



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कौरव्यः, पुं, (कुरोरपत्यम् । “कुर्व्वादिभ्यो ण्यः” । ४ । १ । १५१ । इति ण्यः ।) कौरवः । (यथा, महाभारते । ३ । २३२ । ५५ । “अनिशायां निशायाञ्च सहायाः क्षुत्पिपासयोः । आराधयन्त्याः कौरव्यांस्तुल्या रात्रिरहश्च मे” ॥ कौरव्याः ब्राह्मणाः कुरुसम्बन्धिनो ब्राह्मणा इत्यर्थः । क्षत्त्रिये तु । “कुर्व्वादिभ्यो ण्यः” । ४ । १ । १७२ । इति ण्ये कृते तद्राजस्य बहुषु तेनै- वास्त्रियामिति बहुत्वे लुकि कुरव इति बोध्यम् ॥ नागविशेषः । यथा, महाभारते । १ । ३५ । १३-१४ । “कौरव्यो धृतराष्ट्रश्च शङ्खपिण्डश्च वीर्य्यवान् । विरजाश्च सुबाहुश्च शालिपिण्डश्च वीर्य्यवान्” ॥)



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कौरव्य¦ पुंस्त्री॰ कुरोवपत्यम् कुर्ब्बादि॰ ण्य।

१ कुरुवंश्ये।
“कौरव्याः पशवः प्रियापरिभवक्लेशोपशान्तिः फलम्” वेणीस॰। तस्यापत्यं तिका॰ फिञ। कौरव्यायणिकुरुकुलोत्पन्ने ब्राह्मणादावपत्ये पुं स्त्री कुरूणां राजाण्य।

२ कौरव्य कुरुदेशराजे। स्त्रियां ङीप् कौरवीस्त्री। ण्यान्तत्वात् यून्यपत्ये फिञो लुक्। कौरव्यःपिता पुत्रश्च सि॰ कौ॰।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कौरव्य¦ m. (-व्यः) An ancestor or descendant of KURU. E. कुरु, and ण्य aff.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कौरव्यः [kauravyḥ], [कुरु-ण्य P.IV.1.151]

A descendant of Kuru; कौरव्यवंशदावे$स्मिन् क एष शलभायते Ve.1.19; कौरव्याः पशवः प्रियापरिभवक्लेशोपशान्तिः फलम् 25; कौरव्ये कृतहस्तता पुनरियं देवे यथा सीरिणि 6.12.

A ruler of the Kurus.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

कौरव्य m. ( गणs तिका-दिand भर्गा-दि) patr. fr. कुरु, descendant of कुरुAV. xx , 127 , 8 ( कौरव्य) S3Br. xii S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. etc.

कौरव्य m. N. of a नाग(father of उलूपी) MBh. i

कौरव्य m. pl. = पाण्डवास्MBh.

कौरव्य m. N. of a people MBh. vi , 362.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

--a sage. M. २००. 7.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kauravya : m.: A mythical serpent.

A. Birth: Son of Kadrū, listed among her sons by Sūta at the request of Śaunaka 1. 31. 13, 2; also mentioned as son of Surasā and Kaśyapa 5. 101. 15, 4, 17; but according to 1, 206. 18 born in the kula of Airāvata.

B. Progeny and Relatives: Serpents Aiṇḍila, Kuṇḍala and others, born in the kula of Kauravya, offered in the snake sacrifice of Janamejaya 1. 52. 11, 12; his daughter Ulūpī (1. 206. 18; 14. 90. 2) dragged Arjuna down while he was bathing in Gaṅgā and took him to her father's residence; at Ulūpī's request Arjuna spent a night at Kauravya's residence 1. 206. 13, 34; serpent Sumukha, stood before Kauravya (and Āryaka, also born in the kula of Airāvata), when seen by Mātali 5. 101. 19, 23.

C. Residence: Living in Bhogavatī Purī 5. 101. 1; Kauravya's residence highly praised (bhavane paramārcite), where Arjuna saw well-established sacrificial fire (pāvakaṁ susamāhītam) 1. 206. 14.

D. Description and eminence: Serpents in Bhogavatī Purī marked with gem, svastika and circles, characterized by kamaṇḍalu, terrible by nature, of huge shape, and having varying numbers of heads and mouths 5. 101. 5-7; Kauravya called ‘king of serpents’ (nāgarāja) 1. 206. 13, (pannageśvara) 1. 206. 33, (uragapati) 14. 82. 5).

*5th word in left half of page p14_mci (+offset) in original book.

Kaurava, Kauraveya, Kauravya : (pl.): Name of a people; like the word Kuru, these words also have various significances (the choice of the word depending on metrical requirements).

A. People of the Kuru country: Duryodhana, the king of the Kauravas (kauravāṇām adhipaḥ) 6. 55. 106; Yudhiṣṭhira, the king of the Kauravas (sa rājā …kauravāṇām) 5. 32. 9; he was the protector and the ruler of Kaurava people 5. 147. 31; Karṇa, while praising the people of certain countries as opposed to the Bāhlīkas, said that Kauraveyas were the religion incarnate (i. e. they practised dharma scrupulously) (kauraveyāḥ svadharmaḥ) 8. 30. 73 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 8. 45. 28 reads kauraveyās tu dharmyam which he explains as dharmyaṁ dharmād anapetaṁ karma mānayantīti śeṣaḥ).

B. Those born in the lineage of Kuru and living at Hāstinapura; the term may occasionally include also those like Droṇa, Kṛpa and others not born in Kuru's line but who sided with Dhārtarāṣṭras; the term may also refer not only to the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra but also the sons of Pāṇḍu; occasionally the word kauravavaṁśa or kaurava vaṁśa is used instead of simple kaurava: All Kauravyas sat near the sages who brought with them Kuntī and the five Pāṇḍavas 1. 117. 16; Kauravas and others delighted to hear the arrival of the Pāṇḍavas 1. 1. 73; the sage (Vyāsa) composed in the ninth parvan three thousand two hundred and twenty stanzas to describe the events of the famous Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ yaśobhṛtām) 1. 2. 177; Parikṣit was born in the lineage of the Kauravas (kauravavaṁśabhṛt) 1. 36. 8; Śakuni took his sister to the Kauravas 1. 103. 14; Pāṇḍu described as the bearer of the fame of the Kauravas; he procured for them fame and kingdom (kauravāṇāṁ yaśobhṛtā) 1. 105. 8; (pāṇḍunāvarjitaṁ rājyaṁ kauravāṇāṁ yaśas tathā) 7. 62. 15; Bhīṣma and other Kauravas did not see the end of the riches brought by Pāṇḍu 1. 105. 24; Bhīṣma, Vidura and other Kauravas grieved at the funeral of Pāṇḍu and Mādrī 1. 118. 26; Droṇa accepted Kauravas (i. e. also the Pāṇḍavas) as his pupils 1. 122. 40; Dhṛtarāṣṭra told Duryodhana that they (i. e. Dhṛtarāṣṭra himself and his sons) and the Pāṇḍavas were the same to Kauraveyas (i. e. to Bhīṣma and other Kauraveyas); if they acted contrary to the wishes of the Kauraveyas they may be killed by them (samā hi kauraveyāṇāṁ vayam ete ca…/ …te vayaṁ kauraveyāṇāṁ…kathaṁ na vadhyatāṁ tāta gacchema) 1. 130. 14, 15; Vidura gave to Drupada and others gifts given to them by Kauravas (yathā dattāni kauravaiḥ) 1. 198. 13; Bhīṣma and all other Kauravas enquired through Vidura about the well-being of Drupada in all respects 1. 198. 17; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Kauravas to receive the sons of Pāṇḍu 1. 199. 12; Arjuna was one who brought fame to Kauravas (includes the Pāṇḍavas) (kauravāṇāṁ yaśaskaram) 1. 206. 1; Balarāma willing to kill all Kauravas (includes the Pāṇḍavas) (adya niṣkauravām ekaḥ kariṣyāmi vasundharām) 1. 212. 31; Bhīṣma was the leader of the Kauravas (includes Pāṇḍavas) 2. 38. 3; Kauravas delighted to see Pāṇḍavas in Hāstinapura 2. 52. 30; asking Draupadī to come to the Sabhā meant that the doom of the Kauravas was imminent (manye prāptaḥ saṁkṣayaḥ kauravāṇām) 2. 60. 12; forcing virtuous women to appear in the Sabhā meant that the Kauraveyas were acting against their ancient, eternal dharma (sa naṣṭaḥ kauraveyeṣu pūrvo dharmaḥ sanātanaḥ) 2. 62. 9; Duḥśāsana defiled the good name of Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ yaśoharaḥ) 2. 62. 12; Vidura was impartial, hence was respected by the Kauravas (includes Pāṇḍavas) (samaś ca tvaṁ saṁmataḥ kauravāṇāṁ) 3. 5. 2; Vidura spoke what was proper for Kauravas (yat kṣamaṁ kauravāṇām) 3. 6. 13; destruction of Kauravas was certain 3. 6. 16; Vyāsa wanted to tell what was beneficial to the Kauravas 3. 9. 1; if Kauravyas wished to remain alive (kauravyāñ jīvamānān) conciliation with the Pāṇḍavas was necessary 3. 10. 23; Kṛṣṇa would have come to Hāstinapura at the time of the game of dice even if not invited by the Kauravas 3. 14. 2; Dhṛtarāṣṭra surrounded by all Kauravas 3. 242. 19; Duryodhana expressed his desire to the Kauravas to perform Rājasūya 3. 243. 14; Dhṛtarāṣṭra was the central figure among Kauravas (including Pāṇḍavas) (meḍhībhūtaḥ kauravāṇām) 5. 36. 71; Kṛṣṇa to approach the Kauravas for peace 5. 70. 89; Kṛṣṇa to find out the view of the Kauravas towards war 5. 71. 33; 9. 62. 2; Kṛṣṇa did not deserve to be arrested by the Kauraveyas 5. 86. 18; Kṛṣṇa dismissed Kauravas 5. 89. 37; Kṛṣṇa advised Duryodhana to see that the Kauravas were not destroyed without any one to survive and that the (Kaurava) family did not perish (astu śeṣaṁ kauravāṇāṁ mā parābhūd idaṁ kulam) 5. 122. 58; bad omens for Kauravas 5. 141. 18; Kauravas destined to be destroyed 5. 144. 24; Bhīṣma carried forward the line of the Kauravas (kauravaṁ vaṁśam udvahan) 5. 145. 32; Bhīṣma had saved the race of the Kauravas which had (almost) perished (pranaṣṭaḥ kauravo vaṁśas tvayāyaṁ punar uddhṛtaḥ) 5. 146. 18; Arjuna born in the family of Kauravas 5. 155. 31; Balarāma could not be a witness to the destruction of the Kauravyas 5. 154. 33; Citrāṅgada was installed on the throne of the Kauravas 5. 169. 18; Kauravas, who had assembled to witness Bhīṣma battle with Paraśurāma and who stood by him, were distressed to see Bhīṣma fall on the ground 5. 183. 11; Bhīṣma, the foremost among the Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ ṛṣabhāt) 7. 11. 3; (kauravāṇāṁ dhuraṁdhare) 12. 46. 23; 12. 52. 14; 12. 54. 4; (kauravāgrya) 13. 153. 5; Duryodhana prided himself on his birth in the Kuru lineage (kaurave vaṁśe) 9. 30. 21; the jewel held by Aśvatthāman on his head more valuable than the riches collected by Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas 10. 15. 28; attempts were made by Yudhiṣṭhira to avoid conflict among the Kauravas (i. e. those siding with Duryodhana and with Pāṇḍavas (avigrahe kauravāṇām) 11. 8. 37; Kauravyas, while fighting amongst themselves got killed (yudhyamānā hi kauravyāḥ kṛntamānāḥ parasparam) 11. 13. 16; the battle led to the annihilation of Kauravas (vaiśasaṁ ghoraṁ kauravāntakaram) 11. 27. 20; Gaṅgā spoke to Kauravas (i. e. to Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Yuyutsu and the Pāṇḍavas) (kauravān abhyabhāṣata) 13. 154. 19; Arjuna called the foremost among Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ dhuraṁdhare) 14. 78. 36; Dhṛtarāṣṭra admitted his fault to Kauravas that he installed Duryodhana as their chief (mamāparādhāt tat sarvam iti jñeyaṁ tu kauravāḥ…duryodhanam kauravāṇām ādhipatye 'bhyaṣecayam) 15. 5. 1-2; when Dhṛtarāṣṭra left for the forest, women of the royal family of Kauravas (kauravarājavaṁśyāḥ) uttered loud cry 15. 21. 4; all Kaurava women made a round of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Gāndhārī and Kuntī (prajagmus te pradakṣiṇam/…sarvāḥ kauravayoṣitaḥ) 15. 44. 49.

C. Those present in the Sabhā of Hāstinapura: 1. The dyūtasabhā: Vikarṇa exhorted the Kauravas to reply to Draupadī's question (vibrūta... tad dhi vakṣyāmi kauravāḥ) 2. 61. 19; none of the Kauravyas present in the Sabhā replied to the question (na vibruvanti kauravyāḥ praśnam etam) 2. 61. 50; Draupadī exhorted the Kauravas present in the Sabhā to reply to her question 2. 62. 1113; Bhīma spoke in the assembly of the Kauravas (saṁsadi kauravāṇām) 2. 68. 25; Nārada prophesied that the Kauravas seated in the assembly would perish in the coming fourteenth year 2. 71. 30; Karṇa abused Draupadī (in the Sabhā) in the presence of all Kauravas 7. 112. 39; citizens of Hāstinapura grieved when at the end of the dyūta in the assembly hall of Kauravas, Pāṇḍavas went out of Hāstinapura (dyūte rājan kauravāṇāṁ sabhāyām) 15. 21. 12; 2. The rājasabhā of the Kauravas: 1. Saṁjaya reminded the Kauravas (present in the assembly) of their ancient dharmas (etān dharmān kauravāṇāṁ purāṇān) 5. 29. 29; Saṁjaya addressed the Kauravas seated in the Sabhā (5. 46. 2, rājasabhā 5. 46. 3) after his return from the Pāṇḍavas (tad vijānīta kauravāḥ) 5. 46. 15 (those present in the Sabhā included Bhīṣma, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Vidura, Somadatta, Duryodhana and other sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, and also Droṇa, Kṛpa, Śalya, Kṛtavarman, Jayadratha, Aśvatthāman, Śakuni, Karṇa, Ulūka (5. 46. 3-9); Karṇa spoke to Duryodhana in the assembly of Kauravas (saṁsadi kauravāṇāṁ) 5. 61. 1; Duḥśāsana feared that the Kauravas might tie up Duryodhana and hand him over to Yudhiṣṭhira (baddhvā kila tvāṁ dāsyanti kuntīputrāya kauravāḥ) 5. 126. 22; Karṇa always boasted in the saṁsad of the Kauravas 8. 46. 35.

D. Although it is difficult always to distinguish between those born in Kuru family in general and the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra in particular, in the following references the terms Kaurava, Kauraveya and Kauravya (pl.) seem to refer to the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra: 1. 1. 73; 1. 122. 43; 2. 61. 5; 3. 9. 3; 3. 26, 17; 3. 225. 4; 3. 230. 8; 3. 232. 17, 19; 3. 233. 5; 3. 235. 2, 17; 4. 25. 5; 5. 6. 17; 5. 26. 27; 5. 29. 15, 17; 5. 36. 72; 5. 47. 59; 5. 64. 8; 5. 70. 43; 5. 151. 15; 6. 1. 25; 6. 4. 9; 6. 16. 39; 6. 41. 25, 53, 80; 6. 48. 23; 6. 53. 4; 6. 84. 34; 6. 85. 12, 18; 6. 93. 26; 6. 107. 15; 6. 110. 42; 7. 135. 32; 7. 167. 24; 8. 5. 22; 8. 6. 2; 8. 58. 28; 9. 15. 16; 12. 42. 9; 14. 52. 13; 15. 21. 4(a); (pāṇḍavānāṁ ca ye yodhāḥ kauravāṇāṁ ca sarvaśaḥ) 15. 40. 5.

E. In the following references the term Kaurava or Kauravya refers to the Pāṇḍavas: 1. 138. 8; 3. 1. 2; 3. 93. 3; 3. 222. 55; 3. 244. 16; 4. 4. 8; 4. 32. 40; 12. 50. 10-11; 14. 88. 15.

F. The term Kaurava sometimes refers to the warriors born in the Kuru family and even others not born in that family but who joined the Kauravas; (sometimes it is used as an adj. (fem. -ī) to refer to the Kaurava army in general: kauravaṁ sainyam 6. 41. 27; 6. 54. 25; 7. 113. 11 (sindhusauvī rakauravam); 7. 139. 30; 8. 40. 3; 9. 18. 13; kauravaṁ balam 8. 51. 8; kauravī senā 6. 54. 18; 7. 135. 4; 7. 146. 45; 8. 17. 47; 8. 36. 40; 8. 54. 23; 9. 9. 59; (kauravī camū 9. 9. 62 kauravī pṛtanā 9. 10. 9): (a) In the great battle with the Pāṇḍavas: Bhīṣma, Droṇa, Karṇa and many others, as well as many kings had joined the side of the Kauravas and, together with their sons, counsellors and soldiers they formed the army of the Kauravas; they were apportioned money and all enjoyments (saṁśritāḥ kauravaṁ pakṣaṁ…sarve kauravasainyasya saputrāmātyasainikāḥ/saṁvibhaktā hi mātrābhir bhogair api ca sarvaśaḥ) 3. 37. 9, 11 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 36. 13 mātrābhiḥ aṁśaparicchedaiḥ); the very spacious land became very crowded with the army of the Kauraveyas 5. 19. 31; Bhīṣma, the chief warrior of the Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ pravīre) 5. 47. 35; Kauravas eager to fight with the Pāṇḍavas (kauravāṇāṁ yuyutsatām) 5. 56. 52; Kaurava army of eleven akṣauhiṇīs 5. 152. 23; Bhīṣma became the general of the Kauravas 5. 162. 4; Pāṇḍavas and Somakas faced Kauravas on the Kurukṣetra 6. 1. 3; the Kṣatriyas praised the Kaurava heroes 6. 41. 25; Dhṛṣṭadyumna was to kill the Kauravas 6. 46. 34; Arjuna killing the Kaurava army (vinighnan kauravānīkam) 6. 48. 19; Kauravas recognized Bhīṣma by the mark on (his banner) (cihnamātreṇa) 6. 48. 58; the vyūha of the Kaurava army impregnable 6. 53. 7; no one could save the chariot (i. e. the chariot-fighter Bhīṣma) of the Kauravas from enraged Kṛṣṇa (nāsau rathaḥ sātvata kauravāṇāṁ kruddhasya mucyeta raṇe 'dya kaścit) 6. 55. 83; Kauraveyas dejected to see Arjuna (6. 56. 9); Kauravas acted as advised by Bhīṣma and left for their camp 6. 60. 70, 73; Pāṇḍavas attacked the Kauravas and the latter fought with them 6. 71. 13, 22, 36; the large armies of Kauravas were arranged in a vyūha by Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others (kauravāṇāṁ mahācamūḥ) 6. 83. 4; Bhīmasena killed Kauraveyas 6. 85. 24; the princīpal Kaurava heroes (kauravāṇāṁ mahārathāḥ) faced Bhīma's attack 6. 90. 24; Droṇa, Duryodhana, Śalya and Aśvatthāman named among the principal heroes of Kauravas 6. 90. 41; Arjuna faced the attack of the Kaurava army 6. 91. 78; many Pāṇḍava warriors, difficult to be killed in battle, were put to death in battle by Kauravas (avadhyā bahavo vīrāh saṁgrāme…/nihatāḥ kauravaiḥ saṁkhye) 6. 92. 4; Kauravas would not try to save their lives 6. 99. 46; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked: Did Karṇa fill up the gap of Kauravas caused by the fall of Bhīṣma ? (api tat pūrayāṁ cakre…yat…kauravāṇām apāvṛtam) 7. 1. 48; after Bhīṣma, Karṇa to be the refuge of Kauravas 7. 4. 8; Pāṇḍavas and Kauravyas struck one another with arrows 7. 6. 31; if Pāṇḍavas were defeated, Kṛṣṇa would kill Kauravas 7. 10. 35; Kauravas surrounded Pāñcālas on all sides; they were obstructed by Droṇa and Kauravyas 7. 21. 9, 14; Arjuna killed Kauravyas with arrows 7. 27. 12; he showered arrows on the army of Kauravas 7. 29. 28; all Kauravas, led by Droṇa, turned towards Abhimanyu 7. 35. 11; Duryodhana's army feared that Arjuna might dry up Kauravas (kauravāñ śoṣayiṣyati) 7. 49. 19; a loud cry went up from Kauravas when they heard a loud roar from the side of the Pāṇḍavas 7. 53. 7; none but Kauravas could fight the army protected by Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna 7. 62. 19, 21 (Kauraveyas); Kauravas true to the dharma of Kṣatriyas (kṣatradharmarataiḥ), did everything possible 7. 62. 22; Kaurava army appeared like an ocean (samudram iva kauravam) 7. 69. 75; Pāṇḍavas rushed towards Kauraveyas divided into three groups (kauraveyāṁs tridhābhūtān) 7. 72. 1; Kauravas respected the highly wonderful and bold feat of Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna (viz. producing water on the battlefield to refresh the horses) (apūjayan…kauravāḥ paramādbhutam/ tat tu pārthasya vikrāntaṁ vāsudevasya cobhayoḥ) 7. 75. 9; seeing Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna delighted, Kauraveyas lost all hope about Duryodhana's remaining alive 7. 77. 31; Kauravas raised loud sound in response to the one raised by their opponents 7. 84. 30; delighted, Kauravas raised loud sound repeatedly 7. 85. 38; Yudhiṣṭhira said that Sātyaki would kill Kauravas 7. 85. 57; the great warriors among Kauravas had already left to protect Jayadratha (kauravāṇāṁ mahārathāḥ) 7. 85. 67; Dhṛtarāṣṭra felt that the Kauravas were as good as overpowered by death; he wished to know how Kauravas fared against Sātyaki (grastān hi kauravān manye mṛtyunā) 7. 89. 19, 39; Kauravas would witness the heroism of Sātyaki when he destroyed the army of Kāmbojas; Duryodhana would be enraged when he heard the destruction of the Kaurava army in battle (kauravasainyasya dīryamāṇasya saṁyuge) 7. 95. 21-22; Kauravas would see Sātyaki's skill in the use of bow and arrows 7. 95. 25; the army of the Pāṇḍavas killed Kauravas in battle 7. 100. 6; Arjuna pierced through Kauraveyas all around (with his arrows) 7. 102. 102; Dhṛtarāṣṭra considered Kauravas as good as dead (vinaṣṭān kauravān manye) 7. 108. 7; Sātyaki caused severe damage to Kaurava army (kauravayodhānām kṛtvā ghoram upadravam) 7. 116. 15; no warrior equal to Sātyaki among the Kauravas 7. 116. 21; Sātyaki scattered Kauravyas like blades of grass (tṛṇavan nyasya kauravyān) 7. 116. 25; no one from Kauravas or Pāṇḍavas uttered a word when Sātyaki justified the way he killed Bhūriśravas 7. 118. 49; the foremost Kauravas (which term includes not only Duryodhana but also Karṇa, Vṛṣasena, Śalya, Aśvatthāman and Kṛpa 7. 120. 40) surrounded Arjuna in order to protect Jayadratha 7. 120. 48; Kauravas were killed due to the wrath of Yudhiṣṭhira (tava krodhahatā hy ete kauravāḥ) 7. 124. 21; the large army of Kauravas was as good as killed 7. 125. 4; bad omens specially for the army of Kauravas 7. 129. 25; Karṇa blamed Kṛpa for his speech which would frighten the armies of Kauraveyas 7. 133. 53; Pāṇḍavas could destroy the army of Kauravas in half a moment (kauravīṁ senām) if Aśvatthāman, Karṇa and others were not present 7. 135. 4; Aśvatthāman honoured by Kauraveyas when he killed the enemies by thousands 7. 135. 54; Yudhiṣṭhira advised to go where Bhīma fought with Kauravas 7. 137. 47; Arjuna blew away (vyadhamat) the army of Kauravas 7. 139. 8; Arjuna and the Kaurava army afflicted each other by different weapons (arjunaḥ kauravaṁ sainyam arjunaṁ cāpi kauravāḥ) 7. 139. 30; there was a loud sound when the Pāṇḍus (i. e. Pāṇḍavas) and Pāñcāla armies (pāṇḍupāñcālasenānām) and those of Kauravas clashed with each other 7. 139. 32; Bhīma, thinking Duryodhana dead, made a loud roar fighting Kauravas 7. 141. 56; during the night war, when the Pāṇḍava army began to flee throwing away torches, they could be seen running away only by the light on the side of Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ prakāśena dṛśyante tu drutāḥ pare) 7. 147. 20; as the battle advanced, the night became very dark for Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas 7. 147. 38; Ghaṭotkaca, while falling down, assumed huge form and killed many Kauravas; seeing Ghaṭotkaca dead, Kauravas, delighted, uttered loud roar and blew bherīs, conches, murajas and ānakas 7. 154. 61-62; Kṛṣṇa pointed out to Arjuna that Kauravyas, hitting their target, were scattering away the army of Pāṇḍavas (labdhalakṣyā hi kauravyā vidhamanti camūṁ tava) 7. 156. 33; Kauravas put to flight their opponents; Kauravas showed their valour disregarding the strength of Bhīma's arms and the skill of Arjuna in the use of missiles 7. 158. 33, 35; Vyāsa advised agitated Yudhiṣṭhira to fight with Kauravas (with fortitude) 7. 158. 60; the large army of the Kauravas became confused (āvignam abhavat sarvaṁ kauravāṇāṁ mahad balam) 7. 162. 22; in the confusion of the war that took place on the morning of the fifteenth day, it could not be ascertained who were Kauraveyas and who Pāñcālas or Pāṇḍavas 7. 162. 28; Arjuna suddenly attacked the Kauraveyas 7. 164. 57; Dhṛṣṭadyumna, undaunted, scattered Vasātis, Śibis, Bāhlīkas and even Kauravas who were protecting Droṇa 7. 165. 24; Kauravas, afraid and more shaken, ran away at the death of Droṇa 7. 165. 74; Droṇa was killed although Kauravas and Arjuna tried to forbid Dhṛṣṭadyumna 7. 165. 123; Yudhiṣṭhira wondered whether it was Indra who came to help Kauravas (kauravārthaṁ) after the death of Droṇa and put the scattered army into order; Kauravas mustered courage for dreadful act and blew their conches 7. 167. 9, 18, 22, 24-25; Dhṛṣṭadyumna felt that Aśvatthāman would not be able to protect Kauravyas and would only lead them to death (ghātayiṣyati kauravyān) 7. 168. 27; Dhṛṣṭadyumna asked Sātyaki to fight with Kauravas 7. 169. 39; Dhṛṣṭadyumna drew Bhīma's attention to the advancing Kauravas 7. 169. 57; Aśvatthāman steadied Kauravas agitated after the death of Droṇa (saṁrabdhā hi sthirībhūtā droṇaputreṇa kauravāḥ) 7. 170. 10; as the Pāṇḍava warriors tried to resist the Nārāyaṇāstra, the Kauravas became more and more strong (kauravā balavattarāḥ) 7. 170. 40; Arjuna alone, aided by some others, faced Kauravas 7. 172. 3; Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas stopped fighting after the fall of Droṇa 7. 172. 93; when Kauravas were dispersed, Arjuna met Vyāsa who providentially arrived there 7. 173. 2-3; Dhṛtarāṣṭra was not to grieve over what had happened to Kauraveyas at the hands of Pāṇḍavas (pāṇḍaveyair hi yad vṛttaṁ kauraveyeṣu) 8. 1. 47; 8. 5. 109 (kauravāṇāṁ); Kauravas held consultations in their camp to decide on the course that would be in their interest 8. 6. 6; seeing Karṇa ready for battle, Kauravas did not mind the loss of Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others 8. 7. 12; Karṇa drove the army of Kauravas to the battlefield 8. 7. 13; Trigartas and others, along with Kauravas, marched against Arjuna 8. 19. 2; there arose different kinds of sounds when Pāñcālas clashed with Kauravas 8. 19. 45; the way Saṁjaya described the battle, Dhṛtarāṣṭra was convinced that Kauravyas would be no more (na santi sūta kauravyā…) 8. 20. 2; at the end of the (sixteenth) day, Kauravas returned to their camp 8. 21. 38; Kauravas held consultations in their camp; their condition described as that of serpents whose fangs were broken, poison destroyed, and who were held under feet (bhagnadaṁṣṭrā hataviṣāḥ padākrāntā ivoragāḥ) 8. 22. 6; bad omens for Kauravas 8. 26. 38; when started for the battlefield (on the seventeenth day) Kauravas thought Pāṇḍavas as good as defeated 8. 26. 39; Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas chopped off (tatakṣuḥ) one another with sharp arrows 8. 35. 60; Dhṛṣṭadyumna quickly halted Kauravas with arrows 8. 38. 41; Yudhiṣṭhira boasted that in spite of Aśvatthāman he would win Kauravas in battle 8. 39. 33; Bhīma brought about destruction of Kauravas 8. 40. 5; Kṛṣṇa asked Arjuna to quickly kill Kauravas 8. 40. 85; Kauravyas shouted seeing Karṇa's valour 8. 43. 34; Kauravas to hasten and attack Sṛñjayas so that none of them escaped alive 8. 43. 36; Kauravas getting killed by Bhīma and Pāñcālas 8. 43. 53; Bhīma engaged Kauravas 8. 44. 13; Nakula engaged Kauravas 8. 44. 38; battle between Sṛñjayas and Kauravas in which Yudhiṣṭhira was humiliated 8. 46. 41; Kauravas, although they had large number of elephants and horses, were destroyed since they opposed Arjuna 8. 51. 4; none but Pāṇḍavas, aided by Arjuna, could defeat Kauravas 8. 51. 7; Kauravas having clashed with Bhīma and Arjuna in battle met with death 8. 51. 25; only Arjuna could defeat Kauravas along with Karṇa 8. 51. 109; all would see Arjuna fight with Kauravas and kill Karṇa 8. 52. 29; the army of Kauravas was being replenished again and again when severely thrashed (āpūryate kauravī cāpy abhīkṣṇaṁ senā hy asau subhṛśaṁ hanyamānā) 8. 54. 23; all Kauravas were confused and put to flight 8. 54. 24; Kauravas could not look at Arjuna 8. 57. 55; Bhīma would crush under his foot the head of Duryodhana in the presence of Kauravas 8. 61. 16; Kauravas refreshed their horses, went at a distance of little less than two yojanas and reached Sarasvatī at the foot of Himavant 9. 4. 48-49; Pāṇḍavas arranged their army and attacked Kauravas 9. 7. 11; Kauravas attacked the army of Pāṇḍavas 9. 10. 17; Sātyaki turned towards Kauravas who, terrified at the death of Śalya's brother, ran in different directions 9. 16. 67; Duryodhana reminded Kauravas (who included Kṣatriya kings and their army 9. 18. 55, 59, 62) that there was no better way to reach heaven than observe the dharma of battle (na yuddhadharmāc chreyān vai panthāḥ svargasya kauravāḥ) 9. 18. 61; Kauravas made a loud roar by blowing conches 9. 19. 10; when their army had almost dwindled, Pāṇḍavas put Kauraveyas to death (alpāvaślṣṭe sainye tu kauraveyān) 9. 27. 14; Duryodhana, glad to see Aśvatthāman, Kṛpa and Kṛtavarman who remained alive in the battle between Pāṇḍus (i. e. Pāṇḍavas) and Kauravas 9. 29. 14; the three surviving heroes called the great warriors of Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ mahārathān) 9. 29. 26; 9. 64. 1; Nārada had warned Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas fighting each other would perish 11. 8. 33; Bhīṣma, a Kauravya, became the general of the army of Kauraveyas, eleven akṣauhiṇīs strong (bhīṣmaḥ) …ekādaśacamūpatiḥ/kauravyaḥ kauraveyāṇām) 14. 59. 8; when Karṇa was killed, Kauravyas, whose army was reduced to three akṣauhiṇīs, dejected and with their vigour diminished, gathered around Śalya (kauravyā nirutsāhā hataujasaḥ) 14. 59. 22; ( b ) In the battle at the time of the raid on Virāṭa's cows: Suśarman suggested to Duryodhana marching against the Matsya country with all Kauravas and Karṇa (tatra yātrā mama matā yadi te rocate…/kauravāṇāṁ ca sarveṣām karṇasya ca…) 4. 29. 7; Suśarman suggested a cow-raid jointly by Kauravas and Trigartas 4. 29. 11; all Kauravas together were to attack in the manner decided before 4. 29. 22; accordingly, all Kauravas together raided and captured the cows of Virāṭa by thousands on the eighth day of the hot season (sarve…saṁbhūya kauravāḥ/aṣṭamyāṁ (gharmapakṣaṣya 4. 29. 27) tāny agṛhṇanta gokulāni sahasraśaḥ//) 4. 29. 28; according to Droṇa there was no one among Kauravas who could be a match for Arjuna 4. 37. 12; Karṇa assured Kauravas that they would witness Arjuna thoroughly humiliated by him 4. 43. 20; Arjuna attacked Kauraveyas whose chief heroes had arranged their army in different formations (tathā vyūḍheṣv anīkeṣu kauraveyair mahārathaiḥ) 4. 48. 1; all Kaurava principal heroes together faced Arjuna's attack 4. 57. 1; defeat of all Kauravas and Karṇa referred to later in the Droṇaparvan 7. 103. 38; 7. 133. 17; in the Karṇaparvan, Śalya asked Karṇa why he, aided by Droṇa, Aśvatthāman, Kṛpa, Bhīṣma and Kauravas, did not kill Arjuna fighting alone in the Virāṭanagara 8. 28. 56; (c) Battle with Citrasena Gandharva: Kauravyas were deluded by the māyās of the army of Citrasena 3. 230. 22; the Kauravas (their amātyas and the rest of their army) took heart listening to the vow of Arjuna (kauravāṇāṁ tadā rājan punaḥ pratyāgataṁ manaḥ) 3. 232. 21.

G. Different persons on the side of Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas are referred to simply as a descendant or kinsman of Kuru, or the chief, the best (or rarely the lowest), the famous, the delighter etc. of those born in the line of Kuru; only once (15. 17. 17) we have the expression kauravaka in a derogatory sense. kaurava, kauraveya, kauravya:

(1) Arjuna: kaurava 1. 126. 31; 1. 160. 20; 3. 42. 38; 7. 120. 31; kauraveya 7. 118. 12; kauravya 1. 159. 10; 1. 160. 16; 7. 122. 24; 8. 41. 1; 14. 15. 20, 27; 14. 77. 6; 14. 82. 7; 16. 6. 7; 16. 8. 29, 66;

(2) Janamejaya: kaurava 1. 120. 6; 2. 11. 73; 3. 229. 15; kauravya 1. 61. 37, 56; 1. 224. 1; 2. 19. 37; 3. 172. 24; 3. 229. 22; 8. 1. 5; 9. 38. 31; 9. 41. 24; 9. 45. 9, 20; 13. 153. 18; 14. 57. 38; 14. 63. 8; 14. 70. 17; 14. 75. 5; 14. 76. 11; 14. 81. 3; 14. 83. 16; 14. 84. 18; 15. 15. 1; 15. 30. 17; 17. 1. 25, 27; 18. 3. 1; 18. 5. 8;

(3) Jayatsena: kauravya 9. 25. 9;

(4) Duḥśāsana: kaurava 6. 115. 24; 7. 98. 12; 8. 17. 38; kauravya 3. 238. 34; 7. 39. 8;

(5) Durmukha: kaurava 5. 64. 6;

(6) Duryodhana; kaurava 1. 126. 37; 1. 132. 18; 1. 195. 11; 3. 229. 28; 3. 239. 2; 3. 240. 23; 3. 241. 15; 3. 242. 10; 3. 243. 13; 4. 47. 12; 5. 47. 23; 5. 77. 11; 5. 83. 16; 5. 89. 9, 12; 5. 95. 10; 5. 136. 3; 5. 151. 13; 5. 153. 34; 5. 166. 23; 5. 181. 26, 34; 5. 193. 1; 5. 196. 19; 6. 41. 38, 52, 53; 6. 61. 30; 6. 88. 20; 6. 90. 13, 22; 6. 91. 10; 7. 36. 3; 7. 69. 75; 7. 126, 7; 7. 134. 63; 7. 135. 1, 8; 7. 141. 46, 52; 7. 160. 13; 7. 165. 93; 7. 166. 29; 8. 23. 51; 9. 1. 2; 9. 6. 17; 9. 15. 16; 9. 23. 5; 9. 29. 25, 65; 9. 53. 25; 9. 54. 19; 9. 56. 64, 66; 9. 57. 17; 9. 64. 36; kauraveya: 3. 235. 24; 3. 240. 36; 5. 152. 22; 7. 133. 57; 9. 23. 31; 9. 30. 20; kauravya 3. 229. 17; 3. 231. 19; 3. 238. 34, 39; 4. 24. 7, 21; 4. 27. 28, 5. 19. 21, 22, 25, 5. 20. 1; 5. 62. 20; 5. 151. 7; 5. 152. 15; 5. 172. 21; 5. 181. 18; 5. 187. 27; 5. 193. 66; 5. 196. 14; 6. 75. 18; 6. 110. 30; 7. 69. 33; 7. 78. 18; 7. 120. 28; 7. 126. 21, 30; 7. 133. 10; 7. 134. 69; 7. 160. 11; 7. 166. 42; 8. 23. 25; 9. 23. 3; 9. 25. 3; 9. 31. 23; 9. 33. 4; 9. 56. 39; 10. 9. 27; 12. 4. 12; 14. 51. 18;

(7) Dhṛtarāṣṭra: kaurava 1. 192. 7; 2. 51. 6; 3. 12. 69; 3. 14. 4; 3. 228. 4; 4. 64. 14; 5. 6. 4; 6. 61. 25; 7. 112. 42; 8. 3. 7; 9. 62. 67; 11. 12. 3; 12. 40. 5; 15. 4. 2; 15. 5. 13; 15. 17. 10, 17 (kauravaka); 15. 18. 3; 15. 34. 20. 15. 37. 2; 15. 44. 13; 15. 46. 14; kauravya: 2. 48. 24; 3. 5. 6; 3. 10. 17; 5. 21. 21; 5. 62. 10; 5. 81. 46; 5. 93. 9, 11, 13; 6. 10. 12; 6. 12. 15, 22, 25, 30; 6. 13. 1, 10, 31, 33, 47; 6. 105. 7; 7. 1. 4, 5; 7. 103. 17; 7. 107. 13; 7. 110. 24; 7. 148. 53; 8. 1. 20; 8. 33. 44; 9. 2. 14; 9. 14. 26; 9. 22. 61; 10. 1. 35; 10. 8. 42; 11. 11. 27; 15. 2. 6; 15. 16. 19; 15. 20. 16; 15. 34. 23; 15. 44. 47;

(8) Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāṇḍu, Vidura: kauravya 1. 1. 54; 1. 117. 16:

(9) Nakula: kauravya 1. 213. 77;

(10) Pāṇḍu: kaurava 1. 114. 24; 1. 118. 12; 1. 185. 18; kauravya 1. 109. 20; 1. 110. 42; 1. 114. 19; 1. 116. 10; 5. 142. 29; 5. 146. 5;

(11) Babhruvāhana; Kaurava 14. 81. 6;

(12) Bhīmasena; kaurava 3. 147. 3; 3. 256. 6; kauravya 7. 117. 2; 7. 122. 56;

(13) Bhīṣma; kaurava 1. 96. 37, 38; 2. 35. 5; 5. 162. 15; 5. 165. 14; 5. 166. 13; 5. 171. 7; 5. 180. 16; 6. 54. 32; 6. 82. 18; 6. 103. 46; 7. 1. 37; 12. 46. 29; 12. 54. 25; 12. 56. 4; 12. 224. 1; 12. 290. 77; 13. 3. 16; 13. 65. 4; 13. 153. 36; 13. 154. 9; kauravya 1. 96. 13; 1. 122. 27; 2. 39. 5; 3. 83. 90. 92; 5. 23. 8; 5. 178. 17; 5. 179. 2, 6; 5. 184. 16; 5. 186. 3; 5. 187. 38; 6. 55. 53; 6. 102. 44; 6. 110. 30; 6. 111. 5; 7. 1. 36; 12. 27. 8; 12. 158. 3; 12. 309. 1; 13. 154. 1; 14. 59. 8;

(14) Bhūri; kaurava 7. 140. 6; 7. 141. 3;

(15) Bhūriśravas: kaurava 6. 60. 2; 7. 117. 17, 60; 7. 118. 3; 7. 120. 1; kauraveya 7. 117. 14; 7. 119. 2; kauravya 7. 117. 2; 7. 122. 56;

(16) Yudhiṣṭhira: kaurava 3. 14. 4; 3. 15. 18; 3. 16. 20; 3. 17. 9; 3. 23. 42; 3. 27. 9; 3. 63. 24; 3. 192. 8; 4. 38. 56; 5. 195. 20; 7. 87. 26; 11. 1. 2; 14. 86. 5; kauravya 2. 7. 1; 2. 32. 11; 2. 34. 1; 3. 14. 10, 14; 3. 15. 16, 17; 3. 16. 15; 3. 17. 7; 3. 18. 13, 20; 3. 19. 11; 3. 48. 24; 3. 85. 11, 16; 3. 88. 19; 3. 96. 1; 3. 97. 2; 3. 195. 18; 3. 213. 1; 3. 219. 30; 3. 251. 10; 4. 15. 31; 4. 18. 23; 4. 39. 2; 4. 64. 11; 4. 66. 1; 6. 1. 12; 6. 82. 4, 46; 6. 115. 61; 7. 19. 24; 7. 86. 37; 12. 16. 16; 12. 23. 1; 12. 56. 23; 12. 59. 42; 12. 66. 15; 12. 69. 53; 12. 70. 32; 12. 121. 8, 32; 12. 140. 5; 12. 152. 14, 19; 12. 154. 17; 12. 159. 57; 12. 258. 69; 12. 272. 12; 12. 273. 10, 17, 60; 12. 311. 11, 13; 13. 40. 1; 13. 42. 3, 28, 32; 13. 58. 15; 13. 67. 33; 13. 82. 8; 13. 86. 33; 13. 91. 4; 13. 153. 10, 32; 14. 5. 20; 14. 14. 6; 14. 51. 49; 14. 71. 20; 15. 3. 4; 15. 12. 10; 15. 36. 4; 17. 1. 18; 18. 2. 35;

(17) Yuyutsu: kaurava 11. 26. 25; kauravya 7. 59. 4; 13. 154. 8; 14. 59. 33; 14. 62. 23;

(18) Vicitravīrya: kaurava 1. 96. 41; kauravya 1. 96. 58;

(19) Śantanu: kaurava 13. 44. 38; kauravya 1. 97. 3;

(20) Sahadeva: kauravya 2. 28. 2, 33;

(21) Somadatta: kaurava 1. 131. 12; 7. 131. 11; 7. 132. 5; 7. 137. 26; kauravya 1. 177. 14; 2. 31. 8; kauravadāyāda: Bhūriśravas 6. 70. 13; 8. 4. 17; kauravyadāyāda: Pāṇḍu 1. 117. 20; kauravāṇāṁ dhurandharaḥ:

(1) Arjuna 14. 78. 36;

(2) Bhīṣma 5. 162. 4; 6. 115. 20; 12. 46. 23; 12. 52. 14; 12. 54. 4; kauravanandana:

(1) Arjuna 6. 116. 29; 14. 73. 33; 14. 76. 26;

(2) Janamejaya 3. 89. 1;

(3) Duryodhana 5. 186. 1; 5. 193. 63; 9. 30. 58;

(4) Dhārtarāṣṭras 7. 171. 16;

(5) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 12. 124. 62; 15. 25. 12; 15. 36. 19; 15. 44. 6;

(6) Pāṇḍavas 2. 52. 29; 3. 141. 29; 4. 47. 8;

(7) Bhīmasena 3. 149. 6;

(8) Bhīṣma 12. 55. 1;

(9) Yudhiṣṭhira 2. 11. 65; 3. 94. 4; 12. 90. 9; 12. 119. 19; 13. 43. 25; 13. 117. 9, 20; 16. 1. 1; kauravanātha: Yudhiṣṭhira 13. 154. 11; kauravāṇāṁ pravīraḥ: Bhīṣma 5. 47. 35; kauravyapatnī: Kuntī 5. 142. 29; kauravāṇāṁ mahārathaḥ or mahārathāḥ:

(1) Arjuna 14. 75. 9;

(2) Duryodhana 6. 93. 26;

(3) Aśvatthāman, Kṛpa and Kṛtavarman 9. 29. 26; 9. 64. 1;

(4) Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others 4. 57. 1; 4. 48. 1 (kauraveyair mahārathaiḥ);

(5) Droṇa and others 6. 90. 24;

(6) Unspecified 6. 71. 36; 7. 85. 67; 8. 35. 60; kauravamukhya: Bhūriśravas 7. 116. 34; meḍhībhūtaḥ kauravāṇāṁ: Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 36. 71; kauravāṇāṁ yaśaskaraḥ: Arjuna 1. 206. 1; kauravāṇāṁ yaśobhṛt: Pāṇḍu 1. 105. 8; kauravāṇāṁ yaśoharaḥ: Duḥśāsana 2. 62. 11; kāuravarāja: Dhṛtarāṣṭra 15. 21. 4; rājā kauravāṇāṁ: Yudhiṣṭhira 5. 32. 9; kauravarājapatnī: Draupadī 1. 186. 9; kauravarājaputra:

(1) Arjuna 8. 57, 38;

(2) Pāṇḍavas 1. 190. 9; kauravarṣabha:

(1) Arjuna 3. 46. 24;

(2) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 15. 34. 19;

(3) Pāṇḍavas 3. 187. 55;

(4) Bhīṣma (kauravāṇāṁ ṛṣabhaḥ) 7. 11. 3; kauravavaṁśabhṛt:

(1) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 15. 31. 5;

(2) Parikṣit 1. 36. 8; kuuravavaṁśavardhana:

(1) Pāṇḍavas 1. 190. 13;

(2) Yudhiṣṭhira 4. 6. 2; kauravaśārdūla: Janamejaya 3. 39. 8; kauravaśreṣṭha:

(1) Arjuna 14. 76. 32;

(2) Duryodhana 3. 241. 26; 5. 168. 25; 7. 141. 44;

(3) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 6. 13. 39;

(4) Bhīmasena 3. 176. 17;

(5) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 18. 24; 3. 47. 9; 3. 94. 1;

(6) Duryodhana, Karṇa, Vṛṣasena Śalya, Aśvatthāman, Kṛpa 7. 120. 48 (cf. 7. 120. 40); kauravasattama: Arjuna 6. 55. 101; kauravāgrya:

(1) Bhīṣma 13. 153. 5;

(2) Pāṇḍavas 1. 180. 22;

(3) Yudhiṣṭhira 10. 10. 30; kauravāṇāṁ addhipaḥ: Duryodhana 6. 55. 106; kauravāṇāṁ adhipatiḥ: Duryodhana (kauravāṇāṁ ādhipatye) 15. 5. 2; kauravācāryamukhya: Droṇa 1. 155. 23; kauravādhama: Bāhlīka (Somadatta) 7. 137. 2; kauravendra:

(1) Duryodhana 5. 169. 14; 5. 183. 16; 5. 193. 26; 6. 108. 11; 6. 116. 36, 48; 9. 55. 16; 9. 58. 3; 9. 60. 7; 14. 59. 13, 34;

(2) Dhṛtarāṣṭra: 6. 12. 21; 7. 7. 29; 7. 154. 25; 15. 1. 20; 15. 7. 13; 15. 21. 13; 15. 26. 21; 15. 28. 1;

(3) Bhūriśravas 7. 118. 36;

(4) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 181. 41; 6. 82. 11; 12. 296. 45; 13. 96. 42; 13. 143. 6; 18. 3. 28;

(5) Unspecified 7. 80. 11.

*2nd word in left half of page p709_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p708_mci .......... next page p719_mci

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kauravya : m.: A mythical serpent.

A. Birth: Son of Kadrū, listed among her sons by Sūta at the request of Śaunaka 1. 31. 13, 2; also mentioned as son of Surasā and Kaśyapa 5. 101. 15, 4, 17; but according to 1, 206. 18 born in the kula of Airāvata.

B. Progeny and Relatives: Serpents Aiṇḍila, Kuṇḍala and others, born in the kula of Kauravya, offered in the snake sacrifice of Janamejaya 1. 52. 11, 12; his daughter Ulūpī (1. 206. 18; 14. 90. 2) dragged Arjuna down while he was bathing in Gaṅgā and took him to her father's residence; at Ulūpī's request Arjuna spent a night at Kauravya's residence 1. 206. 13, 34; serpent Sumukha, stood before Kauravya (and Āryaka, also born in the kula of Airāvata), when seen by Mātali 5. 101. 19, 23.

C. Residence: Living in Bhogavatī Purī 5. 101. 1; Kauravya's residence highly praised (bhavane paramārcite), where Arjuna saw well-established sacrificial fire (pāvakaṁ susamāhītam) 1. 206. 14.

D. Description and eminence: Serpents in Bhogavatī Purī marked with gem, svastika and circles, characterized by kamaṇḍalu, terrible by nature, of huge shape, and having varying numbers of heads and mouths 5. 101. 5-7; Kauravya called ‘king of serpents’ (nāgarāja) 1. 206. 13, (pannageśvara) 1. 206. 33, (uragapati) 14. 82. 5).

*5th word in left half of page p14_mci (+offset) in original book.

Kaurava, Kauraveya, Kauravya : (pl.): Name of a people; like the word Kuru, these words also have various significances (the choice of the word depending on metrical requirements).

A. People of the Kuru country: Duryodhana, the king of the Kauravas (kauravāṇām adhipaḥ) 6. 55. 106; Yudhiṣṭhira, the king of the Kauravas (sa rājā …kauravāṇām) 5. 32. 9; he was the protector and the ruler of Kaurava people 5. 147. 31; Karṇa, while praising the people of certain countries as opposed to the Bāhlīkas, said that Kauraveyas were the religion incarnate (i. e. they practised dharma scrupulously) (kauraveyāḥ svadharmaḥ) 8. 30. 73 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 8. 45. 28 reads kauraveyās tu dharmyam which he explains as dharmyaṁ dharmād anapetaṁ karma mānayantīti śeṣaḥ).

B. Those born in the lineage of Kuru and living at Hāstinapura; the term may occasionally include also those like Droṇa, Kṛpa and others not born in Kuru's line but who sided with Dhārtarāṣṭras; the term may also refer not only to the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra but also the sons of Pāṇḍu; occasionally the word kauravavaṁśa or kaurava vaṁśa is used instead of simple kaurava: All Kauravyas sat near the sages who brought with them Kuntī and the five Pāṇḍavas 1. 117. 16; Kauravas and others delighted to hear the arrival of the Pāṇḍavas 1. 1. 73; the sage (Vyāsa) composed in the ninth parvan three thousand two hundred and twenty stanzas to describe the events of the famous Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ yaśobhṛtām) 1. 2. 177; Parikṣit was born in the lineage of the Kauravas (kauravavaṁśabhṛt) 1. 36. 8; Śakuni took his sister to the Kauravas 1. 103. 14; Pāṇḍu described as the bearer of the fame of the Kauravas; he procured for them fame and kingdom (kauravāṇāṁ yaśobhṛtā) 1. 105. 8; (pāṇḍunāvarjitaṁ rājyaṁ kauravāṇāṁ yaśas tathā) 7. 62. 15; Bhīṣma and other Kauravas did not see the end of the riches brought by Pāṇḍu 1. 105. 24; Bhīṣma, Vidura and other Kauravas grieved at the funeral of Pāṇḍu and Mādrī 1. 118. 26; Droṇa accepted Kauravas (i. e. also the Pāṇḍavas) as his pupils 1. 122. 40; Dhṛtarāṣṭra told Duryodhana that they (i. e. Dhṛtarāṣṭra himself and his sons) and the Pāṇḍavas were the same to Kauraveyas (i. e. to Bhīṣma and other Kauraveyas); if they acted contrary to the wishes of the Kauraveyas they may be killed by them (samā hi kauraveyāṇāṁ vayam ete ca…/ …te vayaṁ kauraveyāṇāṁ…kathaṁ na vadhyatāṁ tāta gacchema) 1. 130. 14, 15; Vidura gave to Drupada and others gifts given to them by Kauravas (yathā dattāni kauravaiḥ) 1. 198. 13; Bhīṣma and all other Kauravas enquired through Vidura about the well-being of Drupada in all respects 1. 198. 17; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked Kauravas to receive the sons of Pāṇḍu 1. 199. 12; Arjuna was one who brought fame to Kauravas (includes the Pāṇḍavas) (kauravāṇāṁ yaśaskaram) 1. 206. 1; Balarāma willing to kill all Kauravas (includes the Pāṇḍavas) (adya niṣkauravām ekaḥ kariṣyāmi vasundharām) 1. 212. 31; Bhīṣma was the leader of the Kauravas (includes Pāṇḍavas) 2. 38. 3; Kauravas delighted to see Pāṇḍavas in Hāstinapura 2. 52. 30; asking Draupadī to come to the Sabhā meant that the doom of the Kauravas was imminent (manye prāptaḥ saṁkṣayaḥ kauravāṇām) 2. 60. 12; forcing virtuous women to appear in the Sabhā meant that the Kauraveyas were acting against their ancient, eternal dharma (sa naṣṭaḥ kauraveyeṣu pūrvo dharmaḥ sanātanaḥ) 2. 62. 9; Duḥśāsana defiled the good name of Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ yaśoharaḥ) 2. 62. 12; Vidura was impartial, hence was respected by the Kauravas (includes Pāṇḍavas) (samaś ca tvaṁ saṁmataḥ kauravāṇāṁ) 3. 5. 2; Vidura spoke what was proper for Kauravas (yat kṣamaṁ kauravāṇām) 3. 6. 13; destruction of Kauravas was certain 3. 6. 16; Vyāsa wanted to tell what was beneficial to the Kauravas 3. 9. 1; if Kauravyas wished to remain alive (kauravyāñ jīvamānān) conciliation with the Pāṇḍavas was necessary 3. 10. 23; Kṛṣṇa would have come to Hāstinapura at the time of the game of dice even if not invited by the Kauravas 3. 14. 2; Dhṛtarāṣṭra surrounded by all Kauravas 3. 242. 19; Duryodhana expressed his desire to the Kauravas to perform Rājasūya 3. 243. 14; Dhṛtarāṣṭra was the central figure among Kauravas (including Pāṇḍavas) (meḍhībhūtaḥ kauravāṇām) 5. 36. 71; Kṛṣṇa to approach the Kauravas for peace 5. 70. 89; Kṛṣṇa to find out the view of the Kauravas towards war 5. 71. 33; 9. 62. 2; Kṛṣṇa did not deserve to be arrested by the Kauraveyas 5. 86. 18; Kṛṣṇa dismissed Kauravas 5. 89. 37; Kṛṣṇa advised Duryodhana to see that the Kauravas were not destroyed without any one to survive and that the (Kaurava) family did not perish (astu śeṣaṁ kauravāṇāṁ mā parābhūd idaṁ kulam) 5. 122. 58; bad omens for Kauravas 5. 141. 18; Kauravas destined to be destroyed 5. 144. 24; Bhīṣma carried forward the line of the Kauravas (kauravaṁ vaṁśam udvahan) 5. 145. 32; Bhīṣma had saved the race of the Kauravas which had (almost) perished (pranaṣṭaḥ kauravo vaṁśas tvayāyaṁ punar uddhṛtaḥ) 5. 146. 18; Arjuna born in the family of Kauravas 5. 155. 31; Balarāma could not be a witness to the destruction of the Kauravyas 5. 154. 33; Citrāṅgada was installed on the throne of the Kauravas 5. 169. 18; Kauravas, who had assembled to witness Bhīṣma battle with Paraśurāma and who stood by him, were distressed to see Bhīṣma fall on the ground 5. 183. 11; Bhīṣma, the foremost among the Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ ṛṣabhāt) 7. 11. 3; (kauravāṇāṁ dhuraṁdhare) 12. 46. 23; 12. 52. 14; 12. 54. 4; (kauravāgrya) 13. 153. 5; Duryodhana prided himself on his birth in the Kuru lineage (kaurave vaṁśe) 9. 30. 21; the jewel held by Aśvatthāman on his head more valuable than the riches collected by Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas 10. 15. 28; attempts were made by Yudhiṣṭhira to avoid conflict among the Kauravas (i. e. those siding with Duryodhana and with Pāṇḍavas (avigrahe kauravāṇām) 11. 8. 37; Kauravyas, while fighting amongst themselves got killed (yudhyamānā hi kauravyāḥ kṛntamānāḥ parasparam) 11. 13. 16; the battle led to the annihilation of Kauravas (vaiśasaṁ ghoraṁ kauravāntakaram) 11. 27. 20; Gaṅgā spoke to Kauravas (i. e. to Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Yuyutsu and the Pāṇḍavas) (kauravān abhyabhāṣata) 13. 154. 19; Arjuna called the foremost among Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ dhuraṁdhare) 14. 78. 36; Dhṛtarāṣṭra admitted his fault to Kauravas that he installed Duryodhana as their chief (mamāparādhāt tat sarvam iti jñeyaṁ tu kauravāḥ…duryodhanam kauravāṇām ādhipatye 'bhyaṣecayam) 15. 5. 1-2; when Dhṛtarāṣṭra left for the forest, women of the royal family of Kauravas (kauravarājavaṁśyāḥ) uttered loud cry 15. 21. 4; all Kaurava women made a round of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Gāndhārī and Kuntī (prajagmus te pradakṣiṇam/…sarvāḥ kauravayoṣitaḥ) 15. 44. 49.

C. Those present in the Sabhā of Hāstinapura: 1. The dyūtasabhā: Vikarṇa exhorted the Kauravas to reply to Draupadī's question (vibrūta... tad dhi vakṣyāmi kauravāḥ) 2. 61. 19; none of the Kauravyas present in the Sabhā replied to the question (na vibruvanti kauravyāḥ praśnam etam) 2. 61. 50; Draupadī exhorted the Kauravas present in the Sabhā to reply to her question 2. 62. 1113; Bhīma spoke in the assembly of the Kauravas (saṁsadi kauravāṇām) 2. 68. 25; Nārada prophesied that the Kauravas seated in the assembly would perish in the coming fourteenth year 2. 71. 30; Karṇa abused Draupadī (in the Sabhā) in the presence of all Kauravas 7. 112. 39; citizens of Hāstinapura grieved when at the end of the dyūta in the assembly hall of Kauravas, Pāṇḍavas went out of Hāstinapura (dyūte rājan kauravāṇāṁ sabhāyām) 15. 21. 12; 2. The rājasabhā of the Kauravas: 1. Saṁjaya reminded the Kauravas (present in the assembly) of their ancient dharmas (etān dharmān kauravāṇāṁ purāṇān) 5. 29. 29; Saṁjaya addressed the Kauravas seated in the Sabhā (5. 46. 2, rājasabhā 5. 46. 3) after his return from the Pāṇḍavas (tad vijānīta kauravāḥ) 5. 46. 15 (those present in the Sabhā included Bhīṣma, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Vidura, Somadatta, Duryodhana and other sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, and also Droṇa, Kṛpa, Śalya, Kṛtavarman, Jayadratha, Aśvatthāman, Śakuni, Karṇa, Ulūka (5. 46. 3-9); Karṇa spoke to Duryodhana in the assembly of Kauravas (saṁsadi kauravāṇāṁ) 5. 61. 1; Duḥśāsana feared that the Kauravas might tie up Duryodhana and hand him over to Yudhiṣṭhira (baddhvā kila tvāṁ dāsyanti kuntīputrāya kauravāḥ) 5. 126. 22; Karṇa always boasted in the saṁsad of the Kauravas 8. 46. 35.

D. Although it is difficult always to distinguish between those born in Kuru family in general and the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra in particular, in the following references the terms Kaurava, Kauraveya and Kauravya (pl.) seem to refer to the sons of Dhṛtarāṣṭra: 1. 1. 73; 1. 122. 43; 2. 61. 5; 3. 9. 3; 3. 26, 17; 3. 225. 4; 3. 230. 8; 3. 232. 17, 19; 3. 233. 5; 3. 235. 2, 17; 4. 25. 5; 5. 6. 17; 5. 26. 27; 5. 29. 15, 17; 5. 36. 72; 5. 47. 59; 5. 64. 8; 5. 70. 43; 5. 151. 15; 6. 1. 25; 6. 4. 9; 6. 16. 39; 6. 41. 25, 53, 80; 6. 48. 23; 6. 53. 4; 6. 84. 34; 6. 85. 12, 18; 6. 93. 26; 6. 107. 15; 6. 110. 42; 7. 135. 32; 7. 167. 24; 8. 5. 22; 8. 6. 2; 8. 58. 28; 9. 15. 16; 12. 42. 9; 14. 52. 13; 15. 21. 4(a); (pāṇḍavānāṁ ca ye yodhāḥ kauravāṇāṁ ca sarvaśaḥ) 15. 40. 5.

E. In the following references the term Kaurava or Kauravya refers to the Pāṇḍavas: 1. 138. 8; 3. 1. 2; 3. 93. 3; 3. 222. 55; 3. 244. 16; 4. 4. 8; 4. 32. 40; 12. 50. 10-11; 14. 88. 15.

F. The term Kaurava sometimes refers to the warriors born in the Kuru family and even others not born in that family but who joined the Kauravas; (sometimes it is used as an adj. (fem. -ī) to refer to the Kaurava army in general: kauravaṁ sainyam 6. 41. 27; 6. 54. 25; 7. 113. 11 (sindhusauvī rakauravam); 7. 139. 30; 8. 40. 3; 9. 18. 13; kauravaṁ balam 8. 51. 8; kauravī senā 6. 54. 18; 7. 135. 4; 7. 146. 45; 8. 17. 47; 8. 36. 40; 8. 54. 23; 9. 9. 59; (kauravī camū 9. 9. 62 kauravī pṛtanā 9. 10. 9): (a) In the great battle with the Pāṇḍavas: Bhīṣma, Droṇa, Karṇa and many others, as well as many kings had joined the side of the Kauravas and, together with their sons, counsellors and soldiers they formed the army of the Kauravas; they were apportioned money and all enjoyments (saṁśritāḥ kauravaṁ pakṣaṁ…sarve kauravasainyasya saputrāmātyasainikāḥ/saṁvibhaktā hi mātrābhir bhogair api ca sarvaśaḥ) 3. 37. 9, 11 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 36. 13 mātrābhiḥ aṁśaparicchedaiḥ); the very spacious land became very crowded with the army of the Kauraveyas 5. 19. 31; Bhīṣma, the chief warrior of the Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ pravīre) 5. 47. 35; Kauravas eager to fight with the Pāṇḍavas (kauravāṇāṁ yuyutsatām) 5. 56. 52; Kaurava army of eleven akṣauhiṇīs 5. 152. 23; Bhīṣma became the general of the Kauravas 5. 162. 4; Pāṇḍavas and Somakas faced Kauravas on the Kurukṣetra 6. 1. 3; the Kṣatriyas praised the Kaurava heroes 6. 41. 25; Dhṛṣṭadyumna was to kill the Kauravas 6. 46. 34; Arjuna killing the Kaurava army (vinighnan kauravānīkam) 6. 48. 19; Kauravas recognized Bhīṣma by the mark on (his banner) (cihnamātreṇa) 6. 48. 58; the vyūha of the Kaurava army impregnable 6. 53. 7; no one could save the chariot (i. e. the chariot-fighter Bhīṣma) of the Kauravas from enraged Kṛṣṇa (nāsau rathaḥ sātvata kauravāṇāṁ kruddhasya mucyeta raṇe 'dya kaścit) 6. 55. 83; Kauraveyas dejected to see Arjuna (6. 56. 9); Kauravas acted as advised by Bhīṣma and left for their camp 6. 60. 70, 73; Pāṇḍavas attacked the Kauravas and the latter fought with them 6. 71. 13, 22, 36; the large armies of Kauravas were arranged in a vyūha by Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others (kauravāṇāṁ mahācamūḥ) 6. 83. 4; Bhīmasena killed Kauraveyas 6. 85. 24; the princīpal Kaurava heroes (kauravāṇāṁ mahārathāḥ) faced Bhīma's attack 6. 90. 24; Droṇa, Duryodhana, Śalya and Aśvatthāman named among the principal heroes of Kauravas 6. 90. 41; Arjuna faced the attack of the Kaurava army 6. 91. 78; many Pāṇḍava warriors, difficult to be killed in battle, were put to death in battle by Kauravas (avadhyā bahavo vīrāh saṁgrāme…/nihatāḥ kauravaiḥ saṁkhye) 6. 92. 4; Kauravas would not try to save their lives 6. 99. 46; Dhṛtarāṣṭra asked: Did Karṇa fill up the gap of Kauravas caused by the fall of Bhīṣma ? (api tat pūrayāṁ cakre…yat…kauravāṇām apāvṛtam) 7. 1. 48; after Bhīṣma, Karṇa to be the refuge of Kauravas 7. 4. 8; Pāṇḍavas and Kauravyas struck one another with arrows 7. 6. 31; if Pāṇḍavas were defeated, Kṛṣṇa would kill Kauravas 7. 10. 35; Kauravas surrounded Pāñcālas on all sides; they were obstructed by Droṇa and Kauravyas 7. 21. 9, 14; Arjuna killed Kauravyas with arrows 7. 27. 12; he showered arrows on the army of Kauravas 7. 29. 28; all Kauravas, led by Droṇa, turned towards Abhimanyu 7. 35. 11; Duryodhana's army feared that Arjuna might dry up Kauravas (kauravāñ śoṣayiṣyati) 7. 49. 19; a loud cry went up from Kauravas when they heard a loud roar from the side of the Pāṇḍavas 7. 53. 7; none but Kauravas could fight the army protected by Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna 7. 62. 19, 21 (Kauraveyas); Kauravas true to the dharma of Kṣatriyas (kṣatradharmarataiḥ), did everything possible 7. 62. 22; Kaurava army appeared like an ocean (samudram iva kauravam) 7. 69. 75; Pāṇḍavas rushed towards Kauraveyas divided into three groups (kauraveyāṁs tridhābhūtān) 7. 72. 1; Kauravas respected the highly wonderful and bold feat of Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna (viz. producing water on the battlefield to refresh the horses) (apūjayan…kauravāḥ paramādbhutam/ tat tu pārthasya vikrāntaṁ vāsudevasya cobhayoḥ) 7. 75. 9; seeing Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna delighted, Kauraveyas lost all hope about Duryodhana's remaining alive 7. 77. 31; Kauravas raised loud sound in response to the one raised by their opponents 7. 84. 30; delighted, Kauravas raised loud sound repeatedly 7. 85. 38; Yudhiṣṭhira said that Sātyaki would kill Kauravas 7. 85. 57; the great warriors among Kauravas had already left to protect Jayadratha (kauravāṇāṁ mahārathāḥ) 7. 85. 67; Dhṛtarāṣṭra felt that the Kauravas were as good as overpowered by death; he wished to know how Kauravas fared against Sātyaki (grastān hi kauravān manye mṛtyunā) 7. 89. 19, 39; Kauravas would witness the heroism of Sātyaki when he destroyed the army of Kāmbojas; Duryodhana would be enraged when he heard the destruction of the Kaurava army in battle (kauravasainyasya dīryamāṇasya saṁyuge) 7. 95. 21-22; Kauravas would see Sātyaki's skill in the use of bow and arrows 7. 95. 25; the army of the Pāṇḍavas killed Kauravas in battle 7. 100. 6; Arjuna pierced through Kauraveyas all around (with his arrows) 7. 102. 102; Dhṛtarāṣṭra considered Kauravas as good as dead (vinaṣṭān kauravān manye) 7. 108. 7; Sātyaki caused severe damage to Kaurava army (kauravayodhānām kṛtvā ghoram upadravam) 7. 116. 15; no warrior equal to Sātyaki among the Kauravas 7. 116. 21; Sātyaki scattered Kauravyas like blades of grass (tṛṇavan nyasya kauravyān) 7. 116. 25; no one from Kauravas or Pāṇḍavas uttered a word when Sātyaki justified the way he killed Bhūriśravas 7. 118. 49; the foremost Kauravas (which term includes not only Duryodhana but also Karṇa, Vṛṣasena, Śalya, Aśvatthāman and Kṛpa 7. 120. 40) surrounded Arjuna in order to protect Jayadratha 7. 120. 48; Kauravas were killed due to the wrath of Yudhiṣṭhira (tava krodhahatā hy ete kauravāḥ) 7. 124. 21; the large army of Kauravas was as good as killed 7. 125. 4; bad omens specially for the army of Kauravas 7. 129. 25; Karṇa blamed Kṛpa for his speech which would frighten the armies of Kauraveyas 7. 133. 53; Pāṇḍavas could destroy the army of Kauravas in half a moment (kauravīṁ senām) if Aśvatthāman, Karṇa and others were not present 7. 135. 4; Aśvatthāman honoured by Kauraveyas when he killed the enemies by thousands 7. 135. 54; Yudhiṣṭhira advised to go where Bhīma fought with Kauravas 7. 137. 47; Arjuna blew away (vyadhamat) the army of Kauravas 7. 139. 8; Arjuna and the Kaurava army afflicted each other by different weapons (arjunaḥ kauravaṁ sainyam arjunaṁ cāpi kauravāḥ) 7. 139. 30; there was a loud sound when the Pāṇḍus (i. e. Pāṇḍavas) and Pāñcāla armies (pāṇḍupāñcālasenānām) and those of Kauravas clashed with each other 7. 139. 32; Bhīma, thinking Duryodhana dead, made a loud roar fighting Kauravas 7. 141. 56; during the night war, when the Pāṇḍava army began to flee throwing away torches, they could be seen running away only by the light on the side of Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ prakāśena dṛśyante tu drutāḥ pare) 7. 147. 20; as the battle advanced, the night became very dark for Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas 7. 147. 38; Ghaṭotkaca, while falling down, assumed huge form and killed many Kauravas; seeing Ghaṭotkaca dead, Kauravas, delighted, uttered loud roar and blew bherīs, conches, murajas and ānakas 7. 154. 61-62; Kṛṣṇa pointed out to Arjuna that Kauravyas, hitting their target, were scattering away the army of Pāṇḍavas (labdhalakṣyā hi kauravyā vidhamanti camūṁ tava) 7. 156. 33; Kauravas put to flight their opponents; Kauravas showed their valour disregarding the strength of Bhīma's arms and the skill of Arjuna in the use of missiles 7. 158. 33, 35; Vyāsa advised agitated Yudhiṣṭhira to fight with Kauravas (with fortitude) 7. 158. 60; the large army of the Kauravas became confused (āvignam abhavat sarvaṁ kauravāṇāṁ mahad balam) 7. 162. 22; in the confusion of the war that took place on the morning of the fifteenth day, it could not be ascertained who were Kauraveyas and who Pāñcālas or Pāṇḍavas 7. 162. 28; Arjuna suddenly attacked the Kauraveyas 7. 164. 57; Dhṛṣṭadyumna, undaunted, scattered Vasātis, Śibis, Bāhlīkas and even Kauravas who were protecting Droṇa 7. 165. 24; Kauravas, afraid and more shaken, ran away at the death of Droṇa 7. 165. 74; Droṇa was killed although Kauravas and Arjuna tried to forbid Dhṛṣṭadyumna 7. 165. 123; Yudhiṣṭhira wondered whether it was Indra who came to help Kauravas (kauravārthaṁ) after the death of Droṇa and put the scattered army into order; Kauravas mustered courage for dreadful act and blew their conches 7. 167. 9, 18, 22, 24-25; Dhṛṣṭadyumna felt that Aśvatthāman would not be able to protect Kauravyas and would only lead them to death (ghātayiṣyati kauravyān) 7. 168. 27; Dhṛṣṭadyumna asked Sātyaki to fight with Kauravas 7. 169. 39; Dhṛṣṭadyumna drew Bhīma's attention to the advancing Kauravas 7. 169. 57; Aśvatthāman steadied Kauravas agitated after the death of Droṇa (saṁrabdhā hi sthirībhūtā droṇaputreṇa kauravāḥ) 7. 170. 10; as the Pāṇḍava warriors tried to resist the Nārāyaṇāstra, the Kauravas became more and more strong (kauravā balavattarāḥ) 7. 170. 40; Arjuna alone, aided by some others, faced Kauravas 7. 172. 3; Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas stopped fighting after the fall of Droṇa 7. 172. 93; when Kauravas were dispersed, Arjuna met Vyāsa who providentially arrived there 7. 173. 2-3; Dhṛtarāṣṭra was not to grieve over what had happened to Kauraveyas at the hands of Pāṇḍavas (pāṇḍaveyair hi yad vṛttaṁ kauraveyeṣu) 8. 1. 47; 8. 5. 109 (kauravāṇāṁ); Kauravas held consultations in their camp to decide on the course that would be in their interest 8. 6. 6; seeing Karṇa ready for battle, Kauravas did not mind the loss of Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others 8. 7. 12; Karṇa drove the army of Kauravas to the battlefield 8. 7. 13; Trigartas and others, along with Kauravas, marched against Arjuna 8. 19. 2; there arose different kinds of sounds when Pāñcālas clashed with Kauravas 8. 19. 45; the way Saṁjaya described the battle, Dhṛtarāṣṭra was convinced that Kauravyas would be no more (na santi sūta kauravyā…) 8. 20. 2; at the end of the (sixteenth) day, Kauravas returned to their camp 8. 21. 38; Kauravas held consultations in their camp; their condition described as that of serpents whose fangs were broken, poison destroyed, and who were held under feet (bhagnadaṁṣṭrā hataviṣāḥ padākrāntā ivoragāḥ) 8. 22. 6; bad omens for Kauravas 8. 26. 38; when started for the battlefield (on the seventeenth day) Kauravas thought Pāṇḍavas as good as defeated 8. 26. 39; Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas chopped off (tatakṣuḥ) one another with sharp arrows 8. 35. 60; Dhṛṣṭadyumna quickly halted Kauravas with arrows 8. 38. 41; Yudhiṣṭhira boasted that in spite of Aśvatthāman he would win Kauravas in battle 8. 39. 33; Bhīma brought about destruction of Kauravas 8. 40. 5; Kṛṣṇa asked Arjuna to quickly kill Kauravas 8. 40. 85; Kauravyas shouted seeing Karṇa's valour 8. 43. 34; Kauravas to hasten and attack Sṛñjayas so that none of them escaped alive 8. 43. 36; Kauravas getting killed by Bhīma and Pāñcālas 8. 43. 53; Bhīma engaged Kauravas 8. 44. 13; Nakula engaged Kauravas 8. 44. 38; battle between Sṛñjayas and Kauravas in which Yudhiṣṭhira was humiliated 8. 46. 41; Kauravas, although they had large number of elephants and horses, were destroyed since they opposed Arjuna 8. 51. 4; none but Pāṇḍavas, aided by Arjuna, could defeat Kauravas 8. 51. 7; Kauravas having clashed with Bhīma and Arjuna in battle met with death 8. 51. 25; only Arjuna could defeat Kauravas along with Karṇa 8. 51. 109; all would see Arjuna fight with Kauravas and kill Karṇa 8. 52. 29; the army of Kauravas was being replenished again and again when severely thrashed (āpūryate kauravī cāpy abhīkṣṇaṁ senā hy asau subhṛśaṁ hanyamānā) 8. 54. 23; all Kauravas were confused and put to flight 8. 54. 24; Kauravas could not look at Arjuna 8. 57. 55; Bhīma would crush under his foot the head of Duryodhana in the presence of Kauravas 8. 61. 16; Kauravas refreshed their horses, went at a distance of little less than two yojanas and reached Sarasvatī at the foot of Himavant 9. 4. 48-49; Pāṇḍavas arranged their army and attacked Kauravas 9. 7. 11; Kauravas attacked the army of Pāṇḍavas 9. 10. 17; Sātyaki turned towards Kauravas who, terrified at the death of Śalya's brother, ran in different directions 9. 16. 67; Duryodhana reminded Kauravas (who included Kṣatriya kings and their army 9. 18. 55, 59, 62) that there was no better way to reach heaven than observe the dharma of battle (na yuddhadharmāc chreyān vai panthāḥ svargasya kauravāḥ) 9. 18. 61; Kauravas made a loud roar by blowing conches 9. 19. 10; when their army had almost dwindled, Pāṇḍavas put Kauraveyas to death (alpāvaślṣṭe sainye tu kauraveyān) 9. 27. 14; Duryodhana, glad to see Aśvatthāman, Kṛpa and Kṛtavarman who remained alive in the battle between Pāṇḍus (i. e. Pāṇḍavas) and Kauravas 9. 29. 14; the three surviving heroes called the great warriors of Kauravas (kauravāṇāṁ mahārathān) 9. 29. 26; 9. 64. 1; Nārada had warned Dhṛtarāṣṭra that Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas fighting each other would perish 11. 8. 33; Bhīṣma, a Kauravya, became the general of the army of Kauraveyas, eleven akṣauhiṇīs strong (bhīṣmaḥ) …ekādaśacamūpatiḥ/kauravyaḥ kauraveyāṇām) 14. 59. 8; when Karṇa was killed, Kauravyas, whose army was reduced to three akṣauhiṇīs, dejected and with their vigour diminished, gathered around Śalya (kauravyā nirutsāhā hataujasaḥ) 14. 59. 22; ( b ) In the battle at the time of the raid on Virāṭa's cows: Suśarman suggested to Duryodhana marching against the Matsya country with all Kauravas and Karṇa (tatra yātrā mama matā yadi te rocate…/kauravāṇāṁ ca sarveṣām karṇasya ca…) 4. 29. 7; Suśarman suggested a cow-raid jointly by Kauravas and Trigartas 4. 29. 11; all Kauravas together were to attack in the manner decided before 4. 29. 22; accordingly, all Kauravas together raided and captured the cows of Virāṭa by thousands on the eighth day of the hot season (sarve…saṁbhūya kauravāḥ/aṣṭamyāṁ (gharmapakṣaṣya 4. 29. 27) tāny agṛhṇanta gokulāni sahasraśaḥ//) 4. 29. 28; according to Droṇa there was no one among Kauravas who could be a match for Arjuna 4. 37. 12; Karṇa assured Kauravas that they would witness Arjuna thoroughly humiliated by him 4. 43. 20; Arjuna attacked Kauraveyas whose chief heroes had arranged their army in different formations (tathā vyūḍheṣv anīkeṣu kauraveyair mahārathaiḥ) 4. 48. 1; all Kaurava principal heroes together faced Arjuna's attack 4. 57. 1; defeat of all Kauravas and Karṇa referred to later in the Droṇaparvan 7. 103. 38; 7. 133. 17; in the Karṇaparvan, Śalya asked Karṇa why he, aided by Droṇa, Aśvatthāman, Kṛpa, Bhīṣma and Kauravas, did not kill Arjuna fighting alone in the Virāṭanagara 8. 28. 56; (c) Battle with Citrasena Gandharva: Kauravyas were deluded by the māyās of the army of Citrasena 3. 230. 22; the Kauravas (their amātyas and the rest of their army) took heart listening to the vow of Arjuna (kauravāṇāṁ tadā rājan punaḥ pratyāgataṁ manaḥ) 3. 232. 21.

G. Different persons on the side of Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas are referred to simply as a descendant or kinsman of Kuru, or the chief, the best (or rarely the lowest), the famous, the delighter etc. of those born in the line of Kuru; only once (15. 17. 17) we have the expression kauravaka in a derogatory sense. kaurava, kauraveya, kauravya:

(1) Arjuna: kaurava 1. 126. 31; 1. 160. 20; 3. 42. 38; 7. 120. 31; kauraveya 7. 118. 12; kauravya 1. 159. 10; 1. 160. 16; 7. 122. 24; 8. 41. 1; 14. 15. 20, 27; 14. 77. 6; 14. 82. 7; 16. 6. 7; 16. 8. 29, 66;

(2) Janamejaya: kaurava 1. 120. 6; 2. 11. 73; 3. 229. 15; kauravya 1. 61. 37, 56; 1. 224. 1; 2. 19. 37; 3. 172. 24; 3. 229. 22; 8. 1. 5; 9. 38. 31; 9. 41. 24; 9. 45. 9, 20; 13. 153. 18; 14. 57. 38; 14. 63. 8; 14. 70. 17; 14. 75. 5; 14. 76. 11; 14. 81. 3; 14. 83. 16; 14. 84. 18; 15. 15. 1; 15. 30. 17; 17. 1. 25, 27; 18. 3. 1; 18. 5. 8;

(3) Jayatsena: kauravya 9. 25. 9;

(4) Duḥśāsana: kaurava 6. 115. 24; 7. 98. 12; 8. 17. 38; kauravya 3. 238. 34; 7. 39. 8;

(5) Durmukha: kaurava 5. 64. 6;

(6) Duryodhana; kaurava 1. 126. 37; 1. 132. 18; 1. 195. 11; 3. 229. 28; 3. 239. 2; 3. 240. 23; 3. 241. 15; 3. 242. 10; 3. 243. 13; 4. 47. 12; 5. 47. 23; 5. 77. 11; 5. 83. 16; 5. 89. 9, 12; 5. 95. 10; 5. 136. 3; 5. 151. 13; 5. 153. 34; 5. 166. 23; 5. 181. 26, 34; 5. 193. 1; 5. 196. 19; 6. 41. 38, 52, 53; 6. 61. 30; 6. 88. 20; 6. 90. 13, 22; 6. 91. 10; 7. 36. 3; 7. 69. 75; 7. 126, 7; 7. 134. 63; 7. 135. 1, 8; 7. 141. 46, 52; 7. 160. 13; 7. 165. 93; 7. 166. 29; 8. 23. 51; 9. 1. 2; 9. 6. 17; 9. 15. 16; 9. 23. 5; 9. 29. 25, 65; 9. 53. 25; 9. 54. 19; 9. 56. 64, 66; 9. 57. 17; 9. 64. 36; kauraveya: 3. 235. 24; 3. 240. 36; 5. 152. 22; 7. 133. 57; 9. 23. 31; 9. 30. 20; kauravya 3. 229. 17; 3. 231. 19; 3. 238. 34, 39; 4. 24. 7, 21; 4. 27. 28, 5. 19. 21, 22, 25, 5. 20. 1; 5. 62. 20; 5. 151. 7; 5. 152. 15; 5. 172. 21; 5. 181. 18; 5. 187. 27; 5. 193. 66; 5. 196. 14; 6. 75. 18; 6. 110. 30; 7. 69. 33; 7. 78. 18; 7. 120. 28; 7. 126. 21, 30; 7. 133. 10; 7. 134. 69; 7. 160. 11; 7. 166. 42; 8. 23. 25; 9. 23. 3; 9. 25. 3; 9. 31. 23; 9. 33. 4; 9. 56. 39; 10. 9. 27; 12. 4. 12; 14. 51. 18;

(7) Dhṛtarāṣṭra: kaurava 1. 192. 7; 2. 51. 6; 3. 12. 69; 3. 14. 4; 3. 228. 4; 4. 64. 14; 5. 6. 4; 6. 61. 25; 7. 112. 42; 8. 3. 7; 9. 62. 67; 11. 12. 3; 12. 40. 5; 15. 4. 2; 15. 5. 13; 15. 17. 10, 17 (kauravaka); 15. 18. 3; 15. 34. 20. 15. 37. 2; 15. 44. 13; 15. 46. 14; kauravya: 2. 48. 24; 3. 5. 6; 3. 10. 17; 5. 21. 21; 5. 62. 10; 5. 81. 46; 5. 93. 9, 11, 13; 6. 10. 12; 6. 12. 15, 22, 25, 30; 6. 13. 1, 10, 31, 33, 47; 6. 105. 7; 7. 1. 4, 5; 7. 103. 17; 7. 107. 13; 7. 110. 24; 7. 148. 53; 8. 1. 20; 8. 33. 44; 9. 2. 14; 9. 14. 26; 9. 22. 61; 10. 1. 35; 10. 8. 42; 11. 11. 27; 15. 2. 6; 15. 16. 19; 15. 20. 16; 15. 34. 23; 15. 44. 47;

(8) Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pāṇḍu, Vidura: kauravya 1. 1. 54; 1. 117. 16:

(9) Nakula: kauravya 1. 213. 77;

(10) Pāṇḍu: kaurava 1. 114. 24; 1. 118. 12; 1. 185. 18; kauravya 1. 109. 20; 1. 110. 42; 1. 114. 19; 1. 116. 10; 5. 142. 29; 5. 146. 5;

(11) Babhruvāhana; Kaurava 14. 81. 6;

(12) Bhīmasena; kaurava 3. 147. 3; 3. 256. 6; kauravya 7. 117. 2; 7. 122. 56;

(13) Bhīṣma; kaurava 1. 96. 37, 38; 2. 35. 5; 5. 162. 15; 5. 165. 14; 5. 166. 13; 5. 171. 7; 5. 180. 16; 6. 54. 32; 6. 82. 18; 6. 103. 46; 7. 1. 37; 12. 46. 29; 12. 54. 25; 12. 56. 4; 12. 224. 1; 12. 290. 77; 13. 3. 16; 13. 65. 4; 13. 153. 36; 13. 154. 9; kauravya 1. 96. 13; 1. 122. 27; 2. 39. 5; 3. 83. 90. 92; 5. 23. 8; 5. 178. 17; 5. 179. 2, 6; 5. 184. 16; 5. 186. 3; 5. 187. 38; 6. 55. 53; 6. 102. 44; 6. 110. 30; 6. 111. 5; 7. 1. 36; 12. 27. 8; 12. 158. 3; 12. 309. 1; 13. 154. 1; 14. 59. 8;

(14) Bhūri; kaurava 7. 140. 6; 7. 141. 3;

(15) Bhūriśravas: kaurava 6. 60. 2; 7. 117. 17, 60; 7. 118. 3; 7. 120. 1; kauraveya 7. 117. 14; 7. 119. 2; kauravya 7. 117. 2; 7. 122. 56;

(16) Yudhiṣṭhira: kaurava 3. 14. 4; 3. 15. 18; 3. 16. 20; 3. 17. 9; 3. 23. 42; 3. 27. 9; 3. 63. 24; 3. 192. 8; 4. 38. 56; 5. 195. 20; 7. 87. 26; 11. 1. 2; 14. 86. 5; kauravya 2. 7. 1; 2. 32. 11; 2. 34. 1; 3. 14. 10, 14; 3. 15. 16, 17; 3. 16. 15; 3. 17. 7; 3. 18. 13, 20; 3. 19. 11; 3. 48. 24; 3. 85. 11, 16; 3. 88. 19; 3. 96. 1; 3. 97. 2; 3. 195. 18; 3. 213. 1; 3. 219. 30; 3. 251. 10; 4. 15. 31; 4. 18. 23; 4. 39. 2; 4. 64. 11; 4. 66. 1; 6. 1. 12; 6. 82. 4, 46; 6. 115. 61; 7. 19. 24; 7. 86. 37; 12. 16. 16; 12. 23. 1; 12. 56. 23; 12. 59. 42; 12. 66. 15; 12. 69. 53; 12. 70. 32; 12. 121. 8, 32; 12. 140. 5; 12. 152. 14, 19; 12. 154. 17; 12. 159. 57; 12. 258. 69; 12. 272. 12; 12. 273. 10, 17, 60; 12. 311. 11, 13; 13. 40. 1; 13. 42. 3, 28, 32; 13. 58. 15; 13. 67. 33; 13. 82. 8; 13. 86. 33; 13. 91. 4; 13. 153. 10, 32; 14. 5. 20; 14. 14. 6; 14. 51. 49; 14. 71. 20; 15. 3. 4; 15. 12. 10; 15. 36. 4; 17. 1. 18; 18. 2. 35;

(17) Yuyutsu: kaurava 11. 26. 25; kauravya 7. 59. 4; 13. 154. 8; 14. 59. 33; 14. 62. 23;

(18) Vicitravīrya: kaurava 1. 96. 41; kauravya 1. 96. 58;

(19) Śantanu: kaurava 13. 44. 38; kauravya 1. 97. 3;

(20) Sahadeva: kauravya 2. 28. 2, 33;

(21) Somadatta: kaurava 1. 131. 12; 7. 131. 11; 7. 132. 5; 7. 137. 26; kauravya 1. 177. 14; 2. 31. 8; kauravadāyāda: Bhūriśravas 6. 70. 13; 8. 4. 17; kauravyadāyāda: Pāṇḍu 1. 117. 20; kauravāṇāṁ dhurandharaḥ:

(1) Arjuna 14. 78. 36;

(2) Bhīṣma 5. 162. 4; 6. 115. 20; 12. 46. 23; 12. 52. 14; 12. 54. 4; kauravanandana:

(1) Arjuna 6. 116. 29; 14. 73. 33; 14. 76. 26;

(2) Janamejaya 3. 89. 1;

(3) Duryodhana 5. 186. 1; 5. 193. 63; 9. 30. 58;

(4) Dhārtarāṣṭras 7. 171. 16;

(5) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 12. 124. 62; 15. 25. 12; 15. 36. 19; 15. 44. 6;

(6) Pāṇḍavas 2. 52. 29; 3. 141. 29; 4. 47. 8;

(7) Bhīmasena 3. 149. 6;

(8) Bhīṣma 12. 55. 1;

(9) Yudhiṣṭhira 2. 11. 65; 3. 94. 4; 12. 90. 9; 12. 119. 19; 13. 43. 25; 13. 117. 9, 20; 16. 1. 1; kauravanātha: Yudhiṣṭhira 13. 154. 11; kauravāṇāṁ pravīraḥ: Bhīṣma 5. 47. 35; kauravyapatnī: Kuntī 5. 142. 29; kauravāṇāṁ mahārathaḥ or mahārathāḥ:

(1) Arjuna 14. 75. 9;

(2) Duryodhana 6. 93. 26;

(3) Aśvatthāman, Kṛpa and Kṛtavarman 9. 29. 26; 9. 64. 1;

(4) Bhīṣma, Droṇa and others 4. 57. 1; 4. 48. 1 (kauraveyair mahārathaiḥ);

(5) Droṇa and others 6. 90. 24;

(6) Unspecified 6. 71. 36; 7. 85. 67; 8. 35. 60; kauravamukhya: Bhūriśravas 7. 116. 34; meḍhībhūtaḥ kauravāṇāṁ: Dhṛtarāṣṭra 5. 36. 71; kauravāṇāṁ yaśaskaraḥ: Arjuna 1. 206. 1; kauravāṇāṁ yaśobhṛt: Pāṇḍu 1. 105. 8; kauravāṇāṁ yaśoharaḥ: Duḥśāsana 2. 62. 11; kāuravarāja: Dhṛtarāṣṭra 15. 21. 4; rājā kauravāṇāṁ: Yudhiṣṭhira 5. 32. 9; kauravarājapatnī: Draupadī 1. 186. 9; kauravarājaputra:

(1) Arjuna 8. 57, 38;

(2) Pāṇḍavas 1. 190. 9; kauravarṣabha:

(1) Arjuna 3. 46. 24;

(2) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 15. 34. 19;

(3) Pāṇḍavas 3. 187. 55;

(4) Bhīṣma (kauravāṇāṁ ṛṣabhaḥ) 7. 11. 3; kauravavaṁśabhṛt:

(1) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 15. 31. 5;

(2) Parikṣit 1. 36. 8; kuuravavaṁśavardhana:

(1) Pāṇḍavas 1. 190. 13;

(2) Yudhiṣṭhira 4. 6. 2; kauravaśārdūla: Janamejaya 3. 39. 8; kauravaśreṣṭha:

(1) Arjuna 14. 76. 32;

(2) Duryodhana 3. 241. 26; 5. 168. 25; 7. 141. 44;

(3) Dhṛtarāṣṭra 6. 13. 39;

(4) Bhīmasena 3. 176. 17;

(5) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 18. 24; 3. 47. 9; 3. 94. 1;

(6) Duryodhana, Karṇa, Vṛṣasena Śalya, Aśvatthāman, Kṛpa 7. 120. 48 (cf. 7. 120. 40); kauravasattama: Arjuna 6. 55. 101; kauravāgrya:

(1) Bhīṣma 13. 153. 5;

(2) Pāṇḍavas 1. 180. 22;

(3) Yudhiṣṭhira 10. 10. 30; kauravāṇāṁ addhipaḥ: Duryodhana 6. 55. 106; kauravāṇāṁ adhipatiḥ: Duryodhana (kauravāṇāṁ ādhipatye) 15. 5. 2; kauravācāryamukhya: Droṇa 1. 155. 23; kauravādhama: Bāhlīka (Somadatta) 7. 137. 2; kauravendra:

(1) Duryodhana 5. 169. 14; 5. 183. 16; 5. 193. 26; 6. 108. 11; 6. 116. 36, 48; 9. 55. 16; 9. 58. 3; 9. 60. 7; 14. 59. 13, 34;

(2) Dhṛtarāṣṭra: 6. 12. 21; 7. 7. 29; 7. 154. 25; 15. 1. 20; 15. 7. 13; 15. 21. 13; 15. 26. 21; 15. 28. 1;

(3) Bhūriśravas 7. 118. 36;

(4) Yudhiṣṭhira 3. 181. 41; 6. 82. 11; 12. 296. 45; 13. 96. 42; 13. 143. 6; 18. 3. 28;

(5) Unspecified 7. 80. 11.

*2nd word in left half of page p709_mci (+offset) in original book.

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Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Kauravya (‘belonging to the Kurus’). A man of the Kuru people, is described in the Atharvaveda as enjoying prosperity with his wife under the rule of King Parikṣit.[] Mention is also made of the Kauravya king Balhika Prātipīya in the Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa,[] and in the later legend Ārṣṭiṣeṇa and Devāpi are alleged to have been Kauravyas.[]

  1. xx. 127, 8;
    Khila, v. 10, 2;
    Śāṅkhāyana Śrauta Sūtra, xii. 17, 2. Cf. a Mantra in the Vaitāna Sūtra, xxxiv. 9.
  2. xii. 9, 3, 3.
  3. Nirukta, ii. 10.
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