



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

यजुः, [स्] क्ली, (इज्यतेऽनेनेति । यज् + “अर्त्ति- पॄवपियजीति ।” उणा० २ । ११८ । इति उसिः ।) वेदविशेषः । इत्यमरः । १ । ६ । ३ ॥ “इज्यतेऽनेनेति यजुः । यजै ञौ देवार्च्चादानसङ्ग- कृतौ । त्रासुसिस् इति उस् ।” इति भरतः ॥ * ॥ अपि च । यजुराह जैमिनिः । शेषे वा यजुः- शब्दः । शेषे ऋक्सामभिन्ने मन्त्रजाते ततश्च यन्मन्त्रजातं प्रश्लिष्य पठितं गानादिविच्छेद- रहितं तत् यजुरिति । इति तिथ्यादितत्त्वम् ॥ यजुर्व्वेदस्य षडशीतिर्भेदा भवन्ति । तत्र चरका नाम द्वादश भेदा भवन्ति । चरकाः १ आह्व- रकाः २ कठाः ३ प्राच्यकठाः ४ कपिष्ठलकठाः ५ औपमन्याः ६ आष्ठालकठाः ७ चाराय- णीयाः ८ वारायणीयाः ९ वार्त्तान्तवेयाः १० श्वेताश्वतराः ११ मैत्रायणीयाश्चेति १२ । तत्र मैत्रायणीया नाम सप्त भेदा भवन्ति । मानवाः १ दुन्दुभाः २ चैकेयाः ३ वाराहाः ४ हारिद्रवेयाः ५ श्यामाः ६ श्यामायनीया- श्चेति ७ । तेषामध्ययनमष्टौ शतम् । यजुः- महस्राण्यधीत्य शाखापारो भवति । तान्येव द्विगुणान्यधीत्य पदपारो भवति । तान्येव त्रिगु- णान्यधीत्य क्रमपारो भवति । षडङ्गान्यधीत्य षडङ्गविद्भवति । शिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणं निरुक्तं च्छन्दो ज्योतिषमित्यङ्गानि । तत्र प्राच्योदीच्यां नैरृत्यां निरृत्यः । तत्र वाजसनेया नाम सप्त- दश भेदा भवन्ति । जाबालाः १ औधेघाः २ काण्वाः ३ माध्यन्दिनाः ४ शापीयाः ५ तापायनीयाः ६ कापालाः ७ पौण्ड्रवत्साः ८ आवटिकाः ९ पामावटिकाः १० पारा- शर्य्याः ११ वैधेयाः १२ वैनेयाः १३ औधेयाः १४ गालवाः १५ वैजवाः १६ कात्यायनीया- श्चेति १७ । प्रतिपदमनुपदं छन्दो भाषा धर्म्मो मीमांसा न्यायस्तर्क इत्युपाङ्गानि भवन्ति । उपज्योतिषम् १ साङ्गलक्षणम् २ प्रतिज्ञा ३ अनुवाक्यम् ४ परिसंख्या ५ चरणच्यूहम् ६ श्राद्धकल्पः ७ प्रवराध्यायश्च ८ शास्त्रम् ९ क्रतुः १० संख्या ११ अनुगमः १२ यज्ञम् १३ पाश्वानः १४ होत्रकम् १५ पशवः १५ उक्- थानि १७ कूर्म्मलक्षणम् १८ । इत्यष्टादशपरि- शिष्टानि । “द्बे सहस्रे शते न्यूने मन्त्रे वाजसनेयके । इत्युक्तं परिसंख्यातमेतत् सकलं सशुक्रियम् ॥ ग्रन्थांश्च परिसंख्यातं ब्राह्मणञ्च चतुर्गुणम् । आदावारभ्य वेदान्तं ब्रह्मव्याहृतिपूर्ब्बकम् । वेदमध्याय एतेषां होमान्ते तु समारभेत् ॥” तत्र तैत्तिरीयका नाम द्विभेदा भवन्ति । औख्याः खाण्डिकेयाश्चेति । तत्र खाण्डिकेया नाम पञ्च भेदा भवन्ति । आपस्तम्बी १ बौधा- यनी २ सत्याषाढी ३ हिरण्यकेशी ४ औधेया- श्चेति ५ । तत्र कठानान्तूपगानविशेषः । चतु- श्चत्वारिंशत्युपग्रन्थान् । “मन्त्रब्राह्मणयोर्वेदस्त्रिगुणं यत्र पठ्यते । यजुर्व्वेदः स विज्ञेयोऽन्ये शाखान्तराः स्मृताः ॥” यजुर्व्वेदस्य धनुर्व्वेद उपवेदः । यजुर्व्वेदस्य भार- द्वाजगोत्रम् । रुद्रदैवत्यम् । त्रैष्टुभं छन्दः । यजु- र्व्वेदः कृशः । दीर्घः । कपाली । ताम्रवर्णः । काञ्चननयनः । आदित्यवर्णः वर्णेन । पञ्चारत्नि- मात्रः । अस्य ध्यानम् । “वन्दे रौद्रं त्रैष्टभं ताम्रवर्णं भारद्वाजं रुक्मनेत्रं कृशाङ्गम् । यजुर्व्वेदं दीर्घमादित्यवर्णं कापालीनं पञ्च चारत्निमात्रम् ॥” य इदं दैवतं रूपं गोत्रं प्रमाणं छन्दो वर्णं वर्णयति स विद्यां लभते स विद्यां लभते । जन्मजन्मनि वेदपारो भवति । जन्मजन्मनि वेदधारो भवति । अव्रतो व्रती भवति । अप्रयतः प्रयतो भवति । अब्रह्मचारी ब्रह्म- चारी भवति । जातिस्मरो जायते । इति चरणव्यूहम् ॥ (ऋक्सामभिन्नो मन्त्रविशेषः । इति केचित् ॥)


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

यजुस् नपुं।




श्रुतिः स्त्री वेद आम्नायस्त्रयी धर्मस्तु तद्विधिः। स्त्रियामृक्सामयजुषी इति वेदास्त्रयस्त्रयी॥

पदार्थ-विभागः : , अपौरुषेयः



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

यजुस्¦ न॰ यज--उसि। ऋकसामभिन्ने पदच्छेदरहितेमन्त्रभेदे अमरः। तल्लक्षणम्
“वृत्तगीतिवर्जितत्वेनप्रश्लिष्टपठिता मन्त्रा यजूंषि” सा॰ भा॰ उक्तम्।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

यजुस्¦ n. (-जुः) The Yajur or Yajush, one of the four Ve4das; it is di- vided into two principal portions, the white and black, or Va4ja- sane4yi and Taittiri4ya, the former of which is attributed to the saint YA4JNAWALKYA, to whom it was revealed by the sun, in the form of a horse; and the latter to TAITTIRI, to whom it was communicated by YA4SKA, the first pupil of its original author, the sage VAIS4AMPA4YANA: according to the Pura4n4as the Taittiri4ya portion was named from Tittiri a partridge; the disciples of VAIS4AMPA4YANA being changed into those birds, to pick up the texts of the Ve4da as they were disgorged in a tangible shape by YA4JNAWALKYA, at the command of VAIS4AM- PA4YANA: both portions of this Ve4da are very full on the sub- ject of religious rites, and the prayers peculiar to it, are chiefly in measured and poetical prose. E. यज् to worship, Una4di aff. उसि |


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

यजुस् [yajus], n. [यज्-उसि]

A sacrificial prayer or formula; तां कामयानां भगवानुवाह यजुषां पतिः Bhāg.4.1.6.

A text of the Yajurveda, or the body of sacredmantras in prose muttered at sacrifices; वृत्तगीतिवर्जितत्वेन प्रश्लिष्टपठिता मन्त्रा यजूंषि Sāyaṇa; cf. मन्त्र.

N. of the Yajurveda.

Ved. Worship, oblation. -Comp. -उदरः Ved. an epithet of Brahman. -पतिः N. of Viṣṇu. -विद् a. knowing the sacrificial formulæ.-वेदः the second of the three (or four, including the Atharvaveda) principal Vedas, which is a collection of sacred texts in prose relating to sacrifices; it has two chief branches or recensions: the तैत्तिरीय or कृष्ण- यजुर्वेद and बाजसनेयी or शुक्लयजुर्वेद.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

यजुस् n. religious reverence , veneration , worship , sacrifice RV.

यजुस् n. a sacrificial prayer or formula (technical term for partic. मन्त्रs muttered in a peculiar manner at a sacrifice ; they were properly in prose and distinguished from the ऋच्and सामन्See. ) RV. etc.

यजुस् n. N. of the यजुर्-वेदSee. (also pl. )

यजुस् n. of a partic. sacrificial text Nr2isUp.

यजुस् m. N. of a man Katha1s.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--imparted to वैशम्पायन फलकम्:F1:  भा. I. 4. २१; IV. 4. ३२; X. 7. १४; ५३. १२.फलकम्:/F its history; फलकम्:F2:  Ib. XII. 6. ६४-65.फलकम्:/F सूर्य celebrated in; फलकम्:F3:  Ib. XII. ११. ४७.फलकम्:/F fruits of its repetition; फलकम्:F4:  Ib. XII. १२. ६२.फलकम्:/F arranged by व्यास; learnt by the Asuras; फलकम्:F5:  Br. II. ३३. ३७; ३५. ७३; IV. १२. १७.फलकम्:/F rearranged by वैशम्पायन into four. It is Yajus by the action of यजनम्। It is चतुर्- होत्रम्, divided into four parts, hence यज्ञ; three versions --northern with स्यामायनि, middle country with आसुरि, and eastern with ८६ Samhitas अलम्बी; फलकम्:F6:  Ib. II. ३४. १४-22; ३५. ११; वा. ६०. १४, १७, २२; ६१. 5-8.फलकम्:/F personified as present in वरुण's sacrifice; फलकम्:F7:  Br. III. 1. २४; वा. ६५. २५.फलकम्:/F with वृत्ताध्य, face in the shape of ॐ and with सूक्त, ब्राह्मण and mantra; served as horse of त्रिपुरारि's chariot; फलकम्:F8:  M. ९३. १२९; १३३. ३१.फलकम्:/F length of, including शुक्रियस् and याज्ञवल्क्य portions; फलकम्:F9:  वा. ३१. ३३; ३२. 2; १०१. ३४६.फलकम्:/F two मात्रस्, ईकाराक्षर। फलकम्:F१०:  Ib. २६. २०.फलकम्:/F
(II)--one of the ten horses of the moon's chariot. Br. II. २३. ५६.
(III)--the fifth son of Caidyoparicara, the Vasu and गिरिका. M. ५०. २८.
(IV)--one of the मरुत्गणस्. वा. ६७. १२९.

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Yajus : nt. (sg. or pl.): Sacrificial prose formula from the Yajurveda; when used in plural it stands also for the Yajurveda; when in plural, it mostly occurs with ṛcs and sāmans.

A. Gift of Āditya to Yājñavalkya: The sage Yājñavalkya told king Janaka that while he was practising the prescribed rite, (although) he was despised (? avamatena), he propitiated the god Sun with severe austerity; he then received from Āditya the yajuses (yathārṣeṇeha vidhinā caratāvamatena ha/mayādityād avāptāni yajūṁṣi mithilādhipa//mahatā tapasā devas tapiṣṭhaḥ sevito mayā) 12. 306. 2-3; when the pleased god Sūrya offered a boon to Yājñavalkya, the latter requested the god to grant him the yajuses which had not been used before (? yajūṁṣi nopayuktāni kṣipram icchāmi veditum) 12. 306. 4-5; the god agreed to Yājñavalkya's request; Sarasvatī then in the form of speech entered Yājñavalkya's mouth 12. 306. 6-7; the God said that as a result of that, the whole of Veda (i. e. the Yajurveda) together with its latter half and the khila would be established in him (Yājñavalkya) (pratiṣṭhāsyati te vedaḥ sottaraḥ sakhilo dvijā) 12. 306. 10 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 318. 10: khilaṁ paraśākhīyaṁ svaśākhyāyām apekṣāvaśāt paṭhyate tat khilam ity ucyate/…sakhilam tatsahitam/ sottaraṁ sopaniṣatkam/); Yājñavalkya received fifteen yajuses from Arka (Sūrya) (daśa pañca ca prāptāni yajūṁṣy arkān mayānagha) 12. 306. 21; Sūrya gave the yajuses (to Yājñavalkya) in the east (atra (i. e. in the east) dattāni sūryeṇa yajūṁṣi) 5. 106. 11 (Nī on Bom. Ed. 5. 108. 11: yājñavalkyāyeti śeṣaḥ).

B. Relationship with deities: Nārāyaṇa has his abode in the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans (ṛgyajuḥsāmadhāmānam) 12. 47. 27; Bhīṣma while praising Kṛṣṇa-Nārāyaṇa said that he was of the nature of a stotra and, as a bird named Yajus, had metres for its limbs, Trivṛt (stoma) for its head, and Rathantara and Bṛhatī sāmans for its eyes (yaḥ suparṇo yajur nāma chandogātras trivṛcchirāḥ/rathantarabṛhatyakṣas tasmai stotrātmane namaḥ//) 12. 47. 28; (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 47. 44: suparṇaḥ vedapuruṣaḥa yajur iti yasya nāma chandāṁsi gāyatryādīnī yasya gātrāṇi hastādīni/trivṛt tribhir ṛgyajuḥsāmabhir vartata iti yogād yajñāḥ sa eva śiro yasya/ yasya rathantaraṁ bṛhac ca vaikalpikaṁ sāma prītivākyam);

(2) Upamanyu while praising Śiva said that he was Śatarudriya among the yajuses 13. 14. 159.

C. yajus and sacrifice (real or metaphorical): The sage Taṇḍi while prasing Mahādeva said that the Adhvaryu priests give offerings to him in sacrifice with the repetition of yajus formulae 13. 16. 48; Trita, fallen in a well, mentally thought of the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans for offering a Soma sacrifice (ṛco yajūṁṣī sāmāni manasā cintayan muniḥ) 9. 35. 33; the Yakṣa asked Yudhiṣṭhira: “which is the one yajus suited for sacrifice ?” (kim ekaṁ yajñyaṁ yajuḥ); the reply was: “mind is the (one) yajus suitable for sacrifice” (mano vai yajñiyaṁ yajuḥ) 3. 297. 34-35; one who dwells in a forest (vānaprasthāśrame vaset 12. 236. 5) should, till death, give five (offerings) to the prāṇas in the three fires in himself with the yajus formula, (and) eat six (morsels) without criticizing (the food) 12. 236. 25 (trīṁs caivāgnīn yajet samyag ātmany evātmamokṣaṇāt (?)/prāṇebhyo yajuṣā pañca ṣaṭ prāśnīyād akutsayan// Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 244. 26: ‘hṛdayaṁ gārhapatyo mono 'nvāhāryapacana āsyam āhavanīyaḥ’ iti vaiśvānaravidyoktaprakāreṇa ātmamokṣaṇād dehapātāvadhi ātmani dehe evāgnīn yajet…yajuṣa uccāraṇānantaram pañca grāsān prāśnīyāt ṣaḍ vā/akutsayan annam anindan).

D. yajus and meateating: One who eats meat which is sanctified by the yajus formula (i. e. sacrificial meat) incurs no sin (yajuṣā saṁskṛtaṁ māṁsam upabhuñjan na duṣyati) 13. 148. 17; consecration by the yajus formula is extended even to ordinary food which does not involve killing (nātmārthaṁ pācayed annaṁ na vṛthā ghātayet paśūn/prāṇī vā yadi vāprāṇī saṁskāraṁ yajuṣārhati) 12. 235. 5 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 243. 6: prāṇī chāgādiḥ aprāṇī aśvathādiḥ yajuṣā chedanamantreṇaiva kratvartham eva saṁskāram arhati na tu bhakṣaṇamātrārtham); according to 12. 186. 13, however, one who has abstained from meat should not eat (even) meat which is sanctified by the yajus formula (i. e. should not eat even sacrificial meat) (yajuṣā saṁskṛtaṁ māṁsam nivṛtto māṁsabhakṣaṇāt/na bhakṣayet; Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 193. 14: yajuṣā yajurvedavidādhvaryuṇā māṁsam yajñyam api nivṛtto na bhakṣayet).

E. The study of ṛcs, yajuses and sāmans: One who does not know the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans is to be considered as a calamity brought about by Prajāpati (anṛgyajur asāmā tu prājāpatya upadravaḥ) 12. 60. 42 (Commentator Vimalabodha: anṛgyajur asāmā ṛgvedādiśūnyaḥ prājāpatya upadravaḥ vidhātṛkṛta upadravaḥ upaghātaḥ/ evaṁvidho brāhmaṇo niṣphalajanmeti bhāvaḥ cited in the footnote to the stanza in the Cr. Ed.; Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 60. 44: śūdreṇa upadravatīti tatsamīpagāmitvād upadravo dāsaḥ śūdraḥ sa vedahīno 'pi prājāpatyaḥ prajāpatidevatākaḥ yathāgneyo brāhmaṇa aindroḥ kṣatriyas tadvat).

F. Personified: Yajuses in thousands in the bodily form attended the sacrifice of Mahādeva who had assumed the body of Varuṇas 13. 85. 4.

G. Limitations: Hanūmān told Bhīma that in the Kṛta age there were no sāmans, yajuses and ṛcs (nāsan kṛtayuge tāta…na sāmayajuṛgvarṇāḥ) 3. 148. 12-13 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 149. 14: trayīdharmasya cittaśuddhyarthatvāt tasyāś ca tadānīm svabhāvasiddhatvān na sāmādīny āsan) [for other information on yajus which is common to the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans see Ṛc above].

*1st word in right half of page p205_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p204_mci .......... next page p207_mci

Mahabharata Cultural Index


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Yajus : nt. (sg. or pl.): Sacrificial prose formula from the Yajurveda; when used in plural it stands also for the Yajurveda; when in plural, it mostly occurs with ṛcs and sāmans.

A. Gift of Āditya to Yājñavalkya: The sage Yājñavalkya told king Janaka that while he was practising the prescribed rite, (although) he was despised (? avamatena), he propitiated the god Sun with severe austerity; he then received from Āditya the yajuses (yathārṣeṇeha vidhinā caratāvamatena ha/mayādityād avāptāni yajūṁṣi mithilādhipa//mahatā tapasā devas tapiṣṭhaḥ sevito mayā) 12. 306. 2-3; when the pleased god Sūrya offered a boon to Yājñavalkya, the latter requested the god to grant him the yajuses which had not been used before (? yajūṁṣi nopayuktāni kṣipram icchāmi veditum) 12. 306. 4-5; the god agreed to Yājñavalkya's request; Sarasvatī then in the form of speech entered Yājñavalkya's mouth 12. 306. 6-7; the God said that as a result of that, the whole of Veda (i. e. the Yajurveda) together with its latter half and the khila would be established in him (Yājñavalkya) (pratiṣṭhāsyati te vedaḥ sottaraḥ sakhilo dvijā) 12. 306. 10 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 318. 10: khilaṁ paraśākhīyaṁ svaśākhyāyām apekṣāvaśāt paṭhyate tat khilam ity ucyate/…sakhilam tatsahitam/ sottaraṁ sopaniṣatkam/); Yājñavalkya received fifteen yajuses from Arka (Sūrya) (daśa pañca ca prāptāni yajūṁṣy arkān mayānagha) 12. 306. 21; Sūrya gave the yajuses (to Yājñavalkya) in the east (atra (i. e. in the east) dattāni sūryeṇa yajūṁṣi) 5. 106. 11 (Nī on Bom. Ed. 5. 108. 11: yājñavalkyāyeti śeṣaḥ).

B. Relationship with deities: Nārāyaṇa has his abode in the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans (ṛgyajuḥsāmadhāmānam) 12. 47. 27; Bhīṣma while praising Kṛṣṇa-Nārāyaṇa said that he was of the nature of a stotra and, as a bird named Yajus, had metres for its limbs, Trivṛt (stoma) for its head, and Rathantara and Bṛhatī sāmans for its eyes (yaḥ suparṇo yajur nāma chandogātras trivṛcchirāḥ/rathantarabṛhatyakṣas tasmai stotrātmane namaḥ//) 12. 47. 28; (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 47. 44: suparṇaḥ vedapuruṣaḥa yajur iti yasya nāma chandāṁsi gāyatryādīnī yasya gātrāṇi hastādīni/trivṛt tribhir ṛgyajuḥsāmabhir vartata iti yogād yajñāḥ sa eva śiro yasya/ yasya rathantaraṁ bṛhac ca vaikalpikaṁ sāma prītivākyam);

(2) Upamanyu while praising Śiva said that he was Śatarudriya among the yajuses 13. 14. 159.

C. yajus and sacrifice (real or metaphorical): The sage Taṇḍi while prasing Mahādeva said that the Adhvaryu priests give offerings to him in sacrifice with the repetition of yajus formulae 13. 16. 48; Trita, fallen in a well, mentally thought of the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans for offering a Soma sacrifice (ṛco yajūṁṣī sāmāni manasā cintayan muniḥ) 9. 35. 33; the Yakṣa asked Yudhiṣṭhira: “which is the one yajus suited for sacrifice ?” (kim ekaṁ yajñyaṁ yajuḥ); the reply was: “mind is the (one) yajus suitable for sacrifice” (mano vai yajñiyaṁ yajuḥ) 3. 297. 34-35; one who dwells in a forest (vānaprasthāśrame vaset 12. 236. 5) should, till death, give five (offerings) to the prāṇas in the three fires in himself with the yajus formula, (and) eat six (morsels) without criticizing (the food) 12. 236. 25 (trīṁs caivāgnīn yajet samyag ātmany evātmamokṣaṇāt (?)/prāṇebhyo yajuṣā pañca ṣaṭ prāśnīyād akutsayan// Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 244. 26: ‘hṛdayaṁ gārhapatyo mono 'nvāhāryapacana āsyam āhavanīyaḥ’ iti vaiśvānaravidyoktaprakāreṇa ātmamokṣaṇād dehapātāvadhi ātmani dehe evāgnīn yajet…yajuṣa uccāraṇānantaram pañca grāsān prāśnīyāt ṣaḍ vā/akutsayan annam anindan).

D. yajus and meateating: One who eats meat which is sanctified by the yajus formula (i. e. sacrificial meat) incurs no sin (yajuṣā saṁskṛtaṁ māṁsam upabhuñjan na duṣyati) 13. 148. 17; consecration by the yajus formula is extended even to ordinary food which does not involve killing (nātmārthaṁ pācayed annaṁ na vṛthā ghātayet paśūn/prāṇī vā yadi vāprāṇī saṁskāraṁ yajuṣārhati) 12. 235. 5 (Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 243. 6: prāṇī chāgādiḥ aprāṇī aśvathādiḥ yajuṣā chedanamantreṇaiva kratvartham eva saṁskāram arhati na tu bhakṣaṇamātrārtham); according to 12. 186. 13, however, one who has abstained from meat should not eat (even) meat which is sanctified by the yajus formula (i. e. should not eat even sacrificial meat) (yajuṣā saṁskṛtaṁ māṁsam nivṛtto māṁsabhakṣaṇāt/na bhakṣayet; Nī. on Bom. Ed. 12. 193. 14: yajuṣā yajurvedavidādhvaryuṇā māṁsam yajñyam api nivṛtto na bhakṣayet).

E. The study of ṛcs, yajuses and sāmans: One who does not know the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans is to be considered as a calamity brought about by Prajāpati (anṛgyajur asāmā tu prājāpatya upadravaḥ) 12. 60. 42 (Commentator Vimalabodha: anṛgyajur asāmā ṛgvedādiśūnyaḥ prājāpatya upadravaḥ vidhātṛkṛta upadravaḥ upaghātaḥ/ evaṁvidho brāhmaṇo niṣphalajanmeti bhāvaḥ cited in the footnote to the stanza in the Cr. Ed.; Nī., however, on Bom. Ed. 12. 60. 44: śūdreṇa upadravatīti tatsamīpagāmitvād upadravo dāsaḥ śūdraḥ sa vedahīno 'pi prājāpatyaḥ prajāpatidevatākaḥ yathāgneyo brāhmaṇa aindroḥ kṣatriyas tadvat).

F. Personified: Yajuses in thousands in the bodily form attended the sacrifice of Mahādeva who had assumed the body of Varuṇas 13. 85. 4.

G. Limitations: Hanūmān told Bhīma that in the Kṛta age there were no sāmans, yajuses and ṛcs (nāsan kṛtayuge tāta…na sāmayajuṛgvarṇāḥ) 3. 148. 12-13 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 149. 14: trayīdharmasya cittaśuddhyarthatvāt tasyāś ca tadānīm svabhāvasiddhatvān na sāmādīny āsan) [for other information on yajus which is common to the ṛcs, the yajuses and the sāmans see Ṛc above].

*1st word in right half of page p205_mci (+offset) in original book.

previous page p204_mci .......... next page p207_mci

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Yajus is repeatedly distinguished from the Ṛc and the Sāman in Vedic literature.[] The Yajus is the utterance accompanying the sacrifice, and may have the form of verse or prose, the tern covering both.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

यजुस् न.
1. ऋक्, साम एवं निगद से विशिष्ट (भिन्न) यज्ञीय मन्त्र, का.श्रौ.सू. 1.3.1; जिसके अक्षरों एवं पादों का उच्चारण बिना यति के किया जाता है, का.श्रौ.सू. वही भाष्य। वे पूर्णवाक्य होते हैं और अपने अर्थ के लिए दूसरे शब्दों पर आश्रित नहीं रहते (निराकाङ्क्ष), वही, 2. इनका उच्चारण उपांशु होता है, वही 1० (अर्थात् फुसफसाहट अथवा धीमे स्वर में) जबकि अन्य का उच्चारण जोर से (ऊँचे स्वर) में होता है। (ऋ.वे. 8.41.8) यह ऋचा भी ‘यजुस्’ अर्थात् यज्ञीय मन्त्र के रूप में स्वीकार की जाती है (चि.भा.से.)। तु. ‘शेषे यजुः शब्दः’ मी.सू. 2.1.37।

  1. Rv. x. 90, 9;
    Av. v. 26, 1;
    ix. 6, 2;
    Taittirīya Saṃhitā, v. 5, 3, 1;
    9, 4;
    Vājasaneyi Saṃhitā, i. 30;
    iv. 1;
    xix. 28;
    Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, i. 29, 21;
    viii. 13, 2;
    Śatapatha Brahmaṇa, i. 2, 1, 7;
    vi. 5, 1, 2;
    3, 4, etc. In the Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad, vi. 4, 33, there is a reference to the śuklāni Yajūṃṣi, ‘white or pure Yajus,’ as promulgated by Vājasaneya Yājñavalkya, whence the Vājasaneyi Saṃhītā is popularly known as the ‘White Yajurveda.’ The theory that this is due to the fact that in the Vājasaneyi the Mantra parts of the text are not accompanied by Brāhmaṇa passages is, though accepted by Weber, Indian Literature, 103, 104;
    Eggeling, Sacred Books of the East, 12, xxvii, and others, now to be abandoned. In the Taittirīya Āraṇyaka, v. 10, the expression śukrayajāṃṣi seems to refer to books iv. and v. of that text. Cf. also Winternitz. Geschichte der indischen Literatur, 1, 149, n.
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=यजुस्&oldid=503631" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्