पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
सैन्धवम्, क्ली, पुं, (सिन्दौ समुद्रतीरे सिन्धुदेशे वा भवम् । सिन्धु + “अणञौ च ।” ४ । ३ । ३३ । इति अण् ।) लवणविशेषः । स तु सिन्धुनद्युपलक्षित- देशोद्भवः । तत्पर्य्यायः । शीतशिवम् २ माणि- मन्थम् ३ सिन्धुजम् ४ । इत्यमरः । २ । ९ । ४२ ॥ वशिरम् ५ सिन्धुदेशजम् ६ माणिबन्धम् ७ । इति जटाधरः ॥ शितशिवम् ८ । इति शब्द- रत्रावली ॥ नादेयम् ९ शिवम् १० सिद्धम् ११ शिवात्मजम् १२ पथ्यम् १३ । अस्य गुणाः । “सैन्धवं लवणं वृष्यं चक्षुष्यं दीपनं रुचि । पूतं स्वादु त्रिदोषघ्नं व्रणदोषविबन्धजित् ॥ सैन्धवं द्विविधं ज्ञेयं सितं रक्तमिति क्रमात् ॥ रसवीर्य्यविपाकेषु गुणाढ्यं कथितं सितम् ॥” इति राजनिर्घण्टः ॥ अपि च । “सैन्धवं लवणं स्वादु दीपनं पाचनं तघु । स्निग्धं रुच्यं हिमं वृष्यं सूक्ष्मनेत्रं त्रिदोषहृत् ॥” इति भावप्रकाशः ॥ किञ्च । “सैन्धवं दोषजिद्वृष्यं चक्षुष्यमविदाहि च । अग्निसन्दीपनं स्निग्धं रोचनं मधुरं लघु ॥” इति राजवल्लभः ॥ तत्तु हविष्यान्नम् । यथा, स्मृतिः । “लवणे सेन्धवसामुद्रे गव्ये च दधिसर्पिषी ।” इति हविष्यान्नगणने तिथ्यादितत्त्वम् ॥
सैन्धवः, पुं, (सिन्धुरभिजनोऽस्येति । सिन्धु + “सिन्धुतक्षशिलादिभ्योऽणञौ ।” ४ । ३ । ९३ । इति अण् ।) घोटकः । स तु सिन्धोरदूरभवः । विकारसंघेति अदूरभवार्थे ष्णः । इत्यमर- भरतौ । २ । ८ । ४४ । (यथा, भागवते । ९ । १ । २३ । “स एकदा महाराज ! विचरन् मृगयां वने । वृतः कतिपयामात्यैरश्वमारुह्य सैन्धवम् ॥” सिन्धुदेशाधिपतिः । जयद्रथः । यथा, महा- भारते । १ । १ । १९६ । “यदा द्रोणः कृतवर्म्मा कृपश्च कर्णो द्रौणिर्भद्रराजश्च शूरः । अमर्षयन् सैन्धवं वध्यमानं तदा नाशंसे विजयाय सञ्जय ॥” सिन्धुदेशोत्पन्नमात्रे । यथा, तत्रैव । ३ । ५१ । २४ “हारहूनांश्च चीनांश्च तुखारान् सैन्धवांस्तथा ॥”)
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
सैन्धव पुं।
वाजिवाहार्वगन्धर्वहयसैन्धवसप्तयः। आजानेयाः कुलीनाः स्युर्विनीताः साधुवाहिनः॥
अवयव : अश्वमध्यम्,अश्वगलसमीपभागः,अश्वनासिका,मृगपादः,मृगपुच्छः,केशवल्लाङ्गूलम्,अश्वखुरम्
पत्नी : अश्वा
सम्बन्धि2 : अश्वेन_दिनैकाक्रमणदेशः,अश्वशब्दः,खलीनः,अश्वारोहः
वैशिष्ट्यवत् : अश्वशब्दः,अश्वगतिविशेषः
जन्य : अश्वबालः
: विष्णोः_अश्वः, इन्द्राश्वः, कुलीनाश्वः, सम्यग्गतिमान्_वाजिः, वनायुदेशवाजिः, पारसीदेशवाजिः, काम्बोजदेशवाजिः, बाल्हिकदेशवाजिः, अश्वमेधीयवाजिः, अधिकवेगवाजिः, भारवाह्यश्वः, शुक्लाश्वः, रथवाहकाश्वः, अश्वबालः, श्रान्त्या_भूमौ_लुठिताश्वः
पदार्थ-विभागः : , द्रव्यम्, पृथ्वी, चलसजीवः, मनुष्येतरः, जन्तुः, स्तनपायी
सैन्धव पुं-नपुं।
सैन्धवोऽस्त्री शीतशिवं माणिमन्थं च सिन्धुजे। रौमकं वसुकं पाक्यं विडं च कृतके द्वयम्.।
पदार्थ-विभागः : पक्वम्
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
सैन्धव¦ न॰ सिन्धनदीसमीपे देशे भवम् अण्।
१ सवणमदेअमरः
“सैन्धवं लवणं स्वादु दीपनं पाचनं लघस्निग्धं रुच्यं हिमं वृव्यं सूक्ष्मं नेत्र्यं त्रिदा{??}मावप्र॰। सिन्धोरदूरभवः अण्।
२ घोटकभेदे पु{??}॰अमरः तस्य समुद्रसमीपस्थसिन्धुदेशस्यारव्यदेशाद्भात्वास्तथात्वम्। स्त्रियां ङीष्। [Page5333-a+ 38]
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
सैन्धव¦ mfn. (-वः-वी-वं)
1. Produced or born in Sindh.
2. Marine, aquatic, ocean or river-born. m. (-वः) A horse, (bred in Sindhu.) mn. (-वः-वं) Rock-salt. n. (-वं) In dramatic literature, musical expression of disappointment with Pra4krit words. f. (-वी) One of the Ra4ginis. E. सिन्धु a river, &c. अण् aff.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
सैन्धव [saindhava], a. (-वी f.) सिन्धुनदीसमीपे देशे भवः अण्]
Produced or born in the Sindhu-territory.
Belonging to the Indus.
Belonging to the sea, oceanic, marine.
वः A horse, especially one bred inSindhu; दीर्घग्रीवा मुखालम्बमेहनाः पृथुलोचनाः । महान्तस्तनुरोमाणो वलिनः सैन्धवा हयाः ॥ 'com. Mb.7.23.24; जिनोक्तिषु श्राद्ध- तयैव सैन्धवाः N.1.71; धावद्भिरसिधाराभिः शकलीकृतसैन्धवाः Śiva B.22.33.
N. of a sage.
N. of a country.
N. of Jayadratha, the king of Sindh; क्रोधादुक्तं सैन्धवे चार्जुनेन Mb.1.1.192. -वः, -वम् A kind of rock-salt.-वाः m. pl.
The people inhabiting the Sindhu territory.
(In drama) A kind of Prākṛit song.-Comp. -घनः a lump of salt. -शिला a kind of rock or fossil salt.
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
सैन्धव mf( ई)n. (fr. सिन्धु)relating to the sea , oceanic , marine , aquatic Buddh.
सैन्धव mf( ई)n. belonging to or produced in or coming from the इन्दुs or Sindh TS. etc.
सैन्धव m. a king of Sindh MBh. Mudr. BhP.
सैन्धव m. a horse( partic. one bred in -SSindh) L.
सैन्धव m. N. of a teacher Cat.
सैन्धव m. ( pl. )the inhabitants of -SSindh AV. Paris3. MBh. etc.
सैन्धव m. N. of a partic. school founded by सैन्धवायनVP.
सैन्धव m. n. a kind of rock-salt (found in Sindh) , any salt S3Br. VarBr2S. Sus3r.
सैन्धव n. (in dram. ) a song in Prakrit (accompanied with music expressive of a lover's disgust on being deserted by a loved woman) Sa1h.
Purana index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
(I)--the king of Sindhu country could not defeat Arjuna supported by कृष्ण; फलकम्:F1: भा. 1. १५. १६.फलकम्:/F killed Abhimanyu during the कुरुक्षेत्र war but was slain by Arjuna; see Jayadratha. फलकम्:F2: Ib. X. ७८ [९५ (v) ३०], ३५.फलकम्:/F
(II)--the horse of the Sind on which Sud- yumna rode to the northern forests. भा. IX. 1. २३.
(III)--(च्) a kingdom watered by the Sin- dhu; noted for horses. Br. II. १८. ४८; IV. १७. २७; M. १२१. ४७.
(IV)--a disciple of शौनक; again divided the सम्हिता into two parts and gave to मुञ्जकेश. वा. ४७. ४६; ६१. ५३; Vi. III. 6. १२.
Purana Encyclopedia
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Sindhu, Saindhava : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people; also called Rāṣṭra 8. 4. 11, Viṣaya 14. 76. 2, and Deśa 6. 10. 68; 7. 53. 47; 8. 27. 91; very often mentioned along with Sauvīras.
A. Location: Listed twice by Saṁjaya, among the northern Janapadas of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhavaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; once, along with Sauvīras (kāśmīrāḥ sindhusauvīrā…) 6. 10. 52, and then, with Pulindakas (bhojāḥ sindhupulindakāḥ) 6. 10. 39.
B. Description of the country, its warriors, and characteristics of the people and horses: (a) country: sinful (pāpadeśa) 7. 53. 47; 8. 27. 91; (b) Warriors: brave (śūra) 7. 85. 73; fighting with curved prāsas (nakharaprāsayodhin) 7. 85. 73; 12. 102. 3; arrogant in battles (yudhadurmada) 14. 77. 9; Arjuna described Sindhu warriors as doing sinful acts in battles (pāpācārā raṇājire) 7. 53. 48; (c) People:
(1) They ate rice cooked in milk (sarvakṣīrānnabhoktāraḥ) 7. 53. 48; Madrakas, Sindhus and Sauvīras, according to Karṇa, were mlecchas born in sinful countries and hence incapable of discerning what was proper dharma (madrakāḥ sindhusauvīrā dharmaṁ vidyuḥ kathaṁ tv iha/pāpadeśodbhavā mlecchā dharmāṇāṁ avicakṣaṇāḥ) 8. 27. 91;
(2) A certain Brāhmaṇa told Dhṛtarāṣṭra in the assembly of the Kurus (8. 30. 7-8, 41) that in the opinion of a certain Rākṣasī (rākṣasī kācid abravīt) Vasātis, Sindhus and Sauvīras were, in general, contemptible (vasātisindhusauvīrā iti prāyo vikutsitāḥ) 8. 30. 46-47;
(3) Sindhu country was the principal one among the ten rāṣṭras which were under the control of Jayadratha (sindhurāṣṭramukhānīha daśa rāṣṭrāṇi yasya vai/vaśe tiṣṭhanti vīrasya) 8. 4. 11; (d) The Sindhu horses yoked to the chariot of Jayadratha were obedient to the charioteer; they drew the chariot well, moving in different directions; were large and speedy like wind (…sārather vaśyāḥ saindhavāḥ sādhuvāhinaḥ/vikurvāṇā bṛhanto 'śvāḥ śvasanopamaraṁhasaḥ//) 7. 42. 2; the horses of the Sindhu country which were chosen by Bāhuka (Nala) to go to the Vidarbha country were endowed with energy and strength, were of noble breed and good temper, free from interior marks, of broad nostrils and large jaws, blameless as they were free from ten curls, and having the speed of wind; though lean they were capable (of going long distances) and enduring on roads (tejobalasamāyuktān kulaśīlasamanvitān/varjitāĩ lakṣaṇair hīnaiḥ pṛthuprothān mahāhanūn/ śuddhān daśabhir āvartaiḥ sindhujān vātaraṁhasaḥ//; kṛśān aśvān samarthān adhvani kṣamān) 3. 69. 12, 11, 17 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 71. 13-14 (sīlaṁ sādicittānusāritā hīnair lakṣaṇaiḥ śatapadīprabhṛtibhir varjitān/prothaṁ nāsikā/hanuḥ adharaṁ mukhaphalakam/śuddhān hradāvartādiduṣṭāvartahīnān sindhujān sindhudeśajān/).
C. Epic events:
(1) The kings of Saindhavas, subdued by Pāṇḍavas, attended the Rājasūya of Yudhiṣṭhira and acted as servers (yatra sarvān mahīpālān śastratejobhayārditān/…saindhavāṁs tathā/…yajñe te pariveṣakān//) 3. 48. 18, 21-22;
(2) Jayadratha suggested to Draupadī to abandon Pāṇḍavas who had lost their kingdom and marry him so that she could, along with him, rule over the entire Sindhu and Suvīra countries (akhilān sindhusauvīrān avāpnuhi mayā saha) 3. 251. 18; the warriors of the Śibi, Sindhu and Trigarta countries were dejected to see Pāṇḍavas fighting with them 3. 255. 3; Arjuna killed the Saindhavas who happened to come within the range of his arrows (trigartān saindhavān api/jaghāna…bāṇagocaram āgatān) 3. 255. 28; when Jayadratha fled, Arjuna asked Bhīma not to kill any longer Saindhava warriors (vārayām āsa nighnantaṁ bhīmaṁ saindhavasainikān) 3. 255. 36; the inmates of the āśrama were delighted to see Yudhiṣṭhira return with abducted Draupadī after defeating the Sindhu and Sauvīra armies (jitvā tān sindhusauvī rān) 3. 255. 50;
(3) Jayadratha, of the Sindhu country, joined the army of Duryodhana (jayadrathamukhāś cānye sindhusauvī ravāsinaḥ) 5. 19. 19:
(4) Before the start of the war, the Kṣatriyas of the Sindhu country and others, headed by Bhīṣma, stood in the front position of the army (bhīṣmo 'grataḥ sarvasainyasya vṛddhaḥ…kṣatriyā ye ca sindhau) 6. 20. 9-10;
(5) On the second day of war, Sindhu warriors and Sauvīras (sindhusauvīrāḥ), led by Śakuni, protected Droṇa who was behind Bhīṣma in the Mahāvyūha of Kauravas 6. 47. 10, 14;
(6) On the third day, Sindhu warriors and Sauvīras (sindhusauvīrāḥ) were posted at the ‘neck’ position (grivāyām) of the Garuḍavyūha of Kauravas 6. 52. 2-3, 5;
(7) On the eighth dav, Irāvān, son of Arjuna, attacked the Kaurava army with horses of different countries some of them being those from the Sindhu country (vājinām/ …sindhujānāṁ ca sarvaśaḥ); the horses were swift like wind (hayair vātajavair…) 6. 86. 3, 5-6;
(8) On the thirteeenth day, Arjuna assured Kṛṣṇa that he would kill the next day the Saindhava warriors along with their kings (mayā sarājakā bāṇair nunnā naṁkṣyanti saindhavāḥ) 7. 53. 48;
(9) On the fourteenth day, Yudhiṣṭhira pointed out to Sātyaki that Arjuna, proceeding towards Jayadratha, was encircled by the Sindhu warriors and Sauvīras (saṁvṛtaḥ sindhusauvīraiḥ) 7. 85. 73; Sātyaki told Yudhiṣṭhira that Saindhavas were no match for Arjuna (saindhavapauravāḥ/…ete 'rjunasya kruddhasya kalāṁ nārhanti ṣoḍaśīm) 7. 86. 28-29; on that day the Kaurava army which included Sindhu warriors and Sauvīras ran helterskelter since they were being killed by the arrows of Bhīma and Karṇa fighting each other (tato vyudastaṁ tat sainyaṁ sindhusauvīrakauravam); they ran away from them in all directions; the earth was covered with their bodies along with their armours, arrows and banners; when Karṇa saw the destruction of the Kurus Sauvīras and Saindhavas he was ablaze with anger (dṛṣṭvā ca kurusauvī rasaindhavānāṁ balakṣayam) 7. 113. 11-14; 7. 114. 17-18;
(10) During the night war (fourteenth-fifteenth day) all Saindhavas and others, afraid, (simply) watched Karṇa who alone could withstand the shower of weapons released at him by Ghaṭotkaca; they respected his composure in battle (asaṁmohaṁ pūjayanto'sya saṁkhye) 7. 154. 45;
(11) After the war, the women of Sindhu, Sauvīra and other countries kept a watch on the dead body of Jayadratha (sindhusauvī ragāndhārakāmbojayavanastriyaḥ) 11. 22. 11;
(12) When Arjuna reached the Sindhu country along with Aśvamedha horse, the warriors and their kings fought a fierce battle with him; they encircled Arjuna so that he looked like a bird moving in a cage (koṣṭhakīkṛtya kaunteyam…ayodhayan/sa…dadṛśe …pañjarāntarasaṁcārī śakunta iva…//) 14. 76. 10, 13; Arjuna swooned for a while due to the shower of the arrows of Sindhu fighters (saindhavāḥ) 14. 76. 21-23; when he recovered, he started showering arrows so that the Saindhava warriors and their kings could not be seen; the Saindhavas were afraid due to the sound (of the bow); they ran, wept due to sorrow and lay down on the ground; the army (of Saindhavas) was thus torn by Arjuna (tatas te saindhavā yodhāḥ sarva eva sarājakāḥ/nādṛśyanta śaraiḥ kīrṇāḥ…// tasya śabdena vitresur bhayārtāś ca vidudruvaḥ/mumucuś cāśruśokārtāḥ suṣupuś cāpi saindhavāḥ//…sainyaṁ vidārya) 14. 76. 28-29, 32; the Saindhava warriors were once again ready to fight with Arjuna and they showered arrows at him; Arjuna told them that he would not kill them if they surrundered; but Saindhava warriors continued to shoot arrows; the kings of the Sindhu country remembering the death of Jayadratha threw prāsas and śaktis on Arjuna; he cut off their missiles before they reached him; the warriors, desirous of victory, continued their attack (āpatatāṁ teṣāṁ yodhānāṁ jayagṛddhinām) 14. 77. 18; Arjuna cut off their heads; they ran away but returned and although they were being killed they fought with Arjuna according to their vigour and energy (yathāprāṇaṁ yathotsāhaṁ yodhayām āsur arjunam) most of them, whose horses were tired, swooned (kṛtā visaṁjñā bhūyiṣṭhāḥ klāntavāhanasainikāḥ); knowing their plight, Duḥśalā, daughter of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, took her grandson with her and approached Arjuna wishing peace for the surviving warriors (śāntyarthaṁ sarvayodhānām; śamārthaṁ sarvayodhānām); she requested him to cease fighting with Saindhavas (śamaṁ gaccha dhanaṁjaya); thus Arjuna defeated Saindhava warriors 14. 77. 2-43.
D. Past event: Vidurā exhorted her son not to let himself be dispirited and be under the control of the maidens of Sindhu country (mā ca saindhavakanyānām avasanno vaśaṁ gamaḥ) 5. 132. 32; she told him that she would honour him if he was able to kill all Saindhava warriors (atha tvāṁ pūjayiṣyāmi hatvā vai sarvasaindhavān) 5. 133. 19.
E. Some persons, especially Jayadratha, referred to as belonging to Sindhu, king of the Sindhu country:
A. King, ruler of the Sindhu country: (a) sindhūnām īśvaraḥ: Jayadratha 7. 53. 11; (b) sindhupati;
(1) Jayadratha 3. 251. 7 (sindhūnāṁ patiḥ); 6. 17. 31; 7. 24. 11; 7. 69. 15-16; 7. 121. 26; 9. 53. 23;
(2) Vṛddhakṣatra 7. 41. 13; (c) sindhuº ºbhartṛ: Jayadratha 11. 22. 9; (d) (i) sindhurāj: Jayadratha 7. 53. 27; (ii) sindhurāja:
(1) Jayadratha 1. 108. 18; 3. 251. 19; 3. 253. 26; 3. 255. 32; 5. 49. 19; 5. 54. 42; 5. 162. 30; 6. 109. 20; 7. 13. 67, 71; 7. 33. 18-20; 7. 41. 10, 14; 7. 42. 1, 15; 7. 53. 1, 5, 9, 33, 36; 7. 54. 26; 7. 56. 8, 13; 7. 63. 16, 20; 7. 66. 1; 7. 69. 1; 7. 75. 27; 7. 76. 11, 14, 18, 32, 36, 41; 7. 80. 20; 7. 87. 39; 7. 89. 17, 43; 7. 105. 4, 10; 7. 115. 5; 7. 120. 79; 7. 121. 14, 36, 41; 7. 126. 1, 22, 26; 7. 127. 9; 7. 158. 18; 8. 51. 45; 14. 76. 11;
(2) Vṛddhakṣatra 7. 121. 21;
(3) not named 5. 131. 4; 5. 132. 4; (iii) sindhurājan: Jayadratha 7. 66. 6; 7. 126. 20; (sindhūnāṁ rājā) 3. 248. 6, 11;
B. Related to Sindhu country: (a) saindhava:
(1) Jayadratha 1. 1. 134-135, 140; 1. 177. 19; 2. 31. 8; 3. 255. 1, 4, 7, 43, 45, 47, 53, 55-57, 59; 3. 276. 8; 3. 294. 42; 4. 5. 21; 4. 17. 4; 5. 56. 15; 5. 64. 7; 5. 93. 20; 5. 140. 14; 5. 152. 28; 5. 161. 6; 5. 196. 6; 6. 43. 52; 6. 53. 25; 6. 55. 131; 6. 67. 19; 6. 68. 3; 6. 77. 2; 6. 81. 10; 6. 87. 27; 6. 90. 13; 6. 95. 27; 6. 96. 15; 6. 104. 55; 6. 109. 1, 6, 10, 13, 15, 17, 35; 6. 110. 2, 21; 6. 112. 40-42; 6. 114. 14; 7. 6. 2; 7. 13. 58; 7. 24. 10, 12; 7. 40. 10; 7. 41. 8-9, 20; 7. 42. 17-19; 7. 43. 1; 7. 45. 20; 7. 46. 5; 7. 52. 3, 18-20, 33; 7. 53. 2, 6, 18, 39, 44, 46; 7. 54. 18, 20; 7. 56. 12; 7. 57. 11, 15; 7. 58. 18; 7. 59. 21; 7. 60. 21, 29, 31; 7. 61. 6; 7. 63. 15; 7. 69. 18; 7. 70. 48-49, 51; 7. 74. 3, 34, 36; 7. 75. 28, 30; 7. 76. 16, 34-35; 7. 78. 40; 7. 79. 31; 7. 81. 1; 7. 85. 36, 78; 7. 86. 15, 17; 7. 87. 13, 32, 72; 7. 89. 27; 7. 95. 10; 7. 98. 2; 7. 102. 34, 48; 7. 103. 25, 42; 7. 105. 1, 13-14, 18^2-19; 7. 106. 37; 7. 115. 4, 6; 7. 116. 29-30; 7. 117. 61; 7. 118. 35; 7. 120. 8, 13, 20, 26-27, 37, 40, 43, 47, 49, 57, 81; 7. 121. 10, 13^2, 16-17^2, 31-32, 43, 46-47; 7. 122. 1-2, 27, 35; 7. 124. 3; 7. 125. 1, 6; 7. 126. 21, 28; 7. 127. 3, 8, 14; 7. 128. 12; 7. 129. 5; 7. 147. 3; 7. 157. 32; 7. 158. 14, 40, 43, 46; 7. 170. 33; 8. 51. 13, 44; 10. 3. 32; 10. 9. 44; 11. 25. 29; 12. 16. 19; 14. 12. 9; 14. 51. 20; 14. 76. 9;
(2) Vṛddhakṣatra 7. 41. 6; (b) saindhavaka: Jayadratha 3. 255. 42; 6. 43. 52; 7. 51. 9; 7. 53. 47-48; 7. 60. 28; 7. 103. 44-45; 7. 120. 18; 7. 121. 48;
C. The wretched of the Saindhavas: saindhavāpasada: Jayadratha 15. 17. 5.
*2nd word in left half of page p906_mci (+offset) in original book.
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Saindhava: : See Sindhu.
*1st word in left half of page p924_mci (+offset) in original book.
Mahabharata Cultural Index
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Sindhu, Saindhava : m. (pl.): Name of a Janapada and its people; also called Rāṣṭra 8. 4. 11, Viṣaya 14. 76. 2, and Deśa 6. 10. 68; 7. 53. 47; 8. 27. 91; very often mentioned along with Sauvīras.
A. Location: Listed twice by Saṁjaya, among the northern Janapadas of Bhāratavarṣa (ata ūrdhavaṁ janapadān nibodha) 6. 10. 37, 5; once, along with Sauvīras (kāśmīrāḥ sindhusauvīrā…) 6. 10. 52, and then, with Pulindakas (bhojāḥ sindhupulindakāḥ) 6. 10. 39.
B. Description of the country, its warriors, and characteristics of the people and horses: (a) country: sinful (pāpadeśa) 7. 53. 47; 8. 27. 91; (b) Warriors: brave (śūra) 7. 85. 73; fighting with curved prāsas (nakharaprāsayodhin) 7. 85. 73; 12. 102. 3; arrogant in battles (yudhadurmada) 14. 77. 9; Arjuna described Sindhu warriors as doing sinful acts in battles (pāpācārā raṇājire) 7. 53. 48; (c) People:
(1) They ate rice cooked in milk (sarvakṣīrānnabhoktāraḥ) 7. 53. 48; Madrakas, Sindhus and Sauvīras, according to Karṇa, were mlecchas born in sinful countries and hence incapable of discerning what was proper dharma (madrakāḥ sindhusauvīrā dharmaṁ vidyuḥ kathaṁ tv iha/pāpadeśodbhavā mlecchā dharmāṇāṁ avicakṣaṇāḥ) 8. 27. 91;
(2) A certain Brāhmaṇa told Dhṛtarāṣṭra in the assembly of the Kurus (8. 30. 7-8, 41) that in the opinion of a certain Rākṣasī (rākṣasī kācid abravīt) Vasātis, Sindhus and Sauvīras were, in general, contemptible (vasātisindhusauvīrā iti prāyo vikutsitāḥ) 8. 30. 46-47;
(3) Sindhu country was the principal one among the ten rāṣṭras which were under the control of Jayadratha (sindhurāṣṭramukhānīha daśa rāṣṭrāṇi yasya vai/vaśe tiṣṭhanti vīrasya) 8. 4. 11; (d) The Sindhu horses yoked to the chariot of Jayadratha were obedient to the charioteer; they drew the chariot well, moving in different directions; were large and speedy like wind (…sārather vaśyāḥ saindhavāḥ sādhuvāhinaḥ/vikurvāṇā bṛhanto 'śvāḥ śvasanopamaraṁhasaḥ//) 7. 42. 2; the horses of the Sindhu country which were chosen by Bāhuka (Nala) to go to the Vidarbha country were endowed with energy and strength, were of noble breed and good temper, free from interior marks, of broad nostrils and large jaws, blameless as they were free from ten curls, and having the speed of wind; though lean they were capable (of going long distances) and enduring on roads (tejobalasamāyuktān kulaśīlasamanvitān/varjitāĩ lakṣaṇair hīnaiḥ pṛthuprothān mahāhanūn/ śuddhān daśabhir āvartaiḥ sindhujān vātaraṁhasaḥ//; kṛśān aśvān samarthān adhvani kṣamān) 3. 69. 12, 11, 17 (Nī. on Bom. Ed. 3. 71. 13-14 (sīlaṁ sādicittānusāritā hīnair lakṣaṇaiḥ śatapadīprabhṛtibhir varjitān/prothaṁ nāsikā/hanuḥ adharaṁ mukhaphalakam/śuddhān hradāvartādiduṣṭāvartahīnān sindhujān sindhudeśajān/).
C. Epic events:
(1) The kings of Saindhavas, subdued by Pāṇḍavas, attended the Rājasūya of Yudhiṣṭhira and acted as servers (yatra sarvān mahīpālān śastratejobhayārditān/…saindhavāṁs tathā/…yajñe te pariveṣakān//) 3. 48. 18, 21-22;
(2) Jayadratha suggested to Draupadī to abandon Pāṇḍavas who had lost their kingdom and marry him so that she could, along with him, rule over the entire Sindhu and Suvīra countries (akhilān sindhusauvīrān avāpnuhi mayā saha) 3. 251. 18; the warriors of the Śibi, Sindhu and Trigarta countries were dejected to see Pāṇḍavas fighting with them 3. 255. 3; Arjuna killed the Saindhavas who happened to come within the range of his arrows (trigartān saindhavān api/jaghāna…bāṇagocaram āgatān) 3. 255. 28; when Jayadratha fled, Arjuna asked Bhīma not to kill any longer Saindhava warriors (vārayām āsa nighnantaṁ bhīmaṁ saindhavasainikān) 3. 255. 36; the inmates of the āśrama were delighted to see Yudhiṣṭhira return with abducted Draupadī after defeating the Sindhu and Sauvīra armies (jitvā tān sindhusauvī rān) 3. 255. 50;
(3) Jayadratha, of the Sindhu country, joined the army of Duryodhana (jayadrathamukhāś cānye sindhusauvī ravāsinaḥ) 5. 19. 19:
(4) Before the start of the war, the Kṣatriyas of the Sindhu country and others, headed by Bhīṣma, stood in the front position of the army (bhīṣmo 'grataḥ sarvasainyasya vṛddhaḥ…kṣatriyā ye ca sindhau) 6. 20. 9-10;
(5) On the second day of war, Sindhu warriors and Sauvīras (sindhusauvīrāḥ), led by Śakuni, protected Droṇa who was behind Bhīṣma in the Mahāvyūha of Kauravas 6. 47. 10, 14;
(6) On the third day, Sindhu warriors and Sauvīras (sindhusauvīrāḥ) were posted at the ‘neck’ position (grivāyām) of the Garuḍavyūha of Kauravas 6. 52. 2-3, 5;
(7) On the eighth dav, Irāvān, son of Arjuna, attacked the Kaurava army with horses of different countries some of them being those from the Sindhu country (vājinām/ …sindhujānāṁ ca sarvaśaḥ); the horses were swift like wind (hayair vātajavair…) 6. 86. 3, 5-6;
(8) On the thirteeenth day, Arjuna assured Kṛṣṇa that he would kill the next day the Saindhava warriors along with their kings (mayā sarājakā bāṇair nunnā naṁkṣyanti saindhavāḥ) 7. 53. 48;
(9) On the fourteenth day, Yudhiṣṭhira pointed out to Sātyaki that Arjuna, proceeding towards Jayadratha, was encircled by the Sindhu warriors and Sauvīras (saṁvṛtaḥ sindhusauvīraiḥ) 7. 85. 73; Sātyaki told Yudhiṣṭhira that Saindhavas were no match for Arjuna (saindhavapauravāḥ/…ete 'rjunasya kruddhasya kalāṁ nārhanti ṣoḍaśīm) 7. 86. 28-29; on that day the Kaurava army which included Sindhu warriors and Sauvīras ran helterskelter since they were being killed by the arrows of Bhīma and Karṇa fighting each other (tato vyudastaṁ tat sainyaṁ sindhusauvīrakauravam); they ran away from them in all directions; the earth was covered with their bodies along with their armours, arrows and banners; when Karṇa saw the destruction of the Kurus Sauvīras and Saindhavas he was ablaze with anger (dṛṣṭvā ca kurusauvī rasaindhavānāṁ balakṣayam) 7. 113. 11-14; 7. 114. 17-18;
(10) During the night war (fourteenth-fifteenth day) all Saindhavas and others, afraid, (simply) watched Karṇa who alone could withstand the shower of weapons released at him by Ghaṭotkaca; they respected his composure in battle (asaṁmohaṁ pūjayanto'sya saṁkhye) 7. 154. 45;
(11) After the war, the women of Sindhu, Sauvīra and other countries kept a watch on the dead body of Jayadratha (sindhusauvī ragāndhārakāmbojayavanastriyaḥ) 11. 22. 11;
(12) When Arjuna reached the Sindhu country along with Aśvamedha horse, the warriors and their kings fought a fierce battle with him; they encircled Arjuna so that he looked like a bird moving in a cage (koṣṭhakīkṛtya kaunteyam…ayodhayan/sa…dadṛśe …pañjarāntarasaṁcārī śakunta iva…//) 14. 76. 10, 13; Arjuna swooned for a while due to the shower of the arrows of Sindhu fighters (saindhavāḥ) 14. 76. 21-23; when he recovered, he started showering arrows so that the Saindhava warriors and their kings could not be seen; the Saindhavas were afraid due to the sound (of the bow); they ran, wept due to sorrow and lay down on the ground; the army (of Saindhavas) was thus torn by Arjuna (tatas te saindhavā yodhāḥ sarva eva sarājakāḥ/nādṛśyanta śaraiḥ kīrṇāḥ…// tasya śabdena vitresur bhayārtāś ca vidudruvaḥ/mumucuś cāśruśokārtāḥ suṣupuś cāpi saindhavāḥ//…sainyaṁ vidārya) 14. 76. 28-29, 32; the Saindhava warriors were once again ready to fight with Arjuna and they showered arrows at him; Arjuna told them that he would not kill them if they surrundered; but Saindhava warriors continued to shoot arrows; the kings of the Sindhu country remembering the death of Jayadratha threw prāsas and śaktis on Arjuna; he cut off their missiles before they reached him; the warriors, desirous of victory, continued their attack (āpatatāṁ teṣāṁ yodhānāṁ jayagṛddhinām) 14. 77. 18; Arjuna cut off their heads; they ran away but returned and although they were being killed they fought with Arjuna according to their vigour and energy (yathāprāṇaṁ yathotsāhaṁ yodhayām āsur arjunam) most of them, whose horses were tired, swooned (kṛtā visaṁjñā bhūyiṣṭhāḥ klāntavāhanasainikāḥ); knowing their plight, Duḥśalā, daughter of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, took her grandson with her and approached Arjuna wishing peace for the surviving warriors (śāntyarthaṁ sarvayodhānām; śamārthaṁ sarvayodhānām); she requested him to cease fighting with Saindhavas (śamaṁ gaccha dhanaṁjaya); thus Arjuna defeated Saindhava warriors 14. 77. 2-43.
D. Past event: Vidurā exhorted her son not to let himself be dispirited and be under the control of the maidens of Sindhu country (mā ca saindhavakanyānām avasanno vaśaṁ gamaḥ) 5. 132. 32; she told him that she would honour him if he was able to kill all Saindhava warriors (atha tvāṁ pūjayiṣyāmi hatvā vai sarvasaindhavān) 5. 133. 19.
E. Some persons, especially Jayadratha, referred to as belonging to Sindhu, king of the Sindhu country:
A. King, ruler of the Sindhu country: (a) sindhūnām īśvaraḥ: Jayadratha 7. 53. 11; (b) sindhupati;
(1) Jayadratha 3. 251. 7 (sindhūnāṁ patiḥ); 6. 17. 31; 7. 24. 11; 7. 69. 15-16; 7. 121. 26; 9. 53. 23;
(2) Vṛddhakṣatra 7. 41. 13; (c) sindhuº ºbhartṛ: Jayadratha 11. 22. 9; (d) (i) sindhurāj: Jayadratha 7. 53. 27; (ii) sindhurāja:
(1) Jayadratha 1. 108. 18; 3. 251. 19; 3. 253. 26; 3. 255. 32; 5. 49. 19; 5. 54. 42; 5. 162. 30; 6. 109. 20; 7. 13. 67, 71; 7. 33. 18-20; 7. 41. 10, 14; 7. 42. 1, 15; 7. 53. 1, 5, 9, 33, 36; 7. 54. 26; 7. 56. 8, 13; 7. 63. 16, 20; 7. 66. 1; 7. 69. 1; 7. 75. 27; 7. 76. 11, 14, 18, 32, 36, 41; 7. 80. 20; 7. 87. 39; 7. 89. 17, 43; 7. 105. 4, 10; 7. 115. 5; 7. 120. 79; 7. 121. 14, 36, 41; 7. 126. 1, 22, 26; 7. 127. 9; 7. 158. 18; 8. 51. 45; 14. 76. 11;
(2) Vṛddhakṣatra 7. 121. 21;
(3) not named 5. 131. 4; 5. 132. 4; (iii) sindhurājan: Jayadratha 7. 66. 6; 7. 126. 20; (sindhūnāṁ rājā) 3. 248. 6, 11;
B. Related to Sindhu country: (a) saindhava:
(1) Jayadratha 1. 1. 134-135, 140; 1. 177. 19; 2. 31. 8; 3. 255. 1, 4, 7, 43, 45, 47, 53, 55-57, 59; 3. 276. 8; 3. 294. 42; 4. 5. 21; 4. 17. 4; 5. 56. 15; 5. 64. 7; 5. 93. 20; 5. 140. 14; 5. 152. 28; 5. 161. 6; 5. 196. 6; 6. 43. 52; 6. 53. 25; 6. 55. 131; 6. 67. 19; 6. 68. 3; 6. 77. 2; 6. 81. 10; 6. 87. 27; 6. 90. 13; 6. 95. 27; 6. 96. 15; 6. 104. 55; 6. 109. 1, 6, 10, 13, 15, 17, 35; 6. 110. 2, 21; 6. 112. 40-42; 6. 114. 14; 7. 6. 2; 7. 13. 58; 7. 24. 10, 12; 7. 40. 10; 7. 41. 8-9, 20; 7. 42. 17-19; 7. 43. 1; 7. 45. 20; 7. 46. 5; 7. 52. 3, 18-20, 33; 7. 53. 2, 6, 18, 39, 44, 46; 7. 54. 18, 20; 7. 56. 12; 7. 57. 11, 15; 7. 58. 18; 7. 59. 21; 7. 60. 21, 29, 31; 7. 61. 6; 7. 63. 15; 7. 69. 18; 7. 70. 48-49, 51; 7. 74. 3, 34, 36; 7. 75. 28, 30; 7. 76. 16, 34-35; 7. 78. 40; 7. 79. 31; 7. 81. 1; 7. 85. 36, 78; 7. 86. 15, 17; 7. 87. 13, 32, 72; 7. 89. 27; 7. 95. 10; 7. 98. 2; 7. 102. 34, 48; 7. 103. 25, 42; 7. 105. 1, 13-14, 18^2-19; 7. 106. 37; 7. 115. 4, 6; 7. 116. 29-30; 7. 117. 61; 7. 118. 35; 7. 120. 8, 13, 20, 26-27, 37, 40, 43, 47, 49, 57, 81; 7. 121. 10, 13^2, 16-17^2, 31-32, 43, 46-47; 7. 122. 1-2, 27, 35; 7. 124. 3; 7. 125. 1, 6; 7. 126. 21, 28; 7. 127. 3, 8, 14; 7. 128. 12; 7. 129. 5; 7. 147. 3; 7. 157. 32; 7. 158. 14, 40, 43, 46; 7. 170. 33; 8. 51. 13, 44; 10. 3. 32; 10. 9. 44; 11. 25. 29; 12. 16. 19; 14. 12. 9; 14. 51. 20; 14. 76. 9;
(2) Vṛddhakṣatra 7. 41. 6; (b) saindhavaka: Jayadratha 3. 255. 42; 6. 43. 52; 7. 51. 9; 7. 53. 47-48; 7. 60. 28; 7. 103. 44-45; 7. 120. 18; 7. 121. 48;
C. The wretched of the Saindhavas: saindhavāpasada: Jayadratha 15. 17. 5.
*2nd word in left half of page p906_mci (+offset) in original book.
previous page p905_mci .......... next page p909_mci
Saindhava: : See Sindhu.
*1st word in left half of page p924_mci (+offset) in original book.
Vedic Index of Names and Subjects
पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्। |
Saindhava, ‘coming from the Indus,’ is a term applied to water in the Taittirīya Saṃhitā,[१] to Guggulu in the Atharvaveda,[२] to a horse in the Śatapatha, Brāhmaṇa,[३] and to salt in the same text.[४]