पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
यदुः, पुं, (यजते इति । यज् + उः । पृषोदरादि- त्वात् जस्थाने दकारः ।) देवयान्यां जातो ययातेर्ज्येष्ठपुत्त्रः । तस्य वंशे पितृशापात् राजा- चक्रवर्त्ती नासीत् । तद्वंशे द्वापरयुगस्यान्ते श्रीकृष्णोऽवतीर्णः । इति श्रीभागवतमतम् ॥ तस्य मातुलकन्याविवाहकारणं यथा, -- “जरां प्राप्य ययातिस्तु स्वपुरं प्राप्य चैव ह । पुत्त्रं ज्येष्ठं वरिष्ठञ्च यदुमित्यब्रवीद्वचः ॥ त्वं यदो ! प्रतिमद्यस्व पाप्मानं जरया सह । यौवनेन त्वदीयेन चरेयं विषयानहम् ॥ पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे तु पुनस्ते यौवनं त्वहम् । दत्त्वा संप्रतिपत्स्यामि पाप्मानं जरया सह ॥ यदुरुवाव । सितश्मश्रुधरो दीनो जरया शिथिलीकृतः । बलीसन्ततगात्रश्च दुर्द्धर्षो दुर्ब्बलः कृशः ॥ अशक्तः कार्य्यकरणे पापभूतश्च यौवने । सहोपजीविभिश्चैव तां जरां नैव कामये ॥ सन्ति ते बहवः पुत्त्रा मत्तः प्रियतरा नृप ! । जरां ग्रहीतुं धर्म्मज्ञ ! पुत्त्रमन्यं वृणीष्व वै ॥ ययातिरुवाच । यो मे त्वं हृदयाज्जातो वयः स्वं न प्रयच्छसि । पापान्मातुलसम्बन्धात् प्रजा वै ते भविष्यति ॥” इति मात्स्ये ३१ अध्यायः ॥ * ॥ (हर्य्यश्वराजपुत्त्रः । यथा, हरिवंशे । ९३ । ४४ । “तस्यैवं सुप्रवृत्तस्य पुत्त्रकामस्य धीमतः । मधुमत्यां सुतो जज्ञे यदुर्नाम महायशाः ॥”)
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
यदु¦ पु॰ ययातिनृपतेः
१ ज्येष्ठपुत्रे यस्य वंशे श्रीकृष्णवतारः। तस्य गोत्रापत्यमण् बहुषु तस्य लुक्।
२ यदुवंश्ये
३ दर्शार्हदेशे च व॰ व॰ हेमच॰।
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
यदु¦ m. (-दुः)
1. The name of a king, the ancestor of KRISHN4A, and the eldest son of YAYA4TI4 and DE4VAYA4NI4, the sixth monarch of the lunar dynasty.
2. A country on the west of the Jamuna4 river about Mat'hura4 and Brinda4bana, over which YADU ruled, and named after him: according to some authorities, however, the kingdom of YADU, is the Dakshin or Peninsula of India. m. Plu. (-वाः) I. The Ya4davas, the people of YADU.
2. Descendants of king YADU: more usually however यादवाः |
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
यदुः [yaduḥ], 1 N. of an ancient king, the eldest son of Yayāti and Devayānī and ancestor of the Yādavas.
N. of a country near Mathurā. -Comp. -कुलोद्भवः, -नन्दनः, -श्रेष्ठः epithets of Kṛiṣṇa.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
यदु m. N. of an ancient hero (in the वेदoften mentioned together with तुर्वश[or तुर्वसु] See. , and described as preserved by इन्द्रduring an inundation ; in epic poetry he is a son of ययातिand brother of पुरुand तुर्वसु, कृष्णbeing descended from यदु, and भरतand कुरुfrom पुरु; यदुis also called a son of वसु, king of चेदि, or a son of हर्य्-अश्व) RV. MBh. Hariv. Pur.
यदु m. N. of a country on the west of the Jumna river (about मथुराand वृन्दा-वन, over which यदुruled ; according to others the Deccan or Southern peninsula of India) W.
यदु m. pl. the people of यदुor the descendants of king यदु(See. यादव) ib.
Purana index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
(I)--originator of the यादव race; the eldest son of ययाति and देवयानी. Father of Sahasrajit and other sons. फलकम्:F1: भा. IX. १८. ३३; २३. २०-1; M. 4. २२; २४. ५३; वा. 1. १५५; Vi. IV. ११. 1-5.फलकम्:/F His line glorified by the birth of कृष्ण, as the Malaya hill by the sandal tree; became overlord of the southern part of the kingdom. Refused to part with his youth to his father and hence was cursed to become the father of refractory sons and was also refused a share in the kingdom; father of five sons; debarred by his father to succeed him; was placed in charge of the southern territory; फलकम्:F2: भा. I. 8. ३२; IX. १९. २२; १८. ३४-40; chh. २३ and २४ (whole); M. ३३. 1-8; ३४. १६-20, ३०; ४३. 6; वा. ९३. १६, ३०-40; Vi. IV. १०. १२.फलकम्:/F his descendants; फलकम्:F3: Br. I. 1. १६६; III. ६८. (whole); ६९. 1-5; ७३. १२५; वा. ९३. ८९; Vi. IV. १०. ३१.फलकम्:/F had a discourse on detachment and reali- sation of आत्मन् from an अवधूत sannyasin, when the ascetic spoke of his twenty-four gurus; earth, air, sky, waters, fire, moon, sun, kapota (pigeon), boaconstrictor, sea, moth, bee, elephant, honey-gatherer, deer, fish, पिङ्गल, Kurara, child, girl, blacksmith, serpent, spider and wasp. From the exemplary ways of each of them, the ascetic learnt his lessons which are elaborated. Hearing this Yadu became free from all attachments and looked on all things as equal; फलकम्:F4: भा. XI. 7. 9; X. 1. 2.फलकम्:/F equal to Indra. फलकम्:F5: M. ३२. 9.फलकम्:/F
(II)--a याम deva. Br. II. १३. ९२; वा. ३१. 6.
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Yadu, Yādava : m. (pl.): Name of a people, often identified with Vṛṣṇis so that their accounts get mixed up; sometimes mentioned also along with Andhakas and Bhojas.
A. Origin: Yādavas were born in the line of Yadu, son of Yayāti (yados tu yādavā jātāḥ) 1. 80. 26; (yaduś ca… yādavānāṁ kulakaro…) 5. 147. 6-7; the lineage of Yadus is traced back to Vivasvant (putrā vivasvataḥ sarve…tebhyo 'yaṁ kuruvaṁśaś ca yadūnāṁ bharatasya ca) 1. 1. 41, 44; Other accounts:
(1) Baladeva and Kṛṣṇa were born from the two hair-one white and the other blackplucked by Hari and which entered Rohiṇī and Devakī of the lineage of Yadus; (sa cāpi keśau harir udbabarha śuklam ekam aparaṁ cāpi kṛṣṇam/tau cāpi keśau viśatāṁ yadūnāṁ kule striyau rohiṇīṁ devakīṁ ca/tayor eko baladevo babhūva kṛṣṇo dvitīyaḥ) 1. 189. 31;
(2) Nārāyaṇa was born on this earth (as Kṛṣṇa) in the house of Yadus and in the lineage of Andhakas and Vṛṣṇis (…nārāyaṇaḥ…ajāyata yadukṣaye/kṣitāvandhakavṛṣṇīnāṁ vaṁśe) 2. 33. 16-17 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 2. 36. 16; yadukṣaye yadugṛhe).
B. Glorification of the family of Yadus and of their narrative: Kings born in the lineage of Yadus were incarnations of gods (iti devāsurāṇāṁ te…aṁśāvataraṇaṁ rājan…kīrtitam//…mahātmāno yadūnāṁ ca ye jātā vipule kule) 1. 61. 99-100, also cf. 92; the narrative of the family of Yādavas, as also of Pauravas and Bhāratas, is holy, leads to well-being, brings wealth, fame and long life (yādavānām imaṁ vaṁśaṁ…puṇyaṁ svastyayanaṁ mahat/dhanyaṁ yaśasyam āyuṣyaṁ…) 1. 70. 2.
C. Description: Of unlimited energy (amitaujas) 16. 9. 12; spirited, of true valour, very strong; led by Kṛṣṇa, they all were like Indra and got all enjoyments (kṛṣṇapraṇītāḥ sarva evendrakalpāḥ/ manasvinaḥ satyaparākramāś ca/mahābalā yādavā bhogavantaḥ//) 5. 28. 12 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 28. 12; kṛṣṇapraṇītāḥ kṛṣṇenalva nītipathaṁ nītāḥ); their kings were magnanimous (mahātman) 1. 61. 100.
D. Epic events:
(1) Yādavas, Andhakas and Bhojas had abandoned Kaṁsa in the interest of the family; after he was killed by Kṛṣṇa, all his kinsmen lived happily for a hundred years (andhakā yādavā bhojāḥ sametāḥ kaṁsam atyajan/… evaṁ te jñātayaḥ sarve modamānāḥ śataṁ samāḥ//) 2. 55. 6-7; kaṁsam ekaṁ parityajya kulārthe sarvayādavāḥ/saṁbhūya sukham edhante…andhakavṛṣṇayaḥ//) 5. 126. 39;
(2) Karṇa advised Duryodhana to use force against Pāṇḍavas before Kṛṣṇa came with the army of Yādavas to help them (karṣan yādavavāhinīm) 1. 194. 15;
(3) The messenger sent by Yudhiṣṭhira to Kṛṣṇa reached the country of Yādavas and saw him in Dvārakā (prāpya yādavān) 2. 12. 29;
(4) Kṛṣṇa spread the fame and pride of Yādavas by killing Śiśupāla (yaśomānau vardhayan yādavānām) 5. 22. 26;
(5) Pradyumna assured Yādavas that he would destroy the army of Śālva with his arrows 3. 17. 31; 3. 18. 1;
(6) Sahadeva recalled that Arjuna had defeated Yādavas who had gathered together when he abducted Subhadrā; Arjuna had then stayed with the Yadus 3. 79. 27; (yadusadanaṁ) 8. 26. 63;
(7) Bhīma assured Yudhiṣṭhira that Kṛṣṇa with Yādavas would help him to achieve his purpose 3. 173. 16;
(8) In the forest, Draupadī and Satyabhāmā told each other interesting stories of those who ruled Kurus and Yadus (kathayām āsatuś citrāḥ kathāḥ kuruyadukṣitām) 3. 222. 2 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 233. 3 who reads kuruyadūtthitāḥ) explains it as kuruṣu yaduṣu ca utpannāḥ);
(9) Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that the Māgadha king with the assistance of Karṇa had checked all Kṣatriyas except Kauravas and Yādavas (arautsīt pārthivaṁ kṣatram ṛte kauravayādayān) 8. 5. 22;
(10) Kuntī felt that nothing would be more painful to her than the fight between Pāṇḍavas, Cedis, Pāñcālas and Yādavas with Bhāratas (i. e. Kauravas) (…yādavāś ca samāgatāḥ/ bhāratair yadi yotsyanti kiṁ nu duḥkham ataḥ param) 5. 142. 12;
(11) From Upaplavya, Balarāma along with all Yādavas set out for tīrthayātrā to Sarasvatī under the constellation Maitra (maitre nakṣatrayoge sma sahitaḥ sarvayādavaiḥ) 9. 34. 12;
(12) Kṛṣṇa told Gāndhārī that he had already foreseen the destruction of Yādavas brought about by mutual killings (parasparakṛtaṁ nāśam ataḥ prāpsyanti yādavāḥ) 11. 25. 45;
(13) Younger Yādavas took hold of the sacrificial horse of Yudhiṣṭhira and were taking him away when Ugrasena stopped them (yādavānāṁ kumārakāḥ) 14. 84. 14;
(14) Bhīma and the rest, as well as Kurus and Yādavas, enjoyed listening the stories of Arjuna 14, 89. 11;
(15) Yādavas and their wives went to Prabhāsa taking with them ample food and drink and lived there 16. 4. 9; there Sātyaki told Kṛtavarman that Yādavas had not forgotten his killing those who were asleep 16. 4. 9, 17; Kṛṣṇa told Dāruka to go to Kurus and inform Arjuna about the killings of Yadus; he wanted Arjuna to come to Dvārakā hearing the news of the death of Yādavas due to the curse of Brāhmaṇas (pārthāya śaṁsasva vadhaṁ yadūnām) 16. 5. 2; (śrutvā mṛtān yādavān brahmaśāpāt) 16. 5. 3; Kṛṣṇa told Vasudeva that he was witness to the destruction of Yadus and that he would not be able to bear the sight of the city (Dvārakā) of Yādavas when it was devoid of Yadus (dṛṣṭaṁ mayedaṁ nidhanaṁ yadūnāṁ…nāhaṁ vinā yadubhir yādavānāṁ purīm imāṁ draṣṭum ihādya śaktaḥ) 16. 5. 8; he told Vasudeva that Arjuna, when he knew the misfortune of the Yadus, would definitely come to Dvārakā (śrutvā…yadūnām anayaṁ mahat) 16. 7. 14; Arjuna told Vyāsa that he remembered again and again the destruction of Yadus of unlimited energy and of Kṛṣṇa (punaḥ punar na mṛśyāmi vināśam amitaujasām/cintayāno yadūnāṁ ca kṛṣṇasya ca…) 16. 9. 12 (the event of Arjuna's seeing the great destruction of Yadu heroes in a drinking bout is mentioned earlier in the summary of Mausalaparvan in 1. 2. 224 (dadarśa yaduvīrāṇām āpāne vaiśasaṁ mahat; Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 355: āpāne surāpānasthāne);
(16) When Pāṇḍavas started on their Great Journey (mahāprasthāna) Yudhiṣṭhira made Vajra, who survived the destruction of Yadus, the king of Śakraprastha (Indraprastha) (yadūnāṁ pariśeṣaś ca vajro rājā kṛtaś ca ha;…śakraprasthe tu yādavaḥ) 17. 1. 8-9;
(17) When Aśvatthāman had once stayed with Kṛṣṇa to get his discus (cakra), he was respected by all Yādavas 10. 12. 34.
E. Past event: When the sword was created as a new weapon by Manu it was handed down from generation to generation; at one stage it was obtained from Uśīnara by Bhojas and Yādavas, and Śibi obtained it from Yadus (uśīnaro vai dharmātmā tasmād bhojāḥ sayādavāḥ/yadubhyaś ca śibir lebhe) 12. 160. 71, 78.
F. Certain persons referred to as belonging to, or the propagator of, or the chief or foremost of, the best of, the delighter or prosperor of Yadus or Yādavas:
A. Belonging to Yadus or Yādavas: (i) yadu:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 12. 50. 11 (cf. 12. 50. 5, 8, 10);
(2) Sātyaki 12. 50. 11 cf. 12. 50. 10); (ii) yādava:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 2. 19. 35; 2. 40. 14; 6. 33. 41; 7 18. 13; 9. 61. 38; 12. 59. 1 (cf 12. 58. 25); 13. 14. 23; 13. 32. 10-12, 15-17, 19;
(2) Balarāma 2. 40. 14;
(3) Vajra 17. 1. 9 (cf. 16. 8. 11; 17. 1. 8);
(4) Śūra 7. 119. 7;
(5) Sātyaki 5. 47. 44; 12. 59. 1 (cf. 12. 58. 25), (iii) yādavī (f.):
(1) Kuntī 1. 103. 5; 12. 69. 69; 15. 5. 14;
(2) Subhadrā 15. 39. 2;
(3) Mother of Śiśupāla (sister of Vasudeva) 2. 40. 14;
B. The founder or the propagator of the lineage of Yadus or Yādavas: (i) yādavānāṁ kulakara-: Yadu 5. 147. 7; (ii) yadukulodvaha-:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 9. 59. 35; 9. 62. 29; 13. 14. 15;
(2) Vasudeva 14. 60. 36; (iii) yaduvaṁśavivardhana:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 6. 61. 62;
(2) Yadu: (asmākaṁ vaṁśavardhanaḥ) 5. 147. 5; (iv) yadūdvaha: Vasudeva 14. 60. 38;
C. The delighter of the Yadus or Yādavas: (i) yadunandana:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 2. 21. 1; 2. 22. 1; 2. 40. 21; (yadukulaº ºnandana) 7. 157. 26; 8. 49. 11; 8. 69. 12; 9. 32. 15; 9. 61. 17; 14. 65. 17; 14. 69. 8; 14. 70. 20; 14. 88. 12; 14. 89. 22; 16. 4. 34;
(2) Balarāma 9. 11. 6; 9. 34. 12; 9. 36. 38, 56; 9. 40. 1; 10. 9. 26; (ii) yadunandinī (f.) Subhadrā 14. 60. 33; (iii) yādavanandana:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 3. 13. 23; 5. 92. 14; 5. 139. 20; 6. 102. 30; 7. 157. 25; 9. 62. 16; 12. 46. 27; 14. 2. 11;
D. The chief, eminent or best of the Yadus or Yādavas: (i) yadupuṁgava:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 1. 178. 8; 2. 2. 10; 8. 37. 18; 8. 69. 6; 9. 53. 37; 12. 48. 11-12;
(2) Balarāma 1. 178. 8;
(3) Unidentified Yādavas (pl.) 1. 178. 8; (ii) yadupravīra:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 1. 178. 9; 1. 183. 5; 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 18. 20); 12. 49. 80;
(2) Pradyumna 3. 120. 29; (cf. 3. 118. 18, 20);
(3) Balarāma 1. 183. 5; 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 18. 20); 9. 34. 29, 36; (iii) yaduvīra: Kṛṣṇa 12. 31 40;
(4) Sātyaki 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 20);
(5) Sāmba 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 20);
(6) Other unidentified Yadu chiefs 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 19-20); (iii) yadūnāṁ pravara-: Balarāma 9. 48. 1; (iv) yaduvara:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 9. 59. 10;
(2) Balarāma 9. 59. 10; (v) yaduvīra: Kṛṣṇa 12. 31. 40; (vi) yaduvṛṣa: Kṛṣṇa 12. 52. 34; (vii) yadūnāṁ ṛṣabha-:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 6. 56. 9; 10. 12. 1; 10. 13. 8;
(2) Sātyaki 7. 94. 16; (viii) yādavaraṣabha:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 6. 102. 58;
(2) Unidentified (Kṛtavaraman and others) 3, 4. 8; yādavānām ṛṣabha- Kṛṣṇa 5. 69. 3; (ix) yaduśārdūla:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 2. 22. 2; 12. 43. 2;
(2) Balarāma 9. 36. 25; yādavaśārdūla: Kṛṣṇa 5. 81. 70; 13. 15. 51; (x) yaduśreṣṭha:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 2. 18. 20; 3. 224. 17; 6. 77. 35; 12. 38. 20; 12. 82. 30; 13. 135. 88;
(2) Balarāma 9. 52. 16;
(3) Vasudeva 1. 2. 224; yadukulaśreṣṭha 13. 17. 5; yādavaśreṣṭha:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 7. 158. 43; 9. 62. 31, 36;
(2) Balarāma 9. 53. 3; (xi) yadusiṁha: Balarāma 9. 51, 26; (xii) yadūttama:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 5. 70. 50; 9. 62. 55; 10. 12. 15;
(2) Sātyaki 8. 60. 24; (xiii) yādavāgrya: Kṛṣṇa 12. 43. 17; (xiv) yādaveśvara: Kṛṣṇa 13. 16. 72.
E. Bringer of happiness to Yadus: yadusukhāvaha: Kṛṣṇa 5. 81. 28; 5. 91. 22.
F. Other objects:
(1) Increaser of joy of Yadus: yadūnāṁ nandivardhana-: Kṛṣṇa's chariot 5. 81. 18;
(2) Honoured by Yadus: arcitaṁ yadubhiḥ: The discus (cakra) of Kṛṣṇa 8. 54. 28;
(3) Belonging to the Yādavas: yādavī (f.): Sudharmā, the sabhā of Yādavas 16. 8. 7. [See Andhaka, Daśārha, Bhoja, Madhu, Vṛṣṇi, Sātvat ].
*1st word in left half of page p845_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Yadu, Yādava : m. (pl.): Name of a people, often identified with Vṛṣṇis so that their accounts get mixed up; sometimes mentioned also along with Andhakas and Bhojas.
A. Origin: Yādavas were born in the line of Yadu, son of Yayāti (yados tu yādavā jātāḥ) 1. 80. 26; (yaduś ca… yādavānāṁ kulakaro…) 5. 147. 6-7; the lineage of Yadus is traced back to Vivasvant (putrā vivasvataḥ sarve…tebhyo 'yaṁ kuruvaṁśaś ca yadūnāṁ bharatasya ca) 1. 1. 41, 44; Other accounts:
(1) Baladeva and Kṛṣṇa were born from the two hair-one white and the other blackplucked by Hari and which entered Rohiṇī and Devakī of the lineage of Yadus; (sa cāpi keśau harir udbabarha śuklam ekam aparaṁ cāpi kṛṣṇam/tau cāpi keśau viśatāṁ yadūnāṁ kule striyau rohiṇīṁ devakīṁ ca/tayor eko baladevo babhūva kṛṣṇo dvitīyaḥ) 1. 189. 31;
(2) Nārāyaṇa was born on this earth (as Kṛṣṇa) in the house of Yadus and in the lineage of Andhakas and Vṛṣṇis (…nārāyaṇaḥ…ajāyata yadukṣaye/kṣitāvandhakavṛṣṇīnāṁ vaṁśe) 2. 33. 16-17 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 2. 36. 16; yadukṣaye yadugṛhe).
B. Glorification of the family of Yadus and of their narrative: Kings born in the lineage of Yadus were incarnations of gods (iti devāsurāṇāṁ te…aṁśāvataraṇaṁ rājan…kīrtitam//…mahātmāno yadūnāṁ ca ye jātā vipule kule) 1. 61. 99-100, also cf. 92; the narrative of the family of Yādavas, as also of Pauravas and Bhāratas, is holy, leads to well-being, brings wealth, fame and long life (yādavānām imaṁ vaṁśaṁ…puṇyaṁ svastyayanaṁ mahat/dhanyaṁ yaśasyam āyuṣyaṁ…) 1. 70. 2.
C. Description: Of unlimited energy (amitaujas) 16. 9. 12; spirited, of true valour, very strong; led by Kṛṣṇa, they all were like Indra and got all enjoyments (kṛṣṇapraṇītāḥ sarva evendrakalpāḥ/ manasvinaḥ satyaparākramāś ca/mahābalā yādavā bhogavantaḥ//) 5. 28. 12 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 5. 28. 12; kṛṣṇapraṇītāḥ kṛṣṇenalva nītipathaṁ nītāḥ); their kings were magnanimous (mahātman) 1. 61. 100.
D. Epic events:
(1) Yādavas, Andhakas and Bhojas had abandoned Kaṁsa in the interest of the family; after he was killed by Kṛṣṇa, all his kinsmen lived happily for a hundred years (andhakā yādavā bhojāḥ sametāḥ kaṁsam atyajan/… evaṁ te jñātayaḥ sarve modamānāḥ śataṁ samāḥ//) 2. 55. 6-7; kaṁsam ekaṁ parityajya kulārthe sarvayādavāḥ/saṁbhūya sukham edhante…andhakavṛṣṇayaḥ//) 5. 126. 39;
(2) Karṇa advised Duryodhana to use force against Pāṇḍavas before Kṛṣṇa came with the army of Yādavas to help them (karṣan yādavavāhinīm) 1. 194. 15;
(3) The messenger sent by Yudhiṣṭhira to Kṛṣṇa reached the country of Yādavas and saw him in Dvārakā (prāpya yādavān) 2. 12. 29;
(4) Kṛṣṇa spread the fame and pride of Yādavas by killing Śiśupāla (yaśomānau vardhayan yādavānām) 5. 22. 26;
(5) Pradyumna assured Yādavas that he would destroy the army of Śālva with his arrows 3. 17. 31; 3. 18. 1;
(6) Sahadeva recalled that Arjuna had defeated Yādavas who had gathered together when he abducted Subhadrā; Arjuna had then stayed with the Yadus 3. 79. 27; (yadusadanaṁ) 8. 26. 63;
(7) Bhīma assured Yudhiṣṭhira that Kṛṣṇa with Yādavas would help him to achieve his purpose 3. 173. 16;
(8) In the forest, Draupadī and Satyabhāmā told each other interesting stories of those who ruled Kurus and Yadus (kathayām āsatuś citrāḥ kathāḥ kuruyadukṣitām) 3. 222. 2 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 233. 3 who reads kuruyadūtthitāḥ) explains it as kuruṣu yaduṣu ca utpannāḥ);
(9) Dhṛtarāṣṭra remembered that the Māgadha king with the assistance of Karṇa had checked all Kṣatriyas except Kauravas and Yādavas (arautsīt pārthivaṁ kṣatram ṛte kauravayādayān) 8. 5. 22;
(10) Kuntī felt that nothing would be more painful to her than the fight between Pāṇḍavas, Cedis, Pāñcālas and Yādavas with Bhāratas (i. e. Kauravas) (…yādavāś ca samāgatāḥ/ bhāratair yadi yotsyanti kiṁ nu duḥkham ataḥ param) 5. 142. 12;
(11) From Upaplavya, Balarāma along with all Yādavas set out for tīrthayātrā to Sarasvatī under the constellation Maitra (maitre nakṣatrayoge sma sahitaḥ sarvayādavaiḥ) 9. 34. 12;
(12) Kṛṣṇa told Gāndhārī that he had already foreseen the destruction of Yādavas brought about by mutual killings (parasparakṛtaṁ nāśam ataḥ prāpsyanti yādavāḥ) 11. 25. 45;
(13) Younger Yādavas took hold of the sacrificial horse of Yudhiṣṭhira and were taking him away when Ugrasena stopped them (yādavānāṁ kumārakāḥ) 14. 84. 14;
(14) Bhīma and the rest, as well as Kurus and Yādavas, enjoyed listening the stories of Arjuna 14, 89. 11;
(15) Yādavas and their wives went to Prabhāsa taking with them ample food and drink and lived there 16. 4. 9; there Sātyaki told Kṛtavarman that Yādavas had not forgotten his killing those who were asleep 16. 4. 9, 17; Kṛṣṇa told Dāruka to go to Kurus and inform Arjuna about the killings of Yadus; he wanted Arjuna to come to Dvārakā hearing the news of the death of Yādavas due to the curse of Brāhmaṇas (pārthāya śaṁsasva vadhaṁ yadūnām) 16. 5. 2; (śrutvā mṛtān yādavān brahmaśāpāt) 16. 5. 3; Kṛṣṇa told Vasudeva that he was witness to the destruction of Yadus and that he would not be able to bear the sight of the city (Dvārakā) of Yādavas when it was devoid of Yadus (dṛṣṭaṁ mayedaṁ nidhanaṁ yadūnāṁ…nāhaṁ vinā yadubhir yādavānāṁ purīm imāṁ draṣṭum ihādya śaktaḥ) 16. 5. 8; he told Vasudeva that Arjuna, when he knew the misfortune of the Yadus, would definitely come to Dvārakā (śrutvā…yadūnām anayaṁ mahat) 16. 7. 14; Arjuna told Vyāsa that he remembered again and again the destruction of Yadus of unlimited energy and of Kṛṣṇa (punaḥ punar na mṛśyāmi vināśam amitaujasām/cintayāno yadūnāṁ ca kṛṣṇasya ca…) 16. 9. 12 (the event of Arjuna's seeing the great destruction of Yadu heroes in a drinking bout is mentioned earlier in the summary of Mausalaparvan in 1. 2. 224 (dadarśa yaduvīrāṇām āpāne vaiśasaṁ mahat; Nī. on Bom. Ed. 1. 2. 355: āpāne surāpānasthāne);
(16) When Pāṇḍavas started on their Great Journey (mahāprasthāna) Yudhiṣṭhira made Vajra, who survived the destruction of Yadus, the king of Śakraprastha (Indraprastha) (yadūnāṁ pariśeṣaś ca vajro rājā kṛtaś ca ha;…śakraprasthe tu yādavaḥ) 17. 1. 8-9;
(17) When Aśvatthāman had once stayed with Kṛṣṇa to get his discus (cakra), he was respected by all Yādavas 10. 12. 34.
E. Past event: When the sword was created as a new weapon by Manu it was handed down from generation to generation; at one stage it was obtained from Uśīnara by Bhojas and Yādavas, and Śibi obtained it from Yadus (uśīnaro vai dharmātmā tasmād bhojāḥ sayādavāḥ/yadubhyaś ca śibir lebhe) 12. 160. 71, 78.
F. Certain persons referred to as belonging to, or the propagator of, or the chief or foremost of, the best of, the delighter or prosperor of Yadus or Yādavas:
A. Belonging to Yadus or Yādavas: (i) yadu:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 12. 50. 11 (cf. 12. 50. 5, 8, 10);
(2) Sātyaki 12. 50. 11 cf. 12. 50. 10); (ii) yādava:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 2. 19. 35; 2. 40. 14; 6. 33. 41; 7 18. 13; 9. 61. 38; 12. 59. 1 (cf 12. 58. 25); 13. 14. 23; 13. 32. 10-12, 15-17, 19;
(2) Balarāma 2. 40. 14;
(3) Vajra 17. 1. 9 (cf. 16. 8. 11; 17. 1. 8);
(4) Śūra 7. 119. 7;
(5) Sātyaki 5. 47. 44; 12. 59. 1 (cf. 12. 58. 25), (iii) yādavī (f.):
(1) Kuntī 1. 103. 5; 12. 69. 69; 15. 5. 14;
(2) Subhadrā 15. 39. 2;
(3) Mother of Śiśupāla (sister of Vasudeva) 2. 40. 14;
B. The founder or the propagator of the lineage of Yadus or Yādavas: (i) yādavānāṁ kulakara-: Yadu 5. 147. 7; (ii) yadukulodvaha-:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 9. 59. 35; 9. 62. 29; 13. 14. 15;
(2) Vasudeva 14. 60. 36; (iii) yaduvaṁśavivardhana:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 6. 61. 62;
(2) Yadu: (asmākaṁ vaṁśavardhanaḥ) 5. 147. 5; (iv) yadūdvaha: Vasudeva 14. 60. 38;
C. The delighter of the Yadus or Yādavas: (i) yadunandana:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 2. 21. 1; 2. 22. 1; 2. 40. 21; (yadukulaº ºnandana) 7. 157. 26; 8. 49. 11; 8. 69. 12; 9. 32. 15; 9. 61. 17; 14. 65. 17; 14. 69. 8; 14. 70. 20; 14. 88. 12; 14. 89. 22; 16. 4. 34;
(2) Balarāma 9. 11. 6; 9. 34. 12; 9. 36. 38, 56; 9. 40. 1; 10. 9. 26; (ii) yadunandinī (f.) Subhadrā 14. 60. 33; (iii) yādavanandana:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 3. 13. 23; 5. 92. 14; 5. 139. 20; 6. 102. 30; 7. 157. 25; 9. 62. 16; 12. 46. 27; 14. 2. 11;
D. The chief, eminent or best of the Yadus or Yādavas: (i) yadupuṁgava:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 1. 178. 8; 2. 2. 10; 8. 37. 18; 8. 69. 6; 9. 53. 37; 12. 48. 11-12;
(2) Balarāma 1. 178. 8;
(3) Unidentified Yādavas (pl.) 1. 178. 8; (ii) yadupravīra:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 1. 178. 9; 1. 183. 5; 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 18. 20); 12. 49. 80;
(2) Pradyumna 3. 120. 29; (cf. 3. 118. 18, 20);
(3) Balarāma 1. 183. 5; 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 18. 20); 9. 34. 29, 36; (iii) yaduvīra: Kṛṣṇa 12. 31 40;
(4) Sātyaki 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 20);
(5) Sāmba 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 20);
(6) Other unidentified Yadu chiefs 3. 120. 29 (cf. 3. 118. 19-20); (iii) yadūnāṁ pravara-: Balarāma 9. 48. 1; (iv) yaduvara:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 9. 59. 10;
(2) Balarāma 9. 59. 10; (v) yaduvīra: Kṛṣṇa 12. 31. 40; (vi) yaduvṛṣa: Kṛṣṇa 12. 52. 34; (vii) yadūnāṁ ṛṣabha-:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 6. 56. 9; 10. 12. 1; 10. 13. 8;
(2) Sātyaki 7. 94. 16; (viii) yādavaraṣabha:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 6. 102. 58;
(2) Unidentified (Kṛtavaraman and others) 3, 4. 8; yādavānām ṛṣabha- Kṛṣṇa 5. 69. 3; (ix) yaduśārdūla:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 2. 22. 2; 12. 43. 2;
(2) Balarāma 9. 36. 25; yādavaśārdūla: Kṛṣṇa 5. 81. 70; 13. 15. 51; (x) yaduśreṣṭha:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 2. 18. 20; 3. 224. 17; 6. 77. 35; 12. 38. 20; 12. 82. 30; 13. 135. 88;
(2) Balarāma 9. 52. 16;
(3) Vasudeva 1. 2. 224; yadukulaśreṣṭha 13. 17. 5; yādavaśreṣṭha:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 7. 158. 43; 9. 62. 31, 36;
(2) Balarāma 9. 53. 3; (xi) yadusiṁha: Balarāma 9. 51, 26; (xii) yadūttama:
(1) Kṛṣṇa 5. 70. 50; 9. 62. 55; 10. 12. 15;
(2) Sātyaki 8. 60. 24; (xiii) yādavāgrya: Kṛṣṇa 12. 43. 17; (xiv) yādaveśvara: Kṛṣṇa 13. 16. 72.
E. Bringer of happiness to Yadus: yadusukhāvaha: Kṛṣṇa 5. 81. 28; 5. 91. 22.
F. Other objects:
(1) Increaser of joy of Yadus: yadūnāṁ nandivardhana-: Kṛṣṇa's chariot 5. 81. 18;
(2) Honoured by Yadus: arcitaṁ yadubhiḥ: The discus (cakra) of Kṛṣṇa 8. 54. 28;
(3) Belonging to the Yādavas: yādavī (f.): Sudharmā, the sabhā of Yādavas 16. 8. 7. [See Andhaka, Daśārha, Bhoja, Madhu, Vṛṣṇi, Sātvat ].
*1st word in left half of page p845_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Yadu is the name of a tribe and of the king of the tribe. They are mentioned repeatedly in the Rigveda,[१] normally in conjunction with Turvaśa. They seem to have taken part in the great battle against Sudās:[२] the Yadu and the Turvaśa kings seem to have escaped with their lives, while the Anu and the Druhyu kings perished. This is at least the most natural explanation of several passages,[३] though these passages possibly refer to a successful raid across the Sarayu, and a defeat of two princes, Arṇa and Citraratha.[४] That Turvaśa was the Yadu king, as Hopkins[५] holds, is most improbable.
- ↑ i. 36, 18;
54, 6;
174, 9;
iv. 30, 17;
v. 31, 8;
vi. 45, 1;
viii. 4, 7;
7, 18;
9, 14;
10, 5;
45, 27;
ix. 61, 2;
x. 49, 8;
plural, i. 108, 8. See Turvaśa, and Hopkins, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 15, 258 et seq. - ↑ Whether Yadu should be read in Rv. vii. 18, 6, or not, the Yadus seem to be meant. Cf. Yakṣu.
- ↑ Rv. i. 174, 9;
iv. 30, 17;
v. 31, 3;
vi. 20, 12. - ↑ Rv. iv. 30, 18.
- ↑ Loc. cit.
Cf. Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, 122, 124;
Ludwig, Translation of the Rigveda, 3, 205;
5, 142;
Weber, Episches im vedischen Ritual, 37.