



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

किरातः, पुं, (किरं अवस्कारादेर्निक्षेपस्थानभूमिं अतति सततं अटतीति । अत + अण् । यद्वा किरं शूकरादिकं अतति हिनस्तीति । अच् ।) म्लेच्छभेदः ॥ (निषादः । यथा, किराते १२ । ५५ । “कच्छान्ते सुरसरितो निधाय सेना- भन्वीतः स कतिपयैः किरातवर्य्यैः” ॥) भूनिम्बः । (यथा, शार्ङ्गधरे मध्यखण्डे २ अः । १७ श्लोके । “पर्पटाब्दामृताविश्वकिरातैः साधितं जलम् । पञ्जभद्रमिदं ज्ञेयं वातपित्तज्वरापहम्” ॥) अल्पतनुः । इति मेदिनी ॥ घोटकरक्षकः । इति सारस्वतः ॥


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

किरात पुं।




निषादश्वपचावन्तेवासिचाण्डालपुक्कसाः। भेदाः किरातशबरपुलिन्दा म्लेच्छजातयः॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, चलसजीवः, मनुष्यः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

किरात¦ पुंस्त्री किरमवस्करादेर्निःक्षेपस्थानं पर्य्यन्तभूमिमततिअत + अण उप॰ स॰।

१ नीचजातिभेदे स च अवस्करनिः-क्षेपस्थानपर्य्यन्तदेशाश्रयः व्याधादिः। जातिशब्दे विवृतिः।
“तप्तकुण्डं समारभ्य रामक्षेत्रान्तकं शिवे!। किरात-देशो विज्ञेयो विन्द्यशैलेऽवतिष्ठते” इति शक्तिसं-गमोक्ते

२ देशभेदेपु॰ भूम्नि। वृहत् स॰ कूर्म्मविभागे

३ ऐ-शान्यमुक्ते

३ देशभेदे च
“ऐशान्यां मेरुकनष्टरा-ज्येण्रपक्रमे
“वनराज्यकिरातचीनकौलिन्दाः इत्युक्तम्तद्देशानां राजा अण्। कैरात तद्देशनृपे वहुषुअणोलुक्। किराताः। ते च क्रमशो वेदानध्ययनादिनावृषलत्वमाप्ता यथाह मनुः
“शनकैस्तु क्रियालोपादिमाःस्युः क्षत्रजातयः। वृषलत्वं गता लोके ब्राह्मणादर्शनेनच”। पौण्ड्रकाश्चौड्रद्रविडाः काम्बोजा यवनाः शकाः। पारदापह्नवाश्चीना किराताःदरदाः खसाः” इति। जातौस्त्रियां ङीष्।

४ मत्स्यभेदे पुंस्त्री॰
“किरातस्तथा स्त्रियांचामरवाहिन्यां मत्स्यजात्यन्तरे द्वयोः” केशवोक्तेः

५ चामरवाहिन्यां स्त्री।
“नौसंश्रयां पार्श्वगतां किरा-तीम्” रघुः
“किरातीं--चामरग्राहिणीं दासीम्” म-ल्लि॰। तपस्यदर्ज्जुनप्रसादार्थं किरातरूपेण गतत्वात्

६ शिवेतस्य पत्न्यां तथारूपायां

७ पुर्गायां स्त्री ङीष्
“किरातीञ्चीरवसनां चौरसेनानमस्कृताम्। आज्यपां सोमपां सौम्यांसर्व्वपर्व्वतवासिनीम्” हरिवं॰


८ अ॰ दुर्गास्तवे। तत्र व्याधे
“मुक्ताफलैः केशरिणां किराताः”
“यद्वायुरन्विष्टमृगैःकि-रातैः, कुमा॰।

८ भूमिनिम्बे पुं॰ राजनि॰

९ घोटकर-क्षके सारस्वतः।

१० अल्पतनौ त्रि॰ मेदि॰।
“पर्य्य-न्ताश्रयिभिर्निजस्य सदृशं नाम्रः किरातैः कृतम्” रत्ना॰। अत्र स्वनामसदृशत्वञ्च वानरभिया सङ्कोचितदेहत्वे-नाल्पतनुत्वात् स्वनामसमानुपूर्व्वीकपदबोध्याल्पतनुत्वक-रणात् पर्य्यन्ताश्रयित्वविशेषणाद्वा तथात्वम् तत्र भूनि-म्बगुणाद्युक्तं भावप्र॰ यथा
“किरातः सारको रूक्षः-शीतलस्तिक्तको लघुः। सन्निपातज्वरश्वासकफपित्तास्र-दाहनुत्। कासशोथतृषाकुष्ठ ज्वरव्रणकृमिप्रणुत्। स्वार्थेक। किरातक भूमिनिम्बे राजनि॰। किरातं शिवमधिकृत्यकृतोग्रन्थः अण् कैरात भारतवनपर्व्वान्तर्गतेऽवान्तरपर्व्वभेदे तत्रत्यकथा भा॰ व॰

३९ अ॰ यथा
“गतेषु तेषु सर्वेषु तपस्विषु महात्मसु। पिनाकपाणि-र्भगवान् सर्वपापहरो हरः। कैरातं वेशमास्थायकाञ्चनद्रुमसन्निभम्। विभ्राजमानो विपुलो गिरिर्मेरु-[Page2051-b+ 38] रिवापरः। श्रीमद्धनुरुपादाय शराश्चाशीविषोपमान्। निष्पपात महावेगो दहनो देहवानिव। देव्या सहो-मया श्रीमान् समानव्रतवेशया। नानावेशधरैर्हृष्टै-र्भूतैरनुगतस्तदा। किरातवेशसंछन्नः स्त्रीमिश्चापि सह-स्रशः। अशोभत तदा राजन्! स देशोऽतीव भारत!। क्षणेन तद्वनं सर्वं निःशब्दमभवत्तदा। नादः प्रस्रवणा-नाञ्च पक्षिणाञ्चाप्युपारमत। स सन्निकर्षमागम्य पार्थ-स्याक्लिष्टकर्म्मणः। मूकं नाम दनोः पुत्रं ददर्शाद्भुत-दर्शनम्। वाराहं रूपमास्याय तर्जयन्तमिवार्ज्जुनम्। हन्तुं परमदुष्टात्मा तमुवाचाथ फाल्गुनः। गाण्डीवंधनुरादाय शरांश्चाशीविषोपमान्। सज्यं धनुर्धरंकृत्वा ज्याघोषेण निनादयन्। यन्मां प्रार्थयसे हन्तुम-नागसमिहागतम्। तस्मात्त्वां पूर्वमेवाहं नेताऽद्ययमसादनम्। दृष्ट्वा तं प्रहरिष्यन्तं फाल्गुनं दृढध-न्विनम्। किरातरूपी सहसा वारयामास शङ्करः। मयैष प्रार्थितः पूर्वमिन्द्रकीलसमप्रमः। अनादृत्य चतद्वाक्यं प्रजहाराथ फाल्गुनः। किरातश्च समं तस्मि-न्नेकलक्ष्ये महाद्युतिः। प्रमुमोचाशनिप्रख्यं शरमग्नि-शिखोपमम्। तौ मुक्तौ सायकौ ताभ्यां समं तत्र निपे-ततुः। मूकस्य गात्रे विस्तीर्ण्णे शैलसंहनने तदा। यथाऽशनेर्विनिर्घोषो वज्रस्येव च पर्व्वते। तथा तयोःसन्निपातः शरयोरभवत्तदा। स विद्धो बहुभिर्व्वाणैर्द्दीप्तास्यैः पन्नगैरिव। ममार राक्षसं रूपं भूयः कृत्वाविभीषणम्। स ददर्श ततो जिष्णुः पुरुषं काञ्चनप्रभम्। किरातवेशसंछन्नं स्त्रीसहायममित्रहा। तमब्रवीत्प्रीतमनाः कौन्तेयः प्रहसन्निव। को भवानटते शून्येवने स्त्रीगणसंवृतः। न त्वमस्मिन् वने घोरे बिभेषि कन-कप्रभ!। किमर्थञ्च त्वया विद्धो वराहो मत्परिग्रहः। मयाऽभिपन्नः पूर्वं हि राक्षसोऽयमिहागतः। कामात्परिभवाद्वाऽपि न मे जीवन् विमोक्ष्यसे। न ह्येष मृ-गयाधर्म्मो यात्वयाऽद्य कृतो मयि। तेन त्वां भ्रंशयि-ष्यामि जीवितात् पर्वताश्रयम्। इत्युक्तः पाण्डवेयेनकिरातः प्रहसन्निव। उवाच श्लक्ष्णया वाचा पाण्डवंसव्यसाचिनम्। न मत्कृते त्वया वोर! भीः कार्य्या वन-मन्तिकात्। इयं भूमिः सदाऽस्माकमुचिता वसतां वने। त्वया तु दुष्करः कस्मादिह वासः प्ररोचितः?। वयन्तुबहुसत्वेऽस्मिन्निवसामस्तपोधन!। भवांस्तु कृष्णवर्णाभःसुकुमारः सुखोचितः। कथं शून्यमिमं देशमेकाकी[Page2052-a+ 38] विचरिष्यति। अर्ज्जुन उवाच। गाण्डीवमाश्रयंकृत्वा नाराचांचाग्निसन्निभान्। निवसामि महारण्येद्वितीय इव पावकः। एष चापि महाजन्तुर्मृगरूपंसमाश्रितः। राक्षसो नहतो घोरी हन्तुं मामिहचागतः। किरात उवाच। मयैष धनुर्निर्मुक्तैस्ता-डितः पूर्वमेव हि। वाणैरभिहतः शेते नीतश्च यमसा-दनम्। ममैष लक्ष्यभूतो हि मम पूर्वपरिग्रहः। ममैवच प्रहारेण जीविताद्व्यपरोपितः। दोषान् स्वान्नर्ह-सेऽन्यस्मै वक्तुं स्ववलदर्पितः। अवलिप्तोऽसि मन्दात्मन्!न मे जीवन् विमोक्ष्यसे। स्थिरो भवस्व मोक्ष्यामिसायकानशनीरिव। घटस्व परया शक्त्या मुञ्च त्वमपिसायकान्। तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा किरातस्यार्ज्जुनस्तदा। रोषमाहारयामास ताडयामास चेषुभिः। ततो हृष्टेनमनसा प्रतिजग्राह सायकान्। भूयोभूय इति प्राहमन्दमन्देत्युवाच ह। प्रहरस्व शरानेतान्नाराचान्म-र्म्मभेदिनः। इत्युक्तो वाणवर्षं स मुमोच सहसाऽ-र्ज्जुनः। ततस्तौ तत्र संरब्धौ राजमानौ मुहुर्मुहुः। शरैराशीविषाकारैस्ततक्षाते परस्परम्। ततोऽर्ज्जुनःशरवर्षं किराते समवासृजत्। तत्प्रसन्नेन मनसा प्रति-जग्राह शङ्करः। मुहूर्त्तं शरवर्षं तत् प्रतिगृह्य पिना-कधृक्। अक्षतेन शरीरेण तस्थौ गिरिरिवाचलः। स दृष्ट्वा वाणवर्षन्तु मोघीभूतं धनञ्जयः। परमं विस्म-यञ्चक्रे साधु साध्विति चाब्रवीत्। अहोऽयं सुकुमा-राङ्गो हिमवच्छिखराश्रयः। गाण्डीवमुक्तान्नाराचान्प्रतिगृह्णात्यविह्वलः। कोऽयं देवो भवेत् साक्षात् रुद्रोयक्षः सुरोऽसुरः। विद्यते हि गिरिश्रेष्ठे त्रिदशानांसमागमः। नहि मद्वाणजालानामुत्सृष्टानां सहस्रशः। शक्तोऽन्यः सहितुं वेगमृते देवं पिनाकिनम्। देवोवा यदि वा यक्षो रुद्रादन्यो व्यवस्थितः। अहमेनंशरैस्तीक्ष्णैर्नयामि यमसादनम्। ततो हृष्टमनाजिष्णुर्नाराचान्मर्म्मभेदिनः। व्यसृजच्छतधा राजन्!मयूखानिव भास्करः। तान् प्रसन्नेन मनसा भगवान्लोकभावनः। शूलपाणिः प्रत्यगृह्णाच्छ्रिलावर्षमिवाचलः। क्षणेन क्षीणवाणोऽथ संवृत्तः फाल्गुनस्तदा। भीश्चैन-माविशत्तीव्रा तं दृष्ट्वा शरसंक्षयम्। चिन्तयामास जि-ष्णुश्च भगवन्तं हुताशनम्। पुरस्तादक्षयौ दत्तौ तूणौयेनास्य खाण्डवे। किं नु मोक्ष्यामि धनुषा यन्मे वाणाःक्षयं गताः। अयञ्च पुरुषः कोऽपि वाणान् ग्रसति[Page2052-b+ 38] सर्वशः। हत्वा चैनं धनुष्कोठ्या शूलाग्रेणेव कुञ्जरम्। नयामि दण्डधारस्य यमस्य सदनं प्रति। प्रगृह्याथधनुष्कोठ्या ज्यापाशेनावकृष्य च। मुष्टिभिश्चापि हत-वान् वज्रकल्पैर्म्महाद्युतिः। संप्रयुद्धो धनुष्कोठ्या कौ-न्तेयः परवीरहा। तदप्यस्य धनुर्द्दिव्यं जग्राह गिरि-गोचरः। ततोऽर्ज्जुनो ग्रस्तधनुः खड्गपाणिरतिष्ठत। युद्धस्यान्तमभीप्सन् वै वेगेनाभिजगाम तम्। तस्यमूर्द्ध्नि शितं खड्गमसक्तं पर्वतेष्वपि। मुमोच भुजवी-र्य्येण विक्रम्य कुरुनन्दनः। तस्य मूर्द्धानमासाद्य पफा-लासिवरो हि सः। ततो वृक्षैः शिलाभिश्च योधयामासफाल्गुनः। तदा वृक्षान्महाकायः प्रत्यगृह्णादथोशिलाः। किरातरूपो भगवांस्ततः पार्थो महाबलः। मुष्टिभिर्वज्रसङ्काशैर्धूममुत्पादयन् मुखे। प्रजहार दु-राधर्षे किरातसमरूपिणि। ततः शक्राशनिसमैर्मुष्टिभि-र्भृशदारुणैः। किरातरूपी भगवानर्दयामास पाण्डवम्। ततश्चटचटाशब्दः सुघोरः समपद्यत। पाण्डवस्य चमुष्टीनां किरातस्य च युध्यतः। सुमुहूर्त्तन्तु तद्युद्धम-भबल्लोमहर्षणम्। भुजप्रहारसंयुक्तं वृत्रवासवयोरिव। जघानाथ ततो जिष्णुः किरातमुरसा बली। पाण्डवञ्चविचेष्टन्तं किरातोऽप्यहनद्बली। तयोर्भुजविनिष्पेषात्सङ्घर्षेणोरसोस्तथा। समजायत गात्रेषु पावकोऽङ्गा-रधूमवान्। तत एनं महादेवः पीड्य गात्रैः सुपीडि-तम्। तेजसा व्यक्रमद्रोषाच्चेतस्तस्य विमोहयन्। ततोऽभिपीडितैर्गात्रैः पीण्डीकृत इवाबभौ। फाल्गुनोगात्रसंरुद्धो देवदेवेन भारत!। निरुच्छ्वासोऽभवच्चैवसन्निरुद्धो महात्मना। पपात भूम्यां निश्चेष्टो गतसत्वइवाभवत्। स मुहूर्त्तन्तथा भूत्वा सचेताः पुनरुत्थितः। रुधिरेणाप्लुताङ्गस्तु पाण्डवो भृशदुःखितः। शरण्यंशरणं गत्वा भगवन्तं पिनाकिनम्। मृण्मयं स्थण्डिलंकृत्वा माल्येनापूजयद्भवम्। तच्च माल्यं तदा पार्थःकिरातशिरसि स्थितम्। अपश्यत् पाण्डवश्रेष्ठोहर्षेण प्रकृतिङ्गतः। पपात पादयोस्तस्य ततः प्रीतोऽ-भवद्भवः। उवाच चैनं वचसा मेघगम्भीरगीर्हरः। जातविस्मयमालोक्य तपःक्षीणाङ्गसंहतिम्। भव उवाच। भो भो फाल्गुन! तुष्टोऽस्मि कर्म्मणाऽप्रतिमेन ते। शौर्य्येणानेन धृत्या च क्षत्त्रियो नास्ति ते समः। समंतेजसि वीर्य्यञ्च ममाद्य तव चानघ। प्रीतस्ते ऽहं महा-बाहो! पश्य मा भरतर्षभ!। ददामि ते विशालाक्ष![Page2053-a+ 38] चक्षुः पूर्व्व ऋषभवान्। विजेष्यसि रणे शत्रूनपि सर्वान्दिवौकसः। प्रोया च तेऽहं दास्यामि यदस्त्रमनिवा-रितम्। त्वं हि शक्तो मदोयं तदस्त्रं धारयितुं क्ष-णात्। वैशम्पायन उवाच। ततो देवं महादेवंगिरिशं शूलपा णनम्। ददर्श फाल्गुनस्तत्र सह देव्यामहाघुतिम्। स जानुभ्यां महीं गत्वा शिरसा प्रण-पत्य च। प्रसादवामास हरं पार्थः परपुरञ्जयः”।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

किरात¦ m. (-तः)
1. A savage, one of the barbarous tribes who inhabit woods and mountains and live by the chase, the Kirrhadœ of Arrian.
2. SIVA as a mountaineer opposed to ARJUNA, the account of which is the subject of the poem, the Kiratarjuniya.
3. A kind of gentian: see किराततिक्त।
4. A pigmy a dwarf.
5. A groom, a horseman. f. (-ती)
1. The river GANGES or its goddess.
2. A name of DURGA.
3. A bawd, a procuress.
4. The celestial GANGES or river of Swarga. E. कॄ to scatter, (speech, &c.) and अत who goes; also किरातक।


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

किरातः [kirātḥ], [किरं पर्यन्तभूमिं अतति गच्छतीति किरातः]

N. of a degraded mountain tribe who live by hunting, a mountaineer; वैयाकरणकिरातादपशब्दमृगाः क्व यान्तु संत्रस्ताः । यदि नटगणकचिकित्सकवैतालिकवदनकन्दरा न स्युः ॥ Subhāṣ.; Pt.1.17; पर्यन्ताश्रयिभिर्निजस्य सदृशं नाम्नः किरातैः कृतम् Ratn.2.3; Ku.1.6,15. जवार इति यद्राज्यं किरातानां पुरातनम् Parṇāl 1.39.

A savage, barbarian.

A dwarf.

A groom, a horseman.

N. of Śiva in the disguise of a Kirāta.

A species of fish; किरातो लुब्धके देववाहिनीमत्स्यभेदयोः Nm.

N. of a medicinal herb (Mar. किराईत, चिराईत, भूनिंब) -ताः (pl.) N. of a country. -Comp. -अर्जुनीयम् N. of a poem by Bhāravi (in which the combat of Arjuna with Śiva in the form of a Kirāta or mountaineer is poetically described.)-आशिन् m. an epithet of Garuḍa. -तिक्तः N. of a medicinal herb (Mar. किराईत, चिराईत).


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

किरात m. pl. N. of a degraded mountain-tribe (inhabiting woods and mountains and living by hunting , having become शूद्रs by their neglect of all prescribed religious rites ; also regarded as म्लेच्छs ; the Kirrhadae of Arrian) VS. xxx , 16 Ta1n2d2yaBr. Mn. x , 44 MBh. etc.

किरात m. a man of the किरातtribe

किरात m. a prince of the किरातs VarBr2S. xi , 60

किरात m. a dwarf. L. (See. कुब्ज-क्)

किरात m. a groom , horseman L.

किरात m. the plant Agathotes Chirayta (also called किरात-तिक्त) L.

किरात m. N. of शिव(as a mountaineer opposed to अर्जुन, described in भारवि's poem किराता-र्जुनीय)

किरात m. a low-caste woman who carries a fly-flap or anything to keep off flies Ragh. xvi , 57

किरात m. a bawd , procuress L.

किरात m. N. of the goddess दुर्गाHariv. 10248

किरात m. of the river गङ्गाL.

किरात m. of the celestial गङ्गाas river of स्वर्गL.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

--the story of. Br. IV. 7. १३; 8. 9.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kirāta : m. (pl.): Name of a mountain tribe of hunters.

A. Location:

(1) Listed by Saṁjaya among the various northern tribes of the Bhāratavarṣa; they probably occupied different regions since Saṁjaya has listed them thrice (puṇḍrā bhārgāḥ kirātāś ca) 6. 10. 49; (kirātā barbarāḥ) 6. 10. 55; (uttarāś cāpare…kirātānāṁ ca jātayaḥ) 6. 10. 63, 67; listed also by Bhīṣma as northernes (uttarāpathajanmānaḥ kīrtayiṣyāmi tān api/…kirātā barbaraiḥ saha) 12. 200. 40;

(2) The large country of Subāhu on Himavant mountain was thronged by Kirātas and Taṅgaṇas (subāhor viṣayaṁ mahat/…kirātataṅgaṇākīrṇam…/ himavati) 3. 141. 24-25; on the other side of the Himavant, near the mountain of sunrise, on the shore of Vāriṣeṇa ocean and around Lohitya (Brahmaputra) river (ye parārdhe himavataḥ sūryodayagirau nṛpāḥ/ vāriṣeṇasamudrānte lohityam abhitaś ca ye/…kirātāḥ) 2. 48. 8; the inaccessible parts on the Himavant mountain was the place of residence of the Kirātas (kirātakiṁnarāvāsaṁ śailaṁ śikhariṇāṁ varam) 3. 88. 17; (himavaddurganilayāḥ) 7. 4. 6;

(3) On the Indra mountain, near the Videha country (vaidehasthas tu kaunteya indraparvatam antikāt/kirātānām adhipatīn vyajayat…pāṇḍavaḥ) 2. 27. 13.

B. Origin: They were produced in ancient times by Vasiṣṭha's cow Nandinī from her foam when Viśvāmitra forcibly tried to take her away (puṇḍrān kirātān…phenataḥ sā sasarja ha//) 1. 165. 36; they are, however, reputed to have their origin from fire (sarve caivāgniyonayaḥ) 7. 87. 30.

C. Characteristics:

(1) Arrogant while fighting (yuddhadurmada) 7. 87. 30, 32: rough in battle (raṇakarkaśa) 7. 4. 6; of fierce prowess (ugravikrama) 8. 51. 19; hostile (vikṛta) 14. 72. 24; they have a collection of different kinds of weapons and they fight with them; when they strike, they act like poison (nānāśastrasamāvāpair vividhāyudhayodhibhiḥ/kirātaiś ca sameṣyāmi viṣakalpaiḥ prahāribhiḥ) 7. 87. 49; they fight with swords and bows (asidhanurdhara) 14. 72. 24; their army shone like a Karṇikāra forest full of Kāñcana trees (kāñcanair iva saṁvṛtān/…balam… karṇikāravanaṁ yathā) 5. 19. 15; they were always fondled by Duryodhana and they sought his welfare (lālitaiḥ satataṁ rājñā duryodhanahitaiṣibhiḥ) 7. 87. 49; they were expert in training elephants and they fought from elephant-backs; their elephants used to be protected by armours (nāgān…/… varmasaṁchannān kirātaiḥ samadhiṣṭhitān//…teṣām ete mahāmātrāḥ kirātā… hastiśikṣāvidaś caiva) 7. 87. 27, 30;

(2) they were eaters of fruits and roots and they wore skins (phalamūlāśanā ye ca kirātāś carmavāsasaḥ) 2. 48. 8;

(3) They were included by Bhīṣma among those Kṣatriyas who were degraded due to their nonrespect for Brāhmaṇas (kirātā…tās tāḥ kṣatriyajātayaḥ/vṛṣalatvam anuprāptā brāhmaṇānām adarśanāt) 13. 35. 18; they were sinful and lived the life of dogs, crows, balas (a kind of crow ?) and vultures; they did not exist in the Kṛtayuga but exist since the Tretāyuga (ete pāpakṛtas tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/śvakākabalagṛdhrāṇāṁ sadharmāṇo narādhipa//naite kṛtayuge tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/tretāprabhṛti vartante te janā…) 12. 200. 4142; some of them apparently lived on country side but they lived like dasyus; Māndhātṛ asked Indra what was the dharma of the Kirātas and how they should be governed by kings like him (kathaṁ dharmaṁ careyus te sarve viṣayavāsinaḥ) madvidhaiś ca kathaṁ sthāpyāḥ sarve te dasyujīvinaḥ) 12. 65. 15; Indra then told Māndhātṛ the dharma of the Dasyus 12. 65. 17-22; Bhīṣma included the Kirātas among those northern people who did not believe in Dhātṛ (12. 200. 33) or Bhūtapati (12. 200. 38) as being the superintendent of all beings (niradhyakṣāṁs tu kaunteya kīrtayiṣyāmi tān api…kirātā barbaraiḥ saha) 12. 200. 38, 40.

D. Epic events:

(1) Kṛṣṇa told Yudhiṣṭhira that the King of the Cedis was known as Pauṇḍraka Vāsudeva among the Kirātas and others (vaṅgapuṇḍrakirāteṣu…/pauṇḍrako vāsudeveti yo 'sau lokeṣu viśrutaḥ) 2. 13. 19;

(2) Arjuna, in his expedition before the Rājasūya, fought with Kirātas and Cīnas, who had joined King Bhagadatta of Prāgjyotiṣa (sa kirātaiś ca cīnaiś ca vṛtaḥ) 2. 23. 19;

(3) Bhīma, in his expedition to the east before the Rājasūya, defeated seven chiefs of the Kirātas (kirātānām adhipatīn vyajayat sapta pāṇḍavaḥ) 2. 27. 13;

(4) The kings of Kirātas, who brought as tribute for Yudhiṣṭhira's Rājasūya loads of sandalwood and aloe and heaps of kālīyaka, as also large quantities of hides, jewels, gold and perfumes, an ayuta of Kirāta Dāsīs, charming exotic animals and birds, and extremely brilliant gold collected from mountains, were halted at the gate (candanāgurukāṣṭhānāṁ bhārān kālīyakasya ca/ carmaratnasuvarṇānāṁ gandhānāṁ caiva rāśayaḥ//kairātikānām ayutaṁ dāsīnāṁ ca…/āhṛtya ramaṇīyārthān dūrajān mṛgapakṣiṇaḥ//nicitaṁ parvatebhyaś ca hiraṇyaṁ bhūrivarcasam/baliṁ ca kṛtsnam ādāya dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ//) 2. 48. 911; the kings of Kirātas acted at the Rājasūya as servers (yatra sarvān mahīpālāñ śastratejobhayārditān/…kirātān… yajñe te pariveṣakān) 3. 48. 18, 20, 22;

(5) Arjuna's encounter with Mahādeva, who appeared in the form of a Kīrāta, referred to in the list of events of the Āraṇyakaparvan (yadāśrauṣam arjuno devadevaṁ kirātarūpaṁ tryambakaṁ toṣya yuddhe) 1. 1. 109; (mahādevena yuddhaṁ ca kirātavapuṣā saha) 1. 2. 107;

(6) Bhagadatta's army, unassailable on account of the inclusion of Cīnas and Kirātas, went to the side of Duryodhana (tasya cīnaiḥ kirātaiś ca…babhau balam anādhṛṣyam) 5. 19. 15;

(7) Kirātas are mentioned among those who, at the instance of Duryodhana (5. 196. 1) marched towards Kurukṣetra (śakāḥ kirātā…niryayuḥ) 5. 196. 7-8;

(8) Before the start of the war, the north side of the army was guarded by Kirātas and others led by Kṛpa (śāradvataś cottaradhūr mahātmā…śakaiḥ kirātair…sārdhaṁ camūm uttarato 'bhipāti) 6. 20. 13;

(9) On the second day of the war, Kirātas stood at the neck of the Krauñcāruṇavyūha (6. 46. 38) of the Pāṇḍavas (kirātāś ca grīvāyām) 6. 46. 46;

(10) Among the past exploits of Karṇa, Bhīṣma mentions his bringing the Kirātas under the control of Duryodhana (kirātāḥ duryodhanasya vaśagāḥ kṛtāḥ karṇa tvayā purā) 7. 4. 6;

(11) Sātyaki pointed out to Yudhiṣṭhira seven hundred elephants, mounted by Kirātas, in the Kaurava army; they were defeated by Arjuna and their king had presented them to him as servants; they once served Yudhiṣṭhira, but in the war they took the side of the Kauravas and were helping Duryodhana; Sātyaki assured Yudhiṣṭhira that he could break through them and reach Arjuna (yāṁs tv etān aparān rājan nāgān saptaśatānī ca/prekṣase…kirātaiḥ samadhiṣṭhitān//kirātarājo yān prādād gṛhītaḥ savyasācinā/…preṣyān icchañ jīvitam ātmanaḥ//āsann ete purā rājaṁs tava karmakarā dṛḍham/tvām evādya yuyutsante paśya kālasya paryayam//… ete vinirjitāḥ sarve saṁgrāme savyasācinā/ madartham adya saṁyattā duryodhanavaśānugāḥ//etān bhittvā śarai rājan kirātān …anuyāsyāmi pāṇḍavam//) 7. 87. 27-29, 31-32; Sātyaki was expecting to meet the Kirātas who desired the benefit of Duryodhana (kirātaiś ca sameṣyāmi…duryodhanahitaiṣibhiḥ) 7. 87. 49; Sātyaki killed thousands of them and made the ground impassable due to the mud of flesh and blood (sahasrais tu…kirātānām…agamyarūpāṁ pṛthivīṁ māṁsaśoṇitakardamām) 7. 95. 38-39;

(12) On the seventeenth day of the war, Kṛṣṇa told Arjuna that the Kirātas and others who had joined the Kauravas could not be defeated by any one except him (kirātāś ca…/ete suyodhanasyārthe saṁrabdhāḥ kurubhiḥ saha/na śakyā yudhi nirjetuṁ tvadanyena paraṁtapa//) 8. 51. 19-20;

(13) Kirātas mentioned among those who were formerly vanquished in the great war and whom Arjuna encountered again when he accompanied the Aśvamedha horse (kirātā… pūrvaṁ vinikṛtā raṇe/…samīyuḥ pāṇḍuputreṇa) 14. 72. 24-25; the Aśvamedha horse first reached the city of the Cedis; from there it went to the Kirāta country (āsasāda purīm ramyāṁ cedīnām…tatrārcito yayau rājaṁs tadā sa turagottamaḥ/ …kirātān) 14. 84. 2, 4.

*1st word in right half of page p660_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p659_mci .......... next page p663_mci

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kirāta : m. (pl.): Name of a mountain tribe of hunters.

A. Location:

(1) Listed by Saṁjaya among the various northern tribes of the Bhāratavarṣa; they probably occupied different regions since Saṁjaya has listed them thrice (puṇḍrā bhārgāḥ kirātāś ca) 6. 10. 49; (kirātā barbarāḥ) 6. 10. 55; (uttarāś cāpare…kirātānāṁ ca jātayaḥ) 6. 10. 63, 67; listed also by Bhīṣma as northernes (uttarāpathajanmānaḥ kīrtayiṣyāmi tān api/…kirātā barbaraiḥ saha) 12. 200. 40;

(2) The large country of Subāhu on Himavant mountain was thronged by Kirātas and Taṅgaṇas (subāhor viṣayaṁ mahat/…kirātataṅgaṇākīrṇam…/ himavati) 3. 141. 24-25; on the other side of the Himavant, near the mountain of sunrise, on the shore of Vāriṣeṇa ocean and around Lohitya (Brahmaputra) river (ye parārdhe himavataḥ sūryodayagirau nṛpāḥ/ vāriṣeṇasamudrānte lohityam abhitaś ca ye/…kirātāḥ) 2. 48. 8; the inaccessible parts on the Himavant mountain was the place of residence of the Kirātas (kirātakiṁnarāvāsaṁ śailaṁ śikhariṇāṁ varam) 3. 88. 17; (himavaddurganilayāḥ) 7. 4. 6;

(3) On the Indra mountain, near the Videha country (vaidehasthas tu kaunteya indraparvatam antikāt/kirātānām adhipatīn vyajayat…pāṇḍavaḥ) 2. 27. 13.

B. Origin: They were produced in ancient times by Vasiṣṭha's cow Nandinī from her foam when Viśvāmitra forcibly tried to take her away (puṇḍrān kirātān…phenataḥ sā sasarja ha//) 1. 165. 36; they are, however, reputed to have their origin from fire (sarve caivāgniyonayaḥ) 7. 87. 30.

C. Characteristics:

(1) Arrogant while fighting (yuddhadurmada) 7. 87. 30, 32: rough in battle (raṇakarkaśa) 7. 4. 6; of fierce prowess (ugravikrama) 8. 51. 19; hostile (vikṛta) 14. 72. 24; they have a collection of different kinds of weapons and they fight with them; when they strike, they act like poison (nānāśastrasamāvāpair vividhāyudhayodhibhiḥ/kirātaiś ca sameṣyāmi viṣakalpaiḥ prahāribhiḥ) 7. 87. 49; they fight with swords and bows (asidhanurdhara) 14. 72. 24; their army shone like a Karṇikāra forest full of Kāñcana trees (kāñcanair iva saṁvṛtān/…balam… karṇikāravanaṁ yathā) 5. 19. 15; they were always fondled by Duryodhana and they sought his welfare (lālitaiḥ satataṁ rājñā duryodhanahitaiṣibhiḥ) 7. 87. 49; they were expert in training elephants and they fought from elephant-backs; their elephants used to be protected by armours (nāgān…/… varmasaṁchannān kirātaiḥ samadhiṣṭhitān//…teṣām ete mahāmātrāḥ kirātā… hastiśikṣāvidaś caiva) 7. 87. 27, 30;

(2) they were eaters of fruits and roots and they wore skins (phalamūlāśanā ye ca kirātāś carmavāsasaḥ) 2. 48. 8;

(3) They were included by Bhīṣma among those Kṣatriyas who were degraded due to their nonrespect for Brāhmaṇas (kirātā…tās tāḥ kṣatriyajātayaḥ/vṛṣalatvam anuprāptā brāhmaṇānām adarśanāt) 13. 35. 18; they were sinful and lived the life of dogs, crows, balas (a kind of crow ?) and vultures; they did not exist in the Kṛtayuga but exist since the Tretāyuga (ete pāpakṛtas tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/śvakākabalagṛdhrāṇāṁ sadharmāṇo narādhipa//naite kṛtayuge tāta caranti pṛthivīm imām/tretāprabhṛti vartante te janā…) 12. 200. 4142; some of them apparently lived on country side but they lived like dasyus; Māndhātṛ asked Indra what was the dharma of the Kirātas and how they should be governed by kings like him (kathaṁ dharmaṁ careyus te sarve viṣayavāsinaḥ) madvidhaiś ca kathaṁ sthāpyāḥ sarve te dasyujīvinaḥ) 12. 65. 15; Indra then told Māndhātṛ the dharma of the Dasyus 12. 65. 17-22; Bhīṣma included the Kirātas among those northern people who did not believe in Dhātṛ (12. 200. 33) or Bhūtapati (12. 200. 38) as being the superintendent of all beings (niradhyakṣāṁs tu kaunteya kīrtayiṣyāmi tān api…kirātā barbaraiḥ saha) 12. 200. 38, 40.

D. Epic events:

(1) Kṛṣṇa told Yudhiṣṭhira that the King of the Cedis was known as Pauṇḍraka Vāsudeva among the Kirātas and others (vaṅgapuṇḍrakirāteṣu…/pauṇḍrako vāsudeveti yo 'sau lokeṣu viśrutaḥ) 2. 13. 19;

(2) Arjuna, in his expedition before the Rājasūya, fought with Kirātas and Cīnas, who had joined King Bhagadatta of Prāgjyotiṣa (sa kirātaiś ca cīnaiś ca vṛtaḥ) 2. 23. 19;

(3) Bhīma, in his expedition to the east before the Rājasūya, defeated seven chiefs of the Kirātas (kirātānām adhipatīn vyajayat sapta pāṇḍavaḥ) 2. 27. 13;

(4) The kings of Kirātas, who brought as tribute for Yudhiṣṭhira's Rājasūya loads of sandalwood and aloe and heaps of kālīyaka, as also large quantities of hides, jewels, gold and perfumes, an ayuta of Kirāta Dāsīs, charming exotic animals and birds, and extremely brilliant gold collected from mountains, were halted at the gate (candanāgurukāṣṭhānāṁ bhārān kālīyakasya ca/ carmaratnasuvarṇānāṁ gandhānāṁ caiva rāśayaḥ//kairātikānām ayutaṁ dāsīnāṁ ca…/āhṛtya ramaṇīyārthān dūrajān mṛgapakṣiṇaḥ//nicitaṁ parvatebhyaś ca hiraṇyaṁ bhūrivarcasam/baliṁ ca kṛtsnam ādāya dvāri tiṣṭhanti vāritāḥ//) 2. 48. 911; the kings of Kirātas acted at the Rājasūya as servers (yatra sarvān mahīpālāñ śastratejobhayārditān/…kirātān… yajñe te pariveṣakān) 3. 48. 18, 20, 22;

(5) Arjuna's encounter with Mahādeva, who appeared in the form of a Kīrāta, referred to in the list of events of the Āraṇyakaparvan (yadāśrauṣam arjuno devadevaṁ kirātarūpaṁ tryambakaṁ toṣya yuddhe) 1. 1. 109; (mahādevena yuddhaṁ ca kirātavapuṣā saha) 1. 2. 107;

(6) Bhagadatta's army, unassailable on account of the inclusion of Cīnas and Kirātas, went to the side of Duryodhana (tasya cīnaiḥ kirātaiś ca…babhau balam anādhṛṣyam) 5. 19. 15;

(7) Kirātas are mentioned among those who, at the instance of Duryodhana (5. 196. 1) marched towards Kurukṣetra (śakāḥ kirātā…niryayuḥ) 5. 196. 7-8;

(8) Before the start of the war, the north side of the army was guarded by Kirātas and others led by Kṛpa (śāradvataś cottaradhūr mahātmā…śakaiḥ kirātair…sārdhaṁ camūm uttarato 'bhipāti) 6. 20. 13;

(9) On the second day of the war, Kirātas stood at the neck of the Krauñcāruṇavyūha (6. 46. 38) of the Pāṇḍavas (kirātāś ca grīvāyām) 6. 46. 46;

(10) Among the past exploits of Karṇa, Bhīṣma mentions his bringing the Kirātas under the control of Duryodhana (kirātāḥ duryodhanasya vaśagāḥ kṛtāḥ karṇa tvayā purā) 7. 4. 6;

(11) Sātyaki pointed out to Yudhiṣṭhira seven hundred elephants, mounted by Kirātas, in the Kaurava army; they were defeated by Arjuna and their king had presented them to him as servants; they once served Yudhiṣṭhira, but in the war they took the side of the Kauravas and were helping Duryodhana; Sātyaki assured Yudhiṣṭhira that he could break through them and reach Arjuna (yāṁs tv etān aparān rājan nāgān saptaśatānī ca/prekṣase…kirātaiḥ samadhiṣṭhitān//kirātarājo yān prādād gṛhītaḥ savyasācinā/…preṣyān icchañ jīvitam ātmanaḥ//āsann ete purā rājaṁs tava karmakarā dṛḍham/tvām evādya yuyutsante paśya kālasya paryayam//… ete vinirjitāḥ sarve saṁgrāme savyasācinā/ madartham adya saṁyattā duryodhanavaśānugāḥ//etān bhittvā śarai rājan kirātān …anuyāsyāmi pāṇḍavam//) 7. 87. 27-29, 31-32; Sātyaki was expecting to meet the Kirātas who desired the benefit of Duryodhana (kirātaiś ca sameṣyāmi…duryodhanahitaiṣibhiḥ) 7. 87. 49; Sātyaki killed thousands of them and made the ground impassable due to the mud of flesh and blood (sahasrais tu…kirātānām…agamyarūpāṁ pṛthivīṁ māṁsaśoṇitakardamām) 7. 95. 38-39;

(12) On the seventeenth day of the war, Kṛṣṇa told Arjuna that the Kirātas and others who had joined the Kauravas could not be defeated by any one except him (kirātāś ca…/ete suyodhanasyārthe saṁrabdhāḥ kurubhiḥ saha/na śakyā yudhi nirjetuṁ tvadanyena paraṁtapa//) 8. 51. 19-20;

(13) Kirātas mentioned among those who were formerly vanquished in the great war and whom Arjuna encountered again when he accompanied the Aśvamedha horse (kirātā… pūrvaṁ vinikṛtā raṇe/…samīyuḥ pāṇḍuputreṇa) 14. 72. 24-25; the Aśvamedha horse first reached the city of the Cedis; from there it went to the Kirāta country (āsasāda purīm ramyāṁ cedīnām…tatrārcito yayau rājaṁs tadā sa turagottamaḥ/ …kirātān) 14. 84. 2, 4.

*1st word in right half of page p660_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

1. Kirāta is a name applied to a people living in the caves of the mountains, as appears clearly from the dedication of the Kirāta to the caves (guhā) in the Vājasaneyi Saṃhitā,[] and from the reference in the Atharvaveda[] to a Kirāta girl (kairātikā), who digs a remedy on the ridges of the mountains. Later[] the people called Kirātas were located in Eastern Nepal, but the name seems to have been applied to any hill folk, no doubt aborigines, though the Mānava Dharma Śāstra[] regards them as degraded Kṣatriyas.

2. Kirāta.--In the story of Asamāti there appear, as the two priests who are opposed to the Gaupāyanas, Kirāta and Akuli according to the Pañcaviṃśa Brāhmaṇa,[] or Kilāta and Ākuli according to the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa.[] No doubt the name is chosen, not as that of a historic person, but as a suitable designation of a hostile priest; for it is probably identical with the name of the mountaineers described in the preceding article.

  1. xxx. 16;
    Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa, iii. 4, 12, 1.
  2. x. 4, 14.
  3. Lassen, Indische Alterthumskunde, 1^2, 530, 534.
  4. x. 44.

    Cf. Zimmer, Altindisches Leben, 32;
    Ludwig, Translation of the Rigveda, 3, 207;
    V. Smith, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Socicty, 1909, 258, n. 1;
    Lévi, Le Népal, 2, 77.
  5. xiii. 12, 5 (where the text reads kirāta-kulyau). Bo7htlingk, Dictionary, s.v., takes the word, with Sāyaṇa, as an adjective, kirāta-kula, ‘of the family of Kirāta.’ The reading in the Bṛhaddevatā (vii. 86) is kirātākulī.
  6. i. 1, 4, 14 (where the text reads kilātākulī). Cf. also Sāṭyāyanaka Brāhmaṇa apud Sāyaṇa on Rv. x. 57, 1;
    60, 1;
    Jaiminīya Brāhmaṇa, iii. 167;
    Journal of the American Oriental Socicty, 18, 41 et seq.;
    Hopkins, Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 15, 48, n. 1.
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