;

(12) On the tenth day, the chariot-fighters (mahārathāḥ) of Śālvas and others, instigated by Duryodhana (6. 112. 102-106), attacked Arjuna; Arjuna burnt them with heavenly missiles (divyāny astrāṇi saṁcintya…dadāha); afflicted by Arjuna's arrows and their chariots and banners broken (viprakīrṇarathadhvajāḥ), they did not attack Arjuna (nābhyavartanta…vānaradhvajam); he scattered their army (drāvayitvā varūthinīm) (6. 112. 110-117); later, the same day, just before the fall of Bhīṣma, Śālvas were among the twelve Janapadas who, though they were afflicted by arrows and pained due to wounds (śarārtā vraṇapīḍitāḥ) did not abandon Bhīṣma fighting with Arjuna, even when the Kaurava army fled due to fear (vayaṁ…bhītāḥ… pradravāma mahāraṇāt;…śālvāśrayās… dvādaśaite janapadāḥ śarārtā vraṇapīḍitāḥ/ saṁgrāme na jahur bhīṣmaṁ yudhyamānaṁ kirīṭinā) 6. 114. 75-77;

(13) On the fourteenth day, Matsyas along with the armies of Śālveyas, led by Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Virāṭa, speedily attacked Droṇa (matsyāḥ śālveyasenāś ca droṇam ājagmur añjasā) 7. 73. 50; in the evening of that day (sāyāhne 7. 129. 5), they again attacked Droṇa 7. 129. 7;

(14) On the sixteenth day, Śālvas were among those who attacked Arjuna showering him with arrows; although they were getting killed, they did not leave Arjuna as the moths the fire (samare nājahuḥ pāṇḍavaṁ tadā/…śalabhā iva pāvakam) 8. 19. 2-3, 7;

(15) On the seventeenth day, Karṇa told Śalya what a certain Brāhmaṇa had once told Dhṛtarāṣṭra; according to him, Śālvas knew what the eternal dharma was (dharmaṁ jānanti śāśvatam); he told Śalya that Śālvas knew what the speaker intended to convey only when all details were told to them (ardhoktāḥ kurupāñcālāḥ śālvāḥ kṛtsnānuśāsinaḥ) 8. 30. 8, 60-61, 79.

F. Past event:

(1) King Dyumatsena once ruled the Śālvas until he became blind 3. 278. 7; after some years his subjects approached him in the forest to request him to rule over them once again (tataḥ prakṛtayaḥ sarvāḥ śālvebhyo 'bhyāgatā…) 3. 283. 3, 5.

G. Several kings referred to as king of Śālvas (or Śālveyas):

A. King of Śālvas: (a) śālvapati:

(1) King of Śālvas (whom Ambā had first chosen as her husband) not named 5. 171. 6; 5. 172. 2, 4, 10, 14. 18; 5. 174. 3; 5. 175. 22; 5. 176. 34;

(2) Śālva, the king of Saubha (the city flying in the sky) 3. 17. 8; (b) śālvarāja:

(1) Śālva, the king of Saubha (1. 96. 48), 1. 96. 25, 27, 32; 3. 17. 9, 10; 3. 18. 18; 3. 20. 22; 3. 21. 6, 8; 3. 23. 2, 27; 5. 47. 73;

(2) King of Śālvas (whom Ambā had first chosen as her husband) 5. 171. 9; 5. 173. 6; 5. 176. 7, 11, 35;

(3) A certain king (named Ugrakarman ? Maheṣvāsa ?) fighting from the side of Kauravas (ugrakarmā maheṣvāso nāmataḥ karmatas tathā) 8. 4. 40;

(4) Dyutimant, a king of the past, who gave away his kingdom to Ṛcīka 12. 226. 33; (c) śālvarājan: Śālva, the king of Saubha 1. 96. 37, 38; (d) śālvaka: certain kings who had joined the Kaurava army, not specified 5. 30. 23;

B. King of Śālveyas: śālveyānām adhipa-; Virāṭa 5. 22. 18.

*2nd word in left half of page p884_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Śālva, Śālveya, Śālveyaka  : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people; people once referred to as śālvāśrayāḥ 6. 114. 77.

A. Location: Listed by Saṁjaya among the northern Janapadas of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhvaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; (śālvamādreyajāṅgalāḥ) 6. 10. 37; designated as Janapada also in 4. 1. 9; 6. 18. 13-14; 6. 114. 77, and as Rāṣṭra in 4. 1. 8; the Janapada lay around Kurus (paritaḥ kurūn) 4. 1. 9.

B. Description:

(1) Of the Janapada: pleasant (ramaṇīya), (ramya) 4. 1. 8-9; rich in food (bahvanna) 4. 1. 9; well-protected (gupta) 4. 1. 8;

(2) Of the warriors: brave (śūra) and prepared to die while fighting (tanutyaj) 6. 18. 14.

C. Epic events:

(1) Śālvas were among those peoples who, afraid of Jarāsandha, had left north to take shelter in the south; their (of Śālveyas) kings also, along with their brothers and followers, fled to the south (śālvāḥ paṭaccarāḥ/…śālveyānāṁ ca rājānaḥ sodaryānucaraiḥ saha…tathottarāṁ diśaṁ cāpi parityajya bhayārditāḥ…dakṣiṇāṁ diśam āśritāḥ) 2. 13. 25-27;

(2) Jayadratha, wanting to marry, was proceeding to the country of Śālveyas (śālveyān prayātaḥ so 'bhavat tadā) 3. 248. 6;

(3) Śālva was one of the countries recommended by Arjuna to Yudhiṣṭhira for their stay during the year of ajñātavāsa 4. 1. 8-10;

(4) Śālveyakas, along with Matsyas led by Kīcaka, had often subdued Suśarman, the king of Trigartas (askṛn nikṛtaḥ pūrvaṁ matsyaiḥ śālveyakaiḥ saha) 4. 29. 2;

(5) Saṁjaya reported to Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Śālveyas were among those who did not respect him any longer and had gone to the side of Pāṇḍavas (śālveyāḥ…sarve tvām avajānate) 5. 53. 17;

(6) According to Saṁjaya's report, the five Kekaya brothers (on the side of Pāṇḍavas) were supposed to engage the Śālvas and Kekayas (both, on the side of Kauravas) in the forthcoming war (rājaputrā bhrātaraḥ pañca kekayāḥ/… yotsyanti saṁyuge//teṣām eva kṛto bhāgo …śālvakekayāḥ/) 5. 56. 17-18;

(7) Ulūka informed Yudhiṣṭhira that Duryodhana's army, which included Śālvas and others and was protected by their kings, had become unassailable and had become like the army of the gods (durādharṣāṁ devacamūprakāśāṁ) 5. 158. 19-20;

(8) Bhīṣma had assured Duryodhana that he alone would kill the Pāṇḍava army along with Śālveyakas; that was his responsibility (ahaṁ hantā pāṇḍavānām anīkaṁ śālveyakāṁś ceti mamaiṣa bhāraḥ) 5. 160. 10;

(9) On the battle-field before the start of the war, Śālvas were among the twelve Janapadas, whose twenty thousand chariot-fighters (rathā viṁśatisāhasrāḥ), offered protection to Bhīṣma (dvādaśaite janapadāḥ…mahatā rathavaṁśena te'bhyarakṣan pitāmaham) 6. 18. 12-14;

(10) On the first day of the war, Śālvas led by Jayadratha and other heroes, were stationed in the middle of the army (śālvā matsyāḥ…sarvasainyasya madhye) 6. 20. 12;

(11) On the fifth day, Sātyaki, Cekitāna and Abhimanyu attacked Śālvas and Kekayas 6. 68. 8;

(12) On the tenth day, the chariot-fighters (mahārathāḥ) of Śālvas and others, instigated by Duryodhana (6. 112. 102-106), attacked Arjuna; Arjuna burnt them with heavenly missiles (divyāny astrāṇi saṁcintya…dadāha); afflicted by Arjuna's arrows and their chariots and banners broken (viprakīrṇarathadhvajāḥ), they did not attack Arjuna (nābhyavartanta…vānaradhvajam); he scattered their army (drāvayitvā varūthinīm) (6. 112. 110-117); later, the same day, just before the fall of Bhīṣma, Śālvas were among the twelve Janapadas who, though they were afflicted by arrows and pained due to wounds (śarārtā vraṇapīḍitāḥ) did not abandon Bhīṣma fighting with Arjuna, even when the Kaurava army fled due to fear (vayaṁ…bhītāḥ… pradravāma mahāraṇāt;…śālvāśrayās… dvādaśaite janapadāḥ śarārtā vraṇapīḍitāḥ/ saṁgrāme na jahur bhīṣmaṁ yudhyamānaṁ kirīṭinā) 6. 114. 75-77;

(13) On the fourteenth day, Matsyas along with the armies of Śālveyas, led by Dhṛṣṭadyumna and Virāṭa, speedily attacked Droṇa (matsyāḥ śālveyasenāś ca droṇam ājagmur añjasā) 7. 73. 50; in the evening of that day (sāyāhne 7. 129. 5), they again attacked Droṇa 7. 129. 7;

(14) On the sixteenth day, Śālvas were among those who attacked Arjuna showering him with arrows; although they were getting killed, they did not leave Arjuna as the moths the fire (samare nājahuḥ pāṇḍavaṁ tadā/…śalabhā iva pāvakam) 8. 19. 2-3, 7;

(15) On the seventeenth day, Karṇa told Śalya what a certain Brāhmaṇa had once told Dhṛtarāṣṭra; according to him, Śālvas knew what the eternal dharma was (dharmaṁ jānanti śāśvatam); he told Śalya that Śālvas knew what the speaker intended to convey only when all details were told to them (ardhoktāḥ kurupāñcālāḥ śālvāḥ kṛtsnānuśāsinaḥ) 8. 30. 8, 60-61, 79.

F. Past event:

(1) King Dyumatsena once ruled the Śālvas until he became blind 3. 278. 7; after some years his subjects approached him in the forest to request him to rule over them once again (tataḥ prakṛtayaḥ sarvāḥ śālvebhyo 'bhyāgatā…) 3. 283. 3, 5.

G. Several kings referred to as king of Śālvas (or Śālveyas):

A. King of Śālvas: (a) śālvapati:

(1) King of Śālvas (whom Ambā had first chosen as her husband) not named 5. 171. 6; 5. 172. 2, 4, 10, 14. 18; 5. 174. 3; 5. 175. 22; 5. 176. 34;

(2) Śālva, the king of Saubha (the city flying in the sky) 3. 17. 8; (b) śālvarāja:

(1) Śālva, the king of Saubha (1. 96. 48), 1. 96. 25, 27, 32; 3. 17. 9, 10; 3. 18. 18; 3. 20. 22; 3. 21. 6, 8; 3. 23. 2, 27; 5. 47. 73;

(2) King of Śālvas (whom Ambā had first chosen as her husband) 5. 171. 9; 5. 173. 6; 5. 176. 7, 11, 35;

(3) A certain king (named Ugrakarman ? Maheṣvāsa ?) fighting from the side of Kauravas (ugrakarmā maheṣvāso nāmataḥ karmatas tathā) 8. 4. 40;

(4) Dyutimant, a king of the past, who gave away his kingdom to Ṛcīka 12. 226. 33; (c) śālvarājan: Śālva, the king of Saubha 1. 96. 37, 38; (d) śālvaka: certain kings who had joined the Kaurava army, not specified 5. 30. 23;

B. King of Śālveyas: śālveyānām adhipa-; Virāṭa 5. 22. 18.

*2nd word in left half of page p884_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Śālva as the name of a people is found in the Gopatha Brāhmaṇa[] coupled with that of the Matsyas.

  1. i. 2, 9. Cf. Salva.
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=शाल्व&oldid=474795" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्